Stories for July 2015


Friday, July 31

Carson City Sheriff’s Log: Man claiming to be director of FBI arrested

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All are considered innocent until proven guilty in court. THURSDAY At 1:44 p.m., Jim Banuelos, 45, of Carson City was arrested on suspicion of being a fugitive from justice in California and as an ex-felony failing to register in Carson City. The Santa Clara County Superior Court warrant says he’s accused of felony annoying or molesting a child under age 18 and battery.

Carson City’s Vega to coach at Oklahoma

Brandi Vega has been involved in soccer for as long as she can remember, but always as a player.

Silver Dollar Classic is here

If you’re a fan of hot rods and classic and exotic cars, it’s definitely your time of year in northern Nevada. As you read this, the Silver Dollar Car Classic is celebrating its 21st year in Carson City.

Carson City Planning Commission approves extending Cinderlite permit

The Carson City Planning Commission on Wednesday voted to approve extending Cinderlite’s special use permit for another five years.

Multicar pile up closes Highway 50

A multi-car accident blocked off parts of Highway 50 Thursday afternoon in Carson City. Four cars were involved in the primary accident, with two cars involved in a secondary accident on Highway 50 between Lompa Lane and Airport Road. The first accident occurred around 3:05 p.m. when a red Chevy Aveo, traveling west down the middle lane rear-ended a gray Civic, authorities said.

Man shot by Douglas deputies identified

A Gardnerville Ranchos man was killed in a confrontation with Douglas County deputies Thursday at his Monument Peak Drive home. Mark Perkins, 48, was identified as the man shot by deputies, after an attempt to serve an arrest warrant.

‘The Current’ making television debut Sunday on MNT 21

“The Current: Explore the Healing Powers of the Ocean” will debut on television at 9 a.m. Sunday on MNT 21.

Monday collision leads to Carson City man’s arrest

A Carson City man was taken into custody on Monday morning in connection with a five-vehicle collision at Highway 395 and Mica Drive that resulted in one of the vehicles catching fire. David Black, 34, was identified as the driver of a 2014 Toyota RAV4. Black was reportedly southbound on Highway 395 heading toward the Mica traffic signal where three other vehicles, a Chrysler Sebring, a pickup and a Ford Fusion were stopped in the fast lane at the light.

Thursday, July 30

Man killed in Gardnerville Ranchos standoff

Six Douglas County deputies are on administrative leave as Carson City investigates the shooting of a Gardnerville Ranchos man, who was killed in a confrontation on Thursday at his Monument Peak Drive home. Mark Perkins, 48, was identified as the man shot by deputies, after an attempt to serve an arrest warrant resulted in gunfire.

Carson City Sheriff’s Office: Man arrested on two counts of lewdness with a child

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All are considered innocent until proven guilty in court. WEDNESDAY At 12:33 p.m., a 30-year-old Carson City man was arrested on suspicion of petit larceny after deputies responded to reports of a man returning a stolen lawn mower to the Market Street Walmart. Bail was set at $250.

Taxable sales soar in Churchill due to processing plant, up in Carson City

Statewide taxable sales increased 2.1 percent in May to $4.34 billion. Carson City did even better, reporting an increase of 5.2 percent.

Carson City National Night Out aims to bring awareness to domestic violence

Carson City is hosting its annual National Night Out event Tuesday to help raise awareness for resources to fight domestic violence in the community. National Night Out is one of the biggest events put on by the Carson City Sheriff’s Office, often drawing thousands of people to Mills Park to participate in a host of activities. This year, there will be booths from various departments in the Sheriff’s Office, DEA, CASA, Red Cross and more. Divisions from the Sparks and Washoe Tribe police department will also be there.

V&T Commission sells off Drako property to help cover costs

The V&T Commission voted on Thursday to sell off its eastern Carson City property on Drako Way that was originally intended as the site for the train’s depot.

Cell phone or gun? Officers make split second decisions on whether to shoot suspects

Figuring out the difference between a cell phone and a gun turned out to be the difference between a fatal shooting of a suspect and what ended up as an arrest without any serious injuries for Sgt. Earl Mays of the Carson City Sheriff’s Office. His split second decisions and that of deputy Nick Pinochi likely saved the life of the suspect they detained.

Carson City Convention and Visitors Bureau Board gives executive director $17,000 raise

The Carson City Convention and Visitors Bureau Board voted to give Executive Director Joel Dunn a $17,000 a year raise on Monday. The vote was unanimous after the board reviewed a study of what comparable boards pay their directors and what the city pays its agency heads.

NEVADA: Discovering the silver state’s unique beauty

Nevada’s unique, rugged beauty beckons travelers with a lure that reminds those of Homer’s Sirens enticing sailors to come to their island and become snarled in a trap to stay. Likewise, the Nevada landscape glistening under a bright summer sun, majestic mountains reaching to the sky with their jagged peaks and old historical stops stretching across two-lane or interstate highways offer a glimpse into those glory days … some that have faded into the sunset, others that have retained their aura

We like prices

Editor’s note: Assistant Controller Geoffrey Lawrence co-wrote this column.

What should you know about establishing a trust?

You don’t have to be a CEO or multimillionaire to benefit from a trust. In fact, many people gain advantages from establishing one — so it may be useful to learn something about this common estate-planning tool.

U.S. war dogs helped win WW II

During the next two weeks, we will be commemorating the 70th anniversaries of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the surrender of Japan and the end of World War II.

What every contractor, supplier and property owner should know

Contractors often invest significant time, labor and materials into a project before being paid and face considerable risk of not being paid. Nevada recognizes this vulnerability and to help ensure payment, has created a sophisticated Mechanic’s Lien Law that grants contractors a lien on the real estate they have worked on. Establishing and enforcing a mechanic’s lien can be a complex exercise however.

NV Energy urges customers to attend summit

RENO — NV Energy commercial customers interested in learning more about energy efficiency rebates to help increase their bottom line are invited to attend the NV Energy Sure Bet Summit.

Become dog-smart certified

In the past I have written about Dognition and its founder, Dr. Brian Hare from Duke University. Dognition is an online resource and tool aimed at understanding man’s best friend. It is fun doing the games with Watson, and we have continued with the monthly challenge. It’s interesting to see how he reacts to each task.

Each day reveals a new venture in Nevada’s travel scavenger hunt

With two weeks remaining before the end of the first Silver State Scavenger Hunt, our trip to loop around Northern Nevada began from the sidewalk in front of the Governor’s Mansion in Carson City.

Want to lower your mortgage?

Are you a homeowner who is current on your mortgage and looking to lower your interest rate? Alternatively, would you like to shorten your mortgage term and build equity faster?

New SLO brings ‘positive’ experience to role

Naval Air Station Fallon’s new school liaison officer brings a varied background to her role in working between the base and community.

Burton cites Western Nevada College positives while calling for changes from 2017 Legislature

Western Nevada College President Chet Burton said this week his college is headed in a good direction with many positive things happening.

Organics organization plows ahead

A coalition of organic food producers is scrambling to fill the void left when the Nevada Department of Agriculture elected in June to stop its organic certification program.

Community Day, shindig highlight Saturday events

The annual Fallon Community Day invites residents to join the fun on Saturday morning at Oats Park with a variety of activities for adults and children.

Fair features bulls, broncs and trucks

The Nevada Fair will feature back-to-back tonight and Saturday night shows at the Carson City Fairgrounds. Manuel Souza will return today with his Smackdown Bull Riding tour, bringing bulls, broncos and barrel racing to the center stage.

Remembering a beloved mayor

Fallon paid its final respects Thursday to a former mayor who many said made a big difference in his “adopted” city, the Oasis of Nevada.

Back to camp

Now that he’s proven he can play with the big boys every Sunday, Fallon’s Josh Mauga has even more to prove this year.

Ranch Hand Rodeo rides again

Rodeo is a long-standing tradition in Fallon. And this weekend, it continues with the sixth annual Ranch Hand Rodeo at the Churchill County Fairgrounds.

Local umpires swing for ‘The Show’

Too often we are consumed with seeing how players move up the ranks in college and professional sports that we forget about the other sides involved.

Mackay renovation near completion

The Nevada athletics department is finalizing plans for the upcoming $11.5 million renovation of Mackay Stadium in Reno.

Nevada receives $11.2 million Homeland Security grant

The state of Nevada has been awarded $11.2 million from the federal Department of Homeland Security, it’s annual fiscal year funding for emergency management and homeland security projects.

Carson City area live entertainment

Craig Fletcher will perform with Mick Valentino at 6:30 p.m. today at Glen Eagles, 3700 N. Carson St. Fletcher will perform with Terri Campillo and Rocky Tatarelli at 6:30 p.m. Friday, and with Gerry Wright and Campillo at 6:30 p.m. Saturday at Glen Eagles.

Carson Nugget hosting comedians Myles Webber and Chris Storin

A winner of the Bay Area All-Star Comedy Competition is appearing at Carson Nugget’s Comedy Club at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Aug. 7.

Carson City Sheriff’s Office: Man arrested as fugitive from justice

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All are considered innocent until proven guilty in court. TUESDAY At 10:05 a.m., a 49-year-old Carson City man was arrested on suspicion of battery after deputies responded to reports of a mental subject throwing things near the 1100 Sonoma Street. Bail was set at $1,000.

High court to review whether judge can be recalled from office

The Nevada Supreme Court has put the unprecedented attempt to recall a North Las Vegas judge from office on hold until an October 5 hearing.

Wednesday, July 29

CHS grad King heading to play for Pacific (Ore.)

Offense is what sets Rafe King apart from his basketball peers.

Carson City Dutch Bros. hosting children’s coloring contest

Dutch Bros. is releasing the first issue of the “Dutch Bros. Excellent Adventures Activity Book,” which includes a coloring contest to redesign the Dutch Bros. Kids Cup.

A few things in life

The philosophers and deep thinkers of the world have always preached that we are limited only by ourselves. We’ve all been told that if we study and work hard that there’s no limit to how far we can go.

Carson City Sheriff’s Office looking for Bodine’s robbery suspect

The Carson City Sheriff’s Office is investigating a strong arm robbery that occurred Tuesday afternoon at the Carson City Bodine’s Casino. An 87-year-old man was playing the slot machines in the casino at 2 p.m. when a male suspect grabbed the victim’s wallet and fled the casino on foot. The older male was uninjured, but the suspect was last seen running west from Bodine’s towards Fuji Park.

Organization plowing ahead to provide organic certification

A coalition of organic food producers is scrambling to fill the void left when the Nevada Department of Agriculture on June 3 elected to stop its organic certification program. The creation of Basin and Range Organics (BARO) was announced last week. A general meeting was held July 24 with teleconferencing statewide to keep those in the industry informed.

Tuesday, July 28

With 250 accidents, Carson City Sheriff’s Department cracks down on speeding

For this year as of June, the Carson City Sheriff’s Department has seen 250 automobile accidents, compared to the 200 that occurred at this time last year, so as a way to reduce this number deputies focused resources on pulling over speeding drivers Tuesday.

Community spotlight: Carson High School will host V-ball clinic

Carson High will play host to a volleyball clinic for girls from fifth grade and above Aug. 12-13 with doubles play on Aug. 14.

Casino win falls overall in state, up in Carson

June was a tough month for Nevada casinos with the total win falling 8.4 percent below the previous June. But the core of the problem wasn’t how bad business was in June, but how good it was in June 2014 when total statewide win was up 14.3 percent.

Enjoy summer time with a watermelon mojito salad

Watermelon is the quintessential summertime fruit. Nothing is quite like eating a fresh cold slice of watermelon on a hot summertime day.

Schneiderjans gets inviteto Barracuda Championship

RENO – The Barracuda Championship is excited to announce rising PGA TOUR professional Ollie Schneiderjans will receive a sponsor’s exemption for the 17th annual event August 3-9 at Montreux Golf & Country Club.

Trump fever: Catch it

If you’re a long-suffering conservative you can’t help but take at least a little perverse pleasure from the angst Donald Trump is causing the Republican Party establishment and the media, even if you’re supporting another of the GOP presidential candidates.

All those crazy ads

Watching entirely too much television has given me knowledge of exactly what’s advertised via this particular communication system. It’s unbelievable at times just what advertisers are willing to do just to get their products on our TV sets and into our mind.

It may be time to carry weapons on military installations

The threat to military personnel being a soft target to an active shooter or terrorist is real since events during the past six years have indicated similar scenarios.

Celebrating half century of Medicare, Medicaid

It’s easy to forget that before 1966, roughly half of all American seniors were uninsured, living in fear that the high cost of health care could plunge not only them, but their families, into poverty. Few of us remember that not long ago, far too many disabled people, families with children, pregnant women, and low-income working Americans were unable to afford the medical care they needed to stay healthy and productive.

Keep your government hands off

Tomorrow is the 50th anniversary of the signing of Medicare into law by President Lyndon Johnson. Programs similar to Medicare had been proposed before, but Johnson was the president who finally achieved the goal. Medicare followed the success of Social Security, which was signed into law 30 years earlier on Aug. 14, 1935.


he following births occurred at Banner Churchill Community Hospital: July 1, 2015 A girl, Madigen Marie Kelly to Shelley Ferguson-Kelly and Michael Kelly, weighing 6 pounds, 14 ounces and measuring 19 inches

MERT: He had a special love for Fallon

Merton Domonoske was remembered as a former councilman and mayor who loved Fallon, and even after leaving office, he still had the best interests of the city at heart.

Museum hosts ‘Always Lost: A Meditation on War’

The Churchill County Museum in Fallon will host the nationally touring arts and humanities exhibition “Always Lost: A Meditation on War” from Aug. 6-Sept. 27.

Free training on transitioning military children

Professionals and parents are invited to participate in a two-day interactive course on transitioning military children. The professional development course will be held Aug. 4-5 and will focus on the impact of transitions on military-connected students.

Annual Redneck Shindig sounds off Saturday at the fairgrounds

The fourth annual Redneck Shindig hosted by Cancer Warriors for Central Nevada is Saturday and hopes to help raise more than $5,000 for Dean Brownell and Haylie Chmela to assist them in their fight against cancer.

Those over 50 have greater risk of harmful alcohol consumption

New research published in BMJ Open suggests that people over the age of 50 who are healthy, active, sociable, and wealthy have a greater risk of harmful alcohol consumption.

Under the lights

The eighth annual Fallon Fights features a Hispanic flavor over the airwaves. Television monster Univision Deportes will broadcast the bouts live on Aug. 22 at the Churchill County Fairgrounds, according to Fallon Convention and Tourism Executive Director Rick Gray.

