Stories for July 2007


Tuesday, July 31

Sheriff's Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 40-year-old unemployed Ely man was arrested at 5:30 a.m. Tuesday in the 800 block of East Musser Street on suspicion of misdemeanor probation violation. Bail was set at $3,000.

Community briefs

Carson City Clients wanted for RSVP program As our seniors enter their 60s, 70s, 80s and older, often their relatives and friends move away or die.

Another step to a new downtown vision

A sure way to make people's eyes glaze over is to talk about zoning. A sure way to wake them up is to talk about changes necessary to make Carson City's downtown a point of pride. Those two things will converge on Thursday at a supervisors meeting when the board will decide whether to change zoning rules throughout the downtown area, a move designed to create a more vibrant business climate.

Health inspections

Carson City Health Department's food-service inspections and the date of inspection (all scores are on a 100-point scale, with points deducted depending on the severity of violations)

Monday, July 30

Get a warm feeling by helping Meals on Wheels

Everyone knows what a great deal Meals on Wheels is, but you also should know that it costs a lot of money to continue ... and that's where the Capitol Quilters come in. Rochelle Summers tells us that they are raffling off a beautiful quilt to benefit MOW, and for $1 (or 6 for $5), you can visualize yourself wrapped up in it come winter time in front of a big fireplace, sipping a cup of hot cocoa. Fifty quilters worked on it, and Jean Kvam of The Sewing Studio quilted it. The drawing will be on Sept. 7, but you can see it tomorrow (and buy tickets) at the Farmer's Market. Or, if you don't make it down there, go to the Senior Center and they will sell you some. Beautiful quilt, great cause!

Rep. Dean Heller shows independent thinking on Iraq

Probably not even U.S. Rep. Dean Heller believes that his weekend trip to Iraq gave him a clear view of the situation in that country and what the U.S. should do next. Visits by important officials are heavily choreographed for safety and publicity purposes and do not come near the danger that American troops see every day.

College savings plans that will make the grade

With the cost of higher education continually rising, it's more important than ever to get an early start saving for a child or loved one's college education. For parents or grandparents considering the possibilities, Section 529 state-sponsored college savings plans may be the way to go.

Community briefs

Carson City Computer class opens for enrollment at senior center The following classes will be offered at the Carson City Senior Center in August:

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: The following are some of the calls to which deputies responded Sunday:

Sunday, July 29

Sheriffs' log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 29-year-old unemployed Carson City resident was arrested at 1:36 a.m. Sunday in the 900 block of South Carson Street on suspicion of misdemeanor trespassing. Bail was set at $237.

Saturday, July 28

Community briefs

Carson City Brewery presents 'Little Shop of Horrors' The Brewery Arts Center Summer Stock Company presents the musical "The LIttle Shop of Horrors" at its outdoor amphitheater Thursday, Friday and Aug. 9, 10 and 11 at 7:30 p.m.

Cooking up a new restaurant

Our thanks to Linda Marrone, food columnist for the Nevada Appeal for inviting us to contribute to this article.

Sheriff's log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Carlos Alvarez, 32, of Carson City, was arrested at 10:53 p.m. Friday in the 700 block of Broadleaf Drive on suspicion of felony providing false information to avoid arrest and misdemeanor violation of a suspended sentence. Bail was set at $5,500. Also arrested was Nancie Ellen Mayfield, 36, of Carson City, on suspicion of felony drug trafficking. Bail was set at $20,000.


Gardnerville 'Dirty Dog Wash' ready for action The 2007 Dirty Dog Wash has dogs across Northern Nevada running in packs to be first in line for a dog wash and the treats that follow.

Friday, July 27

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Shannon Thomas Ebernickle, 19, a laborer from Dayton, was arrested at 11:50 p.m. Thursday in the 800 block of East Musser Street on suspicion of felony battery by a prisoner. His bail was set at $10,000.

The people have spoken on Yucca Mtn.

