Stories for December 2007


Monday, December 31

A diet suggestion for New Year's day

HAPPY NEW YEAR! The first day of 2008. May it be a great year for all of you. May your resolutions succeed and come true. May we get a free trip to Disneyworld (oh wait ... we're dreaming again). Practically speaking, may life get better for you each and every day. At least, work on it. And eat some black-eyed peas, Hoppin' John, or pork and sauerkraut (they're all supposed to bring luck in the new year if you don't get gaseous ... whew).

Extending our warmest wishes to readers in '08

On this first day of 2008, we at the Appeal find ourselves counting our blessings, and that is not an easy task. There are many.

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court:

Health inspections

Carson City Health Department's food-service inspections and the date of inspection (all scores are on a 100-point scale, with points deducted depending on the severity of violations):

Hearty but healthy chicken enchiladas

If you're at all like me, you've just spent the holiday season indulging in a monthlong feast and are prepared to pay the price by starting the new year with a healthy diet.

Sunday, December 30

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were arrested and booked into Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty.

Saturday, December 29


Carson City Free tows offered on News Year's Eve

Community briefs 12/30

Carson City Free tows offered on New Year's Eve

Sheriffs' log

The following people were arrested and booked into Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty:

Letters to the editor

Budget cuts should have included mansion decorations

Friday, December 28

Past pages 1/4

120 YEARS AGO All sorts: Lung protectors at Thaxter's drug store. For cold feet, get a hot water bag at Thaxter's.

Past pages 1/3

120 YEARS AGO Another newspaper gone ... the bright little Austin Reveille. The Manhattan mine was sold - this being one of its principle sources of income.

Past pages 1/5

120 YEARS AGO When the Virginia & Truckee rounded the curve drifts near the Knickerbocker Mine it brushed two boys off the snow bank, killing one and breaking the other's legs. Since the storm more than 100 men and boys have been employed shoveling snow and picking out ice between the ties at $2 a day. The boy killed was Newton James.

Community briefs

Carson City AAA offers free rides, tows

Past pages 1/6

120 YEARS AGO Hal Clayton's Beard - He was a gambler by profession and when he died of fever was buried in a vault in the cemetery and his body placed in a costly metallic casket under a glass case. His wife placed her diamond on his shirt front, and posted a watch at the tomb. A few days ago, George Dobbs, who has the care of the cemetery visited the tomb. He was astonished to find that Clayton's beard and had grown under the glass until it reached below his knees.

Sheriff's Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Robert Carlos Carrillo, 30, a laborer from Carson City, was arrested Thursday at 11:16 p.m. in the 2400 block of North Carson Street on suspicion of felony grand larceny. Bail was set at $10,000.

It's time for Carson residents to stand up to outsiders

Most people who choose to move to western Nevada do so because of the lifestyle advantages we offer. It is a pretty easy life whether you are a senior citizen or a family raising children. We have low taxes, a good economy, a civil society, a college, a new hospital campus, clean air, four moderate seasons and exceptional recreational activities. In addition, Carson City enjoys some of the finer amenities, usually not found in cities of 57,000 people, because we are the state capital.

New year, new chances to make things better

It would be easy to get an early start on complaining about all the problems that will haunt our cities, counties, state and country in 2008.

Letters to the editor

The economic downturn puts non-mandated services at risk. Public safety takes up 62 percent of funding, leaving little for all other city services. The Carson City Library is vulnerable in these tough times. It represents less than 3 percent of general fund spending, but provides services 57 hours a week, checks out 335,000 items and has 250,000 visits every year. Library services include staff to answer information requests, lots of books, magazines, newspapers, audio books, videos, DVDs, electronic information resources to enhance formal education, services to homebound residents and programs for every age.

Foreshadows of the great Republican schism of '08

Pandering to interest groups has been an age-old problem for both major political parties in this country as they seek to build their majorities.

Thursday, December 27

Sheriff's Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court:

Learning to live without mom

My mom ... The hollow feeling deep in my soul brings tears to my eyes again and again and makes the air catch in my throat.

Business brief

Offsite Data Depot, a record storage company in Carson City, has been designated by state officials as an approved records center for state and local governments.