Hendrix’s take 9th at nationals

Caleb and Cord Hendrix cracked the top 10 at the National High School Finals Rodeo in Rock Springs, Wyo., this month. The brothers finished ninth in the short go in team roping with a time of 14.37 seconds. The Hendrix’s also finished ninth in the average with a mark of 37.35.

Drivers extend points leads at Rattlesnake

As drivers enter the final stretch of the season at Rattlesnake Raceway, a pair of racers extended their points lead on Saturday.

CCHS sports registration starts Tuesday

Tuesday marks the beginning of the fall season for Churchill County High School athletes.

Seau, Boy named All-MW first team

Nevada senior Ian Seau and junior Alex Boy were named to the Preseason All-Mountain West team, while the Nevada football team was picked to finish third in the MW West Division.

Former Nevada basketball player guilty for heroin possession

A former University of Nevada men’s basketball player pleaded guilty and was sentenced to drug court Tuesday in the Tenth Judicial District Court for heroin possession.

Merton E. Domonoske

Merton E. Domonoske passed away at Renown Regional Medical Center in Reno on July 16, 2015. He was born in Berkeley, CA on January 11, 1923 to Arthur B. and Gladys E. Domonoske and had lived in Fallon most of his adult life. Mr. Domonoske comes from an early California pioneer ranch family who settled in Dayton in the early 1850’s. He grew up on the Stanford University Campus where his father was head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering.

Monday, July 27

Carson City Sheriff’s Office: Man arrested after going wrong way down Highway 50

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All are considered innocent until proven guilty in court. Carson City FRIDAY At 5:17 p.m., a 59-year-old Carson City woman was arrested on suspicion of DUI-first offense drugs after deputies responded to reports of a possibly intoxicated driver near Fairview Drive and California Street. Bail was set at $1,000.

Joyce Beverly Webster Shelver Thornhill

Joyce Beverly Webster Shelver Thornhill, loving mother, grandmother, wife, sister, aunt, niece, and cousin died peacefully on July 21, 2015 in Carson City, Nevada at the age of 84. Joyce is survived by her three daughters: Candi Ruf of Carson City, Nevada, Tami Ruf (Brian) of Reno, Nevada, and Kimberly Hubbard of Tucson, Arizona; stepson Gary Thornhill (Mary) of Incline Village, Nevada and step daughter Judy McConville (Frank) of Tampa Bay, Florida; adoring grandchildren Marshall, Brandon, Taryn, Delanie, Ethan and Alannah and step grandchildren Joseph (Kelly) and Spencer Thornhill.

Garth V. Rasmussen

Quietly observant as life passed before his eyes... He fought a mighty battle against Parkinson’s Disease for over 18 years and never, ever complained. Thanks to St. Mary’s Hospice, he passed away peacefully, where he wanted to be, in Washoe Valley with his wife at his side in the house they built together over 46 years ago. Born in Placerville, CA 80 years ago,the third of five

Assemblyman Carrillo convicted of DUI

Assemblyman Richard Carrillo, D-Las Vegas, was convicted of DUI Monday after a half-day trial. But Carson City Justice of the Peace John Tatro declined the prosecution request to order jail time for the three-term assemblyman and imposed the minimum $800 in fines.

Carson City hosting Jazz & Beyond festival Aug. 7-23

It’s beyond jazz, beyond just music, and well beyond any single Carson City venue. It’s also beyond easy on the pocketbook, ranging from free to reasonable.

Saturday, July 25

Darrell Moody: Wooster does not belong in Division 1 football

Unless something happens, Wooster will be back in Division 1 football starting with 2016.

Friday, July 24

Carson City Sheriff’s Department welcomes new deputy

The Carson City Sheriff’s Department welcomed a new deputy Friday at a ceremony at the Sheriff’s Office. Michael Jerauld, a Sparks native, has been with the Carson City Sheriff’s Department for about six months as a reserve in training and the front desk manager at the sheriff’s office.

Reno racer captures main event at Fernley

Reno’s Jake Holland scored his second IMCA Modified victory of the season at Fernley 95A Speedway last Saturday night, beating Joel Myers of Santa Rosa, Calif., to the checkered flag.

Nicholas Frank Figearo

Nick was 39 when he passed away at Carson Tahoe Hospital on July 18, 2015. Nick was born and raised in Carson City, NV leaving behind many friends and relatives. He spent 17 years in Seattle, WA. Working as a bike messenger for the legal community in that city.

John Peter Lee

John Peter Lee, a legal pioneer, iconic trial lawyer, devoted husband, father, grandfather, art lover, and free thinker, passed away on July 9, 2015. John was a family man to his core who fought against seemingly insurmountable odds. Born on August 6, 1926, in San Francisco, John met Patricia, his wife of 66 years, while attending college in Reno.

William L. Welch

William L. Welch, Beloved Husband, Father, Grandfather, Great-Grandfather and Brother, passed away Saturday, July 18, 2015 at the VA Medical Center in Reno, NV after a brief illness. Bill was born on August 7,1926 in San Luis, Colorado and raised in Taos, New Mexico.

Harry Kuhn

Harry Kuhn, 80, a 46 year resident of Carson City, NV and retired business owner of Capital Tree Company, passed away unexpectedly at home on Saturday July 18, 2015

Carson City Kiwanis to walk the line with Johnny Cash tributes

Two Johnny Cash tribute concert performances are set for Sept. 5 at Piper’s Opera House in Virginia City to raise funds benefitting service programs of the Carson City Kiwanis’ noon luncheon club.

Carson City Sheriff’s Office: Man arrested on suspicion of possession of a firearm while intoxicated

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All are considered innocent until proven guilty in court. WEDNESDAY At 7:19 p.m., a 56-year-old transient woman was arrested on suspicion of arrest of a probationer, violation of bail conditions and petit larceny after deputies responded to reports of a woman taking items from the Carson Street Dollar Tree. Bail was set at $3,250.

Carson City Sheriff’s Office looking for Edmonds Sports Complex vandals

Carson City Sheriff’s Office is seeking the public’s help in identifying subjects who caused extensive damage to the Edmonds Sports Complex last week. Deputies responded to incidents on June 24 and July 15 and 16 of trees being cut down with branches removed, tables overturned and broken, trash distributed across the park, a set of bleachers damaged and several vents in the public restrooms damaged or destroyed. Extensive damage was done, Sgt. Daniel Gonzales estimates that each tree vandalized will cost $1,500-$2,000.

Despite drought, Lake Tahoe wildflowers are blooming | Toree’s Stories

INCLINE VILLAGE, Nev. — Wildflowers seem to be in denial of the drought at Lake Tahoe, because they can be found in abundance along just about every trail. Even the basic, rather dusty trail I walk along every day is alive with a profusion of color. Perhaps the generous May rains are responsible.

Carson football agrees to move home opener to University of Nevada

Carson and Reed high schools have agreed to move their season-opening nonleague football game to the University of Nevada’s Mackay Stadium.

Carson City Sheriff’s Log: Inmate arrested on suspicion of drug possession

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All are considered innocent until proven guilty in court. THURSDAY • At 8:05 a.m., Michael Thomas, 31, was arrested on suspicion of a felony charge of drug possession while he was an inmate at Stewart Conservation Camp. The drug involved was methamphetamine. He was transferred to the Carson City Jail and held without bail.

New details emerge in 1982 cold case near Lake Tahoe

INCLINE VILLAGE, Nev. — Washoe County Sheriff’s Office detectives are exploring a new theory in attempts to identify the victim in a 33-year-old unsolved murder. According to WCSO, on July 17, 1982, a woman was found dead near a popular hiking trail in the Sheep’s Flat area off Highway 28, between Incline Village and the Mount Rose summit.

Carson City Library hosting Celtic guitarist Jerry Barlow Sunday

Jerry Barlow, a storyteller and Celtic fingerstyle guitarist, will perform traditional pieces and some of his own compositions in a free concert sponsored by the Carson City Library at 3 p.m. Sunday.

Candy Trenoweth

Candy Trenoweth passed away peacefully at St. Mary’s Hospital in Reno on July 12, 2015 at 12:01pm. Born on September 7, 1944 in Franklin, Indiana to Jim and Peg Julius, Candy spent her childhood in Boise, ID. She attended Boise High School, and Boise Junior College where she earned a degree in home economics. In 1962 she met her husband Roy Trenoweth in Missoula, MT while attending the University of Montana.

Ronald J. Biegler

Ron Biegler of Washoe Valley passed away on July 4th, 2015 after a long battle with cancer. Ron was born on February 1st, 1941 to Joseph B. and Agatha Biegler in Wallace, Idaho. He attended Saint Pascal’s Catholic grade school in Spokane, Washington and graduated from North Central High School in 1959. Ron worked over forty years in the elevator industry in both San Francisco and Reno.

Celebration of Life Notice for LTC (Ret) Stewart MacRitchie

The friends and family of Stewart MacRitchie, who passed away on May 8, 2015 will be holding a “Celebration of Life” for him on Saturday, 11 July 2015 at 1:00pm at the Veterans Hall, located at the NE corner of 2nd and Curry Streets in Carson City, Nevada.

Joyce Lena Lavin

Joyce Lena Lavin, passed away after a brave battle with cancer on July 9, 2015 with family by her side. Joyce was born in Nevada on December 28,1936 to Napoleon and Evelyn Sommer. Joyce is survived by her children, Skip and Christy Kirby; Kevin Kirby; Napie Boles and Keni Kirby; 12 grandchildren; 9 great-grandchildren and 1 great-great grandchild on it’s way. A Celebration of Joyce’s life will be on Saturday the 11th of July at 11 A at The Gardens Funeral Chapel. Interment will be at another time. Arrangements are under the direction of The Gardens Funeral Home 2949 Austin Highway Fallon, Nevada.

Roy Sheldon Kidder

Roy was born in Tonopah Nevada on July 31, 1937 and died in Carson City, Nevada on July 5, 2015.He lived his first three months in Manhattan Nevada where his father worked on the dredge. They moved to Honey Lake for five months before moving to Hawthorne, Nevada. While growing up in Hawthorne, Roy excelled in sports. He played baseball, basketball, and ran track.

Teresa (Terry) Keller Weldon

After a valiant battle with cancer, Terry passed away peacefully at her home on July 3, 2015. Terry will not be remembered for this battle; she will be remembered by her bright smile, kind nature, and love of life. Born on July 24, 1949 in Fallon, NV she lived between the communities of Empire, Gerlach and Fallon in her childhood and adulthood. Having moved to Empire, NV in 1971 after graduating from the University of Nevada, Reno, she begin a 36 year teaching career at E.M.

Frankie DeGraff Ravenscroft

Frankie DeGraff Ravenscroft passed away peacefully on June 27, 2015. She was born February 28th 1941 in Cortez, Colorado to Frank and Mollie DeGraff. Frank passed away in December of 1940 before the twins were born. Frankie and her twin sister Frances were the youngest of 8 children and were born at home. There were three sets of twins in the DeGraff family.

Brent Allen Hill

Brent Allen Hill, 53, of Carson City, Nevada passed away June 29, 2015 at Carson Tahoe Regional Medical Center after a brave battle with cancer. Brent was born at Carson Tahoe Hospital, January 21, 1962 to Brian E. Hill and Lynell (Hill) Monroe. Along with his Loving parents he leaves behind his sister Brynette (Willie) Wemheuer, brother Brian W. Hill, step-mother Peggy Epidendio-Hill and numerous nieces and nephews. Brent was a sport massage therapist in Carson City, Nevada for 27 years. His gentle spirit and healing hands were his greatest gift. He was the gentleman of all

Norma McGowan

Norma McGowan, who lived in Nevada and California, passed away on June 20, 2015, in her home after an extended illness, at the age of 66. She was born on September 28, 1948.

Gerald Eugene McCall

Gerald McCall was born in Oakland, Calif. He passed away peacefully at Carson Tahoe Medical Center in Carson City, Nevada after prolonged illnesses. His father, Joseph, and mother, Carrie, preceded

Bobby Mack Cooper

Bobby Mack Cooper, 78, died June 30, 2015 in Pampa, Texas. Memorial graveside services will be held at 10:00 AM Friday, July 3, 2015, at Memory Gardens Cemetery, with Rev. Jim Yates, Interim Hospice chaplain, officiating. Military honors are courtesy of the U. S. Navy. Cremation arrangements are under the direction of Carmichael-Whatley Funeral Directors.

Artie Dennis Brigham

Artie Dennis Brigham born on August 25, 1949, to Laverne and Robert Brigham, passed away peacefully at the Renown Medical Center on June 25, 2015. Artie was an Army Veteran, receiving

Elizabeth Belle Woodliff

On June 28 Elizabeth Belle Woodliff passed away peacefully at her home at the age of 100 years. Elizabeth was born to Lloyd Ruben Underhill and Adabelle Childers Underhill on August 1, 1914 in Chico California. Elizabeth first came to Nevada with her mother Adabelle when she was seven years old.

Is $10 million too expensive for a used car?

Would you pay more than $10 million for a used car? Well, someone has.

Random residential candidate thoughts

It is a long time until Election Day 2016 and already election races are in the forefront of the news.

Thursday, July 23

‘Pillowcase’ burglary ring case arrives in Douglas

One of the men implicated in the tri-county “Pillowcase” burglary ring broken up earlier this year in Carson City appeared in East Fork Justice Court on Wednesday. Travis Luke Lieberwirth, 37, is facing charges in Douglas, Carson City and Washoe County in connection with several burglaries in all three jurisdictions.

State law increases existing business taxes

With the passage of Senate Bill 483, Nevada business owners are in for substantial changes regarding how their businesses are taxed.

JoAnne Skelly: Is vinegar a safe alternative herbicide?

A reader recently asked me if a solution of vinegar, Epsom salts and a small amount of liquid dish soap, mixed and sprayed on weeds was as effective as using glyphosate (the active ingredient in Roundup and similar products) and safer. The reader went on to ask, “If this solution is as effective as Roundup and much cheaper, is there anything in the mixture that would/could be dangerous to humans?”

Commerce Tax: The real facts

Editor’s note: Assistant Controller Geoffrey Lawrence co-wrote this column.

Term vs. permanent insurance

What’s your most valuable asset? While you are still working, this asset may actually be your future income — so you need to protect it. And you can do so by maintaining adequate life insurance, which can help provide your family with the financial resources necessary to meet critical expenses — such as mortgage payments, college tuition, and so on — should you pass away prematurely. But what type of insurance should you purchase? There’s no one “right” answer for everyone, but by knowing some of the basics of different polices and how they relate to your specific needs, you can make an informed decision.

