Stories for August 2010


Tuesday, August 31

Rich cake can be made ahead and travels well

This cake is so rich and moist that it needs no icing. Serve on its own, or with whipped cream and berries. The batter can be combined in a food processor, up to the point of adding the flour.

Fresh takes on summer coleslaw - minus the mayo

Coleslaw doesn't have to be a mayonnaise-laden mess of shredded cabbage and carrots. The following recipes are great simple summer salads that will bring pops of flavor and color to any picnic or barbecue. The easiest way to shred the vegetables is to use a box grater, a mandoline or a food processor (with the shredder disc).

Low and slow isn't the only way to go with ribs

When it comes to ribs, low and slow may be the mantra of the professional pit master, but it's not the only way to go when it comes to the backyard grill.

Health Inspections for Sept. 1

The following health inspections are for the period of Aug. 11-17:

Monday, August 30

Sunday, August 29

Guy W. Farmer: Sheriff Joe - 30 years later, still stirring things up

I worked with controversial (and very popular) Maricopa County, Ariz., Sheriff Joe Arpaio at the American Embassy in Mexico City more than 30 years ago, and I can tell you that he hasn't changed a bit over the years. He's still doing things his own way, much to the chagrin of illegal immigration advocates and the federal government.

Silver Dollars & Wooden Nickels: Silver for big hearted bone marrow donors

The Nevada Appeal's "Silver Dollar" and "Wooden Nickel" feature recognizes positive achievements from the capital region and, when warranted, points out others that missed the mark.

Sue Morrow: American folk music was his bridge to the people of Pakistan

Retired University of Nevada, Reno, political science professor Jim Roberts has fond memories of the two years he and his wife, Anne, spent in Pakistan in the early 1960s. He is also deeply saddened and concerned by the catastrophic flooding that has left hundreds dead and millions homeless. And, he laments the lack of adequate aid to the stricken country.

Letters to the editor Aug. 29

Improvements to Carson Street are waste of funds?

Saturday, August 28

Friday, August 27

Resource center opens to give businesses a boost

Jon Rogers, a Carson City business owner, paid a visit to the Business Resource Innovation Center two weeks ago in search of some help on his company's marketing plan.

Business Briefs for Aug. 29

Two Carson attorneys named 'Best Lawyers'

Business promotes buying locally

Tired of seeing dozens of local businesses fail during two years of economic turmoil, Dave Asher created an online directory of local businesses that Reno-Sparks consumers could frequent to help bolster the region's flagging economy.

Tax Tips: Business loss this year? Get cash back

Normally, when you have a loss (called a Net Operating Loss or NOL for short) in one year of operations, you can carry it back two years to obtain refunds against tax paid in those prior years. Long story short, there is a temporary opportunity for businesses to carry back 2009 NOLs for up to five years.

Thursday, August 26

Wednesday, August 25

Tuesday, August 24

Key lime meltaways for cool summer-time flavor

For a faster version, skip the indenting step and just dust the cookies with powdered sugar instead of frosting them.

Tri-tip for a simply special dinner

This tri-tip is a staple summer dinner in my house. Definitely my "go-to" meal for entertaining friends and family. It's simple and impressive. The simple things are always the most impressive, right? This rub recipe is spicy with a hint of brown sugar for sweetness, which also helps creates a great crust on the tri tip.

Monday, August 23

Sunday, August 22

Saturday, August 21

Eugene T. Paslov: What sacrifice is it to honor those who sacrificed for us?

Western Nevada College English Prof. Marilee Swirczek created the "Always Lost: A Meditation on War" exhibit. The exhibit, with its powerful, personalized remembrance of devotion and love for the nearly 5,000 men and women who died in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, is on its way to the University of Wisconsin. It will spend a year touring the university's campuses. Other universities and museums are now asking for it.

Letters to the editor Aug. 21

Beware opinion masquerading as news

Friday, August 20

Surfboard manufacturer at home in Nevada

Increased orders for surfboards, and a new line of lightweight paddleboards,

Business Briefs for Aug. 22

NNDA to celebrate new businesses in the region

Business Licenses

Business licenses filed in Carson City between Aug. 2 -Aug. 8:

Things to consider when making pension decisions

If you are on the verge of retirement and fortunate enough to have a

Carson City dollars packaged for collectors

Carson City dollars have long been coveted by collectors for their rarity and allure.

Thursday, August 19

Wednesday, August 18

Lorie Smith Schaefer: Turtles don't lobby, but BP does

For almost 90 days oil spewed from the shattered wellhead of BP's destroyed Deepwater Horizon. However, for much of that time BP was more concerned with protecting its corporate fanny than with protecting fragile wildlife or the environment.

Tuesday, August 17

Muffins show off fresh, seasonal fruit

In the spirit of eating what's in season and eating local, meet this muffin.

Eating light with fruity salad

One of the ways I've brought down the fat in salad dressing is by incorporating fruit into the blend.

Monday, August 16

Sunday, August 15

Saturday, August 14

Friday, August 13

Business recruiters pitch outdoor life

A team of six Douglas County economic development officials last week descended on a large outdoor and recreational trade show in Salt Lake City to pitch Douglas County as a great place to locate companies that manufacture outdoors and leisure products.

Financial reform and your wallet

In my last article, I touched on some of the changes in the "Dodd-Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act" that will affect you. The 2300 page bill will have some impact on just about every aspect of your finances, so let's take a look at the some of the potential good in the bill.

