Stories for August 2007


Friday, August 31

A tsunami of the aging is coming to Nevada, and we aren't prepared

I read recently in the Nevada Appeal that close to 200 individuals and companies donated several millions of dollars to complete the Boys & Girls Club of Western Nevada. I was thrilled, as it is a wonderful place for young people to spend their time and learn to become good citizens. It is long overdue.

Carson City is only as good as its labor force

Carson City was built on the back of its labor force, and the city's future will be determined by its labor force. Any prosperous community has an abundance of jobs that pay livable wages, provide benefits, and treat workers fairly. On those measures, Carson City has a huge asset going for it - state government.

Sheriffs' log

The following people were booked into Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty. • A 24-year-old Gardnerville man was arrested at 3:24 a.m. Friday at the intersection of Carson and Stewart streets on suspicion of drunken driving and for failing to maintain a traffic lane while driving. Bail was set at $1239.

Thursday, August 30


Carson City Comma Coffee hosts monthly art show Art enthusiasts see the latest exhibit held at Comma Coffee's Backseat Gallery in cooperation with for the month of September.

Past headlines for Sept. 23

Headlines from a year ago: Commercial development proposed for Dayton Valley Road

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 33-year-old retail worker was arrested at 8:49 a.m. Thursday in the 600 block of Voltaire Canyon Road on suspicion of misdemeanor failure to appear in court and failure to appear for substance abuse evaluation. Bail was set at $2,116.

Religion briefs

Northern Nevada The quest for love to be discussed today The public is welcome to learn how to attract more love in their life at a 10 a.m. worship service today at the Carson City Community Center, 851 E. William St.

Past Headlines Sept. 22

Headlines from a year ago: Murder suspect to be extradited Accused of murdering Sheila Harris in 1982

Past Headlines

Headlines from a year ago: Riding - and spending - with hog pride; organizers expect Street Vibrations to bring in millions

China needs image boost before theOlympic Games

With the U.S. image deteriorating around the world due to the war in Iraq, China isn't far behind in the race to the bottom of the international image sweepstakes. While American politicians struggle with Iraq policy, China needs to work on its image before hosting the 2008 Olympic Games.

Past Headlines Sept. 28

Housing: 'A bear market, not a crash' Stay put if you can, consultant says An interest rate analyst said Wednesday that falling housing prices are a catalyst for a bear market nationally, and he predicts future market decreases of 2-4 percent annually over five to seven years.

Chinese Workers Museum has nothing on Joseph Leone's dream

If you are one of those people who think those planning a $50 million Chinese Workers Museum in Carson City are dreamers, I ask you to consider Joseph Leone. All he wants to do is build a $20 billion high-speed train from the Bay area to Northern Nevada.

Past Headlines Sept. 27

Pink huts are dust The second of two Quonset huts that have been part of the East William Street landscape for more than 40 years should be demolished today. The other was reduced to rubble Tuesday.

Victims expecting restitution have long wait

Over nine months after an unlicensed contractor was ordered to pay Darrell and Karen Bair nearly $20,000 in restitution, the couple still hasn't received any payments for the money taken from them.

Make a tax-free rollover from your IRA to charity

On August 17, 2006, President Bush signed into law the Pension Protection Act of 2006. This is sweeping legislation that not only strengthens the retirement savings health of our nation, but also sets forth many attractive charitable gifting incentives for charitably minded investors.

Retiring to a foreign locale: Some problems and options

With so many boomers reaching retirement with a shortfall in savings, how are they going to stretch their dollar in order to maintain their lifestyle?

Past headlines Sept. 30

Kathy Augustine's husband charged with murder The husband of the late Nevada Controller Kathy Augustine was arrested in Virginia on Friday and charged with her murder after an FBI toxicology test found a paralyzing drug in her system.

Past headlines Sept. 29

Prisons need more staff to control inmates Corrections director requests 264 more guards

Wednesday, August 29

Sheriff's Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • John Sigmund Witbart, 39, a mason, was arrested Tuesday on suspicion of felony fraudulent use of a credit card out of Douglas County. Bail was set at $1,500.

Muslim American taking on daunting odds in bid to unseat Reid

By John L. Smith I meant it as a compliment when I told Mansoor Ijaz he was among the most intriguing carpetbaggers I'd ever met in Nevada politics.

Basque-ing in good barbecue and good times

It's always this time of year that I talk about a favorite event that Karen and I participate in: The St. Teresa's Basque Festival. It's a challenge and fun to plan for this event, which showcases the Basque community's proud traditions and folklore in Nevada, especially Northern Nevada. I truly enjoy the bi-weekly meetings held here at the restaurant and have developed some great friendships with my fellow committee members.