It's been well noted that a vast majority of people in Nevada don't want any part of a nuclear waste dump within our borders. A new poll showing that most people outside our borders agree with us comes as great news. In fact it should drive yet another nail in the coffin of the project.

Just give Max Baer Jr. a chance and he'll hit a home run

Buyer's remorse is a three-pronged pitch fork that tauntingly and jeeringly pokes at someone, irritating the sores of uncertainty that will not heal. Poke, poke, poke. "Glad I did." "Glad I didn't." "Don't know for sure." The three prongs of the fork with three sharp points. Poke, poke, poke.


Carson City Best-selling author holds book signing Author Dale Brown will be doing a book signing 1 p.m. today at Costco, 700 Old Clear Creek Road. He will be signing his latest best-selling novel "Strike Force" published this May by William Morrow.

Dumb or dishonest? Either way, Gonzo's gotta go

I have a 4-year-old daughter who has an amazing gift for telling fanciful tales, making them up on the fly to fit any situation. I'm thinking of loaning her storytelling services to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, since it's clear she tells much better stories than he does.

Thursday, July 26

Sheriff's Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 27-year-old Reno man was arrested at 9:07 a.m. Thursday in the 3900 block of Fairview Drive on suspicion of misdemeanor battery. Bail was set at $2,000.


The Bike Doctor 9 Lida Circle (works from home) Contact 230-6103

Why should American soldiers fight when the Iraqi government is on a month-long vacation?

While American servicemen and women continue to fight and die in Iraq, the Iraqi Parliament - representing the people our troops are fighting and dying for - has decided to take a month-long summer vacation. This is an outrageous development in an increasingly indefensible war and I believe we should begin a phased withdrawal of our troops on an unannounced timetable. Enough is enough!

Now, Sergeant Major Alan Callanan can look anyone in the eye

Command Sergeant Major Alan Callanan has had an exemplary 35-year military career in the Army, Army Reserve and National Guard. His rank is the highest possible for a non-commissioned officer and he's served at several bases, including overseas in Korea, Germany and Panama.

Chef trying to spice up Carson City

Todd Boerner hovers over notes for a banquet like a couple reviewing paint colors for a new kitchen.

Wednesday, July 25

NBA scandal prompts usual media hand-wringing about Vegas

Veteran NBA referee Tim Donaghy probably has a closet full of striped shirts. Now it appears he'll be getting pants to match. News that the NBA official was implicated in a cheating scheme makes me cringe, but not for the usual reasons. Not because it's surprising to learn a professional sports referee is susceptible to corruption. It's no shock. In leagues where players and coaches make millions, officials are arguably the most vulnerable - especially if they have a heavy gambling Jones.

Highway 395 cable is one barrier we welcome

Three years ago, Nicole Snyder was killed on Highway 395 near Genoa Lane when a driver in the opposite lanes lost control of her car and was launched into the air by the median. The ditch that serves as a median for most of the length of the highway between Minden and Indian Hills came along with the highway expansion when it was built in the mid-'80s.

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Quenton Sans Wallace, 36, of Carson City, was arrested at 6:17 p.m. Tuesday in the 3400 block of South Carson Street on a Fernley warrant for suspicion of felony being under the influence of a controlled substance, and a Lyon County warrant for suspicion of felony possession of drug paraphernalia. Bail was set at $5,000.

Schools meet challenge to leave no child behind

They told her not to worry. No one expected that her school - where two-thirds of the students didn't speak English at home and 82 percent were poor enough to qualify for reduced-price lunch - would meet the arbitrary requirements set forth in the No Child Left Behind act.

A way to turn the immigration problem into a solution to a pressing problem

We can only wonder whether it's really too late to inject a level of common reason into the mad mess that Washington has made of the immigration issue. As one commentator recently suggested, the present state of policy disarray - on the principle that doing nothing is just another way to choose an outcome - actually creates for illegal aliens an 'amnesty by neglect.'