Community briefs

United Blood Services announced a need for blood donations through Jan. 2. Volunteer blood donors must be at least 17, weigh at least 110 pounds and be in good health. United Blood Services has two sites in Northern Nevada that are located at 1125 Terminal Way in Reno or 256 E. Winnie Lane in Carson City. To schedule an appointment to donate blood call 324-6454. Walk-ins are always welcome.

Some end-of-the-year drive-by Muthings

The Carson City Board of Supervisors informed me last week that the Department of Parks & Recreation closed the city's indoor pool on Sundays for the duration of the winter because practically no one was using it. Um, if no one's using the existing pool then why are the supervisors pushing to spend millions of taxpayer dollars to build a new one? I'm just asking.

Wednesday, December 26

Business licenses

Business licenses issued in Carson City as of Dec. 21

Church to host New Year's Eve party

With six live bands, video games to play on a large-screen TV, drawings for prizes, the Warehouse is offering a drug and alcohol-free venue for all ages. All it will take is $5 to enter.

Sheriffs' Log

The following are some of the calls to which deputies responded Tuesday:

How a passion for Daniel Boone turned into a very grizzly Christmas

The recent news that a black bear wandered into Goldfield had townsfolk buzzing and reverberated south all the way to Las Vegas.

Looking back on 2007 and ahead to 2008

The first session of the 110th Congress has been one of change, accountability, and numerous accomplishments for the people of Nevada and our country.

Letters to the editor

Think twice before cutting education It's time to open your eyes and look around. I owned a restaurant until the non-smoking law effectively closed my doors. The job applications I received over the past nine years were pathetic.

Separating Yucca Mountain facts from fiction

As someone who has been intimately involved with the Yucca Mountain project and Nevada's role in it since 1984, I am compelled to comment on Chuck Muth's recent article, "Should we allow Yucca for a mountain of cash?"

Tuesday, December 25

Don't repeat the Manzanar mistake

"Those that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary security deserve neither liberty nor security." - Benjamin Franklin

Letters to the editor

United States should rise above using torture "No exceptional circumstances whatsoever, whether a state of war or a threat of war, internal political instability or any other public emergency, may be invoked as a justification of torture." states the United Nations Convention against Torture.


Carson City Volunteers sought to attend event to honor troops

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court:

Monday, December 24

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court:

Community briefs

Carson City Diabetes information available

Wishing readers a Happy Holidays

As the year - any year - comes to an end, it can be likened to a chapter of life that is bound together in a book. A year can resemble a mini-lifetime - a book of its own with a beginning and end, and a cover that may fool us about the storyline and outcome. It is a cover that can change throughout the year, reinventing and redesigning itself while we are still reading what we think is the same story.

Christmas thoughts, hopes, humor and thanks

MERRY CHRISTMAS! On this day we celebrate the birth of Jesus of Nazareth ... an event that many lose in the hubbub of commercialism and political correctness. To everyone, we wish you the gifts of kindness and love. They cost nothing, and are never wasted. And thank you all for putting up with us all year.


Christmas is about love Carolyn Tate and Maizie Harris Jesse recently wrote an article on the "true meaning of Christmas." In their article, they clearly dismissed the most important component of Christmas - Christ. The focus they placed on giving was not necessarily wrong or bad; however, giving is not the meaning of Christmas. The meaning and purpose of Christmas is to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

Sunday, December 23

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court:

Saturday, December 22

Community briefs

Carson City Season tickets to musicals go on sale

Sheriff's log

The following people were arrested and booked into Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court.

Friday, December 21

Past pages 12/30

120 Years Ago Yesterday an alarm of fire was sounded, which was occasioned by a fire in a building occupied by "Charley," a Chinese fish peddler in Chinatown. The Warrens were promptly on hand, and inside of five minutes had a stream on. One Chinaman tumbled out of the building with his cue burned off.

Is it too late for Santa to come to the rescue?

Ah, Christmas ... when Santa checks his list he'll find a long list of those who've been good in Carson City (some of them are even elected officials). The giving that's occurred this holiday season has been nothing short of inspiring.

Manufacturers working together - and with schools - to build a promising future

Note: This is the second and final part of Nevada Appeal Publisher John DiMambro's look at the importance of manufacturing to Carson City.