Report: Tesla Motors has put $80M into gigafactory

Nevada lawmakers got a recent update about Tesla Motors investing some $80 million in its Storey County gigafactory plant during the first quarter of this year, bringing the company’s total investment to $143.2 million so far.


The City of Fallon has issued the following business licenses in June 2015.


The University of Nevada Cooperative Extension is offering eight new “Grow Your Own, Nevada!” classes at 12 locations statewide to help Nevadans who want to get on a path to more sustainable, local, healthy living by growing more of their own food.

NASCAR church becomes answer to pastor’s prayers

HUNTERSVILLE, N.C. (Baptist Press) — You don’t have to like NASCAR to be part of Mission City Church.

What can you expect this NFL season

After a tumultuous offseason that seemed to center on yet again, another cheating scandal, fans can finally get excited for some NFL action. Teams have started reporting to training camp while players are showing up every day, getting ready for another season of some hard-hitting fun.

Are you the leader of the pack?

I love our Fallon dog park! It is always a joy to watch the puppies party, and it’s fun to visit with the pup parents too. Lately, I have been observing how the people round up their dogs, and it really has sparked my interest in pack behavior.

Unemployment rate in Nevada rises to 6.9%

Nevada’s unemployment rate for June was 6.9 percent, up a bit from the 6.6 percent recorded in May. The rate increased in not only Las Vegas but Reno-Sparks and Carson City by about three tenths in each jurisdiction.


The following cases were heard in the Tenth Judicial District Court, Judge Thomas Stockard presiding.


Churchill County Senior Center 310 E. Court St. Fallon, NV 89406 775-423-7096

Silver State gas prices average $3.26 a gallon

Average retail gasoline prices in Nevada have risen 1.6 cents per gallon in the past week, averaging $3.26 gallon, according to GasBuddy’s daily survey of 1,130 gas outlets in Nevada.

Faces of Nevavda: Five generations of ranching for Dayton’s Pradere family

DAYTON — Paul Pradere’s son and daughter are part of the family’s fifth generation to grow up on or near the Pradere sheep ranch here.

Connecting the dots

It was an unexpected twist. After three years dominating the defensive line for the Fallon football team, Justin Hatfield will continue his career in college after an unlikely turn of events.

Ballet headlines at the Arts Council

Sierra Nevada Ballet will present “Romeo and Juliet: The Ballet” tomorrow night in the Barkley Theatre at the Oats Park Art Center. Doors open at 7 p.m. and the performance begins at 8 p.m.

Discovering the wonders of Tule Springs

Tule reeds slowly wave in the gentle breeze. Large geese float on the calm waters of a spring-fed lake. It’s easy to see why the first Nevadans would have been attracted to the Tule Springs area in Southern Nevada.

Reducing stress before a job interview

After months of responding to job postings, you finally land an interview.

V & T Railroad offers a murder mystery tour

The Virginia & Truckee Railroad will be steaming through summer with additional theme trains: “Run to the Roundhouse Nellie” murder mystery and barbecue and Toast of the Canyon.

Nevada’s football times have a ‘daylight’ flavor

RENO (Nevada Athletics) — Kickoff times for the Nevada football team’s six-game home slate have been finalized, and the Wolf Pack will play five times in the daytime as the Mountain West announced the remaining games of its broadcast schedule today.

FCTA approves supportive grants

The Fallon Convention and Tourism Authority recently approved two grants at its regularly scheduled meeting.

Clinton’s grassroots tour stops in Fallon

The “Every Nevadan Tour” to further define Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and to hear what Nevadans think on a wide rage of topics made a stop in Fallon for a Wednesday breakfast meeting at Jerry’s Restaurant.

Scientists find closest thing yet to Earth-sun twin system

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — Scientists have identified a “close cousin” to Earth that’s orbiting a sun-like star and might harbor life.

Carson City Sheriff’s Office: Man arrested on suspicion of child neglect

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All are considered innocent until proven guilty in court. TUESDAY At 1:50 a.m., a 50-year-old Tahoe City man was arrested on suspicion of DUI-first offense and basic speed 40 in 25 after deputies initiated a traffic stop near William and Carson streets. Bail was set at $1,050.

Kieckhefer, O’Neill defend records from 2015 session

Carson City’s legislators defended their votes including on tax increases Tuesday morning before a mostly friendly crowd of about 50 at the Silver Oak meeting center.

Carson City area live entertainment

Craig Fletcher will perform with Mick Valentino at 6:30 p.m. today at Glen Eagles, 3700 N. Carson St. Fletcher will perform with Terri Campillo and Rocky Tatarelli at 6:30 p.m. Friday, and with Gerry Wright and Campillo at 6:30 p.m. Saturday at Glen Eagles.

Carson City Brewery Arts Center to present Delta Nove in concert Friday

The Brewery Arts Center is kicking off its summer membership drive with a concert by Delta Nove, a band that borrows American funk and rock, Caribbean calypso and reggae, and Brazilian samba drumming influences, at 7 p.m. Friday in the Performance Hall. With more than a decade of experience on the road, Delta Nove blends drums, guitars, horns and electronic colors, calling to mind styles of Earth, Wind & Fire and the Grateful Dead.

Men and their machines: Carson City area execs head to native Germany

Two top executives from Vineburg Machining here, both of whom are natives of Germany, return there late this week building bridges via contacts by working with a Nevada trade mission.

O’Neill, Kieckhefer spell out session reforms at NNDA

Sen. Ben Kieckhefer, R-Reno, and Assemblyman P.K. O’Neill, R-Carson City, laid out a laundry list of reforms to attendees at the Northern Nevada Development Authority breakfast Wednesday.

Former WNC star Conor Harber signs with Brewers

Given two prior opportunities to sign with a Major League Baseball team, former Western Nevada College two-way player Conor Harber couldn’t pass up a third.

Carson City True Value to close

Gordon Johnston, owner of the True Value Hardware store on U.S. Highway 50 East in Carson City, plans to close his store in late August.

Wednesday, July 22

Hillary Nevada team visits Fallon

Hillary Clinton’s “Every Nevadan Tour” stopped in Fallon Wednesday morning to talk with residents about their concerns for the country.

Churchill County may see severe thunderstorms

This afternoon: Scattered rain and thunderstorms. Some of the storms could be severe. Partly sunny, with a high near 88. Southwest wind around 10 mph. Chance of precipitation is 20%.

Tuesday, July 21

Comstock reports loss cut, better margins

Comstock Mining, Inc., of Virginia City reported Tuesday a quarterly net income loss on June 30 of $220,000, down from a loss of $7.2 million in the same quarter of 2014.

Carson City Sheriff’s Office: Man arrested on felony theft

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All are considered innocent until proven guilty in court. MONDAY At 10:36 a.m., Richard Prendez, 34, of Carson City was arrested on suspicion of felony possession of a controlled substance and possession of drug paraphernalia after deputies responded to reports of a domestic dispute near the 200 block of Mary Street. At the same incident, a 29-year-old transient woman was arrested for contempt of court. Bail for Prendez was set at $3,500 and bail for the 29-year-old was set at $2,000.

Unemployment rate up a bit in June

Nevada’s unemployment rate for June was 6.9 percent, up a bit from the 6.6 percent recorded in May. The rate increased in not only Las Vegas but Reno-Sparks and Carson City by about three tenths in each jurisdiction.

Secretary of State issues scam warning

Secretary of State Barbara Cegavske has issued a warning to Nevada businesses to be aware of a solicitation seeking fees that appears to be from a government agency. The emails are from the “Division of Corporate Services” which asks businessmen to fill out an annual records statement” and include a $150 fee.

Tahoe recipe: A low-calorie, low-carb, sin-free smoothie

TAHOE-TRUCKEE, Calif. — You know what they say? “A smoothie a day keeps the liposuction at bay.” But this is not always true. Just as there are bad fats (super-sized french fires) and good fats (avocado), there are the good guys and the bad guys in the smoothie family.

Full steam ahead

Whatever he needs to do, Jordan Schultz will do to ensure his place on the Idaho State University track and field team. The 2015 Churchill County High School grad will join teammate Nathan Heck in Pocatello this fall as newly minted Division I athletes.

Parvo: More common than thought

Recently three puppies from the same household werediagnosed with the Canine Parvovirus Infection also known as parvo in Churchill County.

Western Nevada College construction management degree takes business approach to success

As the national building industry in Northern Nevada ramps up once again, Western Nevada College’s Construction Management and Construction Technology programs are shifting emphasis to meet the demand for skilled managers.

Letters offer you to sound off

In addition to providing community news and features, a newspaper also serves as a voice for the community through editorials, columns and letters to the editor.

Meihack retires after 28 years

Scott Meihack has left the building … or the district after 28 years where he’s been influential to so many.

Republicans: Celebrate diverse field of candidates

Republicans, as is their wont, are going meshugganah over the large, wide open field of candidates entered into the 2016 Presidential Sweepstakes. For the life of me, I don’t understand the angst.

War is not the answer

Acting on the premise that Iran would pose a great threat to the world if they obtained a nuclear bomb, the U.S., Russia, China, France, United Kingdom and Germany, have held lengthy and sometimes agonizing negotiations with Iran to reach an agreement to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear bomb. That was the sole purpose of the negotiations.

Fernley Republican Women adopt airman

The Fernley Republican Women’s newest adopted soldier (or airman) is Staff Sgt. Jessica Reed of the Nevada Air Guard.

Taking action with skin cancer on the rise

With the return of warmer weather and longer days, it’s good to remember that temperatures aren’t the only thing on the rise. Skin cancer rates continue to increase and cause more deaths each year, with one in five Americans expected to develop skin cancer in a lifetime.1


Summer is the season when many of the best childhood memories are made. That’s why introducing future generations to treasured pastimes is an ideal way to ensure classic summer moments live on for years to come.

Adventure awaits amid sprawling trail network

TAHOE CITY, Calif. — North Lake Tahoe and Truckee are loaded with amazing mountain biking trails.

Mulder claims first American Century title at Lake Tahoe

STATELINE — Mark Mulder’s short game was deadly on Sunday, and he parlayed that into seven birdies to win the 2015 American Century Championship by one point.

An act of concern

Something unusual happened to me yesterday. My son Doug had an appointment at a local surgeon’s office — everything was just fine, thank goodness — but in case he had to have minor surgery I went along to drive him home if needed. That didn’t happen.

Carson City hosts Nevada State Fair

e Nevada Fair will return to the capital city for the second year. The Nevada Fair will be July 30-Aug. 2 at the Carson City Fairgrounds.

CCHS announces sports registration information

The following is a schedule of 2015-16 CCHS Sports Registration to be held at Churchill County High School: Aug. 4-6 — 1-4 p.m. for football only.

Walk-off ignites furious Aces’ rally vs. Isotopes

The Reno Aces erased a 5-0 deficit with three runs in the eighth, and three runs in the ninth to walk-off the Albuquerque Isotopes in a dramatic 6-5 win Monday night at Aces Ballpark.

World Police & Fire Games

Earlier this month, Churchill County Sheriff’s Office Deputies Trevin Goodrick and Dustin Beauford participated in the 2015 World Police and Fire Games in Fairfax, Va.

Hillary’s Nevada team takes its rural tour to the Lahontan Valley

The Hillary Clinton’s “Every Nevadan Tour” decided to take its own Silver State Scavenger Hunt to visit the northern rural counties for six days.

Beat the school rush on immunizations

CARSON CITY — The Nevada State Division of Public and Behavioral Health and Immunize Nevada encourage parents to get their school-age children immunized now to avoid long lines and extended wait times that may occur closer to the start of the 2015-2016 school year.

Monday, July 20

Duffy Thomas sentenced for trying to evade police

Duffy Thomas was sentenced in District Court Monday on charges relating to a misdemeanor escape in April. Thomas tried to run from the Carson City Sheriff’s Office Special Enforcement Team after they gave him a wire and $800 in cash to complete a drug buy. Instead, Thomas tried to dress in his sister’s clothes and evade police but was caught shortly after.

Carson City Sheriff’s Office: More charges added to man arrested on suspicion of statutory sexual seduction

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All are considered innocent until proven guilty in court. Carson City FRIDAY At 9 a.m., Jacob Houser, 21, of Carson City was arrested on statutory sexual seduction and incest. Bail was set at $100,000.

Murdered California doctor has Fallon ties

Five people including a doctor, whose mother lives in Fallon, were found dead on Saturday in Modesto, Calif., after a friend notified the police department her friend did not show up for a luncheon.

Attorney General seeks rehearing in decision ordering retrial of 20-year-old murder case

The Attorney General’s Office has filed motions seeking a rehearing of the order tossing the conviction in a 20-year-old Carson City murder case.

Nevada baseball hires Steve Bennett as pitching coach

RENO — The University of Nevada baseball team has hired Steve Bennett as a pitching coach and recruiting coordinator, head coach T.J. Bruce announced on Monday.

Sunday, July 19

Mark Mulder claims first American Century Championship in Tahoe

STATELINE — Mark Mulder’s short game was deadly on Sunday, and he parlayed that into seven birdies to win the 2015 American Century Championship by one point.

Carson City man unable to scoot by police; arrested after slow speed chase on scooter

A Carson City man tried to evade deputies Friday by fleeing on a scooter. Deputies were called to pursue a man who tried to evade arrest after Carson City deputies attempted to pull the subject over at Woodside Drive. Deputies ran the registration on the scooter and it came back expired and registered to Joseph Scurti, an alleged drug dealer, who had two outstanding felony warrants, said deputies.

Carson City businessman faces embezzlement charges

Longtime Carson City businessman Lenny Chappell faces a preliminary hearing July 24 on charges of embezzlement and theft. Chappell, 55, allegedly took more than $3,500 from the account belonging to Platinum Plus at Bank of the West and put the money in the Downtown Business Association’s account. According to Carson Sheriff’s investigators, he did so to replace money he originally took from the association’s account.

Dueling motions for summary judgment seek end to Nevada minimum wage lawsuit

Dueling motions for summary judgment have been filed in Carson City District Court to end the lawsuit over whether Nevada is letting businesses violate the minimum wage law.

Saturday, July 18

Darrell Moody: Woods needs Harmon

Tiger Woods needs to swallow his pride —— NOW.

Making an impact: Allen’s foundation provides adaptive housing for injured military veterans

Jared Allen makes a living in the National Football League taking down opposing quarterbacks. Off the field, the Chicago Bears defensive end has found a calling lifting up disabled veterans by providing adaptive housing.

Scobee kick starts game

STATELINE — Josh Scobee started and ended his round with bogeys. He was golden the rest of the time.

ACC Notebook: Sweet 17 at Tahoe

STATELINE — If you’ve ever been to the American Century Championship, the par-3 17th hole is the place to be.

