Name: Dan Linn Position: Owner Product: The store sells Spirit guitars, which are made in Gardnerville. They have been sold directly to artists and on their Web site, but this is the first and only retail store. The business tried selling the electric and acoustic guitars and basses through dealers but didn't like how they were handled.
Parade participants' dress was disappointing The girls that were following the Carson High School Band in the Nevada Day Parade did not represent Carson High in a very positive way.
Carson City Carson swimming pool to be closed Sundays
religion briefs Dayton church collecting for Samaritan's Purse
The following are some of the calls to which deputies responded Tuesday: • Coroner call in the 400 block of Hot Springs Road at 7:01 a.m.
I broke and sprained my ankle this month when I fell off a step, but this was better than when I broke my wrist in junior high school.
Before you come to an opinion on whether trucks should be restricted from traveling through downtown Carson City, we recommend you do some firsthand research.
Kermitt Waters and Don Chairez are unlikely revolutionaries, but these days they may be the most dangerous men in Nevada. That's right. Dangerous.
Carson City Help with fall yard cleanup offered
Several smaller companies are moving into facilities at the Tahoe Reno Industrial Center such as the Riverview One flex building owned by Vince Griffith's Reno Cattle Co.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 47-year-old casino chef was arrested at 10:31 p.m. Monday in the 500 block of Briarwood Drive on suspicion of misdemeanor failure to maintain lane and drunken driving. Bail was set at $1,239.
Every problem in this country can be fixed by a tax increase. Or at least, the majority party in Congress apparently believes that is the case.
Whether you are a Republican, Democrat, non-partisan, fence sitter or couch potato, you are living on this soon-to-be-sizzling planet. And global warming demands leadership at all levels of government and community.
When a person is in need, Sister Marie McGloin doesn't ask questions and she doesn't say no. St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Community is collecting nonperishable food items for Christmas baskets it will give to the needy just prior to Christmas.
The following are some of the calls to which deputies responded Sunday: • Coroner call on Kentucky Lane at 12:03 a.m.
BOOOOOO ... tomorrow is Halloween (and the REAL Nevada Day), so everyone be on watch for the little ghosties and goblins as they prowl around your neighborhoods. And a warning to the ghosties and goblins ... watch out for cars, and BEARS! M had one Thursday night (in the Catholic school area) trying to get into her garbage (the bad news is that the bear is still around ... the good news is the bear couldn't figure out the garbage can ... or maybe there weren't any "goodies" in it), so forewarned is forearmed.
Carson City Flu shots being offered today
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • An 18-year-old transient was arrested at 7:34 p.m. Saturday in the 1600 block of Medical Parkway on suspicion of misdemeanor minor consuming alcohol. Bail was set at $237.
Thursday Governor's Industry Appreciation Awards Dinner, 5:30 p.m. at the Grand Sierra Resort in Reno. Tickets are $130 per person or $1,200 for a table of 10. Call 883-4413 for more information.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 20-year-old Carson City undertaker was arrested at 3:55 p.m. Friday on the 27700 block of Highway 50 on suspicion of failure to complete community service. Bail was set at $1,232.
Trees were toppled, power lines snapped in half, and at least one branch pierced a roof during Monday night's winds in Carson City. "I heard the noise. It was a terrible crash, and then I walked in here and there is was," said Ada Roelke as she stood looking up into the 10-inch hole in her bedroom ceiling made by a poplar branch turned missile.
Headlines from a year ago: Pundits: Derby ran probably the best campaign in the state this year
Headlines from a year ago: Dayton development disaster leads to lawsuits Dayton Valley Road development fiasco triggers lawsuits, land sale
If you step outside some cool autumn evening and listen closely, you may hear blood-curdling screams off in the hills. But it won't be the sound of goblins or ghouls or any other spooks thought to frequent these parts.
Carson City Jewish gospel music performance tonight
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Anthony G. Trajo, 23, of Gardnerville, was arrested at 3:44 a.m. in the 1400 block of South Carson Street on suspicion of felony parole violation. No bail was set.
Unwittingly and surely unintentionally, Assembly Speaker Barbara Buckley, D-Las Vegas, has made the single-most compelling case for cutting the Nevada state budget. And not just by a measly 5 percent. By a LOT.
Bartering is one of the oldest forms of commerce. Early Westerners traded furs for flour so it is not strange that Carson City wants to trade land for land. The goal in both cases is survival. Trappers sought food, the city seeks quality of life. And we support their efforts
Headlines from a year ago: Smoking ban irks some, others breathe a sigh of relief
Give Gov. Jim Gibbons credit. He's not the most popular or politically astute governor to ever grace Carson City, but he sure has a hard head.
