Sierra Veterinary Specialists in Carson City, 1477 N. Saliman Rd., acquired Veterinary Specialists of Nevada in Reno in mid-July.
Carson Valley Medical Center received a grant from Susan G. Komen to assist in providing access to screening mammography services for the underinsured and uninsured.
Carson Lanes, 4600 Snyder Ave., will host a grand opening celebration on August 7 and 8.
In my ongoing series of what is on Congress's plate to "fix" before the end of this year, not many folks understand the looming tax hike on dividends set to happen in 2011.
The owner of Straw Hat Pizza restaurant in Carson City received the franchise's Outstanding Owner Award for 2010 on July 19.
Anthony Kingsland is now staffing the front of the house at Adele's Restaurant and Lounge, 1112 North Carson St.
With a pen stroke from President Obama, a new era of financial and regulatory reform is upon us. But will this reform bill bring closure for Wall Street and it's investors? That is truly the $64,000 question.
Feral cats beneficial for rodent control
I am a lifelong Republican and devout believer in the basic Republican tenets. Some Republican candidates fit my definition of those tenets better than others; however, not all of those candidates came out winners in their primary contest.
All of us need to eat breakfast on the run occasionally. But when the weekend rolls around it's time to enjoy a real breakfast.
We all know pulled pork makes a killer sandwich. But I wanted to see how it held up to another carb - pasta.
The Nevada Appeal's "Silver Dollar" and "Wooden Nickel" feature recognizes positive achievements from the capital region and, when warranted, points out others that missed the mark.
Why no word from school district on DUI?
We must reinvent Nevada's public schools. Its governance system is badly bent and it is seriously underfunded in its efforts to produce the kinds of student results needed for the state's economic future.
Help teach English through ESL program
At best, the worldwide market for thermistors is a niche.
Having a legacy to pass down is an important part of why people collect coins. If coins are stored wrong, and ultimately damaged, the value that one wished to have passed along may be lost forever.
Mike Breed has joined the Nevada Appeal and The Record-Courier as circulation director.
All it takes is some time, energy and a willingness to let go. Now that tax time has passed, what to do with that foot-high stack of last year's statements? And how about those "vital documents" you had drafted, only to throw them in your bottom desk drawer?
Business licenses filed in Carson City between June 28 and July 2:
Carson City company inks contract
After Jeffrey Bean's father, Kim Bean, retired from their podiatry practice in Carson City, brother Aaron Bean stepped into the gap at Sierra Podiatry Center, 1801 N. Carson St.
A Reno casino avoided the possible suspension of its gambling license over delinquent casino taxes and fees by filing for bankruptcy protection.
WASHINGTON - Dell will pay $100 million to resolve Securities and Exchange Commission accounting fraud allegations in an accord that will let founder Michael Dell stay on as chief executive officer after paying a $4 million fine.
DETROIT - General Motors Co. will buy AmeriCredit Corp. for $3.5 billion, a deal that allows the automaker to expand loans to customers with poor credit and offer more leases, key areas where GM must grow to accelerate its car sales.
People aren't spending money like they used to. Unemployment is still flirting with double digits. And the housing market is still shaky. So the future looks bleak for the economy, right?
Republican or Democrat, high-powered executive or secretary, state official or student, Kenny Guinn was the kind of governor, the kind of man, who not only had time for you but really listened to what you had to say.
Why did city abandon Ross Gold Park?
As we enter the final stretch of Campaign 2010, it appears that at least some in the Tea Party movement are starting to come to grips with some political realities, such as....
The article in The Washington Post filled me with hope: There's a trend toward college-
BLM excuses for roundup make no sense
WASHINGTON - Reveling over a new milestone in his presidency, a triumphant Barack Obama on Wednesday signed into law the most sweeping overhaul of lending and high-finance rules since the Great Depression, adding safeguards for millions of consumers and aiming to restrain Wall Street excesses that could set off a new recession.
WASHINGTON - State unemployment agencies are gearing up to resume sending unemployment payments to millions of people as Congress moves to ship President Barack Obama a measure to restore lapsed benefits.
