Stories for February 2007


Wednesday, February 28

Investment advice for your 30s and 40s

This is the second in a series of articles about financial planning throughout your life. My first article focused on advice for your 20s, when you've gained the education/skills you need for the career you have chosen.

Tahoe's Temple Bat Yam celebrates Purim holiday

The public is welcome to attend a celebration of the Jewish holiday of Purim with costumes, music, song, food and beverages at 11 a.m. today at Temple Bat Yam in South Lake Tahoe. Purim is suitable for people of all ages. Costumes are suggested, but optional. Refreshments, including hamentaschen, a special filled pastry, will be served.

Bishop realizes honor of his calling

Robert Hook feels blessed to be Bishop of Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints First Ward in Minden. For the Latter-day Saints, a bishop is called by the Lord's inspiration to be the leader of a ward, then ordained by a stake president. Hook's ordination took place Jan. 21.

Democrats' hopes of carrying West depend on winning over skeptics

Terry Ward tugged on his broad-brimmed hat and grimaced a little like a man about to scoop a particularly gamy road kill. "I like to stay away from all politicians, but we have to deal with them, so we better go out there and do it," Ward said, his eyes glinting from behind glasses, a smile barely perceptive through his white beard.

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 19-year-old laborer from Carson City was arrested at 9:20 p.m. Tuesday at Roop and John streets on suspicion of driving without a valid license, driving without insurance and driving with expired vehicle registration. His bail was set at $986.

Community briefs

Carson City Scrapbooking and album making class There will be a class on album making and scrapbooking at 10 a.m. today at the Carson City Senior Citizens Center's Jobs Peak Room. Participants should bring photos to make a sampler. Call 885-8230.

Clinton's change of heart on fundraising transparent

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., has decided that her presidential campaign will reveal the identities of its major fundraisers, after all. This is welcome news for the conduct of the 2008 race, during which big bundlers - the well-connected fund-raisers who can help collect $100,000, $200,000 or even $1 million in donations - will be more important than ever.

Choose Biblical truth over outlandish documentary

Have you heard the news? Filmmaker James Cameron (of "Titanic" fame) claims to have found "the lost tomb of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene," and will present his "facts" in a made for TV movie next week. That's not all - he also says research suggests that Jesus married Mary Magdalene and had a son, Judah. That sounds a bit familiar, doesn't it?

Tuesday, February 27

Why are gas prices so high in Nevada?

Drivers often complain that gas prices are high in Nevada - and they're right.

Community briefs

Carson City Low-income families may qualify for home repairs The Rural Nevada Development Corporation has $500,000 in funds available in Carson City for homeowner rehabilitation.

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 42-year-old unemployed Carson City man was arrested in the 800 block of East Musser Street at 1:40 a.m. Tuesday on a warrant charging failure to appear. Bail was set at $1,700.

Tuscarora on my mind - forever

A year ago in March, Dave and I camped in Tuscarora, Nevada, over spring break. We had bought an acre of land on Weed Street the month before, and were impatient to set foot on it. As we turned onto Highway 225 north of Elko and began the gradual climb to 6,100 feet - which is Tuscarora's elevation - we drove into flurries of snow. Soon the hills and mountains disappeared into mist, and eventually all that remained was the blacktop snaking through an increasingly white world.

We all owe it to each other to be safe drivers

The snow that blanketed Northern Nevada this week brought postcard-quality scenery no matter where you looked, but it also brought an ugly reminder of the dangers on our roads.

Monday, February 26

Carson City a testament to how far the fight against bias has come

Just as February sluggishly ushers in March and springs beautiful bouquets, Nevada's historical progression against discrimination continues to blossom, although slowly. February is Black History Month and March highlights women's suffrage. In light of Nevada being a young state - one of the later states to allow women to vote - her ability to confront and deal with racism has come about during my lifetime. That work is still in progress and blooming daily.


Carson City Adult acting class on tap at Brewery An Adults Acting for Camera Class 10-week workshop begins today. Times are Tuesdays 6:30 to 8 p.m. for ages 16 and up. Classes will be held at the Brewery Arts Center Media Center, 511 W. King St. Cost is $250.