Carson City First day of People's Law School is today The People's Law School is being presented at the Nevada State Legislature 6-8:30 p.m. today and Thursdays through Nov. 8. This is a free lecture series.
I would lose a fight because I am slow, weak and uncoordinated.
Bears must be eliminated from human habitat Feed the bears, don't feed the bears. Feed the bears in some areas, don't feed the bears in other areas. All of that talk is ludicrous and not pertinent to the problem.
The scenes from the California fires are familiar. Scorched landscapes and gutted homes, distraught homeowners and frazzled fire crews. They could have been from the Angora Fire this summer, or from any of the other fires that have scorched our state during this long drought.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 19-year-old unemployed Carson City woman was arrested at 6:54 a.m. in the 800 block of East Musser Street on suspicion of misdemeanor hit and run with property damage. Bail was set at $1,000.
CJ & Co. Salon 101 Hot Springs Road,
The Sale Committee for the Fallon All Breed Bull and Heifer Sale has announced that consignments for the 2008 sale are open.
Wells Fargo & Co. received a 2007 Green Power Partner of the Year award from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for its leadership in the green-power market. Wells Fargo is one of seven companies, and the only financial services company, to receive the award.
Reno Event set Thursday for young voters Youth Voice and the Associated Students of the University of Nevada are hosting a voter registration drive on campus Thursday.
Carson City Events celebrate Nevada's history The Nevada Women's History Project and the Nevada State Library and Archives will hold a book signing noon-3 p.m. Saturday, at the Nevada State Library and Archives, 100 N. Stewart St.
On Friday former Douglas County Deputy Jason Cypher pleaded no contest to misdemeanor charges of driving under the influence and domestic battery in connection with a Sept. 14 incident involving his wife, who also works for the Sheriff's Office.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Felicia Tanny, 41, of Carson City, was arrested at 6:29 p.m. Monday in the 100 block of West Telegraph on suspicion of gross misdemeanor battery on a police officer and disorderly conduct.
Madeline Chevelle Kachel made her first public appearance on Oct. 20. Weighing in at 6 pounds 6 ounces, she was 19 inches long on her birthday.
A very wise man - Benjamin Franklin, I believe - once said, "Certainty? In this world nothing is certain but death and taxes." I think there are a couple of other things that one could bet on with confidence.
Ayers Autumn, 220 "A" W. Telegraph St., new manicurist, Autumn L. Ayers, owner.
The Sutro Tunnel was finished in 1878. The tunnel was 3.88 miles long. Construction of the tunnel began Oct. 19, 1869, and the Mission-style portal was finished in 1888. A photo caption on page C2 of Tuesday's edition was incorrect.
A few years ago, several well-known athletic wear corporations and celebrity clothing lines received negative publicity because their businesses were found to exploit workers in foreign countries.
Twenty-somethings wearing beanies and armed with job applications packed job fairs Saturday at Heavenly, Kirkwood and Sierra-At-Tahoe ski resorts - most of them craving season passes that come with the jobs.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Jasna Slipcevic Richmond, 46, of Portland, Ore., was arrested at 2:30 a.m. Sunday in the 800 block of East Musser Street on a warrant for suspicion of felony obtaining multiple prescriptions, parole violation, theft and failure to use due care. Bail was set at $3,112.
Carson City Transportation board needs commissioners
What was life like for the Americans who remained in Baghdad after "multinational" (i.e. American) forces invaded Iraq in the spring of 2003? And how did the U.S.-dominated Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) interact with the Iraqis it was supposed to be helping? Here's how Chandrasekaran describes the scene at Saddam Hussein's Republican Palace one year after we liberated Iraq:
120 YEARS AGO Charges of undue severity to the children at the State Orphan's Home have been levied, reports the Reno Gazette. The charges, leveled against Superintendent Williams, were unfounded said the Board of Investigations. The board hesitated in its conclusion and reluctantly said that corporal punishment should be resorted to with great reluctance, if not entirely superseded by other means of chastisement. We therefore recommend that the rod should only be used in punishment of grave offenses, and then only after sufficient time has elapsed to permit the guidance of deliberate judgment.
Headlines from a year ago: ADA-accessible stops could be a problem throughout the city, official says
Soak the gamblers! That's the battle cry of the Nevada State Education Association (NSEA) and others who want to sock it to the casino industry in the name of public education and "the children." Not so fast, folks. Let's take a closer look at the huge tax increase that you're proposing.
