Mailing licenses wastes state money
What's a good Nevada Republican to do with the mess that is the GOP gubernatorial primary?
Return to Ronald Reagan era not the answer
Have you paid enough yet? With little publicity, you are going deeper and deeper in debt. It seems beyond credibility that the national debt grows by about $5 million a minute. Ladies and gentlemen, national means it is your debt.
One call could have ended ordeal sooner
When I started this little essay it was my intention to tell you everything you need to know about farm raised salmon, culminating in a definitive conclusion and sound advice on how to buy the good stuff - fish that is sustainable, ecologically responsible and not chocked full of things found in your medicine cabinet. Turns out that it's not that simple.
After a hectic work day, most cooks are kitchen-weary and looking for dishes that are simple and fast to prepare. Linguine with roasted garlic cream gets A-ratings on both these fronts.
Harry Reid shows courage in face of abuse
Mother's Day will be in two weeks, and I fervently hope those who still have their moms observe that day with special recognition of the women who reared and nurtured them.
Now that most of us have paid our federal income taxes, let's take another look at how Washington, D.C.-based politicians and bureaucrats are spending our hard-earned tax dollars. We can start with the census, which costs each and every one of us nearly $50.
The Nevada Appeal's "Silver Dollar" and "Wooden Nickel" feature recognizes positive achievements from the capital region and, when warranted, points out others that missed the mark.
Candidate's program puts retired cops in schools
I attended a Board of Supervisors meeting recently to hear the discussion about budget cuts for city services, the Sheriff's Office and the Carson City Library.
Sue McGill stands on top of the Carson City Court House steps with a clip board in one hand and cell phone in the other while about a dozen people wait for her to start the bidding on a bank-owned home in Carson City.
Health insurance providers and sales agencies in northern Nevada scramble these days as they field a large number of calls from clients with questions about the new federal healthcare plan.
Tips have dipped severely for some of the thousands of workers in Northern Nevada who make most of their annual incomes from gratuities.
While the first 26 weeks of unemployment benefits are the responsibility of the State of Nevada, the federal government funds all unemployment benefit extensions.
Business licenses filed in Carson City between April 19 and April 23:
We've all heard the expression, "Every cloud has a silver lining." But this time I think a 'golden' lining is a more appropriate label.
New gym coming to Carson City Anytime Fitness will open a new location in Carson City within the next 30 days, the company said last week.
It's not the crime; it's the cover-up. And it's not the gaffe; it's the response.
A couple of poor choices for U.S. Senate
Livermore had it right on redevelopment
There has been some rare good news about the economy recently. Last week the Dow Jones industrial average broke 11,000 points for the first time in nearly 19 months; March had the strongest job growth in three years; and many of the nation's leading economic indicators are on the rise.
Watercress is an interesting green legume. It has a unique flavor, slightly tart and bitter. It adds an interesting taste to many dishes.
Fruit desserts seem virtuous, but butter-laden toppings or heaping helpings can negate healthful aspects. In this recipe, the fat is kept to a minimum, and individual ramekins or Pyrex containers (8-ounce) control portion size.
Television and peers can trump parents when it comes to influencing what children eat, but that doesn't mean families can't fight back.
Despite predictions that the funds would be gone by Sunday, there is still more than $930,000 in rebates available to Nevadans who want to buy an energy efficient home appliance.
The doors to three businesses will open inside the Carson Mall this week.
Grateful for guaranteed health care coverage
Sometimes it's good news when you hear that things haven't changed - like when your doctor reports during your physical that your weight is exactly the same as last year. Whew!
If you're the governor of a cash-strapped state facing a public education budget crisis, you can buy time by appointing a commission to study the problem. That's what Gov. Jim Gibbons did when he named an unwieldy 28-member commission to study public education funding in Nevada.
The Nevada Appeal's "Silver Dollar" and "Wooden Nickel" feature recognizes positive achievements from the capital region and, when warranted, points out others that missed the mark.