Carson police need help catching graffiti vandals

Graffiti is rearing its ugly head all over Carson City again, and YOU can help put the perpetrators in jail. If you see someone "decorating" our town, CALL 911, and get a license number if you can. The Sheriff's Office needs to know who the individuals are. They can usually figure out the gangs, but need to know who, individually, is doing it. Or, if you just see graffiti, call Sgt. Mark Marshall of the Graffiti Abatement Gang Unit at 887-2004, ext. 1610, and report where it is. THE POLICE NEED YOUR HELP!

Low-priced photo portrait studios closed

Customers can no longer pose for low-priced portraits at the Carson City and Carson Valley Wal-Mart supercenters.

Sheriffs' Log

The following are some of the calls to which deputies responded Sunday: • A report of jewelry stolen from a motel room in the 900 block of North Carson Street at 12:04 a.m. • Commercial burglary report in the 4300 block of South Carson Street at 5:10 a.m.

Sunday, February 25

Sheriffs' log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Daniel Ortiz-Salas, 23, transient, was arrested at 7:20 p.m. Friday in the 2100 block of Lone Mountain Drive on suspicion of felony level-3 drug trafficking. Bail was set at $250,000. Also arrested was Jose Pedro Muñiz-Escobedo, 19, transient, on suspicion of felony conspiracy to traffic a controlled substance. His bail was set at $15,000.

Clinton hasn't revealed her biggest fundraisers

This could be the first presidential campaign since Watergate to be financed entirely with private funds. The two major-party nominees alone may raise and spend $1 billion combined. Under these circumstances, the inadequacy of campaign finance disclosure rules becomes even more glaring. While campaigns are required to report the names of individuals who contribute the maximum $2,300, they don't have to provide the really important information: Who are the well-connected fundraisers helping them bring in big bundles of cash?

Saturday, February 24

Road report

Construction on Carson City streets for the week beginning Feb. 26: • Due to the construction of the new Sheriff's Administration Building, Harbin Avenue is closed to traffic between Musser and Second streets. This closure will remain in effect through September.

Sheriffs' log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Christopher Ryan Foral, 19, an unemployed Carson City resident was arrested at 8:24 p.m. Thursday in the 2100 block of Highway 50 East on suspicion of felony possession of a prescription drug without a prescription, misdemeanor minor consuming alcohol and petit larceny. Bail was set at $3,084.

Friday, February 23

Sheriffs' log

The following are some of the calls to which deputies responded on Thursday: • Child abuse report in the 900 block of East Musser Street at 8:31 a.m.

Community briefs

Carson City 'Elements' paintings coming to WNCC "Elements," a collection of large-scale paintings by artist Heather Patterson, will be hanging at WNCC's College Gallery in the Bristlecone Building through March 23.

Will Hillary be blessed or cursed by the Clinton name?

Hillary. You don't have to use her last name to know who I'm talking about. She's like Madonna in a business suit. She likes it that way. Her Web site boldly pronounces "Hillary for President." Who needs a last name?

Thursday, February 22

Sheriffs' Log

The following are some of the calls to which deputies responded: • Graffiti reports in the 1500 block of Fire Box Road and the 4100 block of East Fifth Street. • Accident at Fifth and Curry streets at 8:38 a.m.

Heard any good forum stories? Let us know

It's Thursday morning, and I'm looking out my office window at a driving snowstorm and thinking how fortunate it is that the presidential candidates forum was Wednesday, not today. But then, you have to admit, good fortune was shining on Carson City all during this event, and that extends far beyond the sunshine.

Observations on the presidential candidates forum

The secondary event came in No. 1 The satellite viewing venue hosted at the Nevada Appeal office was supposed to be just for the overflow from the main event. But due to the setup, the overflow event gave attendees a much closer and more personal experience with the candidates. Only John Edwards and Mike Gravel failed to show for the overflow crowd.

Wednesday, February 21


Douglas County Parks & Recreation, the Cooperative Extension's 4-H program, and Great Basin Outdoor School will be offering a snowshoeing excursion for teens from 3-6:30 p.m. Monday.

Nevada needs to maximize heightened political clout

Nevada had the opportunity to test its newfound political clout when eight Democratic presidential contenders participated in a forum in Carson City. The Silver State is strategically more important now that the Democratic Party has moved the state's caucus to Jan. 19, 2008, between the Iowa caucus and New Hampshire primary, from which the national front-runners will likely emerge.

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 46-year-old front-desk manager from Carson City was arrested at 3:12 p.m. Monday on Highway 50 East on suspicion of failure to appear. Bail was set at $939.