Letters to the editor

Remember the Colonna family this Christmas Thank you for the excellent story on my friend, Bill Colonna. I have known Bill for a number of years and there are not enough words to describe the generosity of spirit this man had for his fellow human beings.

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court:

Past pages

120 Years Ago Mint Director Kimball, in his annual report to congress, devotes several pages to the Carson Mint. "It becomes my duty to recommend for the good of the Mint service, that the mint at Carson be finally closed..."

Bailout a bad solution for subprime mortgage mess

Things were going great there for a while when everyone thought you could make a fortune flipping houses.


Carson City Preparing for childbirth class slated

Thursday, December 20

Should we allow Yucca in return for a mountain of cash?

Nevada Appeal columnists Carolyn Tate and Maizie Harris Jesse touched the third rail of Nevada politics this week and, shockingly (pun intended), lived to tell about it. The duo suggested that considering Nevada's budget problems and infrastructure needs, perhaps taxing the tarnation out of those who want to use Yucca Mountain for nuclear waste storage is an idea whose time has come.

Past pages 12/27

By Sue Ballew 120 Years Ago All sorts: The V. & T. Co. is distributing free Christmas firewood this year, as usual. Married in Carson City, December 24, 1887, by the Rev. G. R. Davis Ð Will U. Mackey and Miss Frankie M. Rinckel.

Community briefs

Last-minute packages will be delivered on Christmas Day by the U.S. Postal Service if they are dropped off or picked up by today.

It's hard to keep up with all the good deeds being done

I know we missed some. That's what I'm thinking, and dreading, right now on Thursday afternoon, even as our photographers are running around town taking pictures of charity shopping trips and Christmas donations. There are just so many good things happening out there, so many generous people and organizations, that I fear they won't all get the credit they deserve.

A rare win for George W. Bush

Although political victories have been few and far between for our lame duck president in recent weeks and months, he did win a battle in an unlikely place earlier this month: Venezuela. Let me explain.

Past pages 12/28

By Sue Ballew 120 Years Ago The bicycle rider occasionally turns his wheel to the detriment of his neighbors.

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 48-year-old transient was arrested at 9:25 p.m. in the 2200 block of North Carson Street on suspicion of misdemeanor provoking an assault and disorderly conduct. He was allegedly yelling at customers and employees of Denny's.

Reid, Congress deserves praise for keeping Yucca nuke dump at bay

Congress, led by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., gave Nevada a most welcome Christmas present earlier this month by slashing the budget for the proposed Yucca Mountain nuclear waste dump by more than 12 percent to its lowest level in several years. Although I disagree with Sen. Reid on many issues, including illegal immigration and Iraq, we owe him and Congress a vote of thanks for keeping nearly 80 million tons of highly toxic nuclear waste out of the Silver State.

Wednesday, December 19

New coffee shop opens at courthouse

The manager of the new courthouse coffee shop wears a floral print shirt and passes out Hawaiian-style shakes in front of a blue painted wall.

Thinking about health-care costs for the years to come

Did you know that health care spending for people younger than age 65 is growing faster than for those older than 65?

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Lisa Ann Winter, 27, a drug counselor from Gardnerville, was arrested at 10:42 a.m. Monday at the Sheriff's Department on a Reno warrant for suspicion of felony embezzlement. Bail was set at $2,500.

Community briefs

Carson City Meiser acting method classes available

Business briefcase

Position: Owner Her business: Full service copying and printing for small to large businesses. She also has two graphic artists to help design projects. The business prints and copies a range of products including marketing materials, brochures and business cards. She has three employees.

Tahoe Basin deserves 'state of emergency' status

While the snow falls lightly over the Tahoe Basin and the heat of summer's fires are but a memory, it is a good time to brainstorm ideas on how to better protect our pristine environment from the ravages of wildfires.

Energy prices, financial markets to challenge economy in '08

While Citi Investment Research expects growth to remain positive, the fourth quarter of 2007 and first quarter of 2008 figures could approach zero, as the economy deals with higher energy prices and a new round of financial market restraint. Revisions pushed third quarter Gross Domestic Products higher - to 4.9 percent - to some extent borrowing from fourth quarter growth, which could slip to between 1Ú2 percent to 1 percent.

