Stories for May 2010


Monday, May 31

Sunday, May 30

Saturday, May 29

Letters to the editor May 30

Vote for good conservative principles

Silver dollars & wooden nickels: Congratulations to all of the graduates

The Nevada Appeal's "Silver Dollar" and "Wooden Nickel" feature recognizes positive achievements from the capital region and, when warranted, points out others that missed the mark.

Guy W. Farmer: How Mexico treats illegal immigrants

Although I admire Mexican President Felipe Calderon for confronting his country's violent drug cartels, I was deeply disappointed when he violated diplomatic protocol by criticizing Arizona's new immigration law during his recent state visit to Washington, D.C. If an American president did the same thing in Mexico City, he'd be chased back across the border.

Station Casinos to auction off some resorts

RENO (AP) - A federal bankruptcy judge has approved plans by Station Casinos Inc. to auction off 11 of its gambling properties to satisfy some creditors.

Letters to the Editor May 29

As state spirals downward, it may be time to leave

Eugene T. Paslov: The power of the arts to grow our community

I recently attended a supervisors' candidate forum, sponsored by the Carson City Arts Coalition. The candidates were asked a series of questions about the arts in Carson City and what they would do to grow the role of the arts in the economic life of our city.

Friday, May 28

Business recruiter Nevada Business Connections moves into new office

Two years after establishing Nevada Business Connections, a private business recruitment firm, executive director Kris Holt finally has a desk.

Business Briefs for May 30

Kids and Horses announces new executive director

Tax Tips by Kelly Bullis: Qualified veterans make great employees

On this special occasion when we stop to appreciate the sacrifices our country's veterans have made to protect our freedoms, I thought it might be a good reminder to employers out there to consider hiring a vet as they begin to expand their businesses again.

William Creekbaum investment column: How to survive a layoff

What you do immediately after receiving word that you've lost your job can make a big difference in how you will be able to support yourself and your family. Making rushed or ill-informed decisions can have dire consequences over the long term.

Thursday, May 27

Letters to the Editor for May 28

Thank you Sak N Save for the fabulous service and assistance your employees and managers have provided me since the name changed, and before, when they also worked for Scolari's.

Commentary by Chuck Muth: Don't be a chicken; stand up for free speech

At the annual Conservative Leadership Conference that my organization, Citizen Outreach Foundation, hosted last weekend, political pundit Jon Ralston, on a panel discussing media bias, asked the audience how many people thought we were living in a socialist country today. Only a smattering of hands went into the air.

Letters to the Editor May 27

Sheriff department records contained harmful errors

Commentary: For our security, raise the gas tax

The Nevada Department of Transportation wants to replace our gas tax with a mileage tax, raising privacy concerns. We should increase the gasoline tax instead, for both economic and security reasons.

Wednesday, May 26

Tuesday, May 25

Southern BBQ for summer

Come summer, some of us think of eating light: salads, grilled fish, fresh fruit.

Flavorful spices, veggies enhance a classic baked beans dish

This dish can be baked slowly in the oven, in a smoker or on a grill. (Omit the liquid smoke if you use a smoker or grill; the beans can be smoked for 4 to 5 hours.) Adapted from a recipe by Jim Basara of Falls Church, Va. Because this version calls for cooked, smoked brisket (instead of uncooked bacon), we topped the mixture with bacon drippings.

Carson Nugget to host wine pairing dinner

The Carson Nugget's upcoming wine pairing dinner on Monday will be a "Taste of the Mediterranean."

Shortcuts: The good, the bad and the ugly

When are cooking shortcuts too short? Every home cook has a line that she or he will not cross. I draw mine at using cream-of-anything soup as a shortcut to a cream sauce, processed cheese food and any so-called "home baked" goodie that comes in a tube in the dairy aisle. (Confession: Cracking the tubes open terrifies me.)

Monday, May 24

Sunday, May 23

Letters to the Editor May 23

Remember those who serve on Memorial Day

Sue Morrow: Even a purebred pup won't pay for heart bypass

A case of misspelled road signs in Sparks made it on local and national television recently, resulting in replacement of the offending signage.

Guy W. Farmer: Some thoughts as primary election draws near

If you don't vote in Nevada's June 8 primary election you'll have only yourself to blame if your favorite candidates don't make it into the Nov. 2 general election, and people like me will make very important political decisions for you. Thank you very much.