Tuesday, July 24

Sheriff's Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Ryan Tyler Adams, 23, unemployed from Carson City, was arrested at 9:09 p.m. on a felony warrant for probation violation. No bail was set.

Mild criticism and high praise for Rheba Montrose

Rheba Montrose learned some lessons from her failed recall petition of Mayor Marv Teixeira. For one thing, there aren't many people - possibly not even one - in Carson City who care as much about a clean and accountable government as she does. It's not that every other resident is apathetic, but she quickly found out that there's a wide gulf between those willing to complain and those willing to work for change.

A new coalition prepares to battle poverty in Carson City

Did you know in the United States about 13 percent of all people live below the poverty line, federally marked at an income of $20,000 for a family of four? Did you also know that in Carson City 19.5 percent of children under the age of 5 are living in poverty?

Monday, July 23


Carson City Volunteers sought to help seniors RSVP currently needs volunteers who will assist the elderly, help in other nonprofits and assist in county offices. For more than 30 years the Nevada Rural Counties RSVP has been helping seniors remain in their homes, rather than be institutionalized. RSVP is able to reimburse for expenses involved in volunteering efforts. Contact Cordy Athena 687Ð4680.

Sheriff's Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Jose Mendez Sanabria, 24, of Carson City, was arrested at 2:19 a.m. Monday at Chernus and Michael drives on suspicion of felony contempt of court out of East Fork Justice Court, drunken driving, failure to maintain lane and driving without a valid license. Bail was set at $2,618.

Wisdom from our returning soldiers

Like the friends and family members who greeted them on Saturday, we welcome home the soldiers from the Nevada Army Guard's 1/221st Cavalry and thank them for their service to their country. The 110 soldiers have spent a year in Iraq protecting convoys - a dangerous mission - and it is a relief that all returned safely.

A farewell to a woman who brought joy to many

A dear lady, Suzette Dietel, passed away last week in Reno. Her funeral is tomorrow at St. Albert's at 11 a.m., but that's not the point of this paragraph. Instead, we'd like to marvel at the fun she brought into people's lives when she lived in Carson City.

Healing service at Potter's House

A "Special Healing Service" with Pastor Don Honzay will be at 7 p.m. Sunday at The Potter's House Christian Fellowship Church. Prayer for the sick will be available during service. The public is welcome. A nursery will be provided.

Chocolate Silk Torte

"Hot enough for ya?" That was a common summer salutation I remember from growing up in Texas. And 50 years later I still don't get it. In a place where the temperature topped 100 for weeks at a time, and the humidity was usually above 60 percent, "yeah, it's hot enough, thanks for asking."

Sunday, July 22

Saturday, July 21

Sheriff's log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Juan Luis Bodoy, 20, of Carson City, was arrested at 7:50 p.m. Friday in the 400 block of Rawhide Way on suspicion of felony possession of stolen property and misdemeanor violation of probation. No bail was set.

Friday, July 20


Carson City Rail Museum hosts train rides July 28-29 The Nevada State Railroad Museum in Carson City will host a series of Steam Ups and Motor Car rides aboard historic Virginia & Truckee Railroad equipment.

For the city's sake, it's time to clean up the zoo of government

Animal Farm revisited. All that's missing is the big barn and the farm animals. George Orwell's setting for his fairytale of political discourse and hierarchical revolt disguising personal gain has found a contemporary home in Carson City Hall - our own version of Manor Farm as depicted by Orwell. In his novel, though, animals acted like people.

Letters to the editor

They even clean buses I drive the JAC bus in Carson City. On July 11, 2007, around 4:45 p.m., a baby got sick on the bus after dropping off all of the passengers. I pulled into Nevada Division of Forestry and two young men asked how they could help me. When I told them, they quickly washed out the bus and cleaned off the seats. The bus sure smelled a lot better! This is a very busy time for them, they went above and beyond the call of duty. Thank you NDF for all that you do to keep us safe. Clean and smelling good too.