Baptism not about location

We had a backyard barbecue last week that included water baptism. Some friends of the young man being baptized were there to be a part of the important time in his life. One of the ladies was a little taken back by the baptism happening in a swimming pool, as she was from a formal church background.

Despite doubters, Chinese museum backers have made great strides

It's far too early for the backers of a proposed Chinese Worker's Museum in Carson City to say "I told you so," to those who are openly skeptical that the $50 million project can come to fruition here. But it's impressive how far they've come, including the ceremony Wednesday with representatives of the Chinese government. The planners of the museum have a lot of enthusiasm, a good plan and plenty of moral support. They also have $50,000 from the State Legislature for planning purposes.

Community Calendar

"Slot Machines: The Fey Collection on display" 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m., Nevada State Museum, 600 N. Carson St. Admission $5 adults, $3 seniors and 17-younger, members free. Call 687-4810, ext. 239. Book Club 6-7 p.m., Starbucks, 3228 N. Carson St. A review of different book each week. Open to the public. Call 841-6557 .

Community briefs

Carson City BAC Stage Kids audition for 'Cinderella' The BAC Stage Kids announce auditions for "Rodgers and Hammerstein's Cinderella," an adaptation of the classic fairy tale. The show will run two weekends, January 18-27 in the Donald W. Reynolds Black Box Theatre at the Brewery Arts Center.

Review of chancellor was tough but fair

The Appeal's Tuesday editorial accurately and soundly assesses "Who's really to blame for the loss of $3M donation?" by concluding that UNR "lost out on it because of (Chancellor) Jim Rogers," who had planned to give the money and then decided not to.

Tuesday, August 28

Community briefs

Carson City Young professionals invited to network The Young Business Professionals, a new group in Carson City, will meet from 5:30-7:30 tonight at D'Vine Wine at 200 N. Stewart St. The purpose of the meeting is to meet and network with other young professionals.

Business licenses

Carson City Business licenses issued in Carson City as of Aug. 23 Brugo's Take and Bake Pizza, 3228 N. Carson St., new dining room beer and wine/pkg liq, Galena Farms, LLC owner.

Sheriff's Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 26-year-old manager from Carson City was arrested at 7:19 a.m. Tuesday in the 1300 block of Como Street on suspicion of failure to appear. Bail was set at $305.

Carson City's natural setting must be saved

The natural environment of Carson City is what brought me here almost 20 years ago to settle and raise my family - the Carson River, Tahoe, the mountains, the Great Basin desert, and a moderate climate in which we could enjoy the outdoors in all seasons.

Douglas board should have heard details of casino meeting

Correcting the minutes of a public meeting should be a simple matter. So why wasn't that true, when it came to omissions concerning the proposed Beverly Hillbillies Mansion & Casino?

Health inspections

Carson City Health Department's food-service inspections and the date of inspection (all scores are on a 100-point scale, with points deducted depending on the severity of violations):

Monday, August 27

Who's really to blame for loss of $3M donation?

Chancellor Jim Rogers is free to do what he likes with his money, even if that includes making a fool of himself in a transparent effort to use his wealth to weaken a political foe.

Ministerial Fellowship elects new officers

New officers for the Carson City Ministerial Fellowship reiterated their plans for community involvement. "We will continue to provide National Day of Prayer activity," said Alan Dorway, 31, secretary/treasurer, who was re-elected to his third term. "We will continue to support that, and make sure our (monthly) meetings are practical."

Sheriff's Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 26-year-old security officer from Carson City was arrested at 4:47 a.m. in the 1900 block o North Carson Street on suspicion of misdemeanor failure to maintain lane and drunken driving. Bail was set at $1,239.

School lunch

information To prepay for your child's lunches visit and click on the link for "School Fees, Meals & Snacks." For information or your child's identification number call Nutrition Services at 283-2150

Autumn is in the air, and there's lots to do in Carson City

School's in session again, so slow down and don't mow over the kidlets, no matter what the incentive (i.e., zero population growth, loud cursing or middle finger waving). Just remember, they might be your kith and kin and we don't want to read about them getting knocked down by a speeding car. Thanks.

Sunday, August 26

Sheriff'S Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court. • James Williams, 24, a salesman from Carson City, was arrested at 11 a.m. Saturday on the intersection of North Creek and West Creek lanes on suspicion of having outstanding felony and misdemeanor warrants. Williams was allegedly selling vacuums without a permit. Bail was set at $2,500 for the felony warrant and $1,500 for the misdemeanor warrant.