Silver Dollars & Wooden Nickels: Silver dollar to Carson's growing tourism efforts

The Nevada Appeal's "Silver Dollar" and "Wooden Nickel" feature recognizes positive achievements from the capital region and, when warranted, points out others that missed the mark.

Saturday, May 22

Letters to the Editor

This tea partier may dispel your beliefs

Eugene T. Paslov: Fear is alive and well in our country

Fear of government is alive and well in our country. Higher percentages of citizens distrust government than at virtually any time in our history.

Friday, May 21

Growing local, buying local

Mark O'Farrell takes a seat by a tiny wooden shed on his five-acre farm just south of Carson City.

Investing in Gold: Carson $10 gold coins, let the chase begin

This being my third article on Carson City gold does not mean it is the least interesting. As I have touched on before, Carson City minted $5, $10, and $20 gold coins, and the $10 coins are by far the rarest.

Business Briefs

The Northern Nevada Development Authority will begin to establish its marketing and media regional advisory committee this week.

Investing with Carol Perry: Spot signs before stock market corrections

Ouch. The stock market has really been getting hammered recently. For some of you, that sense of fear in the pit of your stomach is back. For others, you are starting to get a handle on how to see a correction looming. Let's take a look at some of the factors or red flags recently that indicated that the market was overbought or overvalued. The better you get at recognizing the signals, the better trader you will become.

Business Licenses for May 23

Business licenses filed in Carson City between May 17-May 21

Sierra Nevada Association of Realtors announces awards

The Sierra Nevada Association of Realtors named Mary Jo Brummer of RE/MAX Realty Affiliates in Carson City, Realtor of the Quarter.

Gardnerville beef producer appointed to cattlemen's board

CENTENNIAL, COLO. - U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack recently appointed Nevada beef producer Annalyn Settlemeyer to a three-year term on the Cattlemen's Beef Promotion & Research Board, which oversees administration of the national Beef Checkoff Program.

Thursday, May 20

Letters to the Editor May 20

Dayton bridge situation could lead to disaster

Jim Bagwell: Let's remove the doomsday rhetoric and revisit Yucca

Have you given any thought lately to how Nevada might reconstruct government without taxing ourselves into oblivion? To find answers there must be ideas offered for thought and debate. Here is one from me that could come at the right time: The Nuclear Waste Repository.

Wednesday, May 19

Tuesday, May 18

Commentary: Donner Party tragedy - An obsession for many

It was in May of 1846 - 164 years ago this month - that 87 men, women and children left Independence, Mo., aboard nine covered wagons for California, which they believed was the promised land.

Chicken with pesto is a crowd pleaser

It's graduation, wedding, shower and anniversary time. If you are planning a luncheon or dinner, try this amazingly simple and flavorful dish. It's a great entree for large parties, and it can be served hot, at room temperature or chilled with equally delicious results. You can also serve this at a cocktail party by cutting each piece into small slices. Serve with toothpicks.

Fine cooking from the warehouse

In every issue, of Fine Cooking magazine they have a "Big Buy" column, featuring recipes from an item purchased at the warehouse store. And now they've collected these recipes in a book, "Big Buy Cooking: The Food Lover's Guide to Buying in Bulk and Using It All Up" (Taunton Press, 2010).

Canned lentils create a healthy salad shortcut

Face it, lentils are like dried beans. Most people aren't going to bother. That's a shame, because they can be a flavorful addition to soups, stews, casseroles and even salads, as in this recipe from Jose Pizarro's new cookbook, "Seasonal Spanish Food."

Monday, May 17

Company plans manufacturing plant for solar cells

LAS VEGAS (AP) - A California company is planning to build a $20 million manufacturing plant for solar power cells in the Las Vegas area.

Sunday, May 16

Letters to the Editor May 16

Leadership needed for state-of-art education

Janice Ayres: Volunteers make a huge difference in Nevada

"Everybody can be great ... because everybody can serve. You don't have to have a college degree to serve. You don't have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace and a soul generated by love." - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Guy W. Farmer: In defense of Arizona's immigration law

Are you as sick as I am of the mainstream media campaign - aided and abetted by President Obama and congressional leaders - to glamorize illegal immigration and to demonize Arizona's tough new immigration law? What part of "illegal" don't they understand?

Silver Dollars & Wooden Nickels: Handing out nothing but silver this week

The Nevada Appeal's "Silver Dollar" and "Wooden Nickel" feature recognizes positive achievements from the capital region and, when warranted, points out others that missed the mark.

