I keep hearing the war in Iraq will be the deciding factor in the 2008 elections. I also hear health-care issues will carry the day. Or maybe it will be the hatred of the current president, or the dissatisfaction with Congress. Don't believe any of it. These issues don't really get to the core of why people are so eager for change.
Carson City Chamber hosting Christmas party
A Christmas lesson from a little boy It is sickening the way businesses commercialize the birth of Jesus by turning it into a profit-oriented, monthlong shopping extravaganza. What is worse is the way American consumerism and materialism play directly into their hands. We put a price tag on love and gift wrap joy, and deceive ourselves so much that we forget their true meaning.
120 Years Ago Orphans' Home School Report for November 1897: Advance Class - Valentine Stanton. A Grammar - John Cassagrande. B Grammar -Oscar Schneider, Geo. Cobb, Willie Cobb, Eddie Herritage, John Wright, Frank Pearson, Ardel Hotalling and Alex McDonald. Teacher is Jo Sullivan. Third Grade - Washington Lopez, Hilma Peterson, Richie Thomas.
NEW YORK (AP) - Wall Street closed out a volatile week and month with a comparatively mild performance Friday, ending mostly higher on encouraging words from Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke. The major indexes ended the week with gains, but still posted big declines for November.
Hitler spoke of a "thousand-year Reich." Chances are good that exhausted American voters, entering the third year of presidential electioneering, are feeling there is a thousand-year campaign here: appearance after appearance, debate after debate, press release after media statement, an endless parade of faces we can barely identify with names.
120 YEARS AGO James W. Morrison writes from Dawson to relatives in Sacramento giving an outline of the situation in Dawson: People are arriving daily without food to last 30 days, 75 people arrived yesterday, only four with provisions. Starvation leads to desperation. A 14-by-18 foot cabin costs $800 to build, lots sell from $200 to $15,000, rent $75 a month, coal oil is scarce, flour is $50 for 50 pounds, bacon $1.50 a pound and cord wood is $25 and not easy to get.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 23-year-old clerk from Carson City was arrested at 2:41 a.m. in the 1100 block of East William Street on suspicion of misdemeanor drunken driving and possession of drug paraphernalia. The bail was set at $42,264.
This article aims to highlight certain strategies you may or may not be aware of, provide updates on any relevant changes that came into effect in 2007, and remind you about crucial deadlines and "to-dos."
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 27-year-old Carson City man was arrested in the 3500 block of Woodside Drive on suspicion of misdemeanor arrest of a probationer, possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of marijuana. Bail was set at $4,864.
W e congratulate LeAnn Morris for being named the teacher of the year for the entire state. But we also want to thank the Empire Elementary School technology teacher.
This year, the Appeal is once again soliciting holiday memories from readers, continuing an 11-year tradition. Past years have shown that many people have those cherished, humorous, strange or even sad holiday reflections to share. Some are about special gifts, acts of kindness or unexpected visits.
Carson City WNC to stage one-act fairy-tale, fable plays
Headlines from a year ago Vandals decapitate Frosty, shank Santa
The mellow flavor of roasted garlic pervades this simple, but elegant soufflé. Balance the rich soufflé with a crisp, green salad including peppery leaves.
The ed-heads over at the Nevada State Board of Education are conspiring to commit a crime tonight. Well, it's not officially a crime. But it ought to be. They've ordered a "hit" on the state's charter schools. And the trigger-man is, believe it or not, the chair(wo)man of the state's Sub-committee on Charter Schools, Cindy Reid.
United Methodist Church presents "The Road to Bethlehem" drive-through living nativity 6:30-8 p.m. Friday-Dec. 9 at Division and Musser streets. For information, call 882-1436.
Headlines from a year ago Shopping spree winners clean up Maxine Fortino knew exactly where she was headed when her two-minute shopping spree began at the Grocery Outlet on Friday - meat.