Chastain happy to see U.S. on top of world

Brandi Chastain wasn’t sure how she would react if the U.S. women’s national team won the 2015 World Cup. When the final whistle sounded and the Americans had beaten Japan for their third world title, it was an emotional moment for the iconic female soccer star.

T.J. and J.T. highlight the ACC

STATELINE — Trades are commonplace in any sport, and when a star is traded away, emotions can run high.

American Century extends ACC sponsorship through 2022

NBC Sports, American Century Investments and the Lake Tahoe Visitors Authority have formed a dynamic partnership to turn the American Century Championship into the biggest celebrity golf tournament in the nation.

Mulder, Wagner tied for ACC lead

STATELINE — Mark Mulder always seems to be on the cusp of contending for an American Century Championship title as evidenced by his three top-10 finishes in the last three years.

Carson City Sheriff’s Office: Man arrested on burglary

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All are considered innocent until proven guilty in court. THURSDAY At 8:00 a.m., Carolyn LaPlaunt, 41, of Battle, Mont., was arrested on suspicion of felony uttering a forged instrument warrant. Bail was set at $7,500.

Jeb Bush says he will reach all voters in Carson City visit

Jeb Bush made it clear in a visit to Carson City on Friday he doesn’t think anti-immigrant rhetoric being pushed by Donald Trump is going to put a Republican in the White House next year. “We had better stop having our angrier voices be the ones people hear,” he told a town hall meeting of about 300 people at Silver State Charter School.

Gov. Brian Sandoval confirms Damon Haycock as new head of Nevada PEBP

Damon Haycock has been confirmed as the new executive officer of the Public Employees Benefits Program. Gov. Brian Sandoval confirmed the recommendation by the PEBP board just one day after the board voted to support Haycock to replace Jim Wells.

2 arrested in connection with Lyon County burglaries

The Lyon County Sheriff’s Office says two people are in custody in connection with 18 burglaries in the Dayton area. Officers received their break last weekend when the Reno Police Department responded to a call for a gunshot wound. Upon responding, Matthew Miller was found with an accidental gunshot wound after watching a YouTube video on how to unload a firearm. The gun was reported stolen during one of the reported 18 burglaries in the Dayton residential neighborhoods of Riverboard Road, River Park and Sutro.

Friday, July 17

Fallon’s Gonzales wins Pro Stock at Fernley

Fernley 95A was back in action last Saturday and races again this evening, starting promptly at 6 p.m. Last Saturday saw another $1000 to win Pro Stock race, and Fallon’s Malen Gonzales dominated the field in the No. 84 car.

Live updates from American Century Celebrity Golf Championship Tournament at Edgewood

12:21: Jack Wagner parred No. 13 to move into solo first place with 19 points

Carson City Board of Supervisors vote to abandon East Sophia Street

Abandoning a street and flirting with forging a new alliance were among issues Carson City’s Board of Supervisors tackled Thursday.

Carson City to host rape exams again this fall

Sexual assault exams for rape victims to help them and law enforcement will be done again in Carson City beginning this autumn.

Carson City Millennium Bugs playing Reno Artown show Wednesday

The Millennium Bugs, a five-piece combo affiliated with the Mile High Jazz Band, will play traditional jazz in an Artown concert from 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesday inside St. James Infirmary in Reno.

Carson City man arrested on statutory sexual seduction

A Carson City man was arrested on suspicion of statutory sexual seduction after getting extradited from California. Jacob Houser, 21, was arrested for category A felony of statutory sexual seduction/sexual assault July 8 in Sacramento, Calif., then extradited to Carson City Wednesday.

Five public safety employees honored

The Department of Public Safety on Wednesday honored five of its nearly 1,500 employees for outstanding service in the past year, including three based in Carson City.

Stars keep coming back to ACC

Twenty-six years ago, the American Century Championship came to Tahoe Edgewood Golf Course.

Wanting ‘Moore’ out of life

STATELINE — Chuck Moore is no stranger to volunteering.

Carson City Community Center site of landscape photo display by artist Deon Reynolds

The artist of black and white landscape photographs on display at the Carson City Community Center says his work reflects on small moments of human activity in Nevada’s vast vistas.

Nevada Army National Guard prepares for wildfire season

RENO — With wildfire season in full effect, it’s important for the Army National Guard pilots to be prepared to help combat fires that may break out across Nevada and California. In order to prepare, the Army National Guard had training to practice its water bucket drop Wednesday in Reno. It traveled from the Reno-Stead Airport south to the Stampede Reservoir near Truckee, Calif.

Haycock recommended as head of Nevada Public Employees Benefit Program

The Public Employees Benefit Program board voted unanimously on Thursday to recommend the appointment of Damon Haycock as the new PEBP Executive Officer.

Warriors Pfeifer, Gorman ready for ACC

STATELINE — A year ago, Chad Pfeifer earned an invite to the American Century Championship after winning the 2013 George Bush Presidential Centers Warrior Open.

Thursday, July 16

Gunslinger Tolliver is ACC favorite

STATELINE — Rick Rhoden, Mark Rypien and Billy Joe Tolliver are three of the most recognizable names in the 26-year history of the American Century Championship.

Wolf Pack football just slave to ESPN

Sports fodder for a Friday morning . . . We are now less than 50 days away from the Nevada Wolf Pack football team’s season opener Sept. 3 against UC Davis and we still don’t know when nine of the 12 games this season will start.

The great Silver State Scavenger Hunt allure

The Silver State great tour begins tomorrow. It’s not exactly a car tour, but a traveling scavenger hunt to see Nevada up close and a little more personal.

Taxable sales dip after adjustments

Churchill County sales dropped 41 percent in April to a little more than $14 million due to tax abatements for geothermal and a posting error that was corrected.

Air raid to Reno

Most Division I quarterbacks have two to three years of starting experience under their belt in high school. It the cutthroat world of college athletics, however, one Fallon standout only needs one year to reach his goal.

Tony Calabro, John Gwaltney, Ron Remington & Carol Lucey: Time to set colleges free

The governor, legislature, Board of Regents, and Nevada System of Higher Education deserve to be commended for working to improve education in Nevada during the 2015 legislative session.

Reality check for Northern Nevada real estate industry?

Northern Nevada needs thousands of new homes to meet demand from a jump in jobs and population growth expected in the next few years.

JoAnne Skelly: Water efficient landscapes to deal with the drought

Around Northern Nevada, we have been asked to reduce our water use by at least 10 percent to conserve water during the drought. In summer, we use 50 percent or more of our water irrigating our landscapes. With that in mind, here are a few tips on watering more efficiently and a few ideas on how to cut back on water use.

Big books for summer reading

Two recent releases — big in both size and scope — might be the just the thing for your summer reading choices.


The University of Nevada Cooperative Extension is offering eight new “Grow Your Own, Nevada!” classes at 12 locations statewide to help Nevadans who want to get on a path to more sustainable, local, healthy living by growing more of their own food.

Summer offers theme trains, scavenger trips

COMSTOCK MUSEUM EXHIBITION The Comstock History Center Museum’s A Brushwork Roundup: Western Paintings and Drawings by Craig Sheppard will run through Sept. 12.

What happens to my IRA after I’m gone?

Contributing to an IRA can help you build some of the resources you will need to enjoy a comfortable retirement. But what happens to your IRA if you don’t use it up in your lifetime?

Calling an offensive foul

Generally, I’m not a very trendy kind of guy. I had short hair when long hair was fashionable, then grew my hair long when the clean-cut look was trendy. Heck, I didn’t take up surfing until I was in my 20s and I just remembered the Alamo last week; I’m always behind the times. Lately I’ve noticed that the current fad is to be unreasonably offended and expect the world to care … I think I can ride this wave!

High tech music for cats

I just love science, and I’m always thrilled when I read studies related to animals and how they think. It’s about time we humans try to understand the creatures who make our lives so much richer. When I happened upon an article by Dr. Charles Snowdon, a psychologist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, I couldn’t resist reading it and then listening to cat music.

A final search of Interstate 80’s obscure exits

This week we are concluding our search for the meaning behind Interstate 80’s more obscure roadside exits.

Why we support Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker

Editor’s note: Assistant Controller Geoffrey Lawrence co-wrote this column.

UNCE certifies green industry professionals

RENO — Landscaping and gardening in Nevada’s climate is difficult. Many solutions that make for beautiful and sustainable gardens elsewhere don’t work here, especially during the drought. As a result, people involved in the green industry, including landscapers, landscape contractors, nursery workers, arborists and golf course maintenance staff, need special training about growing and landscaping in Nevada’s high-desert conditions. Unfortunately, green industry businesses often don’t have the time or budget for training new employees.

BLM announces plan to curb wild horse, burro herds

RENO — As part of its ongoing commitment to improving the health and management of wild horses and burros on federal lands in the West, the Bureau of Land Management recently said it will initiate 21 research projects aimed at developing new tools for managing healthy horses and burros on healthy rangelands, including safe and effective ways to slow the population growth rate of the animals and reduce the need to remove animals from the public lands.

Swirczek takes oath for new city position

Ryan Swirczek was recently appointed as Fallon’s deputy director Public Works by Mayor Ken Tedford.

County Commissioners OK added IT support

The Churchill County Commissioners approved at their Wednesday meeting to request proposals for professional services providing IT support to administrative offices.

Municipal airport receives FAA grant

The Federal Aviation Administration has awarded more than $6.2 million in grants for improvements to rural Nevada airports including those in Fallon and Lovelock. Nevada Sen. Harry Reid, who made the announcement, said the grants will fund construction projects, modernize equipment, improve runways and enhance safety at airports in rural counties throughout state.

Making time for mid-year planning

Even with half of the year in the books, many small business owners in Fallon wait until December or January to assess their business and identify ways to improve its financial performance. Yet making time in July for a mid-year check-in — when you have a good idea of your business’ needs — may be one of the best times to help your business save time and money, and operate more efficiently in the long run.


Sefton joins advisory board Don Sefton of Fallon joined the Community Foundation Advisory Board on July 1.

Ricken battles through injuries to start for Bulldogs

After leading the Greenwave to multiple state titles, Rileigh Ricken was prepared to do it all over again. But on a much bigger stage.

Tolliver favored to win ACC, defending champion Rypien listed at 5-1

STATELINE — Four-time champion Billy Joe Tolliver, former quarterback for five NFL teams, is now the top choice of Harrah’s and Harveys Race & Sports Book to win the 26th-annual American Century Championship celebrity golf tournament that starts Friday at Edgewood Tahoe Golf Course. He is listed at 7-2 to win the event over defending champion Mark Rypien and perennial contenders John Smoltz and John Elway at the event airing on NBC, NBC Sports Network and Golf Channel.

ACC’s Tim Brown, Jerome Bettis set to join NFL Hall of Fame

The American Century Championship’s 2015 field features six NFL Hall of Famers — and two more on the verge of enshrinement in Canton. Tim Brown and Jerome Bettis will join pro football’s elite next month after long waits — but not before trying to make a name for themselves on the links.

YEC presents class on writing media releases

The Young Entrepreneurs Collective in collaboration with the Fallon Co-Working Space hosts the fifth class in an ongoing class series for entrepreneurs Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. at the Old Post Office, 90 N. Maine St.

Carson City Sheriff’s Office: Woman arrested on suspicion of unlawful taking of vehicle

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All are considered innocent until proven guilty in court. WEDNESDAY At 8:45 p.m., Jacob Houser, 21, a transient, was arrested on suspicion of felony sexual assault/statutory sexual seduction. Bail was set at $100,000.

MGM accepts bid from Eldorado

A big casino consolidation is coming to downtown Reno. Cost: $72.5 million.

Marjorie Ann Mullin Saarem

Marjorie Ann Mullin Saarem of Carson City, Nevada, passed away peacefully, yet unexpectedly, on Friday, July 10, 2015, at the age of 80. Marge was born to Norman (Buck) Mullin and Helen Rose Lee on December 18, 1934, in Spalding, Nebraska. Marge and her 11 brothers and sisters were all raised in Albion, Nebraska. Marge graduated from Albion High School where she lettered for three years, was head cheerleader, and was crowned as Harvest of Harmony Queen.

Minden concert series hosting Southern tribute band Savannah Blue

The Douglas County Parks & Recreation Department 2015 GE Family Concert Series continues Friday when Savannah Blue, A Southern Rock Review, takes the stage in Minden Park.

Wednesday, July 15

Carson City Sheriff’s Office: Man arrested on petit larceny

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All are considered innocent until proven guilty in court. TUESDAY At 10:33 a.m., a 37-year-old transient man was arrested on suspicion of petit larceny after deputies responded to reports of a man taking beer from the 5th Street Jacksons. Bail was set at $250.

Unemployment trust fund back up to $341 million

Nevada’s unemployment trust fund, decimated by the recession, has climbed back to $341.3 million as of this week, Employment Security Administrator Renee Olson told the Employment Security Council on Tuesday.

Carson City area live entertainment

Craig Fletcher will perform with Mick Valentino at 6:30 p.m. today at Glen Eagles, 3700 N. Carson St. Fletcher will perform with Terri Campillo and Rocky Tatarelli at 6:30 p.m. Friday, and with Gerry Wright and Campillo at 6:30 p.m. Saturday at Glen Eagles.

ACC Notebook: Altered ninth hole receiving rave reviews

STATELINE — There’s something different about the Edgewood Tahoe Golf Course this year.

Roadway flooding forces closure of State Route 839 east of Fallon

FALLON — The Nevada Department of Transportation has temporarily closed a portion of State Route 839 east of Fallon following roadway flooding and erosion.

Silver City Arts Group hosting fine arts reception Saturday

Silver City Arts Group is hosting a fine arts exhibit with an unusual twist. Instead of displaying work by a single artist, the group is putting on an eclectic display of artwork from private collections of Silver City residents.

Carson City Rockin’ Rev Ken Haskins hosting radio program Saturday

The Rockin’ Rev will feature songs about cars and vocal groups named after popular makes of cars on Saturday’s edition of “Reminiscing With The Rockin’ Rev,” a radio program that airs 2-6 p.m. Saturday on AM 1180 KCKQ.

ACC’s Tim Brown, Jerome Bettis set to join NFL Hall of Fame

The American Century Championship’s 2015 field features six NFL Hall of Famers — and two more on the verge of enshrinement in Canton. Tim Brown and Jerome Bettis will join pro football’s elite next month after long waits — but not before trying to make a name for themselves on the links.

Trendy but calm: Adult coloring books selling like crazy

NEW YORK — Adult coloring books are giving Harper Lee a run for the money on best-seller lists this summer.