Saturday, May 15

Letters to the Editor May 15

Where's the sense in ID regulations?

Eugene T. Paslov: 'Always Lost' - Exhibit deserves national audience

Last summer, Western Nevada College produced an exhibit that honored those who had lost their lives in wars, primarily in Afghanistan and Iraq, but in other conflicts as well. Professors Marilee Swirczek and Don Carlson enlisted the aid of their students and other faculty members and produced a thought-provoking exhibit, a powerful sonata of words, pictures and facts.

Friday, May 14

Manufacturing courses: Companies join with college to produce next generation of skilled workers for industries

After months of discussion and planning, regional manufacturers are preparing to roll out a new curriculum at Western Nevada College to help improve the skill set of their current and potential employees.

Tax Tips: Post-tax day thoughts on doing it yourself

Another April 15th has come and gone. Time is definitely speeding up. It seems like I just packed away the last of the Christmas decorations a few weeks ago. Yikes!

Business Briefs for May 16

Regional Burger Kings install energy efficient technology

Business Licenses for May 16

Business licenses filed in Carson City between May 10-14.

Energy rebate application deadline extended

Nevadans who made a reservation to get an appliance rebate will now have more time to mail in their applications.

Business makes landscapes for taxidermy

RENO - A Reno company that's best known for its displays of artificial and live plants for casinos, restaurants and offices is expanding quickly into a new niche - providing materials for the landscapes that surround the work of taxidermists.

Reno's last independent audio shop closes

RENO - The downturn in the economy claimed the region's last independent audio/visual retailer when Wild West Electronics closed its doors on April 29 after a 32-year run.

Thursday, May 13

Letters to the editor for May 14

Unemployed? Use free time to educate yourself

Commentary by Chuck Muth: Suddenly, Lowden has a race on her hands

Just as I predicted would happen a couple weeks ago, Sue Lowden is down, Sharron Angle is up and Danny Tarkanian has dropped into third place in the Republican U.S. Senate primary - at least according to a new Mason-Dixon poll of likely GOP voters released on Thursday by the Las Vegas Review-Journal.

Tom Purcell: Ask for a little back, all you'll hear is crickets

I don't know who they are, but I've got to hand it to them. I'm too cynical to do what they do.

Wednesday, May 12

Tuesday, May 11

Fresh Ideas: Let's all work together to get our kids the healthiest meals

It's a Nevada spring perfect storm: Budget crunch slams school lunch program during slow food revolution. Here's what we know. In an economic move, the Carson City School District is considering outsourcing its nutrition program to save $400,000 next school year.

Letters to the Editor May 12

GOP sinks to political potty humor

Farmers market brings spring vegis

I know it's spring but it hasn't been feeling too much like it this past couple of weeks. I'm ready for some sun shine and a little warmer weather. I really want to be outside and start planting a few things. I've got my little herb garden going and the potatoes and peas are in the ground but that's about it.

Eat, cook safely to avoid the 'nasty nine' food allergies

Yikes! Don't Eat THAT! Welcome to Food Allergy Awareness Week, May 9-15. Usually I write about celiac disease, which affects more than 2 million people in our country alone. Celiac disease is a digestive disease which destroys the nutrient-absorbing capabilities of the small intestine and is a "permanent adverse reaction to gluten," a protein found in wheat, barley and rye. The disease is managed by elimination of gluten from the diet for life, which is a real pain in the neck, as you can imagine.

A return to spaghetti days

There was a time when pasta wasn't pasta - it was spaghetti, no matter what the shape (although the shape was usually, well, spaghetti-shaped). You ate spaghetti with a tomato-based sauce, not with truffle oil or rare mushrooms or squid.

Monday, May 10

Sunday, May 9

Sue Morrow: Cleland praises Reid's commitment to veterans

Former U.S. Sen. Max Cleland of Georgia says he is a "big, big, big Harry Reid fan."

Guy W. Farmer: Too many questions linger over Nugget project

The more I learn about the $80 million Nugget Redevelopment Project, the less I like it. So I think Mayor Bob Crowell and supervisors should answer several important questions before putting local taxpayers on the hook for $40 million to help pay for this grandiose scheme.

Silver Dollars & Wooden Nickels: Market puts a summery-pep in our step

The Nevada Appeal's "Silver Dollar" and "Wooden Nickel" feature recognizes positive achievements from the capital region and, when warranted, points out others that missed the mark.

Saturday, May 8

Friday, May 7

Forum launched for parents of children living with Down syndrome

Jenny Casselman plays with her daughter on a multi-colored mat on the floor in their west Carson City home.