Saturday, August 25

Sheriff's Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Robbie Castro, 27, an industrial hydrologist from Carson City, was arrested at 9:52 p.m. Friday on the 5500 block of Goni Road on suspicion of being a sex offender that had failed to register, a felony offense, and a first-offense drunken driving, a misdemeanor. Bail was set at $5,000 for failure to register and $1,000 for drunken driving.

Some fast food from your kitchen

Carson City Health Department's food-service inspections and the date of inspection (all scores are on a 100-point scale, with points deducted depending on the severity of violations):

Picking your friends, in peace and in wartime

I can hear the words in my head of some long-ago received advice: Choose your friends wisely. I also remember an addition to this advice from someone I met in college, that good friends can make you rich, but bad friends can make you dead.

Friday, August 24

Business briefs

The AT&T Foundation has donated $10,000 to support Western Nevada College's "Bridge to Success" program.

Legal businesses are able to advertise in the Appeal, even brothels

As most of you know, in July U.S. District Judge James Mahan dressed down (forgive me) prior laws forbidding legal brothels to advertise, fortifying our U.S. Constitutional First Amendment rights.

Gang violence rears its head again

In compiling the publication about Carson City gangs that appeared in Saturday's paper, we heard some people question the project. After all, it had been months since there had been a major episode of gang violence in our city. Maybe the problem isn't so bad after all ... maybe the gangs here are just pretenders ... maybe they were just a passing fad and graffiti is their only real effect on the city.

Past Headlines

Headlines from a year ago: Lucky plans to pull a big rig Glenn Lucky's motto is "Mind over matter."

Past Headlines Sept. 14

Headlines from a year ago: September snow? Cold front could dip mountain temperatures into the low 20s

Past Headlines Sept. 15

Headlines from a year ago: Cancer center to open for patients on Nov. 6 Before Nevada's first fully accredited cancer center opens on Nov. 6, the community will be able to tour it and walk inside a specially designed labyrinth made possible by a $200,000 grant from the Carson City Noon Rotary Club.

Past Headlines 09/08/06

Headlines from a year ago: Sailing the skies From 800 feet up, Katie Griggs watches the fog fracture and dissolve among the hotels and office buildings of downtown Reno on Thursday morning. She inhales as her altitude drops nearly 100 feet in a matter of minutes, and the sea of houses below her grows larger.

Past Headlines Sept. 12

Headlines from a year ago: Critics renew pleas to stop what they fear is another L.A. water grab

Thursday, August 23

Radical Muslims are the true enemy

My friend Ty Cobb, a knowledgeable Reno Gazette-Journal political columnist who worked in the Reagan White House, performed a public service last Sunday by pointing out the threat that militant Muslims pose to those of us who don't agree with their intolerant and violent worldview.

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • David Alan Tieffer, 52, a laborer from Carson City, was arrested at 6:46 a.m. Thursday in the 1300 block of Jerry Lane on suspicion of gross misdemeanor violation of a temporary protective order. Bail was set up at $3,132.

Former USDA analyst is beefing up consumers in Western Nevada College course on selecting meat

Richard Kirlicks shakes out the wrinkles in a sheet of grocery store advertisements.

Discovering the world through the eyes of a 13-year-old visitor provides satisfaction

There's no news flash in saying that 13-year-old boys see the world a different way, but the point was driven home this week when I led a nephew on adventures from Carson City to the coast to Yosemite National Park. For this particular member of the teenage set, the world consists primarily of girls, trucks, sports cars, french fries, bikes, fishing, sleep, disc golf, TV, friends, cell phones and the impending threat of school. Emphasis on girls. In other words, it's a pretty full life, and one in which a trip from Wisconsin west to Nevada could well be considered a disruption.


Carson City Calendar Girls to sign copies Saturday There will be a calendar signing evening to introduce the "Carson Calendar Girls" at the Bliss Mansion, 608 Elizabeth St. 6 p.m. Saturday. Tickets are $30, which includes an advance copy of the calendar, wine, appetizers and a chance to have the photos autographed by the Carson Calendar Girls.

'Share your faith in God'

Evangelism is a hot topic today in church. You can find books on how to "market the church," you can attend seminars on church growth - there is more information now on how to share your faith than ever before, yet many Americans never come to an obedient relationship with the Savior Jesus Christ.

The cold, hard facts about long-term care and insurance

Almost everyone knows the merits of life insurance - the umbrella for that rainy day.