Charities could return unused largesse to ease state budget deficit

Now wouldn't that be awkward. Gov. Jim Gibbons has called on state agency directors to prepare for a two-year budget shortfall. Gibbons has tangled with University Chancellor Jim Rogers and Clark County Commission Chairman Rory Reid over his philosophy and spending priorities for higher education and social services.

Past Headlines

Headlines from a year ago Snow leaves dents and drifts No more snow is on the horizon, but below-zero temperatures are expected in the coming days.

Tuesday, December 18

Business briefcase

Name: Larry Kemp Position: Owner His business: He rents amusement products for parties including midway games, carnival booths, a dunk tank and Sno Cone machines.

Community briefs

Carson City Christmas concert to benefit church Positive Energy, Acrobatics & Dance Studio will host a "Christmas Show of Support," 5-8 p.m. Thursday to raise spirits and funds for a new facility for the Connected Church.

The greatest gift ever given

John 3:16 describes the greatest gift ever given, a Christmas gift like no other. This gift is a divine gift, the gift of God from God ... "God."

Business licenses

Business licenses issued in Carson City as of Dec. 17:

Remembering Carson's own Christmas story

She had been deserted at the worst possible time. The young man whom she trusted had decided that he would not support her, and now she was pregnant with his child.

Health inspections

Carson City Health Department's food-service inspections (all scores are on a 100-point scale, with points deducted depending on the severity of violations):

Letters to the editor

Carson should mandate high-speed Internet access U.S. 395 isn't the only behind-the-times freeway in Carson City. Our access to the Information Super Highway is also sorely ignored by our elected officials. I have written our local, state and federal officials about this neglect and was greeted with apathy. Perhaps the problem is best stated by the New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer:

Monday, December 17


Santa visits the Children's Museum, on Saturday from 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Children's Museum, 813 N. Carson St.Visit and get your photo taken with Santa Claus. Crafts and cookie decorating for the children and holiday shopping in the gift shop. Bring the entire family. Call 884-2226.

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Jose Guerra, 27, of Carson City, was arrested at 9:42 p.m. Sunday at Park and Carson streets on suspicion of felony grand larceny, misdemeanor stalking and grand theft. Bail was set at $26,724.

Past pages 12/19

120 Years Ago George Meyer's new store will be ready to transact business today. He began to unpack his goods several days ago, and from that moment, his friends were on hand to make purchases.

Why more should be done to combat identity theft

There were two local reports this week that should worry those concerned about having their identities stolen and used for nefarious purposes.

Exercising an American right to disagree with the president - and still be patriotic

I awakened one morning in September feeling extremely sad, with tears surfacing in my eyes. My thoughts focused on our nation and its future at home and abroad. Soon I was sobbing softly while the events of the first decade of the 21st century ran through my mind.

Showing anger the American way

When I was a child, I thought all families were like my own. That is, I thought everyone talked about everything the way my parents and I did: Every morning at the breakfast table, we took turns telling our dreams of the night before; at night we examined each other's ears for wax and concluded that using a hairpin was not a good idea for me, but OK for my parents.

Past pages 12/23

120 Years Ago Charged with rape: Upon complaint of Henry Stephens, the colored man, Henry Henderson, was arrested and lodged in jail, charged with the rape upon the person of Estelle Jose, a girl 15 years of age and who is said to be been examined by Dr. Hogan.

Local church gets a new name, at least on TV news

KTVN-Channel 2 got our attention this week with its great food drive in Reno, Carson City (at the Governor's Mansion) and in the Gardnerville-Minden area.


Government can save money by allowing competition It was interesting to read about the Unemployment Division's utilization of market competition to reduce the cost of benefit disbursal. They also spent plenty of time vilifying the use of the mails.

Past pages 12/21

120 Years Ago All sorts: There was good skating at Washoe Lake last Sunday, but in the afternoon it thawed and several boys fell in, but with no bad results. A Society in San Francisco proposes to do away with the time-honored practice of swinging a lady by the waist. They probably expect us to swing them by the hair.

Past pages 12/20

120 Years Ago "Music at the Switch": The other day, a man from the East, out looking for land in Mason Valley, stopped at Pizen Switch, and while he was sitting by the stove of a saloon reading, some cowboys passed that way.