Apple’s updates iPod Touch amid declining sales

NEW YORK — Although the iPod’s popularity has waned, Apple is updating its music player for the first time in nearly three years by giving the flagship Touch model a faster processor and better cameras.

November Nine: $7.7 millionto World Series of Poker champion

LAS VEGAS — For nine poker players, the dream is just beginning after outlasting 6,411 others in days of near marathon-length games to advance to the final table of the World Series of Poker’s no-limit Texas Hold ‘em main event in November.

Recipe: Gluten-free chocolate cake by Susan Hart

June birthdays! They are gone (for this year), but not forgotten! I had the pleasure of baking gluten-free cakes for some of my favorite June celebrants this year. The standout is always this amazing, rich cake which is both gluten and dairy free. It’s no less satisfying for that. My nephew, Israel, also a June birthday boy, says his Aunt Susan “makes the best chocolate cake in the whole, wide world!” At least he says that when I’m visiting and knows he can get me to make a cake.

Carson City Sheriff’s Office short-staffed due to officer injury

When a sheriff’s department as small as Carson City’s loses an active duty officer as it recently did, that agency needs to have a contingency plan to deal with such a significant loss. Officials with the department said while it’s difficult, they can deal with the loss of an officer.

Carson City Sheriff’s Office: Man arrested for disorderly conduct

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All are considered innocent until proven guilty in court. MONDAY At 10:02 a.m., a 34-year-old Carson City man was arrested on suspicion of disorderly conduct after deputies responded to reports of an unwanted man hitting cars in the Carson Street Shell Station. Bail was set at $150.

San Francisco 49ers QB Colin Kaepernick confident heading into season

Skepticism about the San Francisco 49ers and quarterback Colin Kaepernick has been a theme during this football offseason after the team came off an 8-8 finish last year. And new 49ers coach Jim Tomsula certainly has his skeptics.

Carson City man involved in officer injury case to plead guilty

The man involved in an officer injury case stated in court Tuesday he’s planning on pleading guilty to assault on a peace officer. Daniel Torres was arrested in late May after officers were called to the 400 block of S. Saliman Road for a child endangerment call. Torres was threatening to throw an infant into a swimming pool and threw a bicycle at officers when they arrived on scene. Torres tried to block himself in a nearby apartment and deputies heard women screaming from inside the residence.

Two arrested in Carson City SWAT raid of drug house early Wednesday

The Carson City SWAT Team was involved in a multi-jurisdictional narcotics operation early Wednesday morning to try and apprehend a group of high level drug traffickers.

Tuesday, July 14

LVN editor wins major award for editorial writing

Top community editors and contributors to journalism were recently recognized in Columbia, Mo., at the annual International Society of Weekly Newspaper Editors, an organization that includes membership in the United States, Canada, Ireland, the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand.

Equality and the Confederate flag

“Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.” Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address

The ‘right’ choice is clear as Heck

Republican Congressman Joe Heck has now officially entered the race to replace Harry Reid in the United States Senate. His anointed Democrat opponent, Catherine Masto, is a partisan left-winger who would essentially be Sen. Reid’s sixth term - but without the clout.

Fallon man earns master’s degree from the Naval Postgraduate School

Ken Thomas of Fallon received in June a Master of Science in Contract Management (MSCM) graduate degree from the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California.

YEC class focuses on design basics

The Young Entrepreneurs Collective in collaboration with the Fallon Co-Working Space continues its free six-class business education series tonight at the Old Post Office.

EPA’s unconstitutional power grab of water

Few states feel the importance of water more keenly than Nevada, where cities and towns are surrounded by high sierra and desert landscapes. But agriculture, industry, and nature can all thrive here, even in the midst of a severe drought, largely because our delicate ecosystem is regulated and maintained at the local and state levels, where citizens consult their elected representatives and express their needs to listening ears.

Reno defeats Tacoma before all-star break

RENO — Matt Pagnozzi provided the game-tying and go-ahead hits for the Reno Silver Sox (Aces) in a 5-4 victory over the Tacoma Rainiers Sunday afternoon at Aces Ballpark.

Extra water for growing season

What looked like a very bleak growing season in the early spring is showing some life because of unusual weather patterns that began producing rain in the Lahontan Valley in late April and continuing through last weekend.

Forget fad diets and focus on health

If you recently committed to managing your weight or dieting, it may be time to change your approach. For long-term results, ditch fad dieting and adopt a balanced approach to eating with a focus on healthy foods.

Carson City symposium to demystify transgender community

A transgender symposium is planned for 6:30 p.m. Thursday at the Brewery Arts Center in Carson City.

County meeting today

The second County Commission meeting of July will be conducted today at 1:15 p.m. at the Churchill County Administration Building chambers, 155 N. Taylor St.


The following births occurred at Banner Churchill Community Hospital:

Two Wolf Pack players named to watch lists

Junior defensive end Ian Seau has been named to the Bronko Nagurski Trophy Watch List, the Football Writers Association of America announced on Friday. Seau is one of four players from the Mountain West listed on the watch list for the award, which is given annually to the best defensive player in the nation.

Positive Storms

While last week’s intense thunderstorms caused pedestrians to scramble for shelter and motorists to drive more carefully on streets and county roads, area growers are rejoicing.

Upsets the name of the game at last weekend’s Top Gun Raceway

The leaderboard in many of the racing divisions at Top Gun Raceway tightened some what after Saturday’s full-day of racing.

Time to sign up for programs

The summer reading program is underway! There is still time to sign up and participate in self-directed crafts, storytime and Lego Club. Thursdays are program day and is the place to be. A schedule of events is available at the library or on the website at and on Facebook at The program includes an adult component this year so it is fun for the entire family. Stop by the library for details and join the fun!

Mary Decker Slaney goes the distance at alpine Death Ride

During a legendary track and field career that spanned the 1970s, ‘80s and ‘90s, Mary Decker Slaney was accustomed to running before crowds that numbered in the thousands.

ACC back in swing: Sports, entertainment stars set to take over South Shore for celebrity golf

Athletes and celebrities are set to get back in the swing of things along the shores of Lake Tahoe. The 26th-annual American Century Championship tees off next week at Edgewood Tahoe Golf Course, the latest edition of the South Shore’s star-studded event.

Understanding dental terminology

Ever heard your dentist use a word or phrase you didn’t understand? You’re not alone!

School board to restore CCHS dean of students

The Churchill County School Board of Trustees voted Thursday to restore the dean of students position after a $2.3 million deficit caused a reduce of force.

San Francisco 49ers QB Colin Kaepernick confident heading into season

Skepticism about the San Francisco 49ers and quarterback Colin Kaepernick has been a theme during this football offseason after the team came off an 8-8 finish last year. And new 49ers coach Jim Tomsula certainly has his skeptics.

Western Nevada College receives grant for Applied Industrial Technology program

Western Nevada College has received a grant to purchase Department of Labor approved equipment, course development, grant management staff assistance to students and program support for the college’s newly expanded Applied Industrial Technology program.

A flexible way to lose weight

When it comes to losing weight, finding an eating plan that offers flexibility and food variety makes it easier to create a sustainable foundation for healthier lifestyle choices.

Fallon grad seeks House seat

A Churchill County High School graduate and former speaker of the state Assembly has thrown his hat into the race for the Fourth Congressional District, a spot held by first-term Republican Cresent Hardy.

Lake Tahoe neighborhood ‘angry and horrified’ with bear’s fatal shooting (update)

State wildlife authorities are investigating if man acted in self-defense when he shot and killed a young black bear near Pioneer Trail at Lake Tahoe’s South Shore late Thursday. California Department of Fish and Wildlife Capt. Patrick Foy said the man’s name has not been released because the bear’s death is under investigation, and the man hasn’t been cited.

Carson City Soroptimist collecting school supplies through Aug. 7

Each year Carson City Soroptimist gathers hundreds of new backpacks, filling each with school and hygiene supplies, which are given to local elementary, middle, and high schools as needed.

Pluto gets its close-up

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — We’ve made it to Pluto by NASA’s calculations, the last stop on a planetary tour of the solar system a half-century in the making.

Dangberg Home Ranch Park in Minden hosting Carson Valley Quilt Guild

The Carson Valley Quilt Guild will conduct a bed turning quilt display in a free presentation at the Dangberg Home Ranch Historic Park at 10 a.m. Saturday.

Carson City Eagle Valley Golf hosting women’s golf tournament July 29

Eagle Valley Women’s Golf Club is hosting its Wild-Wild West golf tournament for female golfers on Wednesday, July 29.

Nevada experience key to Maui program’s success — on and off the court

VIRGINIA CITY — Yes, the Lahainaluna High School boys basketball program has gained success on the court. But more important, the student-athletes have learned lessons for success in life as well.

Monday, July 13

Reality check for Northern Nevada real estate industry?

Northern Nevada needs thousands of new homes to meet demand from a jump in jobs and population growth expected in the next few years.

Last member of Carson City drug ring admits involvement

The last man arrested as a part of a Carson City drug ring entered a guilty plea Monday in District Court. James Tito, 41 pleaded guilty to level three drug trafficking.

Romeo and Juliet highlights 2015 Tahoe Shakespeare fest

INCLINE VILLAGE, Nev. — Shakespeare under the stars will return to Lake Tahoe this weekend, featuring arguably the best summer lineup in years.

Carson City Sheriff’s Office: Woman arrested with doctored firearm

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All are considered innocent until proven guilty in court. Carson City THURSDAY At 11:01 a.m., Pamela Warner, of Carson City, was arrested on suspicion of felony obtaining money/goods/services under false pretenses and violation of bail condition after deputies responded to reports of a woman picking up a prescription that was not hers at the Highway 50 CVS. Bail was set at $5,000.

John C. Blow

John Blow passed away in the Trauma ICU of Renown Medical Center from complications following surgery to remove his ruptured spleen. His loving family surrounded and supported him in this final passage. John was born and raised in southern Illinois.

Norma R. Gohlke

Norma R. Gohlke, 89, of Springfield Twp., passed away July 3, 2015 on the anniversary of her husband’s birthday. Born in Akron to the late Joseph M. and Julia E. (Weaver) Wein, Mom was devoted to her

Justice Department accuses Carson City landlords of discrimination

The federal Justice Department has filed suit accusing two Carson City landlords of discrimination by refusing to rent to people with children.

Carson City Sassafras hosting comedians Ngaio Bealum & Andrew Holmgren

Sassafras, 1500 Old Hot Springs Road, is hosting a comedy performance by Ngaio Bealum and Andrew Holmgren at 9 p.m. Saturday.

Carson City Chamber of Commerce hosting garden party mixer Wednesday

Attendees of Carson City Chamber of Commerce’s mixer, whose theme is “Garden party,” from 5 to 7 p.m. Wednesday at Sierra Place, are invited to don festive hats while networking and enjoying appetizers.

Friends of the Carson City Library hosting Christmas in July food drive

Friends of the Carson City Library’s Christmas in July food drive is collecting non-perishable food through July 25 for the Ron Wood Family Resource Center.

Carson City Sheriff Ken Furlong to feature at Emblem Club event July 20

Carson City Emblems Club #507 is hosting a social with Sheriff Ken Furlong at 5:30 p.m. July 20 at Carson City Elks Lodge, 515 N. Nevada St.

Children’s Museum of Northern Nevada in Carson City seeks items for sale

The Children’s Museum of Northern Nevada is accepting donations of items to sell at its yard sale, planned from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sept. 12.

Nevada Fair in Carson City site of inaugural horse soldier exhibition

The glory days of the United States Cavalry will be highlighted in the inaugural Nevada Civil War Volunteers Horse Soldier Exhibition, hosted by 1st Nevada Cavalry, Troop D, in conjunction with Nevada Civil War Volunteers, at 6 p.m. July 30 in the Fuji Park Rodeo Arena at the Nevada Fair.

Douglas County Democrats holding annual picnic July 25 in Genoa

Douglas County Superintendent of Schools Teri White will be featured at Douglas County Democrats’ annual picnic from 2 to 5 p.m. July 25 in Mormon Station Park in Genoa.

Carson City Community Center hosting Eckankar worship service Saturday

“HU, The Most Beautiful Prayer” is the topic of a worship service sponsored by Eckankar, Religion of the Light and Sound of God, at 10 a.m. Saturday at the Carson City Community Center.

Salvation Army collecting school supplies for disadvantaged students

The Salvation Army is collecting backpacks and school supplies for disadvantaged children through Aug. 13.

WNC Student Veterans Club to host pancake breakfast Sunday

Western Nevada College’s Student Veterans Club is arranging a pancake breakfast and games for children at 8 a.m. Sunday at Elks Lodge, 515 N. Nevada St.

Saturday, July 11

American Century Championship returns to Lake Tahoe

TAHOE-TRUCKEE, Calif. — Lake Tahoe’s biggest week for the public to gush over and rub shoulders with the world’s most recognizable celebrities and athletes is almost upon us.

Nevada Nurses Foundation hosts Big Hat Tea

Nevada Nurses Foundation held its inaugural Big Hat Tea June 27 at the Governor’s Mansion with harp music by Sable Shaw, tea, food, big hats and entertainment by Ted Nagel of Rolling Thunder with vocalist Darlene Bujold.

Carson City Board of Supervisors ponders joining Nevada League of Cities

Discussion and possible action Thursday by Carson City’s Board of Supervisors will include whether to consider joining the Nevada League of Cities.

Military news & notes: Carson High grad commissioned as Navy ensign

Evan Richards, a 2011 graduate of Carson High School, was commissioned as an Ensign in the U.S. Navy on June 12. He was administered the Oath of Office by his brother, Marine Corps 2nd Lt. Andrew Richards, a 2009 graduate of Carson High School.

Education achievements: Eian Gilbert graduates from Kent State University

Eian Gilbert of Carson City graduated from Kent State University with a Master of Public Administration from the College of Arts and Sciences.

Carson City Sheriff’s Office arrests three for driving impaired during daylight hours

The Carson City Sheriff’s Office along with other agencies throughout Nevada, regularly participates in Joining Forces. During these times, additional deputies are put out on the street looking for intoxicated or impaired drivers.

Washington fire doesn’t stop Death Ride event

Extreme weather — heat, rain, sleet, maybe even a snow flake or two — have challenged cyclists over the years during the Death Ride, Tour of the California Alps.

‘Flashbacks’ expected during Carson follies

If you are looking for some family fun to do that also supports the senior citizens of Carson City then you want to attend this year’s Senior Follies production titled “Flashbacks!” Ticket prices for this two-hour musical comedy variety show are only $10 per person for ages 5 and up. All proceeds from ticket sales go to the Carson City Senior Meal Programs.