120 YEARS AGO From Frank Bradley we learn that while men were employed in breaking ground for a foundation in Ione, a box was found containing the remains of a white person with the head sawed in two. The box and remains were found where the fire occurred recently. The citizens of Ione suspect the remains to be those of a man who was reported many years ago as having mysteriously disappeared from that section of Nye County.
NEVADA DAY is here Saturday (of course, it's REALLY on the 31st, but that's another story), and the parade starts at 10 a.m. down Carson Street. The Nevada Day program is on page A6 in today's paper, so flip back two pages and get "in the know." The Carson Calendar Girls will be in the parade (and thanks to Bill Burnaugh of Capitol City Loans, C and M will FINALLY be wearing their tiaras), and they expect you to wave and yell at them (you can also buy their calendars in front of Mom & Pop's Diner). We hope everyone has a great and safe time. The trains will be running on Sunday, so come on down, take pictures and go for a ride. It should be a great weekend.
120 YEARS AGO And still the Indian Autumn hangs over Nevada with a climatic luxuriousness that makes a man think that Southern California is a malarious hog hole compared to it.
As the economy of Northern Nevada has slowed to a crawl, business leaders have been making some tough calls cutting expenses and staff. So it's no great surprise that state and local governments, largely dependent on sales taxes generated by those businesses, are finding themselves having to follow suit.
120 YEARS AGO The Tribune calls attention to the fact that a white woman is living with a Negro and that both parties ought to be invited to leave town. Yesterday morning a number of leading citizens were canvassing the matter and alluded that if the couple does not leave town, they will be invited to do so in a way that no one can easily mistake.
120 YEARS AGO McLoughlin & Hawkins have finished boring the artesian well at John Rosser's ranch in Carson Valley and have succeeded in furnishing the Colonel with a well 225 feet deep, which delivers 40 gallons per minute two feet above the ground. It is the largest well so far struck at this end of the state.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Martin Lopez-Torres, a 29-year-old Carson City construction worker, was arrested at 2:20 p.m. Saturday on suspicion of driving under the influence and causing an accident that led to substantial bodily harm, driving without proof of insurance and following another driver too close. Bail was set at $26,000. Lopez-Torres allegedly rear-ended a vehicle driven by a woman who was nine-months pregnant at the intersection of North Saliman Road and Highway 50.
Carson City Deadline for mining essay contest Monday
Carson City Applicants sought for river advisory committee
Construction on Carson City streets for the week beginning Oct. 22: • Harbin Street will be closed to through traffic between Telegraph and Second streets. Also, Musser Street will be closed to through traffic between Pratt Avenue and Hackamore Way for street reconstruction. These closures will be in effect for about a week.
Two common targets of editorials in this and many other papers have been prosecutors and judges who have been soft on crime, and public officials in general who don't listen to their constituents.
Call it injecticide, if you will. You can also call it blatant preservation of judicial vanity. The sudden interception of convicted murderer William Castillo's execution and the hold on all other scheduled executions in Nevada is a move born of political correctness and not of genuine humane conscience. And why should it be?
Douglas County Community theatre group presenting 'Steel Magnolias' The Carson Valley Community Theatre will present six performances of "Steel Magnolias" today and Sunday and Oct. 26-28.
Headlines from a year ago: Yochum wants filing fee back Nevada Senate candidate Merritt "Ike" Yochum complained Thursday no one ever told him they had moved him from one state Senate district to another. And, he said, he wants his filing fee back.
Citing fiscal responsibility and fear of "socialized medicine," House Republicans last week backed President Bush's veto of the five-year, $35 billion State Children's Health Insurance Program bill.
Under the ministerial leadership of a new pastor, the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Carson City holds the same ideals as prominent as ever - strong values and community involvement.
Carson City Eagle Scout project today to protect the Carson River
The connection was so clear that at first I didn't believe that Micki Larson-Olsen was speaking to me from inside the Green Zone in Baghdad.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Bijhan Adam Jazani, 26, a manager from Carson City, was arrested at 10:17 p.m. on suspicion of felony felon in possession of a stun gun, gross misdemeanor possession of a dangerous weapon, felony possession of a prescription drug without a prescription, misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of a hypodermic needle. Bail was set at 5,000.
Carson City Donations in Blue Piggy Banks go toward Safe Haven project The Carson City Elk's Lodge No. 2177 is placing Blue Piggy Banks out to raise funds for the Nevada Elk's State Project, Safe Haven.
Leticia Bravo has been named ombudsman of consumer affairs for minorities. Her appointment was announced Thursday by Gov. Jim Gibbons and Director of the Department of Business and Industry Mendy Elliott.