Business Briefs for Aug. 15

NBC August breakfast meeting in Reno

Tax Tips: Estate taxes and body guards?

Over the last several columns, I've been going over tax items currently on Congress's plate to extend. Otherwise automatically on Jan. 1 2011, they change for the worse. This week, I'm ending this series with the Granddaddy of them all (in terms of total possible tax dollars to an individual): Estate Taxes.

Business Licenses for Aug. 15

Business licenses filed in Carson City between July 19-July 30:

Will Durst: Gay marriage ruling about rights, not values

Just when you thought we were settling in for another typical, slow August news month, along comes Chief U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker to overturn California's Proposition 8. The one that banned same-sex marriages. Did you get that? He overturned the ban. Loosed the bonds. Broke the chains. And reopened a can of worms the size of the Louisiana Purchase.

Letters to the editor Aug. 13

What did banks get from Harry for City Center deal?

Thursday, August 12

Wednesday, August 11

Letters to the editor Aug. 12

Nevada casinos need to pay more in taxes

GOP: Bring back 'Corruption of Blood'

It takes a certain kind of leadership to take a stand against children. No, I'm not calling Congress "children." Well, not directly. I'm referring to the barking by Republican leaders to repeal the 14th Amendment, which is interpreted to mean everyone (with few exceptions) born in the U.S. is automatically a U.S. citizen.

Tuesday, August 10

Rice and peas salad a cool warm-weather alternative

This is my warm-weather riff on the classic Italian risi bisi (rice and peas). The original is a wonderful dish, but on hot days I prefer a cold version. The salad makes a nice alternative to the usual potato salad at outdoor gatherings.

Gardens, recipes make memories

Gardens and kitchens are memory makers. Summer brings back a flood of reminiscences about friends, family, and neighbors from past and present lives.

Monday, August 9

Sunday, August 8

Saturday, August 7

Letters to the Editor for Aug. 8

Ribbons in honor of Guinn were lovely gesture

Commentary by Jim Bagwell: Partner prison with V&T for a unique Old West experience

By now most of you have heard of the City Center downtown project. I have heard it referred to in many ways including the library project. I have mixed emotions about this project.

Commentary by Guy Farmer: Carson City goes after illegal immigrants

If Sheriff Ken Furlong has his way, Carson City will soon be participating in a nationwide program that gives local police departments access to federal fingerprint databases for the purpose of identifying illegal immigrants who have committed other, more serious crimes.

Silver Dollars & wooden nickels: Fire quickly contained by quick response

The Nevada Appeal's "Silver Dollar" and "Wooden Nickel" feature recognizes positive achievements from the capital region and, when warranted, points out others that missed the mark.

Eugene T. Paslov: Balancing budget through cuts alone isn't the answer

I read in the Nevada Appeal that Gov. Gibbons wants to develop zero-based budgeting as he prepares to submit his budget to the 2011 legislative session. His staff will need to retrain all the budget officers in the various departments throughout state government. Very difficult.

Friday, August 6

Success in a rare business

For the past year and a half, Adam Rokoskie's Carson City business of retrofitting UTVs, or utility task vehicles, has flown under the radar, he said.

Investing with William Creekbaum: Estate taxes are in flux

Under current law, Jan. 1, 2010, marked a one-year repeal of the U.S. federal estate and generation-skipping transfer taxes. It is not clear what will happen next.

Investing in gold: Hidden costs can drive purchase above its value

We have all heard the expression, "read the fine print." Well, in coins the same rings true. Terms of sale are very important when you are talking about the bottom line in your purchase or sale. Not all transactions are conducted in the same way at all companies. Here are a few terms of sale to be aware of before making your next purchase or sale.

Times changing in pawnshop industry

Strapped Nevadans once again are turning to their local pawnshop rather than a payday lender for an infusion of ready cash.

Business Briefs for Aug. 8

NBC August breakfast meeting in Reno with Sandoval

Thursday, August 5

Wednesday, August 4

Fresh Ideas: Wind farm in sensitive area should be subject to scrutiny

"Gone with the wind" has a new meaning in Spring Valley where a farm of wind turbines is planned to pop up next year like monster mushrooms after a rain.

Tuesday, August 3

Canned or fresh - what a peach

People have been waxing poetic about peaches for centuries. In China - where peaches originated - they were thought of as food of the gods, immortalized in painting, legend and song. In ancient Rome, Pliny praised them as "Persian apples." In France, Louis XIV bestowed favors in exchange for peaches from the famed gardens of Montreuil. Peaches spread to the New World via the conquistadors, and were beloved by many Native American tribes. Thomas Jefferson planted them at Monticello, and from there they migrated to the Deep South and west with the gold rush to California.

Celebrate fresh produce at local farmers markets

The first week in August has been designated by the Secretary of the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture as National Farmers Market week. Come celebrate the goodness of your local Farmers Markets by shopping and meeting your neighbors, growers and customers at your favorite place to shop for fresh, seasonal, great tasting produce, olive oil, honey, fresh eggs and flowers.

Monday, August 2

Sunday, August 1

Guy W. Farmer: Money alone won't fix education

en Nevada failed to make the cut for federal "Race to the Top" funding last Tuesday, lame duck Gov. Jim Gibbons and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., immediately blamed each other for the plight of public education in the Silver State.

Silver Dollars & Wooden Nickels: Kudos to school striving for success

The Nevada Appeal's "Silver Dollar" and "Wooden Nickel" feature recognizes positive achievements from the capital region and, when warranted, points out others that missed the mark.