Friday, July 10

Roger Diez column: NASCAR needs to focus on safety

Well, it happened again; catch fence destroyed, fans injured, driver lucky to escape alive.

Friday’s weather: More thunderstorms later today

Scattered thunderstorms. Some of the storms could produce heavy rain. Partly sunny, with a high near 79. Southwest wind around 10 mph. Chance of precipitation is 30%.

1 in 50 million find: Split-colored lobster caught off Maine

SCARBOROUGH, Maine — A rare orange-brown split-colored lobster has turned up off the coast of Maine.

Carson City Sheriff’s Office: Man arrested as fugitive from justice

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All are considered innocent until proven guilty in court. THURSDAY At 12:41 a.m., a 40-year-old Reno man was arrested on suspicion of expired registration, fictitious registration, no valid driver’s license, no proof of insurance and failure to appear warrant after deputies initiated a traffic stop near Highway 50 and College Parkway. Bail was set at $1,495.

Silver City hosting children’s science activity with Jim Barcellos Wednesday

Jim Barcellos of University of Nevada Cooperative Extension is returning to Silver City to offer a free hands-on science activity for ages 8-12 from 10 a.m. to noon Wednesday at Silver City Community Center and School House, 385 High St.

Fernley author Mary Jean Kelso writes third novel in Lynne Garrett series

Wings Press, Inc. recently released “Never Say Goodbye,” the third novel in the Lynne Garrett series by Fernley’s Mary Jean Kelso.

Nevada State Museum in Carson City hosting author Ann Ronald July 23

The heyday of above-ground atomic testing is the topic of the Nevada State Museum’s July 23 lecture, in which Ann Ronald will talk about her book, “Friendly Fallout 1953,” and explain how she projected accurate details through an imaginary lens.

Six arrested in Carson City for possible burglary ring

A shoplifting call at the Target resulted in the arrest of a half-dozen people in Carson City on Wednesday. Reno residents Tommy Eugene Anderson, 42, Rebecca Ann Ervin, 29, Josiah Andrew Perkins, 42, Jagger Audreaon Garcia-Toussant, 21, Garrett Preston, 21, and Nathaniel Perkins, 22, were taken into custody after they were stopped at the Carson City Lowe’s.

Frustrating loss for Carson City Juniors

It wasn’t supposed to end this way for the Carson City Juniors All-Star team at the District I Little League Baseball Tournament.

Thursday, July 9

Friday Fodder: NHL saying Viva Las Vegas?

Sports fodder for a Friday morning ... Could Las Vegas support an NHL franchise? Of course it could. All it needs to do is cover the arena with a ton of neon, let two dozen showgirls and a dozen fat guys dressed like Elvis walk around the concourse and offer a free buffet between periods and the place would sell out.

Parade winners

The following are this year’s Fourth of July parade winners: Best Automobile Antique Car Club

Keeping employees safe when the temperature rises

Summer is now upon us. That means the next three months will be the longest and sunniest days of the year in North America. And, in Nevada, it gets mighty hot in the summer. Average summer temperature is 92 degrees and there are plenty of days that climbs even higher.

North Tahoe only major NV market down in gaming win in 2015

CARSON CITY, Nev. — In May, Nevada casinos posted their first billion dollar month since December 2013.

Innovation is the key in crowded marketplace

Greek yogurt in your body wash? Body powder in a spray can? What makes some products sink and some products swim? According to the experts, it comes down to innovations like these, as nearly 50,000 new packaged goods products are introduced each year into the market.

New non-stop flights will link Reno to Boise

Alaska Airlines is adding a daily non-stop flight from Reno to Boise come this fall. Horizon Air, Alaska’s sister carrier, will start taking passengers on the 76-seat plane to and from Nevada on November 5.

Keep investments from going on vacation

It’s that time of year when many of us hit the road for a summer vacation. If you are fortunate, you will be joining them — after all, “all work and no play” is a difficult way to live. But while you may not think it beneficial to work all the time, the same can’t be said of your investments and your investment strategy — because, ideally, they should never stop laboring on your behalf.


The University of Nevada Cooperative Extension is offering eight new “Grow Your Own, Nevada!” classes at 12 locations statewide to help Nevadans who want to get on a path to more sustainable, local, healthy living by growing more of their own food.

Trump’s wrong: We need many more legal immigrants

Editor’s note: Assistant Controller Geoffrey Lawrence co-wrote this column.

July 5 is lost dog day

I hope everyone had a wonderful Fourth of July. I was surprised to find out that July 5 is the day each year when they have the most lost dogs brought into animal shelters. It makes sense because a lot of folks watch the fire-works, and they leave their dogs in the yard. Not all dogs are afraid of loud noises, but those that are try to escape the sound that they perceive as danger.

It can’t happen here

The impending Greece default has been overlooked in most of the news. I don’t know if this is that it is being crowded out by other items or if reporters don’t understand the implications of a Greek default, but it deserves more attention than it is getting.

Final chapter of my trip to Jordan

Remote Air base in the desert — I’m up before the sun because between all of the coffee and tea I had consumed and the jetlag sleep was not an option.

U.S. Supreme Court preserves ACA marketplaces

The Supreme Court recently announced their decision upholding tax subsidies to help people purchase individual health insurance plans through a federal health insurance marketplace.

Business strategies offered for producers

RENO — University of Nevada Cooperative Extension is offering business strategies workshops this month for Nevada agriculture producers. The workshops are for owners, operators and successors of farming and ranching operations who want to transition their operations into more dynamic or expanded businesses.

Museum celebrates local artist

The Churchill County Museum displays a vintage gas pump and watercolor exhibit until the end of July. The “Art of April Oakden” is enhanced by the Petroliana collection of Dwight Hunter.

School district reassigns three administrators

Now that the Churchill County School District has officially gone to grade-level schools, the shifting of principals has begun. Superintendent Dr. Sandra Sheldon said for the most part the principals have remained the same, with a few minor switches.


Churchill County Senior Center 310 E. Court St. Fallon, NV 89406 775-423-7096

Judge sends Fallon man to prison

A Fallon man who pleaded guilty last year of placing graffiti and defacing Hidden Cave north of Grimes Point was sentenced to the Nevada State Prison on Tuesday for violating his probation.

Updated law helps distressed homeowners

CARSON CITY — A successful update to Nevada’s Foreclosure Mediation Program, which gives distressed homeowners an option supporters say could dramatically reduce the number of foreclosures in the state, was part of this year’s legislative session.


ceda breakfast The Churchill Economic Development Authority’s monthly Business Council breakfast is Wednesday at 7 a.m. at Stockman’s.

Flash flood warning for Fallon, Churchill Co


Silver Springs woman arrested in relation to house fire

A Lyon County woman was arrested Wednesday in connection with a fire that destroyed a Silver Springs home. Susan McInnes was arrested on suspicion of first degree arson after the fire department was dispatched to a structure fire at 3:45 p.m. at the 1400 block of Fifth Street in Silver Springs. By the time fire crews arrived, the fire had engulfed 90 percent of the 1,500 square foot structure, but the fire was extinguished without further incident and no one was injured.

Carson City chili & craft fair for Honor Flight Nevada Saturday at Glen Eagles

Honor Flight Nevada is hosting its annual High Sierra Regional Chili Cook Off and Craft Fair — offering live music, a raffle, crafts and a people’s choice chili competition — from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday at Glen Eagles, 3700 N. Carson St.

Throwing rope

Momentum is a powerful wave and at least one Fallon cowboy is along for the ride.

Top Gun resumes racing this weekend

After taking a month break from Octane Fest, Top Gun Raceway lights up today and Saturday for two days of action capped by a special “GM” race.

Tennis beckons an encore for this family

They’re just sitting there, collecting dust. The strings are shot. The grip has faded. The dampener doesn’t fit anymore.

Tahoe celebrity golf tournament to get started in relaxed fashion

While the bulk of the American Century Championship celebrity golf tournament at Edgewood-Tahoe Golf Course doesn’t get started until next weekend, sports fans and autograph seekers will have several chances to get a relaxed look at some of the 2015 field this week.

Pack TE named to watch list

Jarred Gipson has been named to the 2015 John Mackay Award Preseason Watch List. Gipson is one of 33 players nationally and one of five from the Mountain West to be named to the watch list for the award, which is given annually to the most outstanding collegiate tight end.

Piper’s Opera House in Virginia City hosting tribute to women of country music

Piper’s Opera House in Virginia City is presenting Country Queens, a show by Bethany Owen that pays tribute to legendary women of classic country music, at 7 p.m. July 22.

Carson City Nugget hosting Silver Sierra Adventurers Travel Club Tuesday

Silver Sierra Adventurers Travel Club for seniors meets on the second Tuesday of the month in one of the upstairs banquet rooms of the Carson Nugget. Its next meeting will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday, when current and upcoming trips will be talked about.

Carson City area live entertainment

Craig Fletcher will perform with Mick Valentino at 6:30 p.m. today at Glen Eagles, 3700 N. Carson St. Fletcher will perform with Terri Campillo and Rocky Tatarelli at 6:30 p.m. Friday, and with Gerry Wright and Campillo at 6:30 p.m. Saturday at Glen Eagles.

Carson City GOP leaders unhappy with local Republicans

Local Republican party leaders here challenge the new state tax program, want to recall their state senator and find an opponent for Assemblyman P.K. O’Neill.

Carson City Sheriff’s Office: Men arrested for possible burglary

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All are considered innocent until proven guilty in court. WEDNESDAY At 11:03 p.m., Garrett Preston, 21, of Reno was arrested on suspicion of felony possession of burglary tools, possession of drug paraphernalia, obstruction, failure to appear warrant and contempt of court warrant and Nathaniel Perkins, 22, of Reno was arrested on suspicion of felony possession of a dangerous drug without a prescription, possession of drug paraphernalia and contempt of court warrant after deputies responded to an attempt to locate call for suspects who may have robbed the Douglas County Target. Bail for Preston was set at $5,177 and bail for Perkins was set at $4,800.

More storms predicted for western Nevada


Carson City Sheriff’s Office looking for community members for Relay for Life

The Carson City Sheriff’s Office is looking for community members to join its Relay For Life team.

TMCC will offer bachelor of applied science degrees

Nevada System of Higher Education Board of Regents approved two first-ever Bachelor of Applied Science degrees to be offered by Truckee Meadows Community College starting fall semester 2016. TMCC is the only college in Nevada that will offer a bachelor’s degree of applied science in logistics Operations Management Emergency Management and Homeland Security – Public Safety

USDA official hears local success stories

The Northern Nevada Business Weekly welcomed Lillian Salerno, who helps spearhead economic development in rural America, to its Reno offices during her recent visit to the region.

Lake Tahoe Valhalla Art, Music & Theatre Festival to feature Me and Bobby McGee

Boot stomping to bluegrass in a 1920s boat house turned theater with Lake Tahoe in the background, kicking back at free concerts on a historic lakeshore estate’s grand lawn, and experiencing the Washoe Tribe’s ceremonial dances and drumming are some of the many iconic experiences at Lake Tahoe’s Valhalla Arts, Music & Theatre Festival this month.

Carson City Nugget hosting comedian Justin Berkman July 17

A Los Angeles native and Stanford University graduate is taking center stage at 7 p.m. Friday, July 17, at Carson Nugget’s comedy venue.

Wednesday, July 8

The naked truth: Cathouse owner Dennis Hof to explore Nevada Senate run

Dennis Hof — legal brothel mogul, HBO-TV star, best-selling author, successful business entrepreneur and Nevadan, has announced he has joined the Libertarian Party and has organized an exploratory committee to run for U.S. Senate.

Carson City Sheriff’s Office: Man arrested on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All are considered innocent until proven guilty in court. TUESDAY At 9 a.m., Brett Adame, 24, of Carson City was arrested on suspicion of two counts of felony sale of a controlled substance and felony possession of a controlled substance. Bail was set at $20,000.

Carson City Rockin’ Rev Ken Haskins hosting guitarist Dick Dale Saturday

This week’s Reminiscing with the Rockin’ Rev’s radio program with Carson City’s Ken Haskins will feature guitarist and creator of surf rock, Dick Dale, at 2:30 p.m. Saturday on AM 1180 KCKQ.

Carson City Ward I Supervisor Karen Abowd hosting meeting Friday

Carson City Ward I Supervisor Karen Abowd is hosting her monthly walkabout meeting Friday in Mills Park.

Nevada State Museum’s Family Fun Saturday program explores American Indians

“Project Archaeology: Investigating Shelter,” the program for this months Family Fun Saturday event at the Nevada State Museum, will focus on American Indian cultures of the Great Basin, with an emphasis on archaeological methods for learning about ways shelters were used in the past.

Carson City Library hosting western author Jack Harpster July 21

The author of several biographies about historical entrepreneurs of the West will be featured at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 21, in Carson City Library’s Digitorium.

Carson City Tennis Club hosting tournament July 25 at Centennial Park

Carson Tennis Club is planning an all-day compass tournament, a competition in which everyone plays and no one is eliminated, on Saturday, July 25, at Centennial Park.

Flash flood warning issued

A flash flood warning for most of western Nevada has been issued by the Nevada Weather Service through 10 p.m. today.

Tuesday, July 7

Carson City Sheriff Ken Furlong receives National D.A.R.E Award

Carson City Sheriff Ken Furlong is being honored by D.A.R.E America and the Drug Enforcement Agency as the 2015 DEA/D.A.R.E Law Enforcement Executive of the Year. The award is given to a law enforcement officer who is committed to drug prevention and enforcement.

Carson City can’t quite beat out Reno American in Juniors opener

The last play of the game typified how the last three innings went for the Carson City Juniors Little League All-Star team in its opener of the District I Tournament

Community sports roundup: Carson City’s Lehmann youngest finisher in Ridge Run

Bryce Lehmann, 10, of Carson City became the youngest finisher at the 41st annual Ponderosa Ridge Run as the rain poured down at Lake Tahoe Saturday morning.

Support Farmer’s Market, Concert Under the Stars

Third and Curry Street Farmer’s Market is open and providing our community with the annual abundance of fresh, organic vegetables, flowers and goodies provided by home cooks, in a venue that’s festive, fun and allows neighbors to visit with each other and gain an understanding of sustainable, responsible growing practices, while building relationships with our local farmers and growers.

Carson City Sheriff’s Office search for juvenile suspects in drive-by shooting

Carson City Sheriff’s deputies are trying to locate three suspects after a drive-by shooting that occurred Monday night in Carson City. Units responded to reports of a drive-by shooting near Woodside and Stanton drives around 9 p.m. Monday. Deputies suspect the weapon was a BB pellet gun and they believe the suspects were targeting the house because of a dispute over a girl.