The word "censorship" raised its ugly head last week when the Reno Gazette-Journal's leading international affairs columnist, Dr. Tyrus W. Cobb, informed his editors that he would stop writing for them for multiple reasons including "column frequency, decreasing space, some editorial interference" and personal insults from a fellow columnist. Cobb's last column, a tribute to the late President Ronald Reagan, appears in today's RGJ.
The Feisty Goat, 1881 E. Long St., will have a Bloody Mary contest at noon Oct. 28. Judges, including myself, will select the best Bloody Mary in Carson City.
Most investors hope to earn better-than-average returns.
More than half of Storey County, more than 100,000 acres, it's land that takes Roger Norman back to his childhood.
Today, Douglas County commissioners will discuss expanding an ordinance requiring bear-proof trash cans for East Fork residents who've had documented instances when a bear has raided their trash.
Tumble Tots Program, 10 a.m. Fridays at Universal Tae Kwon Do, 1420 Highway 95A North, Ste. 1, Fernley. Led by Annie Newman of Kid Bright Gymnastics for ages 2-6. Program includes fun, simple movements that help build flexibility, balance and strength in young children. A parent or guardian must be present. $5-10 per class suggested donation. Call 575-6077.
Business licenses issued in Carson City as of Oct. 12:
Carson City Lights on After School celebrated at Boys & Girls Club
"How to Coach Employees to Maximum Achievement," a Dale Carnegie free workshop presented by JR Rodgers and Associates Inc., will be 8:30-10 a.m. Wednesday at Thunder Canyon Golf and Country Club.
It seemed everything in my life was coming apart. Though the sky was clear, I wouldn't have been surprised if I'd been struck by lightning. Perhaps you know the feeling.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Kyle Andrew Bates, 23, a laborer, and Gabrielle Kinkeda, 23, a printer, were both arrested at 8:35 a.m. T
(AP) - A new Nevada Ethics Commission opinion could provide ammunition to those who want to block public employees from serving in the Legislature or other elected offices.
The last time I wrote a guest column for the Appeal was my senior year at Carson High. I don't remember much about that column, except that the title was "Glad to Graduate." Indeed I was. Like many of my peers, I couldn't wait to get out of town. I purposely chose an out-of-state college, with the intent to never return to the city of my birth. But life often has other plans for us. Through a series of circumstances, I find myself living, for the third time, on North Division Street.
In a recent Nevada Appeal column congratulating Gov. Jim Gibbons for painting over the name of philanthropist Larry Ruvo on a public building, Guy Farmer asks why the state named "a public building after a wealthy Las Vegas liquor distributor" in the first place. Fair question. So I did a little checking.
Headlines from a year ago: Victim in party shooting dies
Several years ago, I went to a famous church in Washington, D.C., to hear a world-renowned preacher. When the time arrived for the service to begin, two men took their places behind the pulpit. One had all the marks of a professional man - dignity, bearing, immaculate dress, good grooming. The other man was far from handsome, somewhat ungainly in his bearing and less than professional in appearance.
If you had any thoughts that Nevada's economy was rebounding, the governor's orders that state agencies freeze hiring and plan to cut 5 percent from their budgets should be enough to set you straight.
The following are some of the calls to which deputies responded Monday: • Coroner call in the 3000 block of North Ormsby Boulevard at 4:12 a.m.
Carson City Road closures for the Nevada Day Parade Highway 395 will be closed at 8 a.m. Oct. 27 from Winnie Lane on the North to Fairview Drive on the South for the Nevada Day Parade. Highway 50 will be closed from Roop to Curry streets. Through traffic is encouraged to use Edmonds Drive and College Parkway to avoid the heavy parade traffic.
"China Now: New Horizons in Chinese Contemporary Art" 6:15 p.m., Carson City Public Library, 900 N. Roop St. Jeff Kelley, consulting curator of Contemporary Art at the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco will present an illustrated talk on Chinese. The talk is part of "Nevada Neighbors," a lecture series on contemporary art. Call 721-7936.
Headlines from a year ago: Wasps disrupt classes at WNCC It took something no bigger than a thumbnail to disrupt about 80 classes at Western Nevada Community College on Thursday.
Transition Your Baby to Solid Foods, 10 a.m., Family to Family Connection, 212 E. Winnie Lane. Free workshop for parents and their babies. RSVP. Call 884-2269.
The following are some of the calls to which deputies responded Sunday: • Accident reports on Fourth Street, Roop Street and Stewart Street.
Of the options available for the future of the Brewery Arts Center, the one we like best is the center taking care of business itself.
Carson City Indian taco sale to benefit powwow Indian Taco Sale fundraiser is 10 a.m.-7 p.m. Wednesday at 2900 S. Curry St. Free deliveries with five or more orders. Cost is $5 for Indian Taco; $2 for bread; $1 for soda or water. For information, call 351-4870 or 443-7460. All proceeds go toward the Nevada Day Pow Wow.