Owner: Jojo L. Myers Her job: She teaches leadership and management skills in Northern Nevada and around Lake Tahoe. The skills include prioritization, communication, balance of personal and professional life, delegation and decision making.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • An 18-year-old laborer from Carson City was arrested at 10:47 p.m. in the 4300 block of South Carson Street on suspicion of misdemeanor minor consuming. Bail was set at $447.
I looked up a musician on the Internet this week and found his official Web site. I wasn't sure how official the site actually was, though, because the word official had quotation marks around it.
There's something conspicuously absent from the Christmas mania that's evident nearly anywhere you turn - the fact that we're at war.
Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney says a New York financier wrongly portrayed his comments about the potential role of American Muslims in Cabinet-level positions should he be elected president.
Carson City 'High School Musical' slated Wild Horse Children's Theater, in collaboration with The Children's Museum of Northern Nevada, presents Disney's "High School Musical."
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 24-year-old bookkeeper from Carson City was arrested at 1:28 a.m. Tuesday at Fairview and Edmonds drives on suspicion of misdemeanor failure to obtain a substance-abuse evaluation. Bail was set at $1,000.
The sixth "Joyful Noise" Community Holiday Concert will be at 7 p.. Dec. 19 at the C.V.I.C. Hall of Minden. The concert offers something for all ages and musical tastes, with holiday treats and hot cider to follow the show. Admission is a donation. For information visit unitychurchoftoday.org or contact 782-4429.
New Year's Eve will be celebrated at 7 p.m. Dec. 31 at Unity Church of Today, 1701 Lucerne St., Minden with the annual Unity Burning Bowl Service in the sanctuary.
Boxes, motorcycle parts and a telephone booth are piled in a back room in the new Carson City Harley-Davidson building.
Overweight children and childhood obesity have become an epidemic in the United States, including Carson City.
Carson City Talent show Wednesday at Community Center
SANTA ANA, Calif. (AP) - Homeowners demonstrated outside Countrywide Financial offices Tuesday, demanding the mortgage giant help them avoid foreclosure.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court. • Perry Sisco, 44, a Carson-based carpenter was arrested at 8:15 p.m. Sunday on the 500 block of North Carson Street on suspicion of being a fugitive from justice, a felony, and failure to appear in court for a traffic violation. There was no bail set for the first offense; bail for failure to appear was set at $1,350.
The ad for the job of deputy director of the Nevada Governor's Energy Office - paying $65,000 a year - must have been a doozy. Perhaps it said, "successful candidate needn't be able to demonstrate any experience or knowledge of energy issues." Or maybe it read "successful candidate needn't have any ability to exercise sound judgment."
School board meeting gets high marks The Nov. 13 school board meeting was the best one I ever attended! It seemed to me that a lot of business was accomplished efficiently and without the static that one usually feels at these meetings. Communication was free and easy. YEA!
NEW YORK (AP) - Retailers are hoping last week's strong start to the holiday shopping season at malls and stores translates into a busy buying season online, which officially begins Monday.
'Tis the season ... the Toys for Tots barrels are out, the Thanksgiving dinner is almost digested, homes are being decorated for Christmas, and it's time to think of the real meaning of Christmas. Save yourself some money and don't break the bank for "stuff" you'll ignore by 3 p.m. Christmas day.
Business licenses issued in Carson City as of Nov. 16:
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court. • A 25-year-old Carson City man was arrested at 5:28 a.m. Sunday in the 300 block of South Roop Street and charged with suspicion of misdemeanor driving on a suspended license. Bail was set at $1,132.
Carson City Rotary club dinner scheduled
Carson City Brewery to host 'Anniversary Carols'
The following are some of the calls to which deputies responded Friday: • Vehicle was reported stolen overnight from a residence in the 200 block of Emigrant Way at 9:48 a.m.
Headlines from one year ago: Average home prices linger high at year's end
Kmart buyers hope to attract national retailers City will contribute redevelopment funds to project, official says
The Hummer H2 SUV is the kind of vehicle that demands attention. It also evokes a lot of opinions. Some look at its big, boxy shape and see beauty. Others think it is single-handedly responsible for both $3-a-gallon gasoline and global warming.