Wednesday, August 22

Officials blame the messenger in theft of state agency's computers

Following an official document request by the Review-Journal into the theft of 94 computers from a Department of Welfare and Supportive Services warehouse, Nevada Department of Health and Human Services Director Michael Willden has identified the culprit. It turns out it's me.

Sheriff's Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 19-year-old theater employee was arrested at 12:15 a.m. Wednesday at Emerson Drive and College Parkway on suspicion of misdemeanor drunken driving, minor consuming alcohol and driving without a license. Bail was set at $1,436.

Trust comes with openess and diplomacy

We agree with Tuesday's decision by the Storey County Commission to deny the master plan change for a north county development known as Cordevista. Project proponent Blake Smith knows he would like to build some 17,000 homes on 8,590 acres near the Tahoe Reno Industrial Center, which is east of Sparks on Interstate 80.

Business licenses

Carson City Business licenses issued in Carson City as of Aug. 16, 2007

Tuesday, August 21

Sheriff's Log

Carson City The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Vincent Peter Pecorilla, 37, a contractor from Mound House, was arrested at 11:03 p.m. Monday in the 3200 block of Highway 50 East on a felony warrant for suspicion of trafficking and sales of a controlled substance. He allegedly sold 7.5 grams of methamphetamine to an undercover informant. Bail was set at $50,000.

Don't wait for another fire, get to work now

Creating defensible space around our homes and fuel breaks around our communities has been the topic of the summer. After the Angora fire devoured 254 homes and 3,100 acres, our awareness of this vital subject grew. Once we saw a report that homes caught other homes on fire in the Angora fire, we could see the need for a community and region-wide response. Through Friday's Lake Tahoe Forum our elected officials emphasized their concern.


Joanie's Creekside Deli & Catering 1795 E. College Parkway, #100

Community briefs

Carson City Country Dance at Brewery Saturday The Nevada Bluegrass Project will host an old-fashioned "Country Dance" 7-11 p.m. Saturday at the Brewery Arts Center.

Monday, August 20

Community briefs

Carson City Symphony begins 2007-08 season Wednesday The Carson City Symphony will kick off the 2007-08 season 6:30 p.m. Wednesday with a pot-luck and jam session for musicians and guests on at 703 Westview Ave. Music folders for the first concert will be available that evening. For reservations, call the Symphony at 883-4154. Rehearsals begin 7:15-9:30 p.m. Aug. 29 at the Carson High School band room.

Skin is in at Calendar gals signing this weekend

The Carson Calendar Girls will be signing their calendars on Saturday at the Bliss Mansion at 6 p.m. to promote their 2008 calendar to benefit Danielle Conway who is fighting so valiantly against her cancer. For $30, you can buy a calendar, get it autographed by the "girls," have a taste of wine, some fine hors d'oeuvres, and hopefully, a lot of fun. General sales begin at various local sites (which will appear in next week's column), or can be ordered at Ms. September and Ms. July thank you!

Nevadans can choose not to drive drunk

In 2006, 432 people died on Nevada's roadways, 142 in some way the victim of a driver driving under the influence with a blood alcohol level at .08 or above. It is beyond understanding.

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 26-year-old woman from Verdi was arrested at 1:09 a.m. Sunday in the 3800 block of South Carson Street on suspicion of misdemeanor domestic battery. Bail was set at $3,132.

School's about to open, drive safe

It's the last weekend for students in Carson City, Douglas, Lyon and Storey counties to run free before the start of school Monday. It's the last weekend of speeding through school zones before the lights begin flashing and our mphs must drop to 15.

Don't let a bully take away your child's lunch money

"There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way in which it treats its children." - Nelson Mandela I have to admit my dismay when I read in the Nevada Appeal (Aug. 8) that 36 percent of Carson City's schoolchildren were poor enough to qualify for free or reduced lunches. I find it troubling and sad that Carson City's economy doesn't allow so many parents to provide a decent standard of living for their families.

Health Inspections

Carson City Health Department's food-service inspections and the date of inspection (all scores are on a 100-point scale, with points deducted depending on the severity of violations):

Sunday, August 19

Sheriff's Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Jodi Liebow, a 25-year-old customer service representative of Carson City, was arrested at 4:03 p.m. Saturday on suspicion of violating her parole.

Saturday, August 18

Sheriff's Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Mark Walker, a 20-year-old unemployed Carson man, was arrested on suspicion of battery, destruction of property and robbery on the 2000 block of North Carson Street at 7:08 p.m. Friday. While shopping, Walker allegedly took a bottle of Captain Morgan rum and a four-pack of Guinness lager and put them in his book bag. He was stopped by store security and a struggle ensued. Bail was set at $40,000.