Past pages 12/22

120 Years Ago The story comes from the Lake that a wild man has been found at Emerald Bay. His body is covered with long black hair, and he lives by spearing fish. The stage driver brings the story down from Glenbrook.

The mission to improve schools just got tougher

If there is a universal and nonpartisan view about Nevada's schools, it's that they're in need of improvement. The only thing in question seemed to be how to accomplish that. The 2007 Legislature put two methods in place to put the state on a journey out of the cellar of national rankings - all-day kindergarten and school empowerment.

Senior Menus

Note: Menus are for the week of Dec. 24 and are subject to change without notice. Choice of beverage included. DAYTON

Sunday, December 16

Saturday, December 15

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were arrested and taken to Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty: • A 43-year-old Carson man was arrested at 2:45 p.m. Friday at Roop and William streets on suspicion of driving with a license suspended from a DUI and driving without an operating turn signal. Bail was set at $1,132.


Carson City Aquatic Facility closed Sundays


National Active and Retired Federal Employees Chapter 1329 will meet for lunch 11:30 a.m. Tuesday at Grandma Hattie's on South Carson Street. A business meeting will follow at 12:15 p.m. with the installation of 2008 officers and a Christmas party. All active and retired Federal Employees are invited to attend. For information, call 884-2724 or 246-0926.

Friday, December 14

Regents trying to cut higher education fairly, avoid permanent damage

Nevada's economy is growing slower than projected, so people and businesses have had to cut back their planned spending. Accordingly, tax revenues are also growing slower than projected, so the state must reduce its planned spending, too.

Letters to the editor

Enge has been a breath of fresh air on school board John DiMambro's recent broadside against Joe Enge was simply a personal attack and devoid of any meaningful substance. His ignorance of the purpose of the board is evident in its remarks.

Letter to Sen. Reid: Learn to lead or step aside

Dear Sen. Harry Reid, What happened to tough-guy Harry? You were supposed to be the scrappy ex-boxer who would fight toe-to-toe with anyone. I'm not sure you could win a shadowboxing match today.

It's time to give manufacturers the respect they deserve

Mention the word "manufacturing" to most Americans, and the random image that comes immediately to mind is one of smokestacks, sweat-soaked and irreversibly soiled uniforms, lousy pay, and hours unfit for beasts of burden.

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Chad Johnston, 21, unemployed from Bakersfield, Calif., was arrested at 1:15 a.m. Thursday in the 800 block of East Musser Street on suspicion of felony probation violation. No bail was set.


Carson City Aquatic center expands hours The Carson Aquatic Facility has expanded its weekday hours for the therapy pool.

Tough times are when heroes emerge

It's hard not to notice the list of organizations and people in need this holiday season. No matter where you turn, charitable drives are reporting that giving is down this year and they may not have enough toys or money to help all of those on their lists.

Thursday, December 13

Share the experience of God with the next generation

Psalm 78:4 says, "We will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done."

Air traffic controller crisis doesn't inspire confidence in safety of flying

A recent and very troubling air traffic safety report by the government's General Accounting Office confirms what I've been hearing from a friend who is an air traffic controller at one of the nation's busiest airports - namely, that President Bush's decision to "privatize" the Federal Aviation Administration puts the flying public at risk.

A citrus pork roast with chutney sauce helps to celebrate any festive holiday

The first thing Karen and I would like to do is wish everyone a great holiday season.


Carson City Wild Nevada calendar on sale

Higher education's Culture of Pizza

University Chancellor Jim Rogers is Nevada's foremost opponent to the government tightening its belt in these slowing economic times. He claims his university budget is already at the bare bones level and there just ain't no fat anywhere to be found. Indeed, in a letter he sent to Gov. Jim Gibbons last week, Rogers emphatically proclaimed, "It is my sincere belief that mandating an 8 percent cut of the (university) System's budgets will cause permanent and irreparable damage to higher education."

Sheriffs' Log

The following are some of the calls to which deputies responded Wednesday: • Domestic disputes on California Street, Saliman Road, and East Fifth Street.

End '07 with a south-of-the-border dessert

I was reading an article the other day titled "2007, Year in Review." The magazine was Food Arts, and their claim is "at the Hotel and Restaurant Forefront."