We had some very distressing news this week. Our friend, and oft-times contributor to this column DeeAnn Parsons passed away last Wednesday, very unexpectedly.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 48-year-old Carson City man was arrested at 10 a.m. Friday on suspicion of a misdemeanor violation of probation. Bail was set at $1,000.
Carson City Tax filing deadline approaching The Internal Revenue Service has announced that the deadline is Monday for more than 96,000 Nevada taxpayers who took the automatic six-month extension to file their federal tax return.
The following are some of the arrests reported by the Carson City Sheriff's Department Friday night and Saturday morning: • A 43-year-old Carson City man was taken into custody at 9:22 p.m. on a misdemeanor warrant for failure to appear in a drug case. His bail was set at $5,000 cash.
"Pyrotechniques II" Art Exhibit, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Western Nevada College Main Gallery, 2201 W. College Parkway. Exhibit features an interplay of form, surface and fire by Joe Winter, with four different firing techniques: Raku, gas-fired stoneware, wood-fired stoneware and wood-fired salt glazed stoneware. Call 445-3000.
Carson City Artists prepare Nevada Day Show
120 YEARS AGO A fine place to raise good stock. Mason Valley is a little nook in Nevada about 35 miles long and of variable width. It has fairly good water facilities from the Walker River, but the river does not run enough water to furnish irrigation for the entire Valley as the water is not handled. The farmers of the valley have started right on one proposition, and that is on livestock. Most of the stockmen have started in thoroughbreds from the jump.
120 YEARS AGO The accident at Greenfield (Pizen Switch) at the race track last Saturday was one of the most terrible that has ever happened on a race track and may be a warning to men who attempt to trick the public by unfairness on the track. In the race, one rider failed to slow in a turn before a barbed-wire fence causing the horse to run through it and throwing the rider some 60 feet.
Headlines from a year ago: North side water release is intentional Water flowing down College Parkway this week originates from the temporary retention basin at the end of Vicee Canyon.
Carson City FEMA flood maps soon to be available digitally The Federal Emergency Management Administration intends to update the floodplain boundary within Carson City
Headlines from a year ago: Reward offered in Longridge shootings A $2,500 reward is being offered for information leading to the arrest and prosecution of those responsible for a suspected gang-related attempted homicide Saturday.
Headlines from one year ago: Powwow princess to represent Washoes The first official duty of the Washoe Tribe's new La Ka Le'l Be Princess comes today when she participates in the Nevada Day Parade.
The following are some of the calls to which deputies responded Thursday: • Domestic disputes on South Edmonds Drive, Clearview Drive, Pinion Hills Drive and Biltmore Street.
On 104 acres along the Tigris River in the heart of Baghdad sits a monument to arrogance, incompetence and stupidity. This expansive 21-building campus is the new U.S. Embassy, the largest and most expensive embassy or diplomatic mission ever constructed by any country in the world. The largest current U.S. embassy is in China, and is five acres. The White House itself only occupies 18 acres.
120 YEARS AGO Yesterday the tandem tricycle belonging to the Mighels Bros. arrived, and a trial trip was made of it. It seats two, and both riders can propel it or one. It goes almost as fast as a bicycle and the bicycle club were greatly excited over it on the streets. It is voted as good as a horse and carriage.
120 YEARS AGO Last Monday there were four travelers in town, having a conveyance of their own. They were said to come from Cherry Creek, or the neighborhood of that place. From what information could be gained they were supposed to be in the employ of an eastern railroad company for purposes of finding the best passes for rail traffic. - Sentinel.
With Halloween approaching, it occurred to me that every day here in Virginia City is a little Halloween-ish.
"Vanity of vanities; all is vanity." (Book of Ecclesiastes in the Old Testament. The pointlessness of human activity is the major theme of the book.)
Here we go again. Real life's very own version of law and order. Or should I describe the particular version to which I make reference as unlawful and disorderly? In February, I wrote a column that offered serious thoughts on why David Scott Killen's BB gun demonstration through the streets of Carson City, South Lake Tahoe and Gardnerville in February should be considered far more dangerous than a misdemeanor, or in this case, a gross misdemeanor for property damage.
On Monday at 8:30 p.m., William Castillo - if he chooses - will die as punishment for murdering a Clark County woman 10 years ago. If he decides there is merit in arguments that lethal injection is cruel and unusual punishment, he can choose to call off the execution and proceed with the seemingly endless number of appeals that would keep him alive for several more years.