Business licenses

Business licenses issued in Carson City as of July 19:

Nevada unemployment holds steady at 4.6 percent in June

Nevada's unemployment rate remained slightly above the national average in June, at 4.6 percent, due in large part to what a state economist described Friday as an "unrelenting" housing slump.

Positive news was timely for Carson City

It was a week of good news in Carson City. Yes, you read that right. Sure the smoke is still rising from the remnants of the City Hall blowup between the mayor and city manager, and we could yet see more flareups.

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 46-year-old unemployed miner was arrested at 10 a.m. Friday in the 1400 block of South Carson Street on a trespassing warrant.

Thursday, July 19

Woman has some strong opinions on lots of stuff

Patricia Barrett's letter was brief and strongly worded. "I am 87 years old, a female, I was born in Nevada and raised in mining camps throughout the state. Prostitution was a fact of life, but it was very low key and discreet.


Carson City Radical fashion design workshop series starts on Saturday The Capital City Arts Initiative's new project "Radical Fashion Design Studio," will be featured at "CCAI Downtown," the arts organization's new temporary gallery space at the northeast corner of Curry and Third streets. The project will feature a series of three workshops 1-5 p.m. Saturday, July 28 and Aug. 4.

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 25-year-old cabinet maker from Carson City was arrested at 3:50 a.m. Thursday at Anderson and William streets on suspicion of misdemeanor drunken driving. Bail was set at $1,132.

Senator Reid's recent comment disgraceful

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (DÐNev.), no stranger to controversy, has stepped in it, again - big time! After the very controversial and, many would say, treasonous comments Reid made a few months back, in which he said that "the war was lost," while troops are engaged in combat, Reid made equally derisive comments during an interview more recently with some liberal bloggers - a comment that was never reported.

Wednesday, July 18

Letters to the editor - Sunday, July 15

Calendar reveals unselfish behavior To Rosalee Barnwell Hinton, who wrote a scathing letter on Sunday the 8th about the grandmothers who unselfishly posed for photos for a calendar to benefit a great cause: How dare you say that these grandmothers feel the need to prostitute themselves?! It was a photo shoot and nothing more, and done in GOOD TASTE as well! Where do you come off to judge these wonderful women who gave their time to do something GOOD for a GOOD cause! You see nothing more than you would in a full bathing suit on any of the photos, and I give them a lot of credit for doing this!

Recent tax laws affect many college savings strategies

Recent changes in tax legislation have thrown a wrench into the college savings plans of many parents. They are finding that their children with unearned income are suddenly being hit up for higher taxes.

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 32-year-old paver from Carson City was arrested at 1:13 a.m. Tuesday on suspicion of misdemeanor obstructing police and failure to appear. Bail was set at $3,407.

Douglas County should approve all or nothing

It doesn't seem to us that there was much point in approving Max Baer's Beverly Hillbillies Resort and Mansion without the oil derrick. The question is simple. There is a request for a zone change from commercial to tourist commercial, which will allow a casino on the property on the east side of Highway 395.

A cooperative 'Pacman' Jones could serve justice, save an NFL career

By John L. Smith A Minxx topless cabaret bouncer places Adam "Pacman" Jones in the middle of the violent melee Feb. 19 that resulted in the shooting of a club security guard, but fails to say the troubled NFL player made a death threat, according to his statement to police.

Tuesday, July 17

Despite prostitution ruling, big changes unlikely

Following a judge's ruling last week, Nevada now has a landscape in which brothels will be more visible. They'll now be able to advertise in the state's cities where prostitution is illegal.

Recalling when 'environmentalism' wasn't a dirty word

During the Angora fire, I found myself in a waiting room in Carson City as my daughter was in surgery. The TV on the wall was tuned to the news, and all of us in the room were watching pictures of tall flames racing through the forest. "This wouldn't have happened if it hadn't been for the environmentalists," said a man to my right.

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 37-year-old salesman from Dayton was arrested at 7:37 a.m. Tuesday in the 1700 block of North Carson Street on suspicion of misdemeanor failure to appear on a traffic citation and possession of drug paraphernalia. Bail was set at $971.