You'll find no complaints here about, well ... anything

The 200 purple wristbands that Gil Linsley ordered haven't arrived after nearly three weeks, but don't expect him to complain about it. He's trying to live a complaint-free life.

Wednesday, December 12

Dirty candy: Based on a true story

I was about to eat a piece of candy I'd dropped on the floor but then a woman walked by and looked at me. She saw me throw away the candy wrapper as I was getting ready to eat the candy itself, so I just pretended I was next to the trash can to throw away the dirty piece of candy, too.

Has karma caught up with David Scott Killen?

In October, when the Appeal covered the plea deal for David Scott Killen, who shot out more than 20 windows on Feb. 12 in Carson City, one shop manager who had to replace a $7,000 window offered optimistically: "I hope he learned something this time around."

Letters to the editor

Time to turn away from empire building When Republican candidate Ron Paul suggested it is time to give Iraq back to the Iraqi people at a recent presidential debate, he was met with hostility, and no opportunity to respond or explain. J


Carson City Send holiday memories The Appeal is again soliciting holiday memories from readers.

Blasts of AM radio better than poll on what Reid is all about

Whenever I want to know how Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is doing, I don't take a poll. I take a drive. Once I'm on the road, I adjust the AM dial and peek over the back fence into the world of right-wing radio. The yard is full of pit bulls, Dobermans and ill-tempered Chihuahuas, and they all salivate at the prospect of taking a bite out of Reid. Over the years, he's given them ample opportunities and has a few patches on his britches to show for it.

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court:

Business briefcase

Name: Patsy Schutte Position: She's a Carson City representative of Send Out Cards, a Internet-based greeting card business. She sells the service and recruits other people to join the business.

Tuesday, December 11

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were arrested and taken to the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court:

Brewing up history

Carson City's 150th birthday next year could have its own beer - a tradition almost as old as the city - to go along with the anniversary.

Business briefs

Plans are in the works to extend the USA Parkway expressway in the Tahoe Reno Industrial Center another four miles to open up phase three of the massive industrial complex.

Business licenses

Business licenses issued in Carson City as of Dec. 10.

Resident ready to hop on the Obama train

It's Polar Express time, not just because we finally have snow in the mountains. The movie based on the book by Chris Van Allsburg takes a wide-eyed, skeptical 10-year-old on the Christmas Eve train ride of his dreams - from his bedroom to the North Pole to meet Santa.

Letters to the editor

Medicare crisis looming for seniors Nothing like a good horror story to pique one's interest, I say ... unless it's supplied at your doctor's office and relates to Congress and the Medicare program .. .and is real!

Community briefs

Carson City Ski and Snowboard slots still open

Short-term education cuts affect Nevada long term

Nevada is not known as a state with a great higher education system. In most categories, it ranks near the bottom. So when the state talks about cutting back on an already under-funded system to make up for current tax revenue shortfalls, one must look at what the real cost of those cuts will be.

Health inspections

Carson City Health Department's food-service inspections and the date of inspection (all scores are on a 100-point scale, with points deducted depending on the severity of violations):

Monday, December 10

Sheriff's log

The following people were arrested and booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court:

Carson should sever bus service, for now

The spirit of cooperation is as delicate as it is powerful. People and entities working together can solve far greater problems than they could alone, with the added benefit of the positive energy and goodwill that results.


Show your love to armed forces this Christmas Love is ... Christmas is a time to show love to one another and if you are one of the faith, to your God. I have come to realize we are living in a morally corrupt time, the same as the Cornith church of 2000 years ago. Love has become a mixed-up term with little meaning.

Remember those suffering during the holiday season

In the real spirit of Christmas, we ask for your prayers again for Danielle Conway and her family. She has suffered a severe relapse and is currently under Hospice care. The Carson Calendar Girls will be at Comma Coffee tomorrow night at 7 p.m. to sign calendars if you want them for Christmas gifts. Believe us, it goes for a good cause. And our thanks to the many of you in this community and friends elsewhere, who have supported Danielle so well. We also wish to thank Mai Do, Sam Shad, Wendy Damonte and Monica J for their help with this project. It is much appreciated.