Earlier this month, the United States House of Representatives passed the Hardrock Mining and Reclamation Act, legislation designed to reform the 1872 Mining Law. Many Nevadans have written to me with strong concerns about the House bill. I have heard your calls and want you to know that the House bill is just the beginning of the debate. Over the coming months, I will be working closely with my Senate colleagues in both parties to craft legislation that moves Nevada's mining industry forward, with good, reasonable improvements to our nation's mineral policies.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 46-year-old construction worker from Carson City was arrested at 5:30 a.m. Friday in the 800 block of East Musser Street on suspicion of misdemeanor failure to appear in Storey County. Bail was set at $882.
Carson City Crafters, Santa at Southgate Center
Headlines from a year ago Prison audit reveals problems
The advent of the holiday season is upon us and that can only mean one thing - soon the press releases will roll in from national retailers saying that consumers aren't spending as much as they'd hoped (although initial returns say Americans are spending in force).
Headlines from one year ago: 35-foot sycamore makes like a tree and leaves First Presbyterian Church
BY Barry GINTER Appeal Editor As I think back on my trip to Wisconsin last week to visit my family, old friends, Brett Favre and former haunts, I'm feeling especially thankful, even though this holiday finds me at my desk catching up on e-mail and piles of paperwork.
Blame the war plan, not the liberals I read Chuck Muth's disturbing opinion this morning. Correct me if I am wrong, but he is advocating the murder of civilians, goatherds who were out herding their goats when they accidentally encountered our Seal team on a secret mission.
Recently MGM chief Terry Lanni delivered remarks to the Nevada Development Authority concerning the "chaos" of the state's economy. It's quite understandable why Mr. Lanni took time to address this important public policy issue; after all, there are at least two ballot initiatives being readied to sock the gaming industry with a huge new tax hike. But in many ways, gaming has only itself to blame.
Last week's war of words wasn't lost on the hearing impaired thanks to the efforts of Denny Vorack, who signed for a full table of deaf persons as the Democratic presidential debate played to an overflow crowd on flat-screen televisions in a Paris Las Vegas ballroom.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court. • A 40-year-old Carson City woman was arrested at 11:24 a.m. in the parking lot of Carson Tahoe Regional Medical Center on suspicion of interfering with a peace officer.
Imagine if you suddenly had to cut your household budget by 8 percent. If you're like many Nevada families stretching every dollar to make ends meet, you'd be looking at a stark Christmas.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Rodrigo Ramirez, 18, a laborer from Carson City, was arrested at 4:23 p.m. Sunday at Fall and Park streets on suspicion of felony battery with a deadly weapon. Bail was set at $30,000.
Not so easy to prove you're an American On relocating to Nevada I needed a Nevada Driver's license. After a phone call to the DMV I found they told me to bring two forms of identification. I mistakenly thought my California Driver's License and my Passport would do it. Not good enough.
When I moved to Carson City I wanted to know more about my new home, so I spent some time in the Nevada history section of the library.
Carson City Gates foundation grants available to Nevada libraries
The owners of a Carson City livestock and pet store do a lot of their research at home.
DNA Carpet Cleaning 15 Audrey Drive, Mound House 246-4441
Annual NNDA breakfast meeting, 7:15 a.m. at the Carson Valley Inn in Minden. $20 in advance, $30 at the door. Call 883-4413.
I went to the Laundromat this week because my washing machine was broken and I couldn't tell the difference between which clothes I'd worn once and which clothes I'd allow myself to tell me I'd worn once.
The holidays have an invisible power. It's a power that controls thought. And it's strong. The power can deftly and deceptively move thoughts from the joyful to the melancholy. It can welcome confusion and depression just as quickly as it lends invitation to happiness. It also urges moments dedicated to silent appreciation.
A multifaith delegation of Nevada clergy recently met with Director of Nevada Department of Cultural Affairs regarding establishing a monument to Mahatma Gandhi on the Capitol grounds.