Monday, July 16

Community briefs

Carson City Dog-obedience class begins tonight Guy Yeaman is conducting a dog obedience class at 6:30 p.m., Tuesdays beginning tonight at the Fuji Park Exhibit Hall. Each dog needs a choke chain and a fabric or leather lead. Dogs must be at least 4 months old and current on their shots. Cost for the six-week session is $75. Call 265-4530.

Gov. Gibbons struggling for acceptance

Nevada's newly elected governor, Jim Gibbons, is keeping a low profile these days, and I don't blame him. I almost felt sorry for Gov. Gibbons as I read his self-serving assessment of his "successes" with the 2007 Nevada Legislature, just another example of how our governor is struggling for acceptance from the voters who elected him last November. It's an uphill struggle, that's for sure.

Sunday, July 15

Saturday, July 14


Carson City BAC members meet The Brewery Arts Center will hold its annual membership meeting at 6:30 p.m. today in the BAC Ballroom. Members and guests are invited to come and learn about recent and upcoming activities at the BAC.

Sheriff's log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Justin Wade Bollinger, 30, of Carson City, was arrested at 9:10 p.m. Friday in the 1100 block of South Carson Street on suspicion of felony violation of probation, misdemeanor drunken driving and domestic battery. No bail was set.

Friday, July 13

Fact-checking the talking heads on television

Last week, Michael Moore appeared on CNN to talk about his new movie, "SiCKO." But before the notorious loudmouth could talk, host Wolf Blitzer ran a "fact check" that challenged some of the claims in the movie. What came next was the human equivalent of dumping a handful of Mentos into a bottle of Diet Coke. Moore then fact-checked CNN, which later had to admit that it had some of its facts wrong.

It's your government, and it's supposed to work for you

So, maybe you've under the impression the recent turmoil at Carson City Hall has passed and all involved are ready to make nice, put aside personal and philosophical differences, and work for the betterment of the city. That's probably wishful thinking.


Carson City BAC membership meeting is Monday in the ballroom The Brewery Arts Center will hold its annual membership meeting at 6:30 p.m. Monday in the BAC Ballroom. Members and guests are invited to come and learn about recent and upcoming activities at the BAC.

TRPA a convenient scapegoat in the Angora fire blame-game

"This is the end of TRPA!" "It's the TRPA's fault!" "They (the TRPA) will never recover from this." Those are just a few of the poison arrows that have been aimed with utter finality and verbally shot at the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency from the time the first pine needle in the Angora fire caught a spark up to now. The fiery vehemence of those words and worse will burn much longer than any uncontained fire.

Road report

Road construction in Carson City for the week beginning Monday: • Cochise Street between Overland Street and Appion Way will be closed for construction until approximately Aug. 6. A detour will be available on Voltaire Street.

Community briefs

Carson City Skateboard contest at Mills Park today Carson City Recreation Division and 702 Skate and Snowboard Shop will sponsor a Skateboard Contest 10 a.m.-4 p.m. today at Mills Park Skate Park. Registration cost is $5 per participant. Each participant must have a signed liability form and registration form before competing.

Sheriff's Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Kyle David Higday, 30, a construction worker from Carson City, was arrested at 3:33 p.m. Thursday in the 300 block of South Pratt Street on suspicion of felony possession of methamphetamine, misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia, two warrants for failure to appear, misdemeanor driving on a suspended license and fictitious plates. Bail was set at $5,934.

Thursday, July 12

Brothel owners see increased use in summer

Brooke Taylor grins like she knew this would happen.

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Nathan Christiansen, 22, of Lake Tahoe, was arrested at 7:06 p.m. at Clearview and Conte drives on suspicion of gross misdemeanor possession of a dangerous weapon, misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of marijuana. Bail was set at $4,100.