Sunday, December 9

Sheriffs' report

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court:


Carson City Donations needed for senior program

Saturday, December 8


Carson City College to show student photos

Sheriffs' log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 29-year-old Carson City carpenter was arrested at Arrowhead Drive and Northgate Lane at 9:20 a.m. Friday on suspicion of two counts of being in criminal contempt of court. His bail was set at $2.000.

Friday, December 7

Sheriffs' log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 22-year-old roofer from Carson City was arrested at 12:33 a.m. Friday at Saliman Road and Goldfield Avenue on suspicion of misdemeanor failure to appear and improper display of registration. Bail was set at $481.

The new way forward in Iraq: Stay forever

I wasn't the only one who thought President Bush was crazy when, 11 months ago, he decided to double down on the bad bet that is Iraq.

Community briefs

Carson City See's Candy on sale Carson City Host Lions Club See's Candy Sales from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. through Dec. 20 Tuesdays through Sundays at Fuji Park (across from Costco), the Save-Mart grocery stores at Highway 50 East and College Parkway and at Raley's.

Past headlines 12/27

Bids sought for next phase of bypass Nevada transportation officials will open bids for the next section of the Carson City freeway Feb. 8.

Past headlines 12/28

East Carson home wins annual light contest To win this year's best outdoor light display in Carson City, the Defilippi family collected Christmas lights and ornaments for 15 years.

Past headlines 12/30

Headlines from a year ago Nevada fans travel to bowl game in Boise Nevada football fever is high in Carson City and the surrounding area.

It's time for Joe Enge to resign from the school board

On Tuesday, Nov. 27, Nevada Appeal editor Barry Ginter wrote what may stand as the editorial of the year for our newspaper. If unanimous reader response defines a home-run editorial, then Barry slammed that metaphoric ball out of the park, sizzling with ruptured seams and cowhide cover flapping in the air. That editorial's subject? None other than Carson City school board member Joe Enge - a man whose name has appeared on our front page seemingly more times than our governor and mayor - and for all the wrong reasons.

Past headlines

Owner chases down stolen pickup A Carson City man and his mechanic chased down his truck Thursday morning after a stranger stole it from outside a Corbett Street repair shop.

Past pages 12/12

120 Years Ago Roll of Honor Ð Miss Martin's class. Ray Furlong, Selig Olcovich, Ernest Sweetland, Kate Schulz, Kate Atherton. 100 Years Ago

Private toll roads interesting idea, but not the total solution

Imagine being stuck in a traffic jam and looking over to see a new set of open lanes, ready to come to your rescue. All you need is the golden ticket and you are happily motoring away.

Thursday, December 6

Cutting a few toes off my carbon footprint

I've never bothered to calculate my carbon footprint " that measurement of the impact my lifestyle has on the environment based on the greenhouse gases I'm responsible for " but I suspect the fact that I drive a full-size pickup doesn't put me anywhere close to being "green."

A dispatch from the 'Senior Capital of America'

I just returned from a five-day trip to Branson, Mo., with a senior citizens group from Southern California. I really enjoyed the trip and confirmed that Branson is now the undisputed "Senior Capital of America."

Waiting for work

When the snow finally fell on Thursday, a collective sigh arose from the seasonal employees of the resorts around Lake Tahoe.

The chancellor is falling right into the governor's trap

Whether by accident or design, Gov. Jim Gibbons appears to have set a trap for University Chancellor Jim Rogers, who has apparently taken the bait hook, line and sinker.

Sheriff's log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 20-year-old unemployed Reno man was arrested at 4 p.m. Wednesday in the 800 block of East Musser Street on suspicion of misdemeanor failure to appear. Bail was set at $337 cash.

Community briefs

Carson City Store fundraiser to sponsor CHS Blue Thunder Band

Wednesday, December 5

Theology and doctrine the root of evangelical-Mormon divide

SALT LAKE CITY - Polygamy, missionaries on bicycles and the Osmonds. What most people know or think they know about Mormons might be summed up in those few words. The renowned Tabernacle Choir and, perhaps, quarterback Steve Young could also fit on that list.

Letters to the editor

Would like to see more support for special needs children Thank you to Virginia City sheriff and fire departments.

Is there any other kind of marmalade?

My friend Teri sent me an e-mail this week but it was too long so I didn't read it. She told me in e-mails after that I should go back and read the long e-mail but I didn't.