NEW YORK - Stocks fell sharply Wednesday after Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke confirmed investors' fears that the economy has weakened. Interest rates dropped in the Treasury market as investors sought safer places for their money.
In July of 1993, Cheryl Cummings and a business partner opened a nursery in Dayton with $400, a lawn mower and the first month's rent.
WASHINGTON - Facebook is expected to announce this week that it has reached 500 million users, capping a meteoric rise that has connected the world into an online statehood of status updates, fan pages and picture exchanges.
The Nevada Department of Labor gets plenty of complaints a year - about 2,500 annually since 2006 - said Labor Commissioner Michael Tanchek.
Story brought back warm memories of old Carson
I have been asked many times, "Who volunteers for you, Janice?" Also, "How old are they and what do they do?"
As two toddlers played with green and orange ice cubes in plastic bags, Kassie Shepard watched over an infant scooting around the Carson Lanes Daycare and Preschool.
To combat lunch bag boredom, you need to straddle that fine line between exciting and familiar, which is just what this toasted couscous BLT salad does.
The other day Charlie from Adele's mentioned the "C" word to me (no not Christmas) but canning. He said it's time to start thinking about a plan and a Sunday to get it done. I'll admit I don't want to think about canning in this heat but if you want all the goodies in the winter now is the time to start.
Angle knows a Ponzi scheme when she sees one
I was fascinated by a recent cover story in Time Magazine about legendary inventor Thomas Edison. The story detailed all of Edison's successes, but what caught my attention was the section about the invention of the phonograph. According to the article, his assistants tested the device by reciting "Mary Had a Little Lamb."
As a former gaming control staffer, I was pleased when the Nevada Gaming Commission put Reno's Siena Hotel-Casino on notice that it must maintain an adequate bankroll to cover its gambling losses. That's a primary responsibility of our gaming control agencies and it's nice to know that someone is looking out for the Siena's customers.
The Nevada Appeal's "Silver Dollar" and "Wooden Nickel" feature recognizes positive achievements from the capital region and, when warranted, points out others that missed the mark.
Some poets see into our souls and make an incomprehensible world understandable. Robert Frost's "Mending Wall" is a poem like that.
Northern Nevada general contractors who've been hard pressed to find work this summer have found a boon in a handful of photovoltaic installation projects for the Washoe County School District.
In the news recently were projections for tax law changes from Congress by the end of 2010. One of the "hopefuls" is raising the definition of income subject to the nightmare Alternative Minimum Tax so that enough folks do not end up having to compute it, pay it and then get mad. (If it isn't tweaked each year, eventually, inflation would make almost everybody subject to it by default.)
Building group finishes emergency room facility
The latest attempt to close the Nevada State Prison in Carson City is being speciously characterized as a budget issue. Gov. Gibbons argues that corrections officers must be furloughed to meet budgetary constraints, and consequently NSP must be closed to reduce the strain on our already understaffed correctional system.
Ralston tried, failed to make Angle look bad
Are our political leaders addicted to spending? We have suffered through the past several years in a recession that has touched everyone except government. I am sure that most politicians would argue that spending will put America back to work.
It is my honor to tell you about a truly remarkable man who lived in our Northern Nevada community. Sometimes in life, if you are lucky, you will find a friendship that transcends all others; for me that friendship was with Gary Sorge, my best friend for over a quarter of a century.
Liberty. Equality. Fraternity! Today is Bastille Day, France's counterpart to Independence Day. We have much for which to thank the French, including their support of the United State's bid for independence, Tocqueville's Democracy in America, the Statue of Liberty and, oh, yes, the food, the food, the food. I hope I mentioned the food.
Last month it seems we were freezing and this month we're hot. I'm already tired of the heat and when it's this hot I feel it's too hot to cook.
Some people return from vacation talking about the museums they visited. Others talk about the food. We know who we are. We save menus like others save playbills. We may not have pictures, but we've got a few souvenir pounds.
The buttermilk gives this simple Bundt cake by White House pastry chef Bill Yosses a wonderful tanginess that offsets the sweet blackberries and orange glaze.