Fallon’s Big R earns national recognition for retail excellence

Big R of Fallon recently earned national recognition for excellence in the retail hardware and lumber industry.

Nevada Tannery holds ribbon cutting

Nevada Tannery, a one-stop shop for tanning, taxidermy and rugging needs, held its grand opening with a ribbon-cutting ceremony and open house on June 26.

Preventing those foodborne illnesses

Food safety knows no season. Everyone should have basic knowledge of how to prevent foodborne illness. Read on for some basic skills to keep you and your family safe!

Chuck Muth: Disruptive ESA’s could hasten failure factory exodus

A disruptive innovation is something unexpected that disrupts an existing product or service market and creates a new one, complete with an entire new batch of customers and usually lower prices. “Ride-sharing,” which has totally disrupted the moribund taxicab industry, is a perfect example.


WORSE IN EDUCATION Editor: While watching the Channel 8 news recently, they reported on a recent survey that put Nevada 45th in states that were business friendly.

Estimated time of departure

When one is elderly and retired, we don’t always sleep as soundly as we’d like. It’s the “bathroom” thing, of course, but it’s also the fact that most of us no longer do a lot of physical activities getting our old body’s tired enough to sleep the hours we should.

Activate summer with these tips

When short-sleeve shirts, tanks and shorts make their way into your everyday wardrobe, summer has officially arrived. And looking and feeling your best for all of those warm weather activities is important.

The government’s new $10 bill

The government has announced plans to put a woman’s face on the new $10 bill. That raises a great question: What woman should be the first to have her face on our currency? What American women might be good choices?

Fans for the seniors

The Nevada Highway Patrol stepped up again to help local senior citizens.

Horrors of World War II preserved in Berlin

BERLIN, Germany — World War II ended 70 years ago, and there’s no better place in Europe to view remnants of that war than here in Berlin, the birthplace of Hitlerism, Nazism and Fascism.

Nevada jobless rate dips below 7 percent; 6.8 for Churchill

Nevada’s unemployment rate is now officially below the 7 percent mark in all the state’s major reporting areas, putting the state’s overall rate at just 6.6 percent for May.

Honoring the Fourth of July

Brothers Bryon, left, and Curtis Hammack enjoy their ice cream cones during family fun festivities at the Churchill County Fairgrounds on the Fourth of July.

Rainy weather will be sticking around

An unsettled weather patter caused by a low level pattern shifting inland from the Pacific Coast will bring lower temperatures and more thunderstorms to Northern Nevada this week.

Today’s YEC class focuses on building business website

The Fallon Co-Working Space, in collaboration with the Young Entrepreneurs Collective, hosts the third class in a free six-class series todayday at 6:30 p.m. at the Old Post Office, 90 N. Maine St.

CCSD trustees meet Thursday

A regular meeting of the Churchill County School District Board will be held Thursday at 7 p.m. in the Churchill County Administration Office, 690 S. Maine St. Items to be discussed and that are up for possible actions include the following:


The following marriage licenses were issued by the Churchill County Clerk’s Office for June: June 1, 2015 Joshua Dwaine Squires, 22, of Fallon, and Lisa Grace Irwin, 23, of Lemon Grove, California.

TCID explains concerns

The severe drought still brings questions to the Board of Directors of the Truckee-Carson Irrigation District even after water orders have ceased.

Carson City Sheriff’s Office: Woman arrested on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon, battery

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All are considered innocent until proven guilty in court. MONDAY At 11:13 a.m., John Delaney, 58, of Carson City was arrested on suspicion of felony fugitive from justice. Bail was set at $20,000.

John Smoltz, Greg Maddux and Dr. James Andrews urge Tommy John education of Little League parents

When John Smoltz is inducted in the baseball Hall of Fame later this month, he will be making a little history.

Rain doesn’t slow Rattlesnake

Although racing was delayed until Sunday due to rain, the action at Rattlesnake Raceway heated up on Sunday.

Goings seventh at SSIR

For a number of Fallon cowboys and all cowgirls, last week was their final ride of the season.

Aces’ O’Brien slated for derby

Reno Aces outfielder Peter O’Brien will participate in the 2015 Triple-A All-Star Home Run Derby presented by Omaha Public Power District, Triple-A Baseball announced today. The event will take place on Monday at Werner Park in Omaha, Nebraska at 5:35 p.m. PST.

Commodity food distribution July 17 at Carson City Community Center

Friends In Service Helping, or FISH, will distribute free USDA commodity foods to Carson City families from 9 to 11 a.m. Friday, July 17, at the Carson City Community Center, 851 E. William St. No one will be admitted before 9 a.m.

Online petition seeks recognition for Lincoln Highway

The Lincoln Highway Association set up at petition at to seek federal recognition of the Lincoln Highway as a National Monument to President Abraham Lincoln.

Carson City Historical Society holding yard sale Saturday

More than 15 vendors will offer antiques, depression glass, collectibles, art and decor at Carson City Historical Society’s yard sale from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday at Foreman-Roberts House Museum Park, 1207 N. Carson St.

‘Tomorrow, Tomorrow’ Saturday at Piper’s Opera House in Virginia City is canceled

Opera Elect’s “Tomorrow, Tomorrow” presentation Saturday at Piper’s Opera House in Virginia City is canceled.

Carson City Supervisor Brad Bonkowski holding meeting Friday

Carson City Ward 2 Supervisor Brad Bonkowski will hold his monthly Breakfast with Brad from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. Friday at the Cracker Box, 402 E. William St.

Carson City gas prices stay near $3 here, nationally

Nevada’s average pump price for gasoline averaged $3.19 per gallon, according to a survey website, a drop over the past week of less than a penny per gallon.

BunnyRanch brothel offering free weddings to gay couples

With The Supreme Court’s landmark decision legalizing gay marriage in all 50 states, Bunny Ranch owner Dr. Dennis Hof is using his newly earned title of “minister” to make an offer to gay couples who want to join in a legal union.

Monday, July 6

John Smoltz, Greg Maddux and Dr. James Andrews urge Tommy John education of Little League parents

When John Smoltz is inducted in the baseball Hall of Fame later this month, he will be making a little history.

Grant Davis from Carson City to play Ben Bentley in “Something Like Summer”

Grant Davis, a Carson City product who took his talents to southern California for an entertainment career, won a film role to play Ben Bentley in “Something Like Summer”.

Fourth of July weekend uneventful for Northern Nevada law enforcement

This year’s Fourth of July went smoothly for local law enforcement. Carson City Sheriff Ken Furlong said that their holiday weekend was uneventful, except for a fight that broke out Saturday night at Menlo Drive.

Douglas County deputies looking for people involved in property destruction

The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office is asking the public for help in identifying those involved in multiple destruction of property reports. Deputies received reports on the morning of June 2 vehicles that were damaged by someone throwing rocks through the windows in the 900 block of Pioche Lane and the 700 block of Hornet Drive in the Gardnerville Ranchos.

Douglas County Sheriff’s Office bomb squad responds to suspicious briefcase

The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office responded to the Highway 395 Starbucks in Minden for a report of a suspicious briefcase Sunday.

Carson City Sheriff’s Office: Man arrested on suspicion of trafficking, possession for sales

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All are considered innocent until proven guilty in court. Carson City FRIDAY At 12:25 p.m., a 31-year-old Carson City man was arrested on suspicion of violation of suspended sentence, obstructing, driving with no valid license and suspended registration after deputies tried to initiate a traffic stop near Mills Park. Bail was set at $3,550.

Lyon County water issues topic of meetings July 15 & 16

Two workshops are planned to cover water issues in Mason Valley and Smith Valley Hydrographic Basins — one at 2 p.m. July 15 in the Ray Voshall Building of Lyon County Fairgrounds, 100 Highway 95A E. in Yerington; and another at the same time the following day at Smith Valley Community Hall, 2783 Highway 208 in Smith Valley.

Work planned on Franktown Road in Washoe Valley, delays expected

The Nevada Department of Transportation will reseal the pavement surface of State Route 877/Franktown Road on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Carson City Library offering free digital learning classes

Carson City Library’s @ Two Digital Learning Center offers free digital learning classes.

Carson City Plaza Hotel & Event Center to host Mike Thomas’ ‘Forgotten History’ Friday

Mike Thomas will present Forgotten History, little known stories about people, places and events, at 7 p.m. Friday at Carson City Plaza Hotel & Event Center, 801 S. Carson St.

Silver City hosting children’s engineering program Tuesday

Society of Women Engineers will teach a free engineering class that encourages innovation and problem solving in children 5-15 from 10 a.m. to noon Tuesday at Silver City’s Community Center, 385 High St.

Nevada Fair parking passes go on sale Tuesday at City Hall in Carson City

Nevada Fair parking passes for people who want to park at the fairgrounds arena main parking lot will go on sale for $20 apiece at City Hall Tuesday.

Saturday, July 4

Meet the Carson City Junior All Stars

The Carson City Junior All-Star team starts its tournament on Monday. The team consists of: manager Steve Weldy and players: Blake Menzel, Chase Campagni, Delsin Roberts, Gryphon Matthies, Hayden Hudson, Ian Pettersen, Matt Gunkel, Max Fontaine, Ryan Wright, Tim Jones, Vernon Painter, Zach Glanzmann and Zak Houghton.

Military achievements: Carson City woman serving with Navy construction battalion

A Carson City native and 2008 Carson High School graduate is building bridges and roads around the world as a member of the U.S. Navy’s Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 133, based in Gulfport, Miss.

Darrell Moody: Thoughts on Little League

The annual District 1 Little League all-star tournament wrapped up on Saturday, and there was some exciting baseball and not-so exciting baseball played over the 10-day run.

Education achievements: Area natives graduate from Linfield College

Two Carson City residents graduated from Linfield College in McMinnville, Ore., on May 31 — Daniel Gregory Pascual, who earned a bachelor’s in nursing; and Lisa Yamamoto, who graduated cum laude with a bachelor’s in biology. Yamamoto was also included on the college’s spring dean’s list.

Birth announcements

Carson Tahoe Regional Medical Center: To Brandon and Tara Spurlock of Carson City, Olivia Ira Spurlock, born Feb. 2, 2015, weighing 7 pounds and 7.7 ounces.

Senior menus for week of July 6

Note: Menus for week of July 6 subject to change without notice. Choice of beverage included. Carson City Senior Citizens Center, 911 Beverly Dr.:

The story of the nowhere I-80 exits

Drive across Interstate 80 in Northern Nevada and you’ve probably seen the name on the exit signs that don’t seem to lead anywhere.

Fourth of July fireworks still a go

The annual Fourth of July fireworks display is still a go for tonight.

Rattlesnake racing postponed until Sunday at 1 p.m.

Mother Nature knocked out Fourth of July racing at Rattlesnake Raceway.

Racing at Rattlesnake

Depending on today’s weather, a full evening of auto racing begins today at 6 p.m. at Rattlesnake Raceway.

Fourth of July parade route

The annual Fourth of July parade is upon us again this year. The parade route will be shut down at 9:30 a.m. The parade will begin at 10 a.m. sharp and end no later than noon. There will only be access inside the parade route for emergency vehicles during this event.

Why today?: Thunderstorms and flash flood warnings

The Fourth of July will have extra fireworks thanks to Mother Nature.

Friday, July 3

Blue Jays drop twoat Reno tournament

RENO — Carson lost 5-2 to NorCal and 7-6 to the Boise Seminoles at the second day of the Reno Knights July 4th Invitational at Wooster High School.

Roger Diez: Minden resident Gimble has nice showing at Watkins Glen

Minden resident and professional racer Kyle Gimple was looking for a season-changing result last Sunday at Watkins Glen.

New Carson City court program aims to help young addicts.

There may be a new alternative to jail for young misdemeanor offenders in Carson City. Judge Thomas Armstrong enacted a new misdemeanor treatment court Thursday, a program which will try to help provide offenders with addiction treatment at the misdemeanor level.

Minden man arrested in pedestrian death

A Minden man, who was involved in a fatal Veterans Day motorcycle collision in 2014, has been arrested in Carson City. Michael Trute, 56, was arrested Wednesday on suspicion of felony driving under the influence with substantial bodily harm warrant, according to the a Carson City Sheriff’s Office arrest record. Trute’s bail was set at $10,000.

Where to watch Lake Tahoe’s Fourth of July fireworks shows

Lake Tahoe’s annual Fourth of July fireworks display at the South Shore will come with an extra dose of technology this year.

New York Yankees, Milwaukee Brewers sign former Western Nevada College players

Two Major League Baseball franchises, including the league’s most decorated team, have recently armed themselves with past Western Nevada College pitchers.

Carson City 12 all star team takes third at District 1 tournament

Brian Guthrie picked the right time to have his most prolific offensive game of the District 1 all-star tournament.

Carson City animal shelter needs donations of kitten food

The Nevada Human Society is seeking donations of kitten food to keep up with the addition of hundreds of new kittens to the shelter’s foster program this summer

Thousands truckin’ to Chicago for final Grateful Dead shows

CHICAGO — The Grateful Dead is closing the lid on its storied half-century of concerts this weekend in Chicago, where a museum has captured the band’s prankster heart by displaying its artifacts, skeletons-and-roses iconography included, in the shadow of a world-famous dinosaur.

Saddle up and travel through ‘Cowboy Country’

Visit Northern Nevada — also known as Nevada’s Cowboy Country — to access the state’s ranching history as well as take in its current mining activity.

Thursday, July 2

Carson City man arrested with 50 marijuana plants

Carson City Sheriff’s Special Enforcement Team apprehended a man who was using his apartment as a marijuana grow house late Thursday night. A 61-year-old Carson City man was arrested at a Saliman Road address after officers found about 50 marijuana plants, hash oil and dried marijuana in his apartment.

Nevada Legislature: Budget and education reform were Sen. Ben Kieckhefer’s focus

Sen. Ben Kieckhefer says he went into the 2015 Legislative session focused on the state budget and its emphasis on education reform.

Carson City area live entertainment

Craig Fletcher will perform with Mick Valentino at 6:30 p.m. today at Glen Eagles, 3700 N. Carson St. Fletcher will perform with Terri Campillo and Rocky Tatarelli at 6:30 p.m. Friday, and with Gerry Wright and Campillo at 6:30 p.m. Saturday at Glen Eagles.

Mark Twain officially honored for setting Lake Tahoe’s ‘first prescribed burn’

INCLINE VILLAGE, Nev. — “The ground was deeply carpeted with dry pine needles, and the fire touched them off as if they were gunpowder. It was wonderful to see what fierce speed the tall sheet of flame traveled.”