Business briefcase

Name: Richard Gunkel, director His business: It's an energy development company as well as a sustainable energy consulting company. It works with both commercial and residential developments.

Romney answer ends up in one of those he said, they said, he said arguments

Cops experience this every day. They roll up on an accident or crime scene and start asking witnesses questions. The answers they receive are often so conflicting, they are left wondering just what took place. How could people standing only a few feet from each other see and hear things so differently?

Sheriff's log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court:

Community briefs

Carson City Sign ups Saturday for Diamond Pete's ski program

City has many positives to go with its problems

Even as Carson City struggles with its well-trodden problems, most centered around a sluggish economy and falling tax receipts, there are more positives unfolding at this moment in the city than at any time in recent history.

Tuesday, December 4

Navigating the maze of warranties, returns

If you are in the market for an electronic gift for Christmas, it is important to understand the terms of extended warranties and service contracts.

The impacts of paying $100 a barrel for oil

With the price of a barrel of light sweet crude oil on its way to $100 on the New York Mercantile Exchange, it may be time to consider a few things. The prices have been moving up fast.

Business briefs

Business licenses issued in Carson City as of Nov. 30. Alpine Maintenance, 2792 Mayflower Way, new handyman (repairs only), Glenn Nisidio, owner.

Tips on how to glaze root vegetables

I am often asked what advantages going to cooking school has given me. Knife skills, an ability to roll with the kitchen's punches and a mastery of basic techniques are the obvious and true answers. But they don't compare to my favorite trick.

Quick appetizers to help liven up your holidays

I got an e-mail from my friend Carol Ratzalff who was a hometown Carson gal for many years but moved to Bend, Ore., several years ago. She said she was thinking of me as she was getting an early start on her holiday baking and was going to make a gingerbread house with her granddaughter.

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 35-year-old clerk from Carson City was arrested at 4:38 a.m. Tuesday in the 400 block of South Carson Street on suspicion of misdemeanor contempt of court. Bail was set at $487.

Letters to the editor

Be grateful for the gift of medicine I was reading an article about Vice President Dick Cheney the other day, and it just reminded me how blessed America is; we have so many medical advantages. Without medicine, people like Dick Cheney would not have the health they do today.


Carson City First lady hosts Arts for CASA auction The "First Lady's Arts for CASA" Dinner and Auction will be 7-9 p.m. Friday at the Governor's Mansion, 600 N. Mountain St. Doors open at 6 p.m.

Health inspections

Wal-Mart is expanding its operation and as a result it is in the process of hiring an additional 200 employees for its massive distribution center in the Tahoe Reno Industrial Center, to bring the total number of workers at the facility to nearly 600.

This will be a difficult Christmas for many

It was a small blessing that the fire at Connected Church of the Nazarene didn't destroy all the toys collected for Toys for Tots. Most of them will be given away at Christmas.

Monday, December 3

Virulent legacy of discrimination harms even Americans who've fought for their country

Tomorrow, Dec. 6, my dad, Bennie Arellano, celebrates his 83rd birthday. He was born in 1924 in Garden City, Kan., one of seven children of immigrant parents. Both of my grandparents immigrated to the United States from Mexico in 1902, as small children.

Thanks, praise and humor for the week ahead

66 years ago the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, on Dec. 7, 1941, and began the second World War. Fortunately, it ended four years later.

Manufacturing expands moderately in November

Manufacturing expands moderately in November, but employment outlook weakens


Carson City Auditions coming up for 'The Vagina Monologues'

Sheriffs' Log

The following are some of the calls to which deputies responded Sunday: • Accident in the 200 block of Jeanell Drive at 6:43 a.m.

Sunday, December 2

Sheriff's log

The following people were booked into Carson City Jail Saturday and Sunday. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court:

Experts: Home loan rescue not a solution for all

WASHINGTON - If lenders temporarily freeze low introductory interest rates on home loans made to risky borrowers before they soar, it would be a modest fix for the country's fractured housing market.

Saturday, December 1

Sheriffs' log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 20-year-old Carson City unemployed man was arrested at 3:28 p.m. Friday on the 900 block of East Musser Street on suspicion of having an outstanding warrant. Bail was set at $500.