Carson City Big horn players sought for concert Area tuba, baritone and euphonium players are invited to participate in Tuba Christmas 2007.
The following are some of the calls to which deputies responded Sunday: • Report of a large juvenile party in the 1200 block of Monte Rosa Drive at 12:40 a.m.
HAPPY THANKSGIVING! "May your stuffing be tasty and your turkey plump. May your potatoes and gravy have nary a lump. May your yams be delicious and your pies take the prize. May your Thanksgiving dinner stay off your thighs!"... Anon.
The public is invited to watch the children of New Beginnings Christian Church perform the Christmas musical "A Mouse Christmas," the Christmas story through the eyes of a mouse family living with Joseph and Mary, 7 p.m. tonight.
Nevada's per capita rate of gun deaths is among the highest in the nation, but there is no simple or quick way to change that. Many of the murders that occur in our state are tied into the murky world of drug and gang violence, issues the state has already recognized and is taking initial steps to control. It won't be easy, and even if stricter gun laws could be enacted in Nevada - a longshot in a state proud of its pro-gun heritage - that alone would not likely prove to be the answer.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court:
"How do we beat the bitch?" That was the question posed to presidential candidate John McCain recently at a campaign stop in South Carolina. Far from being deterred by such a personal attack in a public venue, McCain and the crowd laughed, with McCain having the wipe tears from his eyes to keep from laughing too much.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 46-year-old apartment complex manager was arrested at 9:12 p.m. Friday on the 1000 block of North Saliman on suspicion of misdemeanor domestic battery. His bail was set at $3,132.
Brian Wilk has joined the Nevada Commission on Economic Development as a Procurement Associate, helping small businesses land government contracts.
I continue to be amazed by the public's fascination with cooking shows, specifically reality shows dealing with professional kitchens. Gordon Ramsay, billed as the greatest restaurateur on the planet, is back with "Kitchen Nightmares," in which he tough-loves failing restaurants back to health.
120 YEARS AGO The Winnemucca Silver State of Nevada says that Buena Vista John of the Paiute tribe of Indians says that nearly all of the Pietas who attended the Winnemucca fandango are now killing rabbits. They make circles 10 or 12 miles in diameter and drive the rabbits to the center where a wholesale slaughter ensues.
120 YEARS AGO The pine-nut crop has been unusually heavy this year. Already 1,000 sacks of pine nuts have been shipped from this city by the railroad. These shipments weighed about 75,000 pounds and not one-half of the pine-nuts gathered in the mountains have reached the city.
120 YEARS AGO Headline: A good sign. A large increase of business on the V&T. During the past month the increase has been more marked than at any other period for 10 years past. All day the big freight and back-action wagons fill the space about the platform, with everybody busy as bees.
120 YEARS AGO The demand for the "Nevada Cook Book" is so large that all of the first edition is nearly snapped up. The ladies have worked hard to make both ends meet with their first book publishing venture, and should be assisted in sales by the press fraternity. If there is any growling done, it should be directed to this office.
Renown nurse credit to WNC Fallon Recently my son-in-law suffered a serious head injury and was airlifted to Renown Medical Center. He received excellent care and is on the road to recovery. T
"The Carson City Hillbillies" (sung to the tune of "The Beverly Hillbillies") There once was a story
Carson City Poultry Show at Fuji Park today
Edwards' cross means empathy for Americans Most of us still look for perfection in humans. We admire the athletes among us. And we often judge our presidential candidates the same way.
U.S. Sen. Harry Reid and liberals say a lot of silly things, but perhaps none as ridiculous as the contention that they're supporting the troops by pulling them out of Iraq. This is like saying you support cops by not allowing them to respond to bank robberies, or firefighters by not letting them run into burning buildings.