Community briefs

Carson City Fleet Reserve Association meeting Fleet Reserve Association and the Ladies Auxiliary will meet at 6:30 p.m. Friday in the Veterans Hall at 2nd and Curry Street.

Friday, August 17

With trust in short supply, it's time to be optimistic

I knew before I started the trip that my return flight would be trouble. I rolled into the Tampa airport with a little extra time to survey the damage. Any delay in my morning flight would mean missing my connection in Phoenix.

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in court: • A 20-year-old Carson City man was arrested Friday on suspicion of contempt of court on a traffic citation and possession of drug paraphernalia. Bail was set at $2,278.


Carson City Streets closed for CMNN carnival Ann and Plaza streets, north and east of the Children's Museum of Northern Nevada, will be closed from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. for the museum's annual carnival. Alternate routes of travel are Washington and North Carson streets.

Cooking Veracruz style

As a fan of Mexican food I'm always interested in learning about regional differences and peculiarities in the cuisine - like which chilies are most commonly used in Oaxaca or what kind of seeds are used to thicken a mole in Michoacan.

Thursday, August 16

Don't overlook chard for flavorful summer cuisine

This is the time of the year that most vegetables are easily eaten. By this I mean that the fresh sweet corn just needs to be roasted or boiled, green beans just steamed, tomatoes eaten just like an apple.


Carson City East Fifth Street closed today through Monday East Fifth Street and Butti Way will be closed from 7 p.m. today through 7 a.m. Monday for road work. Fifth Street will be closed between Fairview Drive and the Nevada State Prison. Butti Way will be closed between Fifth Street and Airport Road.

Presidential candidates could learn in Fallon

Once again, Nevada is in the national political spotlight. Fallon deserves some of the attention. With the emergence of Nevada as a crucial swing state in recent elections, as well as the Silver State's fast approaching Jan. 19, 2008 caucus, presidential candidates have begun criss-crossing the state in search of recognition, feedback, and of course, votes.

Death Valley run hits 120 degrees

DEATH VALLEY, Calif. - If you were to ask me why I chose to visit this scorching and desolate land during the hottest month of the year, my answer would be "I did it on a whim." I'd driven southward a few days earlier from Fallon to Las Vegas along Highway 95, the 385-mile route I always take to reach Vegas, but on my return trip decided on a change of scenery.

Letters to the editorPassion shown in prosecution of Mitchell appreciated

Last week 12 very responsible Carson City residents convicted David Mitchell and sentenced him to spend the rest of his life in prison. I am close friends with Linda Bratton and her daughters and have been since before Sheila was murdered. I witnessed the anguish and frustration that they suffered at the hands of the previous district attorney who, for whatever reason, found every excuse to let this case sit on the "back burner."

The clogging of the mighty asphalt

Today's edition is dedicated, in part, to the mighty road. Those ribbons of base and asphalt that seem to define more and more of our life. Our highways are the veins that carry the lifeblood of commerce as we move goods, commute to work, shop, school and like those vehicles in our bodies, when we don't take care of them they stop working.

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Donald Lee Newbury, 36, a transient, was arrested at 7:35 a.m. Thursday at the Lyon and Carson county line on a felony parole violation and suspicion of misdemeanor violation of a suspended sentence. No bail was set.

Wednesday, August 15

Burning Man is just what it seems - only better first hand

Most Thursdays Appeal columnists Bob Thomas and Guy W. Farmer and I break bread at lunchtime, discussing the political woes of the world, America and Nevada. Our chats rarely become heated and the world doesn't pay much attention to what we decide is the way it should go when we give it 24 hours to shape up.

Church using eBay to fund building project

First Presbyterian Church is realizing just how profitable selling items on eBay can be and are using the Web site to raise money for their new sanctuary. "Tom (Streenan) gave me this great idea to sell stuff that had been donated," said Rev. Bruce Kochsmeier. "And after listening to him, I said, 'Hey, let's try this.'"

Other Views: Rove's legacy; a look at Bush's political operator

Give Karl Rove his due. The political strategist known as "Bush's brain" mobilized enough little gray cells to put his client in the White House twice. Rove combined a savant's command of political minutiae with a grand strategy best described as "divide and conquer." But the politics of polarization that once served President Bush so well eventually undermined his quest for a legacy of achievement in office, while deflating Rove's own dream of a Republican ascendancy at both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue. On Monday, Rove quit while he was behind.