Research Recology before signing contract
I read a recent column by Jon Ralston (June 20, Las Vegas Sun) in which he speculated that Sharron Angle could possibly beat Sen. Harry Reid for the U.S. Senate. He observed Angle was acting like a real politician and might be softening her more radical views. More accurately, her handlers were trying to make her views more palatable.
So what did you do on the Fourth of July? What did the holiday mean to you and your family? Was it a long weekend, a picnic, a day trip to the lake? Perhaps it was a chance to check out a sale at one of the local shopping centers?
Charlie Abowd said his restaurant, Adele's, is usually a spot people go to for special occasions: birthdays, anniversaries and the like.
The college years are a great time to teach kids how to be responsible for - and about - their money. For some students, this is when they begin to figure out what things cost and how much money they need to live.
Business licenses filed in Carson City between June 21 to June 25.
Builders plan golf tournament
Time to put prejudice aside, for nation's sake
The recent election of Assemblyman Pete Goicoechea as the GOP's minority leader continues a 15-year Republican tradition in the lower house of raising the white flag before the first shot is even fired. Republicans in the Assembly apparently aren't just comfortable in their minority status; they have a political death wish.
Many of the employees who work at Tony Pastini's Kim Lee's Sushi Oyster Bar and Japanese Restaurant in Carson City have been there for years.
Did McChrystal sabotage himself on purpose?
Safe to say, nothing is so bad that a hurricane can't make worse. Take an existing problem, toss it around in the wind and smack it with flying debris - it's certainly not going to improve. Shoddy construction is made worse. Communication concerns, made worse; a struggling economy, made worse; disastrous Bush presidency, made worse.
Obamacare - the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act - was enacted in March, though many of its provisions won't take effect until 2014.
Uneducated populace falls for craven lies
Between Father's Day and the Fourth of July, my husband and I undertook a road trip, searching for the roots of our family trees in the Midwest. We trekked to Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Missouri and finally Arizona to snuggle our granddaughter, the newest little blossom on that family tree.
Ah, July, the wedding season. What a great time of the year to NOT marry.
One of the ways I've brought down the fat in salad dressing is by incorporating fruit into the blend. Blueberries are a natural for this. Blended with vinegar, a little oil and seasonings, they add body and flavor to homemade vinaigrettes. Here, I'm using the dressing on a light lunch salad composed of baby greens, corn, more blueberries and lobster. It's an ode to the New England summer, featuring three of the region's seasonal specialties.
It's always nice to be told to eat something fatty.
A good cookbook can read like a novel, but few read like the cliffhanger that is "The Secret Ingredient" by a British writer named Sally Bee (Sterling, 2010). Her story -- left for dead on an operating-room table, suffering from a heart condition so rare that only 30 people worldwide have survived it -- is a page-turner. It's also an appealing cookbook filled with foods that are, as Bee would call them, "nourishing" rather than merely "healthy." There's a lot to absorb in this book -- life lessons and food lessons.
It appears President Obama can't do anything right. The right-wing media machine has a foothold on toxic messages like "health care is not good for the nation," or "corporate polluters are just innocent businessmen," or "our nation is so debt-ridden we are heading for bankruptcy." None of this is true.
I have been on a rant about credit rating agencies (S&P, Moody, Fitch) and Wall Street having a conflict of interest when rating new issues.
This week we will look at how to buy silver with a focus on the physical products available. Just as in gold there are funds that are based on silver. Buying in the stock market offers speed and accuracy but lacks the actual possession. Here are some of the options for buying physical silver.
Carson City attorney new vice president of Nevada state bar
Every once in a while, I like to pull out and read the actual wording of this great document that we are celebrating the signing of today. It is fascinating reading. I highly recommend it. You can find it on the internet pretty easily.
All of a sudden, Gibbons is an art lover
Jon Ralston, Dean of Nevada Political Pundits, wrote in his e-newsletter this week that I was "ecstatic" about Republican gubernatorial candidate Brian Sandoval's education reform proposal.
Sen. Reid stands up for our troops
Take a moment this Sunday on the Fourth of July as we're gathered around picnic tables, pools, the beach or in a town square or city park to say a little something about what you're grateful for about America.
Sunday marks 234 years since a group of men opposed to the tyranny of a foreign government risked the charge of treason and signed the Declaration of Independence.