More and more, responsibility for America's health-care price tag is shifting to individuals and families.
A couple of weeks ago the "Parade" Sunday supplement published a lead article titled "Is Gambling Good for America?" The article seemed to waffle on the answer, but as a former state gaming control official, I'd like to comment on that provocative question.
The following menus are for the week of June 4-8 and subject to change without notice. Choice of beverages is included with meals: Carson City
Eaglemark Savings Bank has donated $7,500 to Nevada Rural Housing Authority to support the authority's financial literacy education workshops in Douglas and Lyon counties.
Nevada legislators and the public will take a look at the Silver State's first "Bizmobile" at 10:30 a.m. Sunday on the Legislative Mall.
Carson City 4th annual Extreme Police Motorcycle Training Challenge The fourth annual Extreme Police Motorcycle Training Challenge will be today and Saturday at 1111 E. William St. This year's training challenge will showcase motor officers from throughout the West coast. The competition is open to all currently employed law enforcement motor officers and current duty motorcycles.
An editor's phone is like a nerve synapse. Each day it carries so many messages of joy, gratitude, aggravation and sorrow. And anger. "You have 51 new messages."
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Richard Ruiz, 23, of Carson City, was arrested at 1:56 a.m. Thursday at Minnesota and 10th streets on suspicion of felony probation violation. No bail was set.
There may have been some people scratching their heads when the folks at Western Nevada Community College began talking a few years ago about starting a baseball team. Will anyone really care about a junior college baseball team? Won't it be a glorified high school team? How can it possibly benefit the college?
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 40-year-old bartender was arrested Tuesday at 8:40 p.m. in the 400 block of South Saliman Road on suspicion of obstructing or delaying a peace officer. Bail was set at $407.
In a world where almost everyone loves a mystery, it would have made a more sensational story if nurse Chaz Higgs had been linked to two suspected homicides instead of just one. Not only is Higgs charged with murder in the death of his wife, state Controller Kathy Augustine, but he was one of the nurses who attended to her ex-husband, Charles Augustine, during his final days.
The fashionable editorial to write about Gov. Jim Gibbons would resemble the article in Wednesday's New York Times, which reported in depth on his rocky start. The article, which called him a "largely invisible five-term congressman," told the country of the governor's low popularity ratings and cited his plan to sell water rights beneath highways that the state never owned, as well as his plan to turn the state's coal reserves into jet fuel, even though we don't really have coal reserves. And it, of course, repeated all of his missteps during the election last year.
"Are you sad?" people ask about my upcoming retirement. Not really. "Are you happy?" Yes, but happy is a pretty normal state for me. "Excited?" Sure, but there is something much deeper and more profound. Disbelief is part of it. Me? Old enough to retire? Then I remind myself of two things: I've been working for the Carson City School District since 1977 and I'm exactly the same age as my dad was when he retired.
With summer here, I'm giving you the recipe for the perfect picnic fair. The panko, special Japanese coarse bread crumbs, make a crunchy topping that stays crisp for hours after cooking.
Every time the Sheriff's Department decides to do an emphasis patrol, such as those to nab crosswalk offenders, or a checkpoint like the one last weekend to capture DUI offenders, they're inevitably met with criticism. Some say they ought to be spending their time on more important duties such as catching meth users and dealers or cracking down on gangs.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Ronald Paul Kleider, 49, a transient welder was arrested Monday on two misdemeanor warrants, and a felony St. Lucie County, Fla., warrant for larceny. No bail was set.
Carson City BAWN to unveil economic impact results today, Thursday The economic impact of the building industry in Douglas County, the Builders Association of Western Nevada in cooperation with the University of Nevada's Nevada Small Business Development Center will release results of a recent economic study during two presentations this week.
For those among us who were thinking the Western Nevada Community College Wildcats ought to have been proud to have made it to the junior college world series, it appears we weren't thinking big enough. How big? As big as the Wildcats players and coaches, who fearlessly dismantled the country's top-ranked junior college team on Monday afternoon in Grand Junction, Colo.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Matthew D. Bowling, 41, a maintenance worker from Carson City, was arrested in the 1100 block of North Saliman Street at 10:30 p.m. Sunday on suspicion of felony possession of methamphetamine and contempt of court.