Carson City's congressman won't back down from war stance

Dean Heller is holding the line. Every day seems to bring more news of misfortune in Iraq, whether it's suicide bombers or more U.S. casualties. On Wednesday, a new report said that Iraq is making little progress toward a democratic society.

Iraq withdrawal has its own set of problems

The following editorial appeared in Thursday's Washington Post: It seems like just weeks ago, because it was, that Congress approved funding for the war in Iraq and instructed Gen. David H. Petraeus to report back on the war's progress in September.

Business briefcase

Northern Nevada Title Co. Address: 512 N. Division St.

Wednesday, July 11

Nasty duel between DA, defense attorneys may bring Mack trial here

Will what happened in Reno stay in Reno? Or will the murder trial of Darren Roy Mack, who is accused of killing his estranged wife, Charla, and shooting Washoe County District Judge Chuck Weller, soon be coming to a Las Vegas courthouse? Recent pretrial evidence victories by Mack's defense team have greatly increased the likelihood the case will be heard in Southern Nevada. Whether Washoe County District Attorney Richard Gammick makes the trip remains to be seen.

Carson City suddenly has a leadership vacuum

Problems, problems, problems ... Drugs, gangs, tax revenue and more. Until recently, a silver lining to those dark clouds over Carson City was that we seemed to have a team of top managers and elected officials who were working in unison, guided by a well thought out plan to solve them

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Curtis Lee Walker, 26, unemployed, of Oakland, Calif., was booked into the Carson City Jail at 10:52 p.m. on a Carson City warrant for escape. No bail was set.

Tuesday, July 10

Giving money back ... could it become a trend?

Nevada has gotten some surprising sources of funding in recent weeks, most recently from a law firm that auditors said was overpaid by the Nevada College Savings Program. That firm denies there was an overpayment, but sent back more than $95,000 anyway as a goodwill gesture.

A park formerly known as Glacier

Sunday morning, my husband and I scrubbed 2,300 miles of dead bugs off every forward facing surface of our little Dutchmen motorhome. It's amazing how such little things that you don't even notice can add up to make quite a mess.

Sheriff's Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Jeremy Plaster, 30, unemployed from Carson City, was arrested at 12:38 p.m. Monday on College Parkway on two Missouri felony fugitive from justice warrants. No bail was set.

Business BriefsHomebuilders should beware when hiring contractors

As the rebuilding process begins after the Angora wildfires in Lake Tahoe, be extremely cautious when hiring contractors. Unscrupulous contractors may take advantage of people who have experienced a catastrophic event. Take your time in choosing true professionals to repair your home. Immediately report any suspicious behavior to your local police, sheriff's department, and insurance agent. Be cautious of flyers and business cards left on your doorstep.

Monday, July 9

Take the time to happily prepare a meal for someone

To have good food you must grow or seek out the best ingredients. We pretty much all know that. But while some good food you can just pop right into your mouth, all good food is not convenience food and what actually makes good food great food is the care and love that goes into the preparation of food.


Carson City AYSO camps offered twice this summer Carson City AYSO has arranged for two soccer camps this summer at Edmonds Sports Complex.

Stopping at nothing for a good cause

Well, the Carson Calendar Girls have been "outed," and their 2008 calendar, to benefit Danielle Conway, will be available Sept. 1. An order form will show up on the Web site soon. Calendars will be $20, or, if you want to come to the "signing" party at the Bliss Mansion on Aug. 25 at 6 p.m., you can pony up $30 for wine, food, lovely harp music by Mary Law, and a calendar and autographs from the "girls." For a good cause, some people will do anything.

Trash problem should be taken seriously

The problem of littering that Publisher John DiMambro wrote about in his column on Sunday is acute in Northern Nevada.