William Creekbaum column: Mark Twain has insightful comments on the markets

"History doesn't repeat itself - at best it sometimes rhymes." Mark Twain may not have been a stock-market maven but, surprisingly, his wit and wisdom, as per the quote above, may offer some guidance for today's markets.

Business Briefs

Next NBC breakfast to feature Reno Aces GM

Investing in Gold: Carson City gold coins are rare and elusive

A few weeks ago I touched on an area of collecting dear to many Nevadans, Carson City gold coins. Once again, most people know that Carson City produced Morgan silver dollars, but not as many know that the Carson City mint also produced gold coins.

Nobel Studios names VP of business development

The former director of marketing for the Reno Sparks Convention and Visitors Authority has been named the vice president of business development of Noble Studios, the Carson City-based company announced Friday.

Business Licenses

Business licenses filed in Carson City between April 26 and May 7:

Carol Perry column: 'Don't cheat' not high enough standard

The SEC charges of fraud against Goldman Sachs & Co are giving some of us that believe in accountability renewed hope that a fiduciary standard will be included in the financial reform legislation currently before Congress.

The Cracker Box celebrating 30 years

Cracker Box owner Jerry Massad said he will celebrate 30 years in business at his Carson City breakfast diner on Monday.

Air ambulance hits snag in relocation plan

A Reno-based company that flies medical patients to cities with major hospitals is considering moving its operations and about 50 employees to the Carson Airport.

Chuck Muth: Nevada's lawsuit lottery and jackpot justice

A licensed, highly trained professional doctor in Las Vegas reportedly told his licensed, highly trained professional nurses to reuse syringes to save money, ultimately and not surprisingly resulting in patients who were injected with the dirty needles becoming infected with hepatitis C.

Thursday, May 6

Letters to the Editor May 6

Health reform ensures founding principles for all

Dennis Johnson: Congress fails its duty to protect our borders

Congressional to-do list: Health care fiasco. Check.

Wednesday, May 5

Pudding her in a great mood

With Mother's Day approaching, celebrate another important twosome in your life: you and your mom.

Cook for your mom on Mother's Day

Fresh fish, whether cut in fillets or whole, makes a quick and deliciously simple main course, especially for those who are pressed for time. The recipe for Roasted Salmon Fillets Topped with Mustard Herb Butter is a good example.

Letters to the Editor May 5

What's the fuss about Real ID license?

Lisa Keating: Middle school changes - step in a positive direction

If Principal Sam Santillo has his way, next year, when you drive past Carson Middle School, you will gaze at a sea of prepubescent youngsters all dressed the same. In the fall, Carson Middle School will go through another transition as well: All staff and teachers will be trained in, and using, 'Positive Behavior Support' in their interactions with students.

Tuesday, May 4

Monday, May 3

Sunday, May 2

Letters to the Editor May 2

Livermore's logic will be missed

Guy W. Farmer: Immigration, Yucca: Hot-button issues at debate

Two contentious issues took center stage at a recent Reno debate among Nevada Republican candidates for governor and U.S. senator: immigration reform and the proposed Yucca Mountain nuclear waste dump.

Silver Dollars & Wooden Nickels: It is time for the snow, wind to go away

The Nevada Appeal's "Silver Dollar" and "Wooden Nickel" feature recognizes positive achievements from the capital region and, when warranted, points out others that missed the mark.

Red's Old 395 Grill owners expanding to Sparks

The owners of Red's Old 395 Grill in Carson City and the Little Waldorf Saloon in Reno are opening their third Northern Nevada location at Golden Eagle Regional Park in Sparks.

Business Briefly May 2

County managers to speak at NNDA breakfast meeting

Kelly Bullis: Protect your business from embezzlement

It seems like recently, when one opens up the paper, there is another story about a business being a victim of embezzlement. What's going on here? Did folks suddenly start stealing from their employers? Actually, no - this problem has been going on for as long as there have been businesses.

Sick of the food? Nevada hospitals break stereotype

Meals developed from organic ingredients - some purchased locally - and made from scratch. An emphasis on fresh fruit and vegetables.

Saturday, May 1

Letters to the Editor May 1

Right's pre-existing condition: A closed mind

Dr. Eugene T. Paslov: Senate Republicans band together in opposing ... everything?

The party of "no (now 'hell no')" continues its downward spiral to lead our country to a restoration of failed Bush policies.