The political adventures of the Bush and Clinton families remind me of presidential politics in Latin America, where I lived and worked for nearly 20 years. Political dynasties abound south of the border as a few families dominate the top jobs in their respective countries.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Travis James Hayes, 29,a construction worker from Gardnerville, was arrested at 11:18 p.m. Wednesday at College Parkway and Retail Drive on suspicion of felony possession of stolen property, possession of a dangerous drug without a prescription, two counts of possession of methamphetamine, misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia and obstructing a peace officer. Bail was set at $26,539.
Owners: Pat and Rudy Thiele Their business: They deal in antiques, collectibles and liquidations. The store opened in August.
Carson City USDA food distribution today
In November, most Americans turn their attention to the holidays. If your family is like mine, you are making arrangements for the children to return from college and spend some family time. However, we should first remember November is the month to honor the brave men and women who made it possible for Americans to celebrate our religious holidays, spend time with family, and who kept the United States safe. Veterans Day, Nov. 11, is observed each year to honor our nation's heroes who defended liberty and supported the cause of freedom.
On Veterans Day I watched with interest the tributes to the generations of members of our armed services. The honor guards and displays of respect and patriotism were moving stuff, and always there was the backdrop of our country's fights in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Tonight's debate among Democratic presidential hopefuls at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas campus is a good chance for Nevadans to see how the candidates stack up against each other on Nevada issues.
In order for us to be effective followers, practitioners and proclaimers of Christ, humility must mark our lives. If we are not careful to maintain an attitude of humility in our lives, then Jesus Christ is slowly, consciously or unconsciously, pushed from His rightful place in the center. When we look at the life of John the Baptist, we discover two keys to the humble life.
Carson City BLM Resource Advisory Councils meeting today
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 27-year-old landscaper from Carson City was arrested at 7:50 a.m. Wednesday at Saliman Road and Como Street on suspicion of misdemeanor driving without a license and illegal left turn. Bail was set at $294.
Another Thanksgiving Day is coming our way. This year brings a new challenge for our family. My son, Eric, and daughter-in-law, Nicole are hosting the family dinner. It will be an interesting experience. I am still insisting on roasting the turkey though.
She walked away protective of authors and indignant of big publishers. Deana Hoover's novel had been accepted but whittled down to a work she didn't feel was the same book.
Business licenses issued in Carson City as of Nov. 9: Advanced Fresh Concepts Franchise, 3200 Market St., new meat/fish market/sales, Ishii Ryuji, owner.
I almost hit a man in an electric wheelchair when I first moved to Nevada but I didn't get a ticket.
Douglas County has long been on its own in not having a business license. The idea has been suggested, but has been rejected several times because our business community has rightly pointed out that it would just be another source of revenue for the county.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 46-year-old Reno man was arrested at 11:05 a.m. Sunday at North Carson and Robinson streets on suspicion of misdemeanor being a drunken pedestrian. Bail was set at $67.
Carson City Call city to schedule leaf pick up beginning today
"The price of freedom of religion, or of speech, or of the press, is that we must put up with a good deal of rubbish." - Robert H. Jackson, U.S. Supreme Court 1941-54
D o you ever have weeks when you feel you're somewhere between heaven and hell and can't seem to fit on the roller coaster? This must have been one of them.
Editor's Note: Beginning Nov. 24, Health Inspections will appear in the Sunday Business section.
120 YEARS AGO The Sheriff of Elko county makes the following offer: I will pay $1,000 reward for the arrest and delivery of one Joe Bolton, charged with assault, with an intent to kill. He is about six feet in hight (sic); weight, 175 or 180 pounds; age, about 35 years; black hair; very heavy black mustache; dark complexion; very light blue eyes; wears a No. 6 or 61Ú2 boot, and has a habit of keeping his hands in his pockets. When last seen he had on a light suit of clothes and a broad-brim white hat.
This is going to be a short column for me today because you'll be reading stories and recipes from others who wanted to share those with you. I want to share a recipe that came my way from my sister and I have a confession to make; her pumpkin pie is way better than mine.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 20-year-old Carson man was arrested at 2:22 a.m. Friday on the first block of College Parkway on suspicion of obstructing a peace officer and a minor consuming alcohol. The man was allegedly at a party where deputies got a report of underage drinking; when deputies arrived, the man allegedly tried to flee on foot. Bail was set at $650.