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Leocadio Mariscal, 27, a landscaper from Carson City, was arrested at 12:34 a.m. Monday on Highway 50 East and Fairview Drive on suspicion of felony probation violation. He was allegedly drunk. No bail was set. The following are some of the calls to which deputies responded Sunday:

Sunday, July 8

Sheriff's log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Merle Delray Buffalo, 42, a transient, was arrested at 2:51 p.m. Saturday in the 2000 block of West College Parkway on suspicion of felony assault with a deadly weapon and misdemeanor obstructing a peace officer. Bail was set at $20,407. Also arrested was a 29-year-old unemployed transient on suspicion of misdemeanor violation of a suspended sentence and obstructing a peace officer. Bail was set at $1,407.

Saturday, July 7

Sheriff's log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Luis Chavarin-Ramos, 27, of Carson City, was arrested at 10:31 p.m. Thursday at Carson and Musser streets on suspicion of felony eluding police with death, endangerment or serious injury, misdemeanor hit and run accident with property damage, driving under the influence second offense, no valid driver's license and a misdemeanor warrant. Bail was set at $8,396.

Friday, July 6

A tough time to deal with a lemon

We've all purchased a lemon at some point in our lives, whether it's a car, appliance or other item. We eventually shrug our shoulders, take the hit and move on. But Carson City's lemon, a $400,000 payroll system, is a little harder to dismiss because fixing or replacing it will likely eat up a good chunk of the savings the city has eked out of its departments through innovative ideas, including employee buyouts, and hard work.

Sheriffs' Log

The following person was booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Luis Alberto Chavarin-Ramos, 27, a landscaper from Carson City, was arrested at 10:31 p.m. Thursday at Carson and Musser Street on suspicion of felony eluding police, misdemeanor hit-and-run accident, drunken driving, driving without a valid license and a warrant for violation of a suspended sentence for DUI. Bail was set at $8,528.

Views on terrorism,immigration and Scooter Libby

I have three issues on my agenda for today's column: immigration, terrorism and justice. Comprehensive immigration reform - the Bush/Kennedy Amnesty Bill, that is - died in the Senate about 10 days ago, and it couldn't have happened to a more deserving piece of legislation. The Senate's 46-53 procedural vote fell far short of the 60 votes necessary to limit debate, and the bill failed. I've already described this fatally flawed proposal as "an unmanageable and unenforceable bureaucratic nightmare," and it got even worse as supporters kept adding amendments to make it more palatable. In a nutshell, Democrats were after Hispanic voters while business-oriented Republicans were after cheap labor.


Carson City Airport Authority meets today The Carson City Airport Authority will meet at 6 p.m. today in the Terminal Building, 2600 College Parkway.

Why laws, principles and the truth matter

The commutation of Scooter Libby's jail sentence for perjury and obstruction of justice has many conservatives cheering. Yet I see little for any true conservative not blinded by party loyalty to celebrate.

Thursday, July 5

Sheriffs' log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in court: • Richard Downing, 44, of Carson City, was booked on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon after allegedly trying to stab an acquaintance with a knife after the intended victim told him he didn't have a cigarette to give him. The intended victim, Michael Hattock, told police Downing was drunk when he hit him in the face and came at him with the knife. He said he kicked the knife out of Downing's hand and called police. The incident occurred in the 1900 block of North Carson Street just after midnight Wednesday. Bail was set at $25,000.

Saving is difficult - no matter what you earn

You hear all the time about how low the U.S. savings rate is these days. One tends to think this is a problem for the lower-income folks, but is it? I did a little digging and found out something interesting - the people who earn a six-figure salary have the same problem.

Fireworks organizer apologizes for show mysteriously cut short

Janice Ayres was sure it was going to be the best fireworks show Carson City had ever seen. She was settled in a lawn chair at the home of friends in Ash Canyon. But before long she was in tears, trying to figure out why Wednesday night's show was a paltry 11 minutes long and without the grand finale she'd contracted for.

It's hot, and a great time to be neighborly

It's hot, and a great time to be neighborly Hot summer days like these are nothing new to Nevadans, but that doesn't mean we should take them lightly. The heat can be deadly to people who can't afford to keep their homes cool.