Carson City's greatest event a smashing success

The presidential candidates have left town and, with nearly 11 months to go before the caucus, there will be plenty of time for Nevada's Democrats to weigh the hopefuls' arguments and make their choices. What's important at this moment for Carson City is that we pulled off the biggest event this city has ever seen. Not just pulled it off, but scored an astounding success.

Presidential hopeful deserves better look than he's getting

He's the dynamic son of parents from different ethnic backgrounds. If successful, his long-shot campaign for president would be historic by placing the first minority in the nation's highest office. So why aren't more people buzzing about the candidacy of New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson?

Tuesday, February 20

Oh, so this is what it's like to finally be noticed

Carson City in the national spotlight? Sparsely populated Nevada a player in presidential politics? The Western states drawing the serious attention of a major political party? Times are certainly changing, and there's no way to interpret it as anything but positive.

Community briefs

Carson City Kids learn decision making Carson Middle School is sponsoring "Street Smart: Making SAFE Decisions" from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. tonight in the campus gym.

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Rafael Oseguera, 22, a transient landscaper, was arrested at 9 p.m. at Lone Mountain Drive and Winnie Lane on suspicion of felony trafficking. Bail was set at $40,000. Also arrested was Armando Vargas-Huato, 21, unemployed from Carson City, on suspicion of felony possession of a controlled substance and accessory to trafficking. Bail was set at $20,000.

Overheard inCarson: What the candidates would learn from listening to locals

Democratic presidential candidates: Welcome to Carson City, and to your first job interview in Nevada. If you've done your homework, you know to say "Ne-vadd-a," not "Ne-vodd-a." You may know more about us that we know about ourselves. You may be here to listen to our concerns and ideas as you begin to shape your campaign message and mission in advance of the Nevada Democratic Caucus in January.

Monday, February 19

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 38-year-old laborer from Chico was arrested Sunday on suspicion of domestic battery. Bail was set at $3,132.

Some advice for candidates; anopportunity to support the troops

ARE YOU OUR "LEADER"? Or are you just another political action committee kiss-up, or a hands-in-pocket confidante of special- interest groups? This question, for ALL Democratic and Republican candidates, was "cleaned up" by the columnists, who really wanted to use other, more definitive words. So, thus said, "Welcome to Carson City, Democratic presidential candidates (in order of appearance): Sen. Dodd, Sen. Clinton, Gov. Vilsack, Sen. Edwards, Gov. Richardson, Sen. Biden, Congressman Kucinich, and Gov. Gravel."

Washington and Lincoln remind us of what we need and hope to get in our next president

It's a nice coincidence that Presidents Day falls on the same week as the Democratic Presidential Forum in Carson City. It's a day that brings to mind two of our country's greatest leaders, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. Both were men of uncompromising integrity and honesty, and we'll be watching closely to see if we can detect a glimmer of those traits in any of the candidates who will be here this week.


Carson City Meet Biden at Comma Presidential candidate Sen. Joe Biden will address Carson City Democrats in one of his first Nevada campaign appearances at 9:30 a.m. today at Comma Coffee, 312 S Carson St.

Sunday, February 18

Sheriffs' log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Steve Saburn, 41, of Carson City, was arrested at 6:16 a.m. Sunday in the 2700 block of Linehan Road on suspicion of felony domestic battery third-offense and gross-misdemeanor domestic battery second offense. Bail was set at $10,000.

Saturday, February 17

Cheers to those getting Carson ready for big moment

Carson City will make a good impression on the nation when dozens of camera crews converge here for the Democratic presidential forum, despite the vandalism recently that left many windows boarded up. The unique scenery, history and people here can easily overcome the worst efforts of idiots with too much time on their hands

Farm-purchase loans target socially disadvantaged groups

The USDA Farm Service Agency is offering specially targeted farm loans known as Socially Disadvantaged Applicant Loans.

Nevada Appeal chosen as finalist in worldwide marketing competition

The Nevada Appeal was selected as a finalist in the 2007 INMA Newspaper Marketing Awards competition, chosen from newspapers in 34 countries. All finalists will be displayed during an exhibit during the INMA World Congress in Paris. There were 1,000 entries from nearly 200 newspapers. The Nevada Appeal is a finalist in the Direct Response Marketing category.

NDOT to offer free construction-truck training

A new Nevada Department of Transportation construction truck driver training program is accepting student applications.