Carson City CTRMC offers health screenings Carson Tahoe Regional Healthcare hosts a Community HealthCheck Fair featuring affordable lab screenings at Carson Tahoe Regional Medical Center on the second Tuesday of each month. Doctor's orders are not required.
"Guys and Dolls," 2 p.m. Sunday, Carson City Community Center, 851 E. William St. Presented by Western Nevada Musical Theater Company. Tickets $18 general, $16 students and seniors, $14 ages 17 and younger. Call 445-4249.
Carson City UPS partners with Toys for Tots
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Christopher Nelson, 21, unemployed, of Carson City, was arrested at 6:45 p.m. Thursday at the 800 block of East Musser Street on suspicion of felony damage to jail.
Who knew that the presidential candidate who would most challenge the conventional wisdom of Washington would not be the guy with the weird name, but the one with two first names?
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 23-year-old Dayton woman was arrested at 3:40 p.m. Thursday at Fairview and Edmonds drives on suspicion of violating her driver's permit, seat belt violation and a warrant for misdemeanor failure to appear on a traffic citation. Bail was set at $906.
Commercial Real Estate Women's Network of Northern Nevada will hold its annual installation of officers and board of directors at 5:30 p.m. Nov. 29 at Mario's Portofino, at 1505 S. Virginia St.
The church will welcome Rudy Cervantes with Heavenly Trumpet Ministries as their special guest at 10:30 a.m. A love offering will be accepted to help with expenses.
Each year, Carson Middle School eighth-graders each interview a veteran. They record the stories they hear on placards that are then placed in the field in front of the school.
Regarding the former Wal-Mart building until recently owned by Max Baer Jr.: He purchased the building as an investment and sold it for a nice profit. That's the private enterprise system, and profit is not a dirty word.
What with the relentless talking down of the economy for the past several years - by a variety of pundits, politicians and, of course, the mainstream media, all of whom continue to blame President Bush for every problem on the face of the earth (remember Katrina and the recent fires in California?) - one might think that a recession in this country is imminent, if not already upon us. Barring some global geopolitical crisis, however, nothing could be further from the truth. So what are we to believe? How about facts.
The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis comes to Reno-Sparks Convention Center. This premier international conference includes technical and education programs, workshops, tutorials, an exhibit area, demonstrations and hands-on learning. For information or to register, visit www.sc07.supercomp.org.
Headlines from a year ago: Hey, can you pass the gravy? Nugget Coffeeshop serves free meals to its 'extended family' on Thanksgiving
Headlines from a year ago: Women use luxurious front-door service on chaotic Black Friday
EDITOR'S NOTE: The following are holiday recipes collected from Nevada Appeal readers. The favorites of those submitted were chosen by each of the Nevada Appeal's regular food columnists and will run weekly in November.
Douglas County Three Blonde Moms play at Minden Inn
The following are some of the calls to which deputies responded Wednesday: • Graffiti report on Woodside Drive at 7:32 a.m.
It would seem that after this weeks sell-off of financial stocks, some might now be considered a buy. After all, the average price/earnings ratio is around 11.9, down from 12.2 in April. That makes the financials the lowest valuation of the 10 sectors that make up the Standard and Poor 500 index, according to S& P of New York.
What is the proper role of government? For the Left, that's easy: Everything. For the Right, things are sometimes more complicated.
The nights have been cold in Nevada, and that has brought to mind Heidi Manfroi. Heidi is a wheelchair-bound Carson City woman who lives in a dilapidated trailer. She has no shower or bath and her only source of heat last winter was a space heater she used in a portion of the trailer she had cordoned off with black plastic.
Silver Saddle Ranch open house, 11 a.m.-2 p.m., Carson River Road. Learn more about the new Carson City traditional 4-H Horse Club for youth ages 9-19. Call 887-2252.