Rumor has it that Father Jerry Hanley will be seeking another job soon to pay for the lobster dinner he's treating Carolyn to tonight (it's payback time for her directing the St. Teresa's Christmas pageant last year). So when you give at church this week, feel free to put a couple of extra bucks into the "food for the poor" basket ... he'll need it.
Carson City Interactive comic wedding coming Wild Horse Theater Company will present the Northern Nevada premiere of "Joey and Maria's Comedy Italian Wedding," an original interactive dinner theater hit, at the Plaza Hotel and Conference Center
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Helen Holquin, 31, of Carson City, was arrested at 7:35 p.m. Thursday in the 2400 block of Ravenshorn Drive on suspicion of felonY failure to appear for a fraud sentencing in Reno. Bail was set at $10,000.
Were you surprised when the Senate postponed a vote on the Bush/Kennedy "comprehensive immigration reform" bill Monday? I certainly wasn't because lawmakers of both parties immediately began to question the complex provisions of a measure cobbled together behind closed doors by President Bush, Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) and a few of their allies in yet another amnesty plan for millions of illegal immigrants.
Carson City Reservations needed for historical society meeting The Carson City Historical Society will host its annual membership drive on June 10 at the Tahoe Ridge Winery.
For 15 years, people in Northern Nevada called Dean Haymore crazy.
Guy Farmer, Sam Bauman and I were having lunch recently when the subject of the stock market's relationship to our national economy came up. To those of you who know us as columnists, we may seem an odd lot in that Sam is to the left of center politically, I am to the right and Guy glides down the middle. So if you're wondering why we get together weekly, it's to keep each other honest and satiate our appetite for intellectual talk, which isn't always easy to come by in River City.
This year, it will be difficult to ignore the meaning of Memorial Day while we are off on our long weekends. This year, the toll from this Iraq war has hit close to our home and close to our hearts. Most recently, we have lost Sgt. Anthony Schober, who attended Douglas High School; and Army Pfc. Alejandro Varela, of Fernley. Their families and their communities are still in mourning.
10:30 a.m., Marine Corps League Silver State Detachment Memorial Day Service, at Stewart Indian Cemetery, Clear Creek Avenue. Call 790-0260. Noon, Marine Corps League Silver State Detachment Memorial Day Service, at Lone Mountain Cemetery. Call 790-0260.
While Dan Mooney and I would probably have some difficulty reaching consensus on many social issues, I did appreciate his column concerning moving the perception of who is responsible for the education of our children from the school to the family. However well made his point, I think there is more to be said concerning why and how we prepare our families for this most fundamental responsibility.
The recall effort against Carson City Mayor Marv Teixeira is dead, according to Rheba Montrose. She's the woman who filed the recall papers on April 19, several weeks after Mayor Marv Teixeira was arrested for drunk driving. Teixeira was stopped March 5 by the Nevada Highway Patrol at the intersection of John and Carson streets for driving 50 mph in that 35 mph zone. Ultimately, he pleaded guilty to the DUI, was sentenced to 46 hours of community service and paid a fine of $650 and at least $200 more in related fees.
When I think about Memorial Day, I think about veterans. When I think about veterans, I think about the horrors of war. When I think about the horrors or war, I think about human rights violations. When I think about human rights violations, I think about socially conscious investing.
Republican legislators made a profound mistake in not approving the meth legislation before them on Tuesday. These legislators are governing the state with the most severe meth problem in the nation and what we needed from them was a strong and courageous message that they are willing to do what it takes to solve the problem.
Carson City Health Department's food-service inspections and the date of inspection (all scores are on a 100-point scale, with points deducted depending on the severity of violations):
Michael T. Suglia has joined the Reno office of White Meany & Wetherall, LLP as an associate. Prior to joining White Meany & Wetherall, Mr. Suglia was the Senior Deputy District Attorney for Carson City in the civil division.