Tower fan electrical problem causes voluntary recall

Electrical arcing in an oscillating tower fan sold at Target, Bed Bath & Beyond, and other department and specialty stores nationwide, poses a serious fire hazard. 16 consumers using the Holmes HT30 Oscillating Tower Fan have reported property damage. Residents using the fans should immediately stop using them and should contact The Holmes Group for instructions on receiving a free replacement unit. Contact The Holmes Group at (800) 524-9204 or visit

Northern Nevada Adult Mental Health receives accreditation

The Northern Nevada Adult Mental Health Servicesin Sparks has received the Gold Seal of Approval from the Joint Commission, an independent, not- for-profit national certification group that evaluates and accredits health care organizations and programs.

Business briefs

Julie L. Kidd has joined Carson River Community Bank as its senior vice president and chief financ

Friday, February 16

In defense of the First Amendment, free Scooter Libby!

By Guy Farmer The Washington, D.C. federal court trial of I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, former high-powered chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney, is a classic Inside-the-Beltway political story that has little to do with real life in the rest of the nation Ð "Flyover Country," in the parlance of Washington insiders.

Community Calendar

"Handmade in Nevada" eXhibition Series, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Legislative Building, 401 S. Carson St. Features artwork from various folk artists. Call 687-7106. "Slot Machines: The Fey Collection" on display, 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m., Nevada State Museum, 600 N. Carson St. Admission $5 adults, $3 seniors and 17-younger, members free. Call 687-4810, ext. 239.

Fight food fatigue: Asian-inspired wrap offers new life for the omnipresent chicken breast

The boneless, skinless chicken breast is suffering some serious food fatigue.


Carson City Red Rose to perform for Fat Tuesday party Red Rose will perform from 7-9 p.m. Tuesday at Stew's Sportatorium, 302 N. Carson St., in the Lucky Spur, in honor of Mardi Gras. Participants are invited to wear Mardi Gras masks and enter a drawing

Just say no to tax hike initiative

By Chuck Muth Back in 2003, the Nevada Legislature passed the largest tax increase in the state's history - $833 million worth. They did so without bothering to allow the people an opportunity to vote "yes" or "no" on whether they wanted their taxes raised. Said the Imperial Legislature: "So let it be written, so let it be done."

Community Briefs

Carson City Presidential hopeful at Comma Coffee Presidential candidate Sen. Joe Biden will address Carson City Democrats in one of his first Nevada campaign appearances 9:30 a.m. Tuesday at Comma Coffee, 312 S. Carson St.

Thursday, February 15

Special people work behind the scenes for children

Among the saddest things that appear in the paper are the mugshots of people arrested for drug offenses. Any promise and hope they may have had has pretty much been eliminated by their poor decisions and the addictions that enslave them. It's sadder still to think that some of those people have children. Those kids have done nothing to deserve the situations they find themselves in. They've seen things that would shock most adults.

New ideas for an old preparation

For all you folks who follow my recipe column, you know that Sunday dinner is a big deal for my wife, Karen, and me. It is the one day of the week that we are able to spend quality time together. Dinner is usually a two- to three-hour event. We take the time to try new ideas and preparation techniques.

Blogs on managing time, money are useful, or just plain fun

By Becky Bosshart Reading blogs is like peeking into someone's checkbook. Blogs are open to whomever may wander off from the World Wide Web, but it still feels a little voyeuristic.

SEP: A convenient, alternative to traditional pension plans

By William Creekbaum Now that tax season has officially begun, many business owners are searching for tax deductions and ways to control their tax burdens. One strategy might be the SEP, or simplified employee pension plan.

Collaboration key to successful rec center project

As Carson City grows and changes, it is heartening to witness the many community collaborations that are making a positive impact on our lives. Consider the generosity of local residents in building a community cancer treatment center, the multiple local agencies that have cooperated in creating and operating our Mentor Center of Western Nevada, and our community's new anti-meth coalition to help protect our children from disastrous drug use.

News Briefs

Carson City Health department to host open house today Carson City Health & Human Services and the Carson City Community Counseling Center will host an open house from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. today to view their new facilities, located at 900 E. Long St. The public is encouraged to attend this event. For information, call 887-2190.

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Randy Bauman, 28, unemployed from Reno, was arrested at 3:13 p.m. Wednesday on suspicion of felony failure to appear in drug court, possession of a credit card without owner's consent and burglary. No bail was set.