Carson gets help from expected and unexpected in consolation win

Carson City got some help from the expected and unexpected Wednesday night at Governors Field.

Carson City Little League’s Eddie Tierney flirts with no-no, leads 12s to win

Eddie Tierney is hands down the best player in Carson City Little League, and he emphatically proved that yet again on Thursday night.

Friday Fodder: T.J. Bruce was a good hire for Nevada baseball

Sports fodder for a Friday morning... Wolf Pack baseball fans can rest easy. Athletic director Doug Knuth put the program in capable hands last week when he hired former UCLA assistant T.J. Bruce to succeed Jay Johnson as head coach.

Carson Blue Jays Blue Jays blanked 10-0 in tournament opener

RENO — The Carson Blue Jays opened the Reno July 4th Invitational with a 10-0 loss to Damonte Ranch Thursday at Damonte Ranch High School.

Fernley man arrested on murder charges after shooting

A Fernley man has been arrested on suspicion of murder charges after shooting another man in the abdomen. Charles Paulsen was arrested Wednesday evening for allegedly shooting Michael Nascimento once after an altercation occurred near the 1000 block of Mountain Rose Drive in Fernley.

Vienna again a center of intrigue and spying

VIENNA, Austria – It is perhaps fitting that our visit to Europe to observe some of the commemorations of the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II should come to a close in Vienna.

Taxpayer’s guide to the state’s record tax hike

Editor’s note: Assistant Controller Geoffrey Lawrence co-wrote this column.

Hog dog: It’s the Fourth of July

Happy Fourth of July to you! My family always looks forward to this day because we have a barbecue, salads, watermelon and cake. Our favorite thing to barbecue is, you probably guessed, hot dogs. Watson looks forward to his own hot dog and gobbles it up pronto.

My trip to Jordan - part 2

Queen Alia International Airport Amman, Jordan — As we taxi in the pilot tells that we will be required to show our boarding pass and passports in order to disembark the aircraft at the gate. I consider just staying in my seat and riding back to Paris but after 20 hours of air travel, the possibility of immigration issues and potential beheading as an infidel don’t seem so bad.

Cattlemen hire new executive director

The Nevada Cattlemen’s Association has hired Kaley Sproul as its new executive director.

JoAnne Skelly: Using pesticides safely

Recently, I saw a woman in a bucket on a crane attached to a truck spraying her elm trees. She wore no protective gear while spraying. A man, also without protective gear, stood just below her. Since he was looking up as she sprayed insecticide over his head, drift rained down onto his face and into his eyes.


Churchill County Senior Center 310 E. Court St. Fallon, NV 89406 775-423-7096

The history behind one of Lake Tahoe’s most popular — and easy — hikes

CRYSTAL BAY, Nev. — On some days, there is precious little time to invest in a major outing in the Lake Tahoe Basin, but if you’re near the state line on the North Shore, take a walk up to the old fire lookout above Crystal Bay for some jaw-dropping views of Big Blue.

NHP reaches out to help seniors

Hot summer days. Nevada Highway Patrol Fallon/Fernley Districts are reaching out Friday to help the local senior center in Fallon with the assistance of a “fan” drive.

A day of Patriotic events

F allon will show its red, white and blue on the Fourth of July with a plethora of activities planned from morning to night.

The passionate physician

As a fresh doctor out of medical school and residency, Dr. Galen Reimer, along with his wife, Donna, decided to move to the Lahontan Valley in the early 1980s where he began to establish himself as a physician in a career spanning four decades.

Shindig set for Aug. 1

Cancer Warriors are still fighting cancer.

Schurz man, 26, sentenced for City Liquor robbery

A Schurz man was sentenced up to 14 years in prison Tuesday in District Court stemming from a terrifying robbery in January.

Long weekend greets Fourth of July events

The Fourth of July will give residents and visitors a long weekend this year. All city, county and federal government offices as well as banking institutions will be closed Friday in observance of the holiday. The LVN office will also be closed.

New jail plans move forward

The Churchill County Commissioners approved at their Thursday morning meeting on a Construction Manager at Risk company.

Pin Pals

R.L. Johnson still remembers the first time he saw a bowling alley.

Pair of Aces named PCL All-Stars

Reno Aces outfielder Peter O’Brien and infielder Jamie Romak have been named to the Pacific Coast League All-Star Team as starters, the PCL announced Wednesday.

Bowling brings seniors together

In a nicely cool, air-conditioned bowling alley sat four competitors with nearly 200 years worth of experience.

Ray Owen Gant

Ray Owen Gant, 81, died in his home in Reno, NV on June 29, 2015.Ray was born on June 27, 1934 in San Gabriel, CA. He married Laura Meyer in 1954, and the couple had two children.

Carson City Sheriff’s Office: Montana woman arrested on suspicion of grand larceny

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All are considered innocent until proven guilty in court. Carson City WEDNESDAY At 9:53 a.m., Carolyn LaPlaunt, 41, of Butte, Mont., was arrested on suspicion of felony possession of a controlled substance sale, felony grand larceny and felony burglary after deputies located her at the Juvenile Detention Center. Bail was set at $50,000.

Nevada State and Territorial Championships shooting competition July 9-12 in Genoa

Shooters from around the region will compete to see who walks away with $12,500 when Genoa Mavericks and Cowboy Fast Draw Association host the Nevada State and Territorial Championships July 9-12 at the Dake House in Genoa.

Free breakfast July 7 at St. John’s Episcopal Outreach Center in Dayton is canceled

A free breakfast planned July 7 at St. John’s Episcopal Outreach Center in Dayton is canceled.

Carson City Natives & Newcomers hosting Marv Richardville July 9

Marv Richardville will tell jokes, stories and sing at Carson City Natives & Newcomers’ meeting at 11:30 a.m. Thursday, July 9, at Grandma Hattie’s, 2811 S. Carson St.

Registration open for Reno-Tahoe Senior Games Aug. 15-30

Registration is open for the Reno-Tahoe Senior Games, sporting events open to anyone 50 and older that take place Aug. 15-30.

Joyce Marty Hammerlun

Joyce Marty Hammerlun passed away on June 6, 2015 surrounded by family. She was born to Eugene and Thelma Marty in Tonopah, Nevada on July 5, 1940. She married John Holmstrom Jr. in 1957. She lived in Lovelock and then Reno where they raised their family.

Otto Sandmeier

Otto Sandmeier, at the age 74, died with his family and close friends by his side, Thursday, June 4, 2015 at Carson Tahoe Regional Medical Center in Carson City, NV.

Irene Mary Lieberman

Irene Mary Lieberman, née Zukowski, died on Thursday, June 11, after a brief illness. A longtime resident of San Francisco, Lake Tahoe, and Palm Desert, Irene was known and loved at the San Francisco Opera, where she never missed an opening; at the San Francisco Tennis Club, where her laughter lit up the courts; and in Glenbrook, Nevada, where her frequent parties were famous on both sides of Stateline

Nevada Legislature: Cigarette tax increases $1 per pack, state workers earn pay bump

A total of 233 pieces of Senate and Assembly legislation take effect today, including all the measures that implement the 2016-2017 budget and most of the governor’s education reform package.

Carson City Sausage Factory acquired by Sierra Meat and Seafood

Reno-based food processor and distributor Sierra Meat and Seafood has acquired the Sausage Factory of Carson City. Terms of the deal between the two privately held companies were not disclosed. The transaction will have no effect on the Carson business’ workforce.

Wednesday, July 1

Nevada Appeal at 150: July 2, 1964: House passes rights bill

Congress completed action on the Civil Rights Act on July 2, 1964, passing the historic measure that outlaws discrimination based on race, gender, religion, or national origin.

Carson City man arrested in Hawaii admits possession, promotion of child porn

Patrick Williams entered a guilty plea to charges of promotion of sexual performance of a minor Monday in District Court. Williams, originally from Carson City, was arrested in Hawaii in July 2014 for possession of nearly 5,000 images and videos of child pornography. In the original complaint filed by then-Assistant District Attorney Mark Krueger, it stated that Williams was in possession of 4,873 videos and pictures of children under the age of 16 either engaging in or simulating or “assisting others to engage in or simulate sexual conduct.”

Carson City Sheriff’s Office: Man arrested on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All are considered innocent until proven guilty in court. Carson City TUESDAY At 1:39 a.m., Christopher Bliven, 39, of Reno was arrested on suspicion of felony trafficking 14-28 grams, felony sell/transport/give drugs, felony possession of a controlled substance, possession of less than one ounce of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia after deputies responded to reports of a suspicious vehicle near the 4300 block of Apollo Drive where they found Bliven with 25.3 grams of methamphetamine and 44 grams of marijuana. Bail was set at $64,100.

Mary Elizabeth (Plants) Yost

Mary Elizabeth (Plants) Yost, 90, of Columbia Falls, MT and formerly of New Tripoli, PA and Fallon, NV passed away on November 15, 2014. She was the wife of the late Dr. Emerick Yost, Jr. Mary was born in Sandy Lake, close to Pennsylvania’s western border, on March 3, 1924.

David Louis “Joe” Mello

David Louis “Joe” Mello was born October 2, 1949 in Lovelock, Nevada to Betty and Manual Mello. He left this earthly life on April 18, 2015 in Nampa, Idaho.

LouDawn Neeley Newnham

LouDawn Neeley Newnham, passed away peacefully in her home on June 11, 2015 in Fallon surrounded by her family. She was born in Preston, Idaho on May 2, 1940 to Jonathan Howard and Therma Taylor

James Craig Fitzgerald

James Craig Fitzgerald, born November 29th, 1948 in Casper, Wyoming passed away June 12th 2015 at 14:14 due to a heart attack. James is husband to Colleen Marie Fitzgerald, father to Shaun Spencer Fitzgerald, and Erin Traci Anderson (Chris), and grandfather to Hailee Alyssa Bauman.

Theodora Fisher

Theodora Fisher passed away peacefully on 6/12/2015 in Gardnerville surrounded by family. Born in Muskogee, Oklahoma 8/13/1914 the second of 4 children born to Minnie and Peter Flessas.

James Curtis Brumfield

James Curtis Brumfield, a Carson City resident passed away on June 3, 2015. Memorial services will be held on Sunday, June 28th at 2:30pm at Calvary Chapel Carson City.

MM1C Robert E. Dutter USN

Memorial for MM1C Robert E. Dutter USN, A Pearl Harbor Survivor, will be held at the Veteran’s Cemetery in Fernley, NV on June 27th, 2015 at 1:00pm. Bob served our country from 1940 to 1946 in the Asiatic Theater. He was on the USS Dobbin when Pearl harbor was bombed and also at Tokyo Bay on USS Putnum during the signing of the Peace Treaty in September of 1945. You are welcome to the ceremony.

Edward B. Hendricks

Edward B. Hendricks, 91, passed away in Carson City, Nevada on May 7, 2015. He is survived by his four children, Edward (Ellen), Steve (Kim), Greg, and longtime companion, Jeannie

Mark Steven Miller

Mark Steven Miller, age 83, of Fallon, Nevada, passed away on June 23, 2015, at home with loved ones beside him. Mark was born May 30, 1932, in Coffeyville, Kansas, to Leonard K. Miller and Eva Gibby. He moved to Fallon in 1947 and graduated from Churchill County High School in 1951.

Carson City Gluten-Free Discussion Group meets July 13

The next meeting of the Carson City Gluten-Free Discussion Group is at 7 p.m. Monday, July 13.

Carson City Grocery Outlet’s Independence From Hunger Food Drive helps Dayton Food Pantry

Grocery Outlet is holding its fifth annual Independence From Hunger Food Drive in July to collect food for local agencies that experience the greatest need to serve children who are off from school during the summer. All donations go to Dayton Food Pantry.

Carson City Ghost Walk tour on Aug. 29 is canceled

The Carson City Ghost Walk tour scheduled on Aug. 29 is canceled.

Dayton Senior Center needs vendors for flea market & fabric sale July 18

Spaces are available for anyone who want to sell items at Dayton Senior Center’s flea market and fabric sale on July 18.

Carson all star teams post big wins

Two Carson City all-star teams used different methods to stay alive in the consolation round of the District 1 tournament Monday night at Governors Field.

Carson City Sheriff’s Office: Woman arrested on suspicion of multiple felonies

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All are considered innocent until proven guilty in court. Carson City MONDAY At 4:48 p.m., Michael Robinson, 34, of Reno, was arrested on suspicion of felony possession of a controlled substance and Tina Dannenbrink, 31, of Reno, was arrested on suspicion of felony possession of a controlled substance and felony burglary after deputies initiated a traffic stop near Hot Springs Road and Pine Street. Bail for Robinson was set at $2,500 and bail for Dannenbrink was set at $5,000.

Nevada DMV opening new license plate plant in Carson City

The fact that the Nevada Department Of Motor Vehicles is opening a new license plate factory might not be of great interest to most people. But the fact that it will let the state bring back “embossed” plates with raised letters and numbers might get a bit more attention.

Muffy Vhay: Cool salads to beat the heat

With gardens and farmer’s markets in their prime this time of year — and hot weather setting in as well, salads are the logical choice for lighter summer meals. They can be made of just about anything you have on hand or have growing in your garden — fresh, raw or cooked.

Carson City Fire Department wins Battle of the Badges

The United Blood Services held its annual Battle of the Badges blood drive Tuesday in Carson City. The blood drive was a friendly competition between the Carson City Sheriff’s Office and Fire Department to see who could donate the most blood. Patrons could choose which organization they wanted their donation points to go toward, with a trophy and bragging rights as the prize for the winning department. The fire department won with 40 points to the sheriff’s office’s 33.

12th Annual Extreme Motor Officer Training Challenge Results

Results from the 2015 Extreme Motor Officer Training Challenge: Harley Individual Run: 1. David Martel- Las Vegas Metro

Carson City Little League squads eliminated from tournament

And then there was one. Two Carson City all-star teams lost and got bounced out of the consolation bracket at the District 1 Tournament Tuesday night at Governors Field.

Assemblyman P.K. O’Neill has all five of his bills passed, signed by Sandoval

For a freshman lawmaker from a small community, Carson City’s P.K. O’Neill had a very good session: all five of the bills he introduced were passed and signed by the governor.

Campbell wins Northern Nevada amateur event

Dayton’s Janice Campbell knocked off two-time champion Lisa Stanley by four shots to win the 2015 Northern Nevada Women’s Amateur Championship last week at Thunder Canyon.

Albuquerque topples Aces

ALBUQUERQUE – A brief four-game trip to Albuquerque got off on the wrong foot for the Reno Aces in a 16-5 blowout loss to the Isotopes Tuesday night at Isotopes Park.