Fenced dog park at Fuji a great idea
Do you really have a right to vote? Certainly you have the legal right to enter a polling place and cast a ballot, but do you have moral responsibilities that go hand in hand with that ballot? My contention and strong belief is that you should not vote if you have not prepared yourself to cast your ballot intelligently.
For the new owners of Sunridge Golf Club, it doesn't matter who is better on the green. Both men love golf. It's all about the golf.
Greater health care spending and Washington's continued economic stimulus may spur inflation and higher tax rates. Here's how I think you can ready your portfolio for these possibilities.
NNDA hosting major conference in May The Northern Nevada Development Authority will host an exposition for the Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology in Reno next month.
Harrah's and Harveys Lake Tahoe were recently recognized by the NV Energy Sure Bet Program as major partners in implementing energy efficiency measures at the two casino resort properties.
With all the attention on the medical issues related to the recently passed health care bill, not much has been focused on tax related details and the timeline for when they begin.
Business licenses filed in Carson City between April 12 and April 16: All Out Pond Cleaning LLC., out of town, Sparks, Ronald Wilson, owner, 775-750-7504
The vacant Kmart building in North Carson City may have a new owner soon, said Realtor John Mulder of Premier Realty on Thursday.
The percentage of unemployed Nevadans went down slightly in March to 13.6 percent - which equates to 186,900 Nevadans looking for work.
Thank you, Sen. Harry Reid, for supporting health care overhaul
My daughter recently gave me a book. She frequently shares her reading material with me because we both enjoy good books. She described it as a "chick book," which I understand to be material that has themes and plot lines that appeal to women. But she also knew I'd be interested in another plot line of the book - the Holocaust.
World class prices, third rate health care
When it comes to the issue of tax hikes, Republican Brian Sandoval is the Marco Polo gubernatorial candidate - he's all over the map.
LOS ANGELES - A record number of U.S. homes were lost to foreclosure in the first three months of this year, a sign banks are starting to wade through the backlog of troubled home loans at a faster pace, according to a new report.
At 12:01 a.m. Saturday, Nevadans will be able to apply for rebates of up to $200 to exchange old appliances -refrigerators, freezers, dishwashers and washing machines - for new, Energy Star-designated models.
The Carson Nugget project may have a developer as early as next Thursday, said Mark Lewis, a consultant working with Carson Nugget owner Steve Neighbors.
Over the past months a lot has been written about the health care bill. What about some details and costs - taxes? The following taxes and fees will be imposed on businesses and the people to pay the costs related to the bill starting now, but benefits will not be realized until about 2014:
How much did Haiti trip cost taxpayers?
For years, Michael Faiss moved from city to city with his wife Kandy, a professional florist, and son Khristopher, opening Italian restaurants from Beverly Hills, Calif., to Biloxi, Miss.
LAS VEGAS (AP) - Casino and hotel operator MGM Mirage's preliminary estimates show it lost $96.7 million during the first quarter partly because of a drop in the value of its massive CityCenter development on the Las Vegas Strip, the company said Wednesday.
The owner of Carson City's Firkin and Fox will open a new location this summer inside the Summit shopping center in Reno.
The Douglas County Historical Society's Courthouse Museum in Genoa will open early this year, April 28, to catch the crowds attending the Cowboy Poetry and Music Festival that weekend.
Many of our bed and breakfast guests have come to this area to experience the cuisines and cultures of the West, yet most are unfamiliar with the Basque culture and the impact the Basque people have had on the lives of those of us who live in the shadow of the Sierra Nevada.
Somewhere between ages 15 and 25, I learned to love vegetables: broccoli, Brussels sprouts and peas. I discovered chard and zucchini. But learning to love vegetables was easier than learning how to cook them.
A sign of our tax dollars (very poorly) at work
After years of unwanted, unfavorable and embarrassing media attention, Gov. Jim Gibbons has finally found a way to garner what he must believe to be positive headlines for his underfunded re-election campaign.
Now that the Obama administration has jammed a trillion-dollar health care reform plan through Congress, it won't be long before immigration reform is back on the national agenda. Beware, however, because "comprehensive immigration reform" means conditional amnesty for more than 10 million illegal immigrants.