Wednesday, February 14

Community briefs

Carson City Presidents Day sale at Carson Tahoe Carson Tahoe's Regional Healthcare Auxiliary Gift Shop will be holding a weeklong holiday sale starting today.

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Steven Mark Chan, a 30-year-old print operator from Reno, was arrested at 4:20 p.m. in the 800 block of East Musser Street on suspicion of felony burglary, fraudulent use of a credit card, and gross misdemeanor conspiracy to utter a forged instrument. Bail was set at $10,000.

A taxing time of year

For 11 straight weeks, Ernie Mayhorn sees clients for 13 hours a day. His next available appointment is a week out.

Bill another long shot aimed at eliminating overlap of bureaucracy

If you didn't know better, you would think that actually reducing the size of government was like the weather. Everyone talks about it and makes predictions, but no one is capable of making it rain or shine. Once an agency has been established, it takes more than an act of Congress - or in this case, an act of the state Legislature - to change its status. It takes political will and an ability to bring together groups with conflicting points of view.

Convention center for Carson ... wishful thinking?

There's justifiable elation in Carson City over being given the distinction of hosting the first formal forum for Democratic presidential candidates. But there's also plenty of frustration from people who cannot get tickets, which exposes one of our city's glaring weaknesses - we don't have a modern facility large enough to host a major gathering.

Tuesday, February 13

Station Grille invests in Carson nightlife

Nighttime entertainment is getting more emphasis at the Station Grille following a $100,000 expansion in the restaurant's bar.

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • An 18-year-old Carson City teen was arrested at 12:29 a.m. Tuesday at Lompa Lane and Highway 50 East on suspicion of misdemeanor contempt of court. Bail was set at $500.

Monday, February 12

Some last-minute Valentine's tips

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY (well, almost ... it's tomorrow)! If you have a sweetie you wish to romance, you can call almost any restaurant in town, and they will probably have a Valentine's dinner going on. If you don't have a sweetie, so what? Take yourself out to dinner and be glad you're only paying for one. Or invite some other "sweetieless" friends in, and have a toast to being able to do whatever it is you want to do without having to "clear" it with someone else. Either way, the evening should be a success, and champagne or sparkling cider is a "must." Enjoy!

AAA to offer free child safety seat inspections

AAA is now offering free child safety-seat inspections at local AAA offices in order to ensure that safety seats are properly installed in cars. To make an appointment, call 1 (800) 637-2122. This service is not for members only.

Sheriffs' Log

The following are some of the calls to which deputies responded Sunday: • Harassment report in the 900 block of East Telegraph Street at 12:06 a.m. • Coroner call in the 3000 block of North Ormsby Boulevard at 2:28 a.m.

Ethics rules for politicians will help restore trust

It was interesting that a report came out last week about the public's disapproval of Congress at the same time the state Legislature was getting a first look at a proposal for a three-strikes rule for politicians. People are disillusioned nationwide with the lack of quick solutions to the Iraq war and with the scandals and partisanship of recent years.

Revelations costume shop will move to North Carson Street location

A family can dress as flappers and bootleggers and pose before a 1920s speakeasy at the new Revelations portrait studio, opening downtown next month.

Sunday, February 11

Saturday, February 10

Sheriffs' log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • An 83-year-old retired Carson City resident was arrested at 10 a.m. Friday in the 3800 block of South Carson Street on suspicion of misdemeanor trespassing. Bail was set at $150.

Fixing problems with Corrections will be tough task

Welcome to your new job, Howard Skolnik. As head of the Department of Corrections, you already know you've got a tough task in front of you, in fact one of the toughest in the entire state. Fortunately, you come with a record of accomplishment heading up the prison industry program, which gave many inmates skills they could use to lead productive lives.

Friday, February 9

Handicapping the 2008 Republican presidential race

Picking who is going to win the Republican nomination this far ahead of the 2008 election is like picking the next Super Bowl champion. The race so far looks to be wide open. Sen. John McCain was widely seen as the frontrunner, but not anymore. He has benefited so much from the adoring press coverage he received for the past six years that his campaign slogan should be, "No TV camera left behind."

Why Howard Skolnik is a great choice to lead Corrections

What a delight it was Feb. 3 to open the Appeal and read that Howard Skolnik is our new director of corrections. This brings to mind a bit of intrigue that took place in 1987 when I was one of your local assemblymen. During my three terms in Nevada's Legislature I served on some heavy-hitting committees. Perhaps the most challenging was being chairman of the Committee on Higher Education Funding. Battling with university and college presidents plus a battalion of academic special interests, all crying for more money, wasn't a prescription for low blood pressure.