Only too often future retirees make the mistake of calculating future income needs on what things cost today. It is hard enough to save for retirement in good times, but with inflation an unknown factor and the endless fall of the dollar, things are getting even tougher.
The Subway restaurants in Minden, 1659 Highway 395, Suite A; and Gardnerville, 1328 Highway 395, Suite 101, said they're going to do something special for Halloween. The owners said the restaurants will offer a healthy alternative to candy.
Fortunately for conservatives and Nevada Republicans, Garn Mabey is out as Assembly Minority Leader and Assemblywoman Heidi Gansert is now in. And Gansert has indicated she intends to do things differently than her predecessor in the hope of obtaining a GOP majority before the 2011 redistricting session of the Legislature. Here are two things she can do that would show the world that the listless, rudderless Mabey days are truly over.
In regard to Mr. Nicholas Sosa opinion (Oct. 2), in which he stated that "the recent immigration busts were an outrage and that good people and honest citizens of this country are being treated like second class citizens, etc., etc." It seems to me that Mr. Sosa is completely mistaken and is trying to be misleading, in my opinion, and he has totally ignored the fact that the "good" and "honest" people he speaks about were apparently investigated over a period of time and were either suspected to be guilty of identity theft or had been proven to be actually guilty of identity theft (a serious offense) which was the main reason for the "round up" of these individuals.
Last Sunday I wrote about dangerous connections between illegal immigration and two high priority law enforcement issues in Carson City and elsewhere in the Silver State: drugs and gangs. Recent federal immigration raids have confirmed these deadly connections beyond any reasonable doubt.
Carson City Cabaret Kids appear at Comma Coffee Wild Horse Children's Theater and Comma Coffee are presenting a new, noncompetitive venue for kids to perform. "Cabaret Kids" will take the stage at Comma Coffee on the second Friday of every month.
Last Sunday, as I was sifting through dozens of e-mails, it occurred to me that a real Nigerian businessman would have a tough go of it in this day and age. Nigerian businessmen (as anyone who has an e-mail account is well aware of) are the posterchildren for scammers and phishers. The theme of the scams vary, but often it involves a "wealthy businessman" locating to the U.S. who needs help transferring his millions to this country.
Paul writes in Romans 1:20, "Since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities - His eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse."
Northgate Movies 10 will open as a $1 movie theater today, according to a sign on the theater. The sign says it's now undergoing renovations. The theater has been open since 1980 and was the only theater in Carson City for years until the Galaxy Fandango Theatre opened in early August.
Carson City Exhibitors, speakers sought for CHS career fair
An open box of boy-cut panties sits on top of one of the plastic tubs of clothing stacked in Jen McCrosky's living room.
LOS ANGELES - The annual median housing prices in California could fall next year for the first time since 1996, as unsold homes keep piling up and many buyers hold out for lower prices, a trade group said Wednesday.
When volunteer firefighter Pat Vannozzi suffered a massive heart attack after responding to a small wildfire in upper Kyle Canyon last October, he believed he was covered by insurance.
Headlines from a year ago: This grand marshal won't be waving A truck will haul Inyo down Carson Street for annual parade
Headlines from a year ago: Commission names three finalists to replace Griffin
Headlines from a year ago: Transportation group passes first funding recommendations
"Horribly and fatally" undereducated? Well, maybe that hillbilly casino is a better image fit for Nevada than even its proponents had figured - if those words about the state by Chancellor Jim Rogers are based in truth rather than hyperbole. It's Jim Rogers, after all, a man prone to bombastic words and actions.
The following are some of the calls to which deputies responded Tuesday: • Coroner call on Wialaki Street at 1:26 a.m. • Coroner call on Musser Street at 7:58 a.m.
Carson City League of Women Voters education reform forum today A Forum on Education Reform 6:30-8 p.m. today at the Governor's Mansion, 606 N. Mountain St.
The following are some of the calls to which deputies responded Monday: • Dispute in the 500 block of South Roop Street at 12:13 a.m. • Accident at Washington and Division streets at 9:53 a.m.
The Walker Branch of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will break ground on a new building at 11 a.m. today at the existing church property on Highway 395 in Walker, Calif.
The Palmetto State Quartet will perform in concert at 7 p.m. Thursday at Good Shepherd Wesleyan Church, 1505 Railroad Drive. The free, southern gospel concert features the quartet, with a rich blend of classic tones that define them as a living legacy.
When William Castillo is put to death on Oct. 15 in Carson City, it will be just punishment for the killing of a retired school teacher.