Community briefs

Carson City CHS Football Hall of Fame dinner is Saturday Carson High School Football's annual Adele's Dinner, Dance and Hall of Fame Inductees will start at 6 p.m. Saturday. Live music will be provided by Moonlight Express with Comma Coffee's June Joplin singing. For tickets and information, call 882-7207.

Secrecy of investigation into state welfare officials raises even more flags

It's hard to imagine that any state government job could be much tougher and more thankless than those inside the welfare division. Equipped with neither the staffing nor the budget to do the job, workers endeavor to help some of the neediest people in society.

Tuesday, August 14

Monday, August 13

Progress is being made on illegal immigration

It will take courageous political leaders to pass legislation to deal conclusively with illegal immigration in the United States. That's really just another way of saying that we shouldn't expect anything to happen in the near future politically.

Health Inspections

Carson City Health Department's food-service inspections and the date of inspection (all scores are on a 100-point scale, with points deducted depending on the severity of violations):

Community briefs

Carson City CHS class of 1977 celebrates 30 years The 30-year class reunion for the Carson High School Class of 1977 is set for Aug. 24-25.

Sheriffs' Log

The following are some of the calls to which deputies responded Sunday: • Fight report at Eastwood and Colorado drives at 12:02 a.m. • Vehicle burglary report in the 1900 block of College Parkway at 12:59 a.m.

Good reasons to get jazzed up this weekend

Flys and mosquitos ... why? Has anybody figured out what they're good for other than to annoy us and distribute awful diseases? Apparently, the God of Pests and Other Scratchy Things has ordained that we're to be bothered just to be bothered. Too bad the God of Nice Things doesn't have precedence ... whack ... there goes another fly off to Nirvana.

Sunday, August 12

Sheriff's log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Jamie Banks, a 35-year-old Carson City man, was arrested at 2:40 p.m. Saturday on suspicion of helping steal $3,000 of copper wire from Sierra Pacific Power Company's corporate yard. He and his accomplice, William Craig, are suspected of taking the wire out of work trucks and using bolt cutters to pull the wire spools off the truck's racks. Bail was set at $25,000.

Saturday, August 11

Sheriff's log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • William Craig, 39, was arrested at 1:30 p.m. Friday in the 3500 block of Highway 550 on suspicion of felony burglary and possession of stolen property. Craig allegedly broke into the Sierra Pacific Power corporate yard and took $3,000 worth of copper wire as well as other miscellaneous items. He dropped the items off at his apartment and told his girlfriend they were scrap metal. Bail was set at $25,000 for vehicle burglary and $25,000 for possession of stolen property.

Friday, August 10

Business licenses

Business licenses issued in Carson City as of Aug. 3:

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Mary Helen Migliozzi, 47, unemployed from Carson City, was arrested at 3:26 p.m. Thursday in the 1800 block of East Long Street on suspicion of felony trafficking methamphetamine, possession of a controlled substance with intent to sell and possession of drug paraphernalia. Bail was set at $21,132.

Sales tax fairness is in the eye of the beholder

Things are not always as they seem in the complicated world of sales tax, something that's perfectly illustrated in today's page A1 story on sales tax revenue in local counties. Douglas County, for example, should seemingly be reaping a financial windfall from its new big box developments, but is actually subsidized by other counties, including Carson City. It is receiving a guaranteed level of sales tax revenue, a system set up to ensure its financial viability after the state's property tax structure was changed two decades ago.

There is no penalty harsh enough for this murderer, rapist

Twenty-five years after snuffing the life of 18-year-old Sheila Jo Harris, convicted murderer David Winfield Mitchell has been sentenced to life imprisonment without parole. Questions abound regarding the lapse of time between the DNA match confirmation and the actual filing of the report, but I have yet another question. Why did this barbarous citizen of Trinidad and Tabago receive only three years in prison (of which he is said to have served only one) when convicted of assault with a deadly weapon of 22-year-old Jannine Sullivan and her sister Rosanne back in 1979? That violent act was obviously triggered by the intent to kill, only after he would have raped the two young women he attacked.

America gets busted by yet another boom

There is that old saying about what goes up must come down. It's not very popular anymore, since it can be shown that we fire rockets up into space that, in fact, never come down.

Thursday, August 9

August isn't too early to begin thinking about Christmas (charity)

I bumped into Jo Misuraca in a Carson City store at the end of a recent hot day and, to my amazement, we found ourselves talking about Christmas. Not about how many shopping days are left until then (only 137!), but about Toys for Tots. Misuraca, one of the coordinators of the local toy drive, has already begun making plans. Now, normally, getting an early start on Toys for Tots means September or October. But July?