Community briefs

Donors who donate blood up through Valentine's Day will be automatically entered into a drawing to win one of two waterfall-style, heart-shaped 1 carat diamond pendants, to be awarded Thursday. The pendants were donated by Hart's Fine Jewelry. For information or to make an appointment, call 887-9111 or visit

Carson City's drug war will be long and deadly

The recent shooting of Carson City Sheriff's Deputy Joshua Stagliano offers up an entrée of reminders that our local law enforcement has a plate piled high with drug-related crime. Remember, as I have often mentioned, Carson City is a small city of residency.

Sheriff's Log

The following are some of the calls to which deputies responded Thursday: • Vehicle theft report in the 5800 block of South Carson Street at 8:07 a.m. • Graffiti reports on Willard Lane, Hot Springs Road, East Fifth Street and Elaine Street.

Thursday, February 8

Sheriffs' Log

The following are some of the calls to which deputies responded: • Vehicle injury report in the 4000 block of Village Drive at 6:42 a.m. • Embezzlement report in the 900 block of East Musser Street at 8:38 a.m.

Time for Lyon commissioners to offer answers

We were surprised to hear that once again Lyon County commissioners will consider firing manager Donna Kristaponis after a similar attempt in September was headed off by an incredible show of support from county residents and employees.

Carson City has a cat problem, feral and wanderers

Of all the ways to start your day, finding a dead cat in your front yard is solidly in the bottom tier of preference. But that's what Marianne Tucker saw as she pulled out of her driveway on Fifth Street just before 8 a.m. on Thursday.

Community briefs

Carson City Artisan's Store to hold Artful Afternoon on Saturday The Artisan's Store at the Brewery Arts Center will be holding an Artful Afternoon from 1-4 p.m. Saturday with felting artist Claudia Knous. Refreshments will be served. The store is at 449 W. King St. For information, call 883-1976.

Trifling with broken cupcakes

I wanted the picture on this page today to be somewhat romantic and set the tone for the rest of the day. I guess a more appropriate ring would be "things happen."

Business Calendar

Carson City Chamber of Commerce Mixer, 5-7 p.m., Irwin Union Bank, 1717 E. College Pkwy. Free for members, $10 per nonmember. Visit or call 882-1565.

Business briefs

Nevada Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto announced a $90 million nationwide antitrust settlement with Samsung Semiconductor, Inc. and Samsung Electronics Company Ltd.

In search of Western Democrats

As a registered Democrat (believe it or not) who is thoroughly disillusioned with President Bush and the Republicans, I'm looking for a moderate Democrat to back for president in 2008 - someone like New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, who made an early campaign stop in Minden late last month.

Wednesday, February 7

N. Nevada put out welcome mat for legislators

As the Capital City traditionally hosts the first major social gathering of the legislative season, again this year we joined with Douglas County, Lyon County and Storey County to co-host a Four-County Legislative Welcome Reception.

Community briefs

Carson City Historic Resources Commission meets today at community center Members of the Historic Resources Commission will meet at 5:30 p.m. today in the Sierra Room of the Carson City Community Center, 851 E. William St.

Need is obvious for more funding for child-welfare workers

Critics have questioned his intelligence, but I think Gov. Jim Gibbons is a bright guy. Check his resumé. Gibbons has piloted combat jets, graduated from the U.S. Air Force Air Command and Air War College; has degrees in geology, mining and law; served six years in the state Legislature and a decade in Congress. That's not bad for a kid from Sparks.

'Free wireless for customers': brilliant hook

I've had a few dismal moments this week in attempting to access wireless Internet while out and about. Frustration. Wasted time. Money, which, of course, I'll charge to the company. I've also had a few small triumphs.

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • David Sean Cozby, 22, was arrested 8:29 a.m. Tuesday in the 800 block of East Musser Street on a felony warrant for failure to appear, felony probation violation and a Lyon County misdemeanor warrant. No bail was set.

Visual Identity Products

Owner: Curtis Siever Address: 509 Moses St. Phone: 882-4321

Hillary's coming to town, and that's a good thing

You might not find unanimous agreement that it's a good thing Hillary Clinton is coming to town. But make no mistake, her presence and that of other candidates, including Joe Biden, Bill Richardson, Wesley Clark and Chris Dodd, is a good thing, even for those whose cars sport bumper stickers saying "Anybody but Hillary."