Television brings the world into our homes, but at what cost? Oh, sure, there are the funny things, like two recent commercials, one where the boy gets his braces stuck in the window blinds and the paramedics cut the blinds with his braces still attached as they take him to the hospital (God only knows what they're advertising ... we were laughing too hard), and the Meineke ad where the guy is asking for help picking out a pet ..."Should it be the goat, the dog or the snake?" And the other guy says, "What goat?" as the snake curls around with a big lump in it. Pretty darned funny (and on this one, we remembered who paid for it ... wow).
Carson City Special Olympics needs volunteers for Nevada Day race
It would be an odd announcement to hear that Saudi Arabia was planning to build coal-powered plants to cover its electricity needs, even while it sits on one of the world's richest oil supplies. But that's why, to a much lesser degree, the construction of three coal-fired plants in Nevada is hard to fathom. We're not sitting on oil reserves, but some of the greatest untapped alternative energy sources in the world, including geothermal, solar and wind.
The following are some of the calls to which deputies responded Sunday: • Coroner call in the 3000 block of Ormsby Boulevard at 12:56 a.m.
When I was growing up I used to walk to school every day uphill in a snowstorm. Actually, it only snowed in the winter and it wasn't uphill. But we did walk to school, home for lunch, then back to school again. It was what kids did. In 1969 nearly 90 percent of children who lived within a mile of school used walking or bicycling as their primary mode of travel. In recent years, that percentage has decreased to just over 60 percent. Kids who live farther away walk or bike even less.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 25-year-old construction worker from Carson City was arrested at 5:47 p.m. Friday at the intersection of Airport Road and Highway 50 on suspicion of DUI. His bail was set at $1,132.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court. • A 34-year-old Carson woman was arrested at 10:10 p.m. Friday on the 1800 block of East Long Street on suspicion of misdemeanor drunken driving. Bail was set at $1132.
Headlines from a year ago: Lyon teacher, husband charged in meth sales
Headlines from a year ago: Candidates spend big in lieutenant governor race The race for the part-time job of Nevada lieutenant governor has turned into a high-dollar event, with the Democratic and Republican candidates expecting to spend $1 million to $1.5 million apiece.
Carson City College to show pottery exhibit
Carson City Piano concert tonight at BAC Western Nevada College music instructor Paul DuFau will be performing a piano concert 6-9 p.m. today at the Brewery Arts Center's Performance Hall. The concert will be free for Carson City Music Club members and $5 for nonmembers.Call 883-1976.
It used to be that children learned about the concept of hard work from their parents. I have vivid memories of my father rising early every morning to go to work in his printing shop for a few hours before cleaning up, putting on a tie and heading to his day job. He almost couldn't wait to ditch the executive garb after work to get his hands dirty on the printing press again for a few hours before coming home.
The following are some of the calls to which deputies responded Thursday: • Suspicious subject on East Long Street at 1:20 a.m. • Suspicious subject on East William Street at 1:32 a.m.
120 YEARS AGO Three thieves were driven out of Miss Forest's yard last night while trying to rob the chicken roost. Mr. D.L. Bliss ordered the Glenbrook mills closed down Thursday and Friday, in order to give the employees an opportunity to attend the district fair. The Pavilion will reopen today, to give everybody a chance to visit. Persons can remove their exhibits Monday.
With us being in mid-October, the wild-salmon season, for all intents and purposes, has come to an end. You may find a dribble of wild salmon here and there for the next month or so, but it will be very sketchy.
120 YEARS AGO A herd of goats took possession of the stores on Carson Street yesterday afternoon when the leader, a large Billy, became frightened and rushed into Joe Platt's store.
120 YEARS AGO Awards for exhibits and premiums were given out for the fair. Mrs. Gov. Adams won an award for a handmade Passementarie. The Bad Boys exhibit won for 50 varieties of stolen bird eggs. George Kitzmeyer was given an award for his furniture. Mrs. J. H. Kinkead was given an award for a lambrequin and handkerchief box. Senator Stewart was granted an award for his snow-flake potatoes. The best display of cheese, pickles, preserves and jellies went to Mrs. Theo Winters, of Washoe Valley.
120 YEARS AGO At noon yesterday Mill No. 1, belonging to the Carson & Tahoe Lumber & Flume Co., caught fire and burned to the ground. A barge moored near the mill and loaded with cord wood was also burned. The loss will reach $30,000 and is partially insured. The work of rebuilding will begin at once.
Who would have thought that Northern Nevada would become home to one of the deepest aviation mysteries in history? But the disappearance of Steve Fossett is in that category after an extensive month-long search using everything from satellite imagery to old-fashioned foot power turned up not a clue about his fate. The official search, one of the largest in history, was called off this week.