Like rats deserting a sinking ship, the Texas loyalists are bailing out on their lame-duck president more than a year before his second term comes to a merciful end. The latest Texan to desert President Bush is his good friend and top PR adviser Karen Hughes.
I was walking to my car one morning this week, and a man in a gray-hooded sweatshirt yelled out "Hello!" as he power-walked toward me.
Carson City Account set up for family of boy who died in fire
Headlines from a year ago: Carson City lawyer chosen as district court judge
Name: Julia Shadden Position: Owner Product: The KeyPik. It's a key chain with a guitar pick-shaped container that holds up to two guitar picks.
Douglas County has a wonderful opportunity to encourage a spirit of cooperation with its neighbor, Carson City, by chipping in funds to pay for a bus service that brings shoppers and employees to its stores.
Headlines from a year ago: Bringing holiday fun to the highest bidder
The following are some of the calls to which deputies responded Tuesday: • Arrest of a student at Carson High at 7:21 a.m. for disturbance of school.
This Sunday is Veterans Day.It is a day when we, as a nation, remember the sacrifices of the men and women who have served our country in times of both war and peace. For many veterans. it is time when we remember the men and women who served with us who are no longer alive, for some they paid they ultimate price on the battle field.
A river of humanity flows down the Strip each day. Gawking first-time visitors mix with seasoned green-felt veterans in a party that never ends.
Business licenses Business licenses issued in Carson City as of Nov. 2:
Joyce Jue, cookbook author and Asian cooking expert, will lead classes Friday and Saturday at Molly's Gourmet
Carson City Account set up for family of boy who died in fire
Children need a variety of foods every day for proper development. However, children's stomachs are small, and they often can't get everything they need through meals alone.
Gov. Gibbons has gotten plenty of mileage out of his vow to not create any new taxes nor institute any new fees. In fact, in an administration marked by missteps and controversy, it's the one line he's been able to pull out whenever he's needed a round of applause in a tough room.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court. • A 79-year-old retired Carson woman was arrested at noon Monday at Roop and Adams streets on suspicion of misdemeanor failure to appear in court on a traffic violation. Bail was set at $899.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Michael Kirk Reilly, 49, a server from Carson City, was arrested at 8:23 p.m. Sunday in the 1800 block of Rand Avenue on suspicion of felony battery with a deadly weapon, domestic dispute and probation violation. No bail was set.
Carson City New park opens today at noon
Identity theft apparently comes in many forms, as Carolyn found out this week. Someone told her that they had seen a scathing review of a local restaurant online, with her name as the author, and asked her about it. She was appalled, since she hadn't written it, and contacted the online site immediately. After a couple of e-mails, they removed her name and the "review." It goes to show how easily it is to defame both a restaurant and the writer, and further shows how important it is for some form of verification by the site. The anonymity of the Internet can be a vengeful thing sometimes.
The paper was brittle with age, but the words, typed in the uneven lines of an old manual typewriter, were clear: "R E S T R I C T E D. Headquarters, 42d Infantry Division."
If the owners of the Carson Mall achieve their vision for the property - the vision shown on a drawing on the front page of Monday's Appeal - Carson City will have taken a strong step forward aesthetically.
Carson City Health Department's food-service inspections and the date of inspection (all scores are on a 100-point scale, with points deducted depending on the severity of violations):
Monday Northern Nevada Development Authority presents "The Power of Advertising" 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Thursday at the NNDA office, 704 W. Nye Lane, Suite 201. Open to NNDA members only. Cost is $15 per person. Payment and RSVP due Monday by contacting www.nnda.org or 883-4413.
Business licenses issued in Carson City as of Oct. 25:
Carson City Retired guardsmen to be honored this morning in ceremony The military service and dedication of retired Nevada National Guard soldiers and airmen will be 10 a.m. today at the Office of the Adjutant General, 2460 Fairview Drive.
Carson City Therapy pool hours expanding at aquatic center
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 44-year-old Carson City cook was arrested at 2:09 p.m. Friday on the 1800 block of North Edmonds Drive on suspicion of failure to appear in court over a traffic warrant. His bail was set at $1,000.
