Can television chefs make my 5-year-old a better eater?
Don't waste money on another consultant
It appears that some in our country are losing their ability to think rationally. I've been listening to the debate about President Obama's address to school children, with some people telling newscasters that it was a partisan political conspiracy to warp the minds of our youth.
Virginia City residents will be able to use public transit to Carson at least one day a week. Perhaps more residents would want the freedom to leave the car at home if they knew that bus transportation provided was convenient and affordable for getting where they want to go.
Immediately following a meeting with Gov. Jim Gibbons last week, Democratic legislators, as well as some moderate Republicans, emerged and proclaimed adamantly that the state budget couldn't be cut any further.
The U.S. government is the single largest provider of medical insurance. Since 1965, when Medicaid and Medicare became law, the two programs have grown to include 86 million Americans. By carving out coverage of both the extremely poor (many with health problems) and senior citizens (the age group with the most demand for healthcare), government created a massive tax burden for all Americans.
Looking to get dinner on the table fast? Put it on a stick.
Who would have guessed that a magazine advertisement could lead you on the path to enlightenment, but it happened to me. It was an ad for Kikkoman soy sauce mysteriously referring to the new "fifth taste," beyond sweet, sour, salty and bitter. They called it umami, and like the guy who hears the punch line but not the joke, I needed to know what all the fuss was about. The truth behind umami.
The tiny staff of investigators in the Nevada Secretary of State's office increasingly finds itself swamped with complaints about potential securities fraud cases.
Deciding whom to designate as a beneficiary for your IRA might seem like a no-brainer - you probably want your money to go to someone near and dear to you. But is the person (or people) you're thinking of actually the one(s) you named on the IRA beneficiary form all those years ago when you opened the account?
In coins, and many other areas of life, the old saying, "If it's too good to be true, it probably is," is a rule to follow. Almost every deal we see or hear of that fits this rule has a major pitfall behind it. Of course, everyone has heard of a collection or special coin that was bought for next to nothing and sold for big bucks, so greed can entice even the most cautious.
New firms listed in Carson City and Douglas County as of Sept. 8:
Free elder caregiver training in Carson
Every day I am asked what's happening - are business inquiries up? Are more California companies moving to Nevada? The answer is yes and no.
The Carson City Airport Authority has made tremendous strides in the past four years toward becoming a competitive 21st century airport, the board's chairman told city officials Thursday.
A money losing ice rink project again? The city has tried so many special events to lure people (money) to town, and so has the state.
The announcement this week by the feds that the recession could be ending should have been great news for the Obama administration. After all, it is the president's economy now, and if it turns upward, he will be celebrated, right?
Will Afghanistan become President Obama's Vietnam? That's the question being asked by conservative/isolationist commentator Pat Buchanan and a number of the president's fellow Democrats, including your favorite Appeal columnist.
The Nevada Appeal's "Silver Dollars and Wooden Nickel" feature recognizes positive achievements from the capital region and, when warranted, points out others that missed the mark.
Congressman Heller: I am a parent of a Carson High varsity football player, Taylor Silva DE #40. At the game this past Friday night (Sept. 11), watching Carson dismantle No. 1 ranked Reed, I glanced up and noticed you and your family.
Greasy, fried, overcooked and drowning in red sauce and too much cheese.
A very special thank you to all who made the Concert Under the Stars and Silent Auction for the Greenhouse Project such a huge success. We are a wonderful community!
Tahoe Ridge Winery in Minden won gold, silver and bronze medals with its Nevada-grown and produced wines at the 2009 International Cold Climate Wine Competition in Minneapolis last month.
Not so long ago, whole-wheat pasta tasted too much like the boxes it came in.
I would like to submit a kudos and thank you to the Grocery Outlet and owner Dave Cox for their VERY generous donation to the Fritsch PTA's Welcome Back Ice Cream Social held on Sept. 3.
TRUCKEE - There are about a dozen online retailers nationwide who are cleared to sell K2 Sports equipment. Traditional outdoor powerhouses such as REI and stand out on the list in contrast to a Truckee operation, described by its owner as a mom-and-pop shop - Porters Sports Lake Tahoe.
A wealth of geothermal resources led executives at Florida Canyon Mine in Pershing County to purchase two Green Machine power generators from Carson City-based ElectraTherm.
Jerry Gregory has joined Heritage Bank of Nevada's Carson City branch.
Mayor to address Chamber breakfast
After almost 30 years of owning The Deli Francesco, Sherrye and Rudy Ceragioli are passing the torch to new owners who promise to keep everything the same, right down to the potato salad.
Stop reform now. I am writing in regard to the proposed health plan, I am not for it. And if it goes into effect, a lot of small businesses will be out.
My wife and I have tried to teach our children good manners, courtesy and civility in dealing with others - look people in the eye and tell the truth. Don't lie. It's impolite to yell or interrupt others. Our children are now parents themselves and they are teaching their children the same kind of good citizenship.
Browned and crispy skin gives chicken mouthwatering flavor and, unfortunately, anywhere between 50 and 75 percent of its fat. That's why most health-conscious cooks remove the skin and trim any visible fat before cooking.
Once the province of Middle Eastern and Mediterranean cooking, pomegranate molasses recently has found its way onto television and into a growing number of supermarkets.
The black and white photo in my column today is a picture of my mom, Dorothy Boegle and her sisters and brothers on the day they went into the Nevada State Orphans Home in 1928.
Carson City BBQ Co. walked away with the Best Sauce award at the Best in the West Nugget Rib Cookoff last week in Sparks. The Carson City catering company received $500 as well as bragging rights.
The Carson Valley Chamber of Commerce puts major energy into a new "buy local" program that focuses on business owners.
The Genoa Country Store will be changing hands again this fall.
The organization committee of Main Street Gardnerville is inviting local artists to participate in a contest to design the first ornament, in a series of ornaments, for the revitalization program.
Carson City Business Licenses, as of Aug. 31:
There is no limit on how much gold or silver you can buy or sell, but there may be a few reporting rules in larger transactions. Many questions arise about the amount of gold and silver a person can buy or sell before being reportable.
Dayton Valley Sports Expo canceled
Today, your health insurance premiums and medical expenses could be eating into a huge part of your retirement savings - and the future doesn't offer much encouragement. Health care costs will probably continue to grow faster than inflation, and a lot of employers are reevaluating if they will be able to continue to offer the same level of retiree health insurance coverage.
Sixty-eight-year-old Barbara Schilling couldn't be happier with her new "four-butt kitchen."
Coming up Sept, 19, the Carson City Senior Citizens Center staff will show its appreciation for volunteers' dedication to the center over the past year.