Thoughts on the recent market volatility

Given the recent activity in the stock and bond markets, I thought a short overview would be helpful in understanding some of the issues making financial headlines. Over the past several weeks, various asset classes around the world have experienced a "re-pricing" of risk, which, in our opinion, has led to heightened volatility in capital markets.

Sheriff's Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Patrick Gustave Mayer, 59, a construction worker from Carson City, was arrested at 9:48 a.m. Tuesday in the 2700 block of Kit Sierra Way on suspicion of gross misdemeanor violation of a protection order. Bail was set at $1,132.

National Night Out was a smashing success

Anyone who witnessed what happened at Mills Park on Tuesday night would be hard pressed to be pessimistic about Carson City's ability to beat any problem that comes its way, including drugs and gangs.

New group wants to help young professionals in Carson City

age of Carson City as a town for senior citizens and government workers won't change soon, but a young professionals' group starting this month says it will try.

A perfect pear - fruit and pizza

This beautiful summer pizza is a creation of ours and is very popular at the restaurant. We are honored to have been able to provide this recipe to the Pear Bureau Northwest organization, so we thought it would be a good idea to forward it to our readers in Carson City. This is truly an adult pizza, but I'm sure the kids will enjoy it as well.

Wednesday, August 8

Hunan Garden says it's clean despite report

The health inspector was getting ready to leave as new restaurant manager Doug Williams walked inside the Hunan Garden.

Southern Nevadans ready to rally behind courageous girl's adoption wish

It's not easy to motivate Las Vegans.Maybe it's the fact so many of us come from so many parts of the map and have little in common. Perhaps we're experiencing sensory overload from the gaudy glow of the "Entertainment Capital of the World." Hey, just getting through the day overwhelms most people and leaves little time to consider someone else's problems.

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Jesse Conroy, 19, a construction worker from Reno, was arrested at 11:46 p.m. Monday at Saliman Road and Highway 50 East on suspicion of two counts of felony statutory sexual seduction and misdemeanor contempt of court. Bail was set at $5,500.

1982 killer gets life without parole

Spectators in a Carson City courtroom erupted into applause Wednesday after a jury determined David Winfield Mitchell should spend the rest of his life in prison without parole for the 1982 murder of Sheila Jo Harris.

Community briefs

Carson City Free seminar on how to succeed in television, film

Tuesday, August 7

Justice is sweet, even 25 years late

The decision by a jury to convict David Winfield Mitchell was not difficult. The 12 members needed to convene for only five hours before pronouncing Mitchell guilty of killing Sheila Jo Harris, whom he killed 25 years ago in her Carson City apartment.

Community briefs

Carson City Learn to scrapbook at senior center A Scrapbook Class will beat 10 a.m. Thursday in the Jobs Peak Room at the Carson City Senior Citizens Center, 911 Beverly Drive.

Dining on the taxpayer gravy train

According to government figures disclosed this week, almost half of all of Carson City's school-kids are considered "poor." As high as 85 percent in one school. As such, those kids will qualify for free or reduced-cost meals at school this year. Well, not really "free." They're taxpayer-funded. The old adage is still true: There's no free lunch.

A vote for 'No Child': Welcome support in House for the law that brought accountability to public education

Blaming No Child Left Behind for failures of public education seems to be in vogue these days. The Bush administration act, which mandates measurement of public school performance, is a favorite whipping boy of interest groups and the politicians who cater to them. So it was refreshing to hear a leading liberal Democrat speak passionately about his commitment to this landmark law. More important was the promise by Rep. George Miller, D-Calif., who heads the House education committee, to fight for the bill's reauthorization this year.

Sheriff's Log

The following are some of the calls to which deputies responded Monday: • Property injury report on East Telegraph Street at 4:36 p.m. • Residential burglary report on Century Drive at 9:19 a.m.

Having it the Lord's way

I can still hear my mother's voice from childhood days gone by, her retort whenever I would say, "I thought." She would say, "You know what thought did don't ya?"

Monday, August 6

Almost everyone seems to win in casino approval

We congratulate Max Baer on the passage of casino project. Whether you support his project or not, his persistence was remarkable. It's unfortunate that the casino project has been presented as another Carson versus Douglas issue, because both will benefit. Part of the work force will come from Carson City and, if Baer's project comes even close to projections, the visitors it will draw will spend some of their money in Carson City, too.