A river of Clark County School District fifth-graders pours from yellow buses, meanders around Cashman Field and into the mouth of the ballpark Tuesday morning. They are officially here to watch the Las Vegas 51s play the New Orleans Zephyrs in a Pacific Coast League baseball game, but only a small percentage of the young crowd stays focused on the playing field.
We congratulate the final graduating class of Western Nevada Community College (next year's graduates will be from Western Nevada College). These days, the college is becoming known for a precocious baseball team that, in only its second year, will be playing in the college world series this weekend in Colorado. It's an inspiring story, but also an apt metaphor for graduates, who will find themselves as underdogs at some stage of their lives. The baseball team found the answer to that is simple: By believing in yourself and in your team, you can accomplish anything.
You never can tell when your past is going to come out and grab you by the elbow, like last Saturday in Reno at the Shelby Ford Cobra car roundup. Some 200 Cobras were lined up around the Sparks Nugget casino, and I was there with old friends Marilyn and Bob (who's buying a Cobra).
Business licenses issued in Carson City as of May 18:
It was always my grandfather's habit to retreat each afternoon to a long wooden bench he had placed among a thicket of lilac bushes, stretch out, and lie there for at least an hour. He suffered periodically from "nerves," a phrase Latvians use to cover such things as depression, all manner of phobias, and erratic behavior.
Carson City DUI checkpoint scheduled for Saturday The Carson City Sheriff's Department will be conducting a DUI and seat-belt checkpoint from 3-9 p.m. Saturday at Fairview Drive and Lepire Drive. The checkpoint is designed to help keep intoxicated drivers off the road and encourage seat belt use during the Memorial Day Holiday.
I invite you to participate in the National Moment of Remembrance at 3 p.m. Monday. This event was established in 2000 by the White House to recapture the true meaning of Memorial Day: to honor all servicemen and women who selflessly gave their lives in service to our nation.
New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson's announcement Monday that he will be a presidential candidate hardly sent shockwaves through the nation, nor in the camps of Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama. But we hope voters start paying attention to Richardson, a former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations and Secretary of Energy, if for no other reason than he is at the forefront of issues that affect residents of Nevada and the West.
This Memorial Day we have a lot to remember. Sgt. Anthony Schober, who went to school at Douglas High, was killed in Iraq in a tragic incident that has left three of his comrades missing in action and believed captive. While his family and friends grieve, his company is scouring the countryside, trying to find the captured soldiers. Pvt. Alejandro "Alex" Varela, of Fernley, was also killed in Iraq last week, making it a dreadful week for our soldiers and their families. We read, too, of the deaths of two prominent Carsonites, former fire chief Les Groth, and former director of Carson-Tahoe Hospital volunteers, Jean Bawden, both wonderful people. Our deepest sympathies go out to all their friends and families. All four will be deeply missed. And on this Memorial Day, take time out from the Indy 500 and the three-day weekend to remember all those who were near and dear to you. May they rest in peace. And take the time for those who are here to tell them you love them. Sometimes you don't get another chance.
The CHS Blue Thunder Marching Band will host its first "Sounds of Summer" program, for all band students entering the fifth through eighth grades this fall. It offers one-on-one tutoring, marching, music, mentoring, lunch and a T-shirt on completion.. The program is June 14, 16, 21, 23 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Carson High School band room.
"Exhilaration!" is this year's recital/revival for Positive Energy, acrobatics and dance studio. The performance will be 6 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday at the Brewery Arts Center, Performance Hall, 511 W. King St. Tickets: $10 adults, $5 children ages 5-12 and seniors 65+, children under 5 are free.
It's no longer even arguable among objective observers: The problem with America's mediocre government-run schools isn't a lack of money but a lack of competition. Monopolies are inherently less productive and incredibly resistant to change. Ask any businessman. That's why Nevada State Sen. Barbara Cegavske's "Special