Tuesday, February 6

Arbor Day Foundation offers 10 free trees

Everyone who joins the National Arbor Day Foundation this month will receive 10 free Colorado blue spruce trees as part of the foundation's Trees for America campaign. Trees will be shipped postpaid between March 1 and May 31, the correct time for planting, with instructions.

Coping with anxiety in troubled times

Did you know anxiety is now considered by the National Institute of Mental Health today's most common mental health problem? Anxiety is more prevalent than depression. In fact, since 2001, the NIMH estimates nearly 18 percent of the U.S. adult population is experiencing some form of anxiety each year. And, unfortunately, children are also developing anxiety disorders at record rates.

Student utilizes spiritual gifts for church education

Tara Reimann is majoring in theology and psychology at Concordia University in Chicago. To complete her studies and receive certification, she is fulfilling a one-year paid internship as director of Christian education at Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Carson City.

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Craig Joseph Black, 21, Western Nevada Community College student body secretary, was arrested at 1:23 a.m. Tuesday in the 3400 block of Imperial Way on suspicion of felony manufacturing drug paraphernalia, misdemeanor possession of marijuana and misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia. Bail was set at $4,364.

Sheriffs' briefs

Sheriffs' briefs Fernley boy's death investigated Lyon County investigators are looking into the death of a Fernley toddler who reportedly fell from a bunk bed Monday afternoon.

Millennium Scholarship is worth preserving

With a new session of the Legislature that began Monday, the governor and state lawmakers are concocting ways to extend the life of Nevada's Millennium Scholarship. Cheers to them.

Monday, February 5

Money woes to create a bleak future for Nevada

For many people, there's good reason to be fearful of the future, even if problems like terrorism and global warming are solved. A problem that will hit home much harder is the lack of personal savings that will leave many people scraping to get by well after normal retirement age.

Shelton Racing and Fabrication

Name: Robby Shelton Address: 3579 Highway 50 E., No. 314 Phone number: 230-3358

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Harmony Lin Nielsen, 27, unemployed from Carson City, was arrested at 5:28 p.m. Saturday in the 2000 block of Highway 50 East on suspicion of two counts of felony uttering counterfeit money and one count of felony attempting to pass counterfeit money. Bail was set at $20,000.

Either Carson looks like heaven, or Larry is alive, well

Hallelujah ... St. Teresa's Church has proved without a shadow of a doubt that you will rise again, like Lazarus, for in last Sunday's bulletin, Larry Fitzpatrick was declared dead and Father Jerry was saying a Mass for him. One small glitch ... Larry was surprised to see he'd "gone," and called Carolyn to tell her that, unless Heaven looked just like Carson City, he was alive and well. Jenny and Ed Cordisco seconded it, having seen the "deceased" since he'd gone to the "great beyond." Maizie thought he should have gone along with the whole thing, had a wake, and watched who showed up and who brought food and drink ... could have been a great party. Then Larry would pop out of a cake ... (obviously, we digress). We're just glad he's enjoying the whole thing. Welcome back.

Community briefs

Carson City Parks and Recreation panel to meet today The Carson City Parks and Recreation Committee will meet at 5:30 p.m. today in the Sierra Room of the Community Center, 851 E. William St.

Letter to the editor

Plenty of places to get good puppies I'm writing in response to the protest that was staged over a local pet store. While the people who bought puppies there who had problems have my complete sympathy, I can't get over the stupidity of the general public in purchasing puppies from such a place.

Sunday, February 4

Sheriffs' log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 42-year-old disabled transient was arrested at 3:28 p.m. Saturday in the 2600 block of New Ridge Drive on suspicion of misdemeanor trespassing. Bail was set at $237.

Saturday, February 3

Legislators' decisions will affect all our lives

The legislators who converge on Carson City on Monday will change your life and the lives of all Nevadans. They have the power to raise your taxes (or lower them), improve your children's education (or fail to do so), and make it easier to afford health care (or ignore a huge problem).

Sheriffs' log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 47-year-old tile setter from Carson City was arrested at 1:57 a.m. Saturday in the 300 block of East William Street on suspicion of misdemeanor drunken driving and impeding traffic. Bail was set at $3,201.