I hate to pile on, but several months ago I wrote an article in this newspaper criticizing the disgraceful remarks made by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nevada), whereby I took the Senator to task for saying, among other things, that the "war was lost" while we still had soldiers fighting and dying on the battlefield. Forget that there was no factual basis for Senator Reid's comments - a U.S. Senate Majority Leader should NEVER be making these types of comments during a time of war, regardless of the circumstances.
GALATIA, Ill. - After 17 years of fixing cars, Greg Rothchild found the money from carving coal out of the earth's innards simply too hard to pass up.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 38-year-old woman from Reno who listed her occupation as "advocate" was arrested at 12:41 a.m. Tuesday at Roop and Robinson streets on suspicion of misdemeanor drunken driving. Bail was set at $1,132.
Every morning, I look out the back window and count up the quail foraging in the yard. The most I've counted at one time was 42, but there's usually a dozen or so pecking away at the ground, and at each other when one violates the quail code of conduct.
Virginia City Championship outhouse racing begins today
When I spoke to the Carson Chamber's Leadership Forum about immigration policy last Monday I told my audience that we can't have it both ways on the contentious issue of illegal immigration. In other words, we can't demand that the federal government crack down on businessmen who hire illegal aliens only to complain when the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency (ICE) raids businesses in our area.
Construction on Carson City streets for the week beginning Oct. 8: • Due to the construction of the new Sheriff's Administration Building, Harbin Avenue is closed to traffic between Musser and Second streets. This closure will remain in effect for the duration of the construction, which is estimated to be completed this month.
Carson City Health Department's food-service inspections and the date of inspection (all scores are on a 100-point scale, with points deducted depending on the severity of violations):
A new partnership spearheaded by the United States Postal Service and the Postal Inspection Service, that brings together 20 public and private organizations, has unveiled a consumer education campaign aimed at preventing Americans from falling victim to fraud schemes involving counterfeit financial instruments.
As a mining engineer, Bill Flangas spent much of his working life underground. As an eight-year member of the state's Commission on Ethics, Flangas saw plenty of public officials who insisted on remaining in the dark when it came to doing the right thing.
Almost any evening you can walk by a ballpark in Carson City, anywhere in America, really, and hear the shouts of children as they play baseball, football or soccer. At the same time they're having fun, they're learning valuable life lessons, including the importance of fair play and sportsmanship.
Carson City Exhibitors, speakers sought for CHS career fair Carson High School is looking for exhibitors for its first-ever "Your Future's So Bright Day" career fair Oct. 17.
Luke chapter 8:22-54 records a day in the life of Jesus Christ. As I read this recently in my devotional reading, I again marveled at the wonderful and amazing things Jesus does, and the unlimited power and love that attends His life and ministry.
Ten or 15 years ago, when our children were young and their weddings were in the far-off, fairy tale realm of possibilities, my friends and I made an agreement. We would be the fairy godmothers for each other's children and put together beautiful weddings without wedding planners or caterers. This was a gift we could give each other. Now, when our children have grown and scattered to the four winds, we realize the fairy tale was to believe that our children would marry here. Or let us plan anything.
Now that PPA 2006 has made the Roth 401(k) a permanent tool in the arsenal of retirement planning options, many more employers may offer these new accounts in addition to their traditional 401(k) plans.
Will be happy to drive illegals to the border As usual, the pro-illegal alien special interest groups have again reared their ugly heads (Illegal immigration raid, Nevada Appeal, Sept. 28). Law and order isn't part of their agenda. These crybabies refuse to acknowledge that all illegal aliens are no more than common criminals.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Brandon Rasmussen, 23, of Gardnerville, was arrested Monday at 10:28 p.m. on College Parkway on suspicion of felony burglary, false imprisonment, misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia and obstructing an investigation. Bail was set at $26,000.
Carson City 4-H seeking leaders in three counties
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 28-year-old laborer from Carson City was arrested at 1:55 a.m. Sunday in the 600 block of Jackson Way on suspicion of misdemeanor probation violation. Bail was set at $1,000.
The event is over, but we hope the sentiment that led to the creation of Saturday's fundraiser to help the families who've had relatives die in Iraq or Afghanistan lives on.
Ethanol sounds really good, considering we want to be less reliant on foreign oil, but it's putting the squeeze on another part of the economy, causing prices to rise on milk (gotta feed those cows, and corn now costs more money), meat (same story), bread (more acreage is being sown with corn because it makes more money, and less is sown with wheat, so that raises the price of wheat), anything made with corn syrup (you need corn to make the syrup, and it's going to ethanol instead), and probably many more examples we can't think of at the moment. Why, you might ask?