Carson City Chamber breakfast club meeting today Carson City Chamber will hold its Breakfast Club Meeting at 7:30 a.m., today at Silver Oak Golf and Event Cente

Some good news for diners, and other observations

There is a Zeus ... the Panithias Grill has reopened with the same good food, Greek included, but they have added fajitas and nachos and a new phone number, 883-5637. We also have hot news on Maui Wowi Hawaiian opening up in the Irwin Financial Center, 1910 E. College Parkway (883-WOWI). They are serving Kona coffees, smoothies, and goodies like Macadamia Popcorn Crunch. Janice Wimer promises a taste of Hawaii to all. And, while we're in a hula mood, Mallard's will host a Hawaiian luau on Aug. 17 at the Empire Ranch Golf Course. Reservations are a MUST (885-1019 for details and times). Take your pick. Aloha!

Sunday, August 5

Sheriff's log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 34-year-old Carson City man was arrested at 4:30 p.m. Saturday at the intersection of Carson and 5th streets. The man was a passenger in a car pulled over for a separate violation. The officer on duty noticed he had signs of recent meth use. After several tests, the man admitted to recent meth use which was a violation of his recent bail conditions. He was taken into custody and bail was set at $3,000.

Saturday, August 4


Carson City Author to sign book on mint at state museum Rusty Goe, the award-winning author of 2004's "The Mint on Carson Street" has released a new biography on the life of James Crawford, superintendent of the Carson City Mint.

Sheriff's log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 51-year-old Carson City man was arrested at 4:10 p.m. Friday on Highway 50 East on suspicion of possession of marijuana. Sheriff's deputies searched the man, who was hitchhiking, and allegedly found a bag of marijuana tucked into his right sock.

Friday, August 3

Knee injury leads fitness instructor to develop own form of yoga

FALLON - After a long career in the fitness industry and recovery from a knee injury, yoga instructor Syena Sowden has finally achieved her dream - but it took a long time to get there.

Burning Man and Yucca Mountain not what they seem

Burning Man and Yucca Mountain have something in common - both are highly dubious projects in the Nevada desert. Let me explain.


Scoopie Doo What: A dog waste-removal, pet-sitting and pet photography service

Community briefs

Carson City Remembrance of atomic bomb set for today A special observance in remembrance of the anniversary of the use of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki will be from 4-5:30 p.m. today at St. Theresa of Avila Church, 3000 N. Lompa Lane.


Carson City Free seminar today for summer planting Greenhouse Garden Center is offering a free seminar on summer container planting with Janet Snipes at 10 a.m. today. Call 882-8600.

Galaxy could be Northgate's 'death knell'

A multiplex that had been the only movie theater in Carson City for years may have trouble staying in business now that a larger and more contemporary theater has opened.

Theater really is a great thing for Carson City

It's tempting to accuse Supervisor Pete Livermore of hyberbole in saying the new Galaxy Theatre is "the greatest thing to happen to the city in years." But when you think about it, he's not far from the truth.

Top comments

Stories receiving the most comments last week at 1. Miscarriages of justice at the hands of attorneys and judges (316) 2. Dog shot by deputy is recovering (117)

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 27-year-old unemployed Carson City man was arrested at 4:57 a.m. Friday in the 2100 block of Highway 50 East on suspicion of misdemeanor obstructing a peace officer. Bail was set at $407.

Thursday, August 2

Be it ever so humble, this is home, and she's proud of it

By Barry Ginter Heidi Manfroi leaned forward in her wheelchair, laughing as she told the story of the baby chipmunk that got caught in her hair one year when she lived at Lake Tahoe. She couldn't be late for work, so she left it there and reported for her shift on time as a dealer in a casino.

Wednesday, August 1

Community briefs

Carson City/Washoe Valley State museum hosts basketweaving exhibition

Frontier helped Robert Goulet make a name for himself on the Strip

A photograph hangs on Robert Goulet's office wall that captures a time he'll never forget. It was the moment he was the undisputed king of Las Vegas Boulevard and had the photographic evidence to prove it. Perhaps you're thinking: Goulet, a great singer, but the king of the Boulevard? What about Sinatra? What about Elvis? What about Tony Bennett?

Sheriff's Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 27-year-old heating and air conditioning technician from Carson City was arrested at 4:15 a.m. Wednesday at Menlo Drive and Green Court on suspicion of misdemeanor violation of a suspended sentence. Bail set at $3,000.

Business licenses

Business licenses issued in Carson City as of July 20, 2007

On further review, no evidence of disrespect to the flag

It's inspiring to see so many people in Carson City who care deeply about the U.S. flag. That is evident to visitors and residents in a big way, represented by the flag on our hillside. It was also evident Wednesday by the number of people who showed up at the Senior Center because they'd heard the U.S. Flag had been disrespected.