Freedom is a responsibility

Freedom. If you scream that word at the top of your lungs in somewhat of a deep voice, coupled with agony, you would be quoting one of the most powerful lines from the movie "Braveheart." What was William Wallace saying? Was it a declaration to continue? Or was it a statement that he was about to experience?

Wednesday, July 4

Sheriffs' log

The following people were booked into Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in court: • Reynard Sandoval, 54, was booked on charges of DUI-2nd and driving on a suspended or revoked license at 11 a.m. July 4. The arrest was made on Highway 50 East. He was held in lieu of $3,500 bail.

Tuesday, July 3

Don't worry, be happy (and responsible)

Don't worry, be happy (and responsible) It will appear to be the height of insanity if tonight's fireworks shows spark a wildfire. Organizers would undoubtedly be held up for ridicule for not canceling the events following the Angora fire.

Overdue move to lower flags as gesture for war dead the right choice

It was a small thing. In the world of heartache unleashed on Army Sgt. Anthony Jason Schober's family last month, the fact flags at the state Capitol dipped to half-staff to honor his death from enemy fire May 12 in Al Taqa, Iraq, might have provided little solace. But that sensitive gesture was long overdue, and fortunately Nevada is joining other states whose officials are stepping up to make similar statements to honor their war dead.

Cheney's statements show signs of arrogant leadership

While Vice President Dick Cheney's assertions and actions regarding the White House's power no longer surprise most Americans, his recent comments show a man blinded by the height of arrogance. Last week, Cheney said he has been ignoring a presidential order for offices of the executive branch to account for classified information for the past four years, dating back to when President Bush renewed the policy. Cheney claims his office is exempt from the order because as president of the Senate, he is actually part of the legislature, an ill-concocted, inaccurate and thinly veiled justification for his pompous and now embarrassing admission.

Celebrating the campfire in Unionville

Today as I drive to Unionville, Nev., with my dog Hennie to celebrate the Fourth of July, I will be imagining how it must have been back in 1861 when it took 13 days, 15 if you stopped to rest the horses, to travel the 200 mile distance from here to there. Unionville was founded in 1861 by two prospectors from Virginia City who took one look at the rich ore that some Paiutes brought to their attention and hastened back with them to Buena Vista Canyon.

Sheriff's Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 27-year-old carpenter from Carson City was arrested at 1:23 a.m. Tuesday at Overland Loop and South Carson Street on suspicion of misdemeanor drunken driving, speeding, failure to use turn signals, failure to use seat belts. $1,353.

Monday, July 2

Community briefs

Carson City Motorcar rides Wednesday at railroad museum The Nevada State Railroad Museum in Carson City hosts a special run of the 1926 Edwards Motor Car in celebration of the Independence Day, on July 4. The motor car will run every 30 minutes from 10 a.m.-4 p.m.

The good, the bad and the ugly for taxpayers

The good news is that Gov. Jim Gibbons won the tax-hike debate this year. He promised voters on the campaign trail last year he wouldn't raise their taxes and (gasp!) kept his promise after being elected.

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Edgar Daniel Sarabia, 23, a landscaper from Carson City, was arrested at 12:05 a.m. Monday in the 3000 block of North Roop Street on suspicion of gross misdemeanor second-offense drunken driving, misdemeanor driving without a license and speeding. Bail was set at $2,759.

Humor, events and outrage in time for the holiday

Tomorrow ... have a happy Fourth of July! Since it's the middle of the week, put together a backyard barbeque, invite your friends and relatives, watch the fireworks, take in the carnival, sit under a sprinkler (it's supposed to be in the triple digits), and have a blast. And don't forget that 231 years ago, we declared our independence from England in order to have the freedoms we have today. Look around and appreciate it ... with all its imperfections, we still have the best country in the world. •••

Sunday, July 1

Sheriffs' log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • John Nickell, 62, a robot operator from Carson City, was arrested at 12:01 a.m. Sunday in the 3600 block of Arrowhead Drive on suspicion of eight counts of grand larceny. Bail was set at $25,000.