Dobson's Dream: A few nights ago, Dobson had a most remarkable dream regarding the comstock. It was worse than Byron's vision of Darkness and Judgment combined. He was in Virginia standing on C Street. The town was nothing but a mass of tumble down buildings, the signs which hung before deserted stores and broker's offices, were creaking in the wind. (continued on Thursday).
The transportation committee of the Sagebrush Carnival has finished rates for transportation from all points in Nevada and includes fares for the Virginia & Truckee, Tonopah & Goldfield, and Southern Pacific for the Carson City Carnival July 4 & 5. The celebration and aviation meet will bring all persons from Nevada and the coast where a great deal of interest has been met in efforts to conquer the air.
Mary Ethel Schultz, who received her certificate of promotion to the high school last evening, has a very fine record of being neither absent or tardy during her eight years at grammar school.
Thirteen boys and girls will form the first eighth grade graduation class at St. Teresa parochial school here Friday. Members of the first class are Joyce Adams, Mark Gottschalk, Pat Hollingsworth, Steve Jensen, Ila Kendall, Ben Mains, Marie Mayer, Jane Little, Sandra Mooney, Daniel Muldoon, Mike Morris, Margaret Walker and Frank Schmidt.
• Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.