Carson City Retired guardsmen to be honored The military service and dedication of retired Nevada National Guard soldiers and airmen will be 10 a.m. Sunday at the Office of the Adjutant General, 2460 Fairview Dr. The event will include a retiree ceremony honoring the Nevada Army Guard's 2007 retirees at 1:30 p.m.
120 YEARS AGO "A whaling experience": Dave Harris, son of the colored barber, returned to Carson from a whaling voyage. The boy, seeing not much in terms of employment in Nevada, went to San Francisco and sailed aboard the Josephine. On the basis of the current market, Dave got $150 for a year's work. Dave says that if a boy has an idea that a sailor's life is a picnic, he would advise him to change his mind.
120 YEARS AGO The Appeal staff is now well equipped in the matter of local transportation. The office has been supplied with two bicycles and one tandem tricycle. The morning carrier distributes the paper on a bicycle, finding this advantageous with the constantly growing list of subscribers. The printers, when going to lunch, mount the silent wheel and skim like swallows along the street. The Appeal is the first newspaper to introduce the bicycle in connection with newspapers in the state
While the ground-breaking of phase two of the Highway 395 bypass is the new big thing for Carson City, I want to pay respect to the city's Nevada Day celebration.
President Bush was on television last week lamenting how Congress isn't giving him everything he wants the way it did during the previous six years.
Clark County Democrats to host historic Jefferson-Jackson Day dinner All of the Democratic presidential candidates have agreed to participate in the Clark County Jefferson Jackson Day Dinner on Nov. 15, said Democratic Chairman John Hunt on Thursday. The dinner will directly follow the Democratic Presidential Debate in Las Vegas.
All of the Democratic presidential candidates have agreed to participate in the Clark County Jefferson Jackson Day Dinner on Nov. 15, said Democratic Chairman John Hunt on Thursday. The dinner will directly follow the Democratic Presidential Debate in Las Vegas.
120 YEARS AGO The Central Nevadan newspaper didn't publish last week due to a number of unfortunate circumstances. The editor-in-chief was in California on important business: The compositor was sick and in this locality it is hard to procure a printer on short notice; the press was out of repair; and last, but not least, the editor's substitute was not equal to the task of successfully combating so many misfortunes, and so let things go.
There's little question that the nation's mining law is antiquated and in need of reasonable reform. Our public lands belong to all, and giving mining companies cheap access to it to reap huge profits is simply not fair, nor is the legacy of that mining culture - abandoned mines that will cost billions to clean up.
It's often suggested that we should run government like a business. But such a notion isn't just a pipe dream; it's a crack-pipe dream. The problem is that government is run by bureaucrats who simply don't think or act like businessmen. A case in point.
The following are some of the calls to which deputies responded: • Accidents at Edmonds Drive and Snyder Avenue at 4:49 a.m. Wednesday.
MINDEN - City National Bank has forged a community partnership with Austin's House in the Minden/Gardnerville area and provided this well-known nonprofit group with a $1,000 donation to help care for homeless children throughout Douglas County.
Indexing and active management may seem like opposite sides in a debate. For some investors, if one strategy is right, the other must be wrong. In reality, combining the two very different approaches to portfolio construction can add value.
First Church of Christ Scientist will present a Christian Science lecture at 11 a.m. today at the church, 110 Clear Creek Ave.
A difficult quarter ended on a more positive note for the capital markets, as a larger-than-expected rate cut from the Federal Reserve triggered rallies on Wall Street and overseas. Most major U.S. equity benchmarks posted moderately positive returns.
EDITOR'S NOTE: The following are holiday recipes collected from Nevada Appeal readers. The favorites of those submitted were chosen by each of the Nevada Appeal's regular food columnists and will run weekly in November.
Carson City Step up to the microphone tonight Open Mic night 8-10 p.m. today at Comma Coffee. Sign ups start at 7:30 p.m. Jen Scaffidi hosts this event.