Letters to the editor

Opposing the president strengthens the enemy Americans showing opposition to the so-called war in Iraq have and are giving psychological aid to the enemy, which fuels their fire to continue on. And I also believe that if this country were to vote Hillary Clinton in as president, that fire would grow by leaps and bounds. And that's because the enemy would see it as more weakness on the part of the American people. Or are we supposed to forget the little to no respect the enemy has for women when we vote for our next president. They would not only see us as infidels, but also as mindless fools. More the reason in their minds for them to wipe us from the face of the earth.

Friday, February 2

'Tipsy Tow' might prevent drunken-driving accidents after the Super Bowl

AAA Nevada will be offering its "Tipsy Tow" service for Super Bowl Sunday from 6 p.m. tonight to 6 a.m. Monday.

All the Super Bowl hype is over-the-top

Are you as fed up as I am by the over-the-top Super Bowl hype we've been subjected to over the past two weeks? Enough already! I'm ready for some football after enduring the annual advertising blitz.

Celebrity behavior, excuses make a mockery of serious problems

A man walks into a doctor's office. Doctor says, "I give you six months to live." Man says, "But doctor, that doesn't even give me time to pay off my bill to you." Doctor says, "Alright then, I'll give you another six months."

Filling up on feel-good legislation for 2007

I was traveling last week, and no matter where I went, the newspaper headlines seemed the same. Inevitably, there would be stories trumpeting some new feel-good legislation as if it were the answer to all human problems past and present.

Community briefs

Carson City FISH and IRS team up to provide free tax assistance

Walls of the Irish rising in Mound House

MOUND HOUSE - The McFaddens have accomplished something they believe they never could've done in Ireland.

Top comments

Stories receiving the most comments this week at 1. Mixing tradition with progress in Washoe Tribe (88)

Sheriff's Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Matthew Thomas Dotson, 18, a delivery man from Carson City, was arrested at 9:40 a.m. Friday in the 400 block of South Pratt Street on suspicion of felony possession of prescription drugs without a prescription. Bail was set at $2,500.

Thursday, February 1

Business calendar

"The History of ARMA", 2:30-4 p.m., Truckee Meadows Water Authority, 1355 Capitol Blvd., Reno. Cost is $5 for ARMA members and $8 for nonmembers. To RSVP, call 475-0869.

Community briefs

Carson City Natives and Newcomers to meet Thursday; deadline Tuesday The Natives and Newcomers Club will meet 11:30 a.m. Thursday at the Carson Nugget's upstairs banquet room. The theme this month will be "A Valentine's Day Party." RSVP's are due Tuesday. To RSVP call 885-9019 or 883-1087.

Sheriff's log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Patricia Presgrove, 48, a seamstress from Carson City, was arrested at 10:10 p.m. Wednesday in the 3600 block of Goni Road on suspicion of felony obtaining money under false pretenses, uttering a false check, possession of prescription drugs without a prescription, possessing of methamphetamine, misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia and marijuana. Bail was set at $22,264.

Business licenses

CARSON CITY Business licenses issued in Carson City as of Jan. 26:

Saving graces: Americans put away minimum

Most people have heard Benjamin Franklin's old adage: "A penny saved is a penny earned." In a recent paper, Bill Montague, a consulting group senior financial writer, examined how these days many Americans act like they don't believe it.

Learning to love ourselves, God, others

"It makes no difference how deeply seated may be the trouble, how hopeless the outlook, how muddled the tangle, how great the mistake; A sufficient realization of love will dissolve it all. If only you could love enough you would be the happiest and most powerful being in the world."

Sage advice from readers on 'phishers'

In last week's column, I wrote about an apparent scam that began with an e-mail from a soldier in Iraq wanting to talk about the situation over there. I replied, interested in the perspective of a soldier on the ground. Then I received a message stating that he and other troops had discovered the loot of Sadaam's sons and needed help getting it safely back to the United States, where it would be distributed to the families of soldiers serving in Iraq.

Gibbons' coal-as-fuel plan impractical, costly

Amid many of the subjects brought up in Gov. Jim Gibbons'State of the State speech earlier this month, which featured many good talking points and strategies for the next four years, one proposal has us scratching our heads. In his address, the governor said he would encourage the creation of coal-to-liquids fuel plants in Nevada. Citing a visit with Wyoming Gov. Dave Freudenthal, Gibbons said existing rail lines would transport coal to the plants and convert it to diesel and jet fuel. Usable natural gas is also a by-product of the coal to liquid process.