The Nevada Appeal's "Silver Dollar" and "Wooden Nickel" feature recognizes positive achievements from the capital region and, when warranted, points out others that missed the mark.
Many of Northern Nevada's largest general contractors are seeking smaller projects in order to keep revenues flowing and staffs busy in the face of a severe slowdown of new construction projects.
I turned on CNBC Thursday morning to see Robert Rubin, former financial superstar and Treasury Secretary testify before the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission about his role in the financial crisis.
Area Realtors awarded Heidi McFadden, a Carson City Realtor with Realty Executives Nevada's Choice, recently completed her Leadership Nevada Association of Realtors program.
With the economy's woes over the last few years, one thing that may or may not be surprising is that the demand for coins has remained strong. There have been some price corrections, but as a whole the prices of rare coins have done very well.
Business Licenses filed in Carson City from April 5-9: ABC Lock & Glass, out of town, Sparks , 775-331-5307.
Together, we can solve gang problem
After the attorney general refused to move forward, Gov. Jim Gibbons this week said he had put together a volunteer legal team so Nevada can join as many as 18 other states in a federal lawsuit against ObamaCare.
Sen. John Ensign, Nevada Republican, now resembles the political equivalent of a suicide bomber. The explosive he has wrapped around skivvies is what appears to be an inevitable indictment over his cover-up efforts of his under-the-covers romp with a woman not his wife. And he doesn't seem to care one wit how many people he takes down with him when the bomb goes off ... including the entire state of Nevada.
Private markets work well in most circumstances, but insurance markets - especially those in health care - are an exception. Whether or not you think the recent health care bill was a good idea, there is a big problem we need to solve.
Author Jesse Ziff Cool shares great tips and recipes in her latest book "Simply Organic" (Chronicle Books). She showcases organic, seasonal and local produce in easy recipes that are both flavorful and visually satisfying. This adaptation of her seafood pasta recipe is a perfect example of her recipe style. Tender chunks of seafood marry beautifully with thin strands of pasta, leafy chard and a creamy tomato sauce.
Speaking of French toast - oh, we weren't? Why not? French toast is, after all, a compelling topic.
Years ago I was told I would have to change my driving habits, drive a smaller vehicle and conserve precious fossil fuels. Unless I missed something along the way, the cost of the new technology was paid for by the consumer in increased vehicle prices.
They threw a big political tea party in Searchlight (of all places) last weekend, even though the "guest of honor," Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), was a no-show in his hometown. But the party went on without him.
The Nevada Appeal's "Silver Dollar" and "Wooden Nickel" feature recognizes positive achievements from the capital region and, when warranted, points out others that missed the mark.
Columnist offered insight into critical thinking
I recently saw painted on the cab of a pickup, "Obama is destroying our country!" My immediate reaction was, Bush destroyed our country. Obama is restoring it. Conservative ideologues are advocating the truck owner's slogan, and it's through fear-mongering that they are misleading the nation.
Business licenses for Carson City business licenses from March 22-26.
The Carson City commercial real estate market, like much of the nation's, is facing the possibility of a spike in defaults this year, say area Realtors.
New clothing store in Carson City Carson City has a new clothing store, which features women's apparel for the "young and young at heart."
Atalanta Sosnoff; ASC Company Research, an independent investment advisor, recently put together a historical summary of headline news that may have prevented some people from investing in the stock market.
Earl Pitts likes to say, "You know what makes me sick?" Well, I want to let you know about something that makes me sick. Something that makes me angry. It's enough to make me look like an orangutan scrunching his face up after sucking on a lemon.
With just over eight weeks to go before Nevada's primary election, let's check in on the U.S. Senate race against Harry Reid, disclosing first that I've contributed to Danny Tarkanian, Sharron Angle and Sue Lowden's campaigns.
Nevada Gov. Jim Gibbons this month created a blue ribbon commission to recommend a new education policy, but he allowed it to meet in secret. After the Las Vegas Sun and other publications raised questions about the legality of the closed-door meetings, the panel agreed to meet in public. But it shouldn't have taken media scrutiny to get the commission to meet in the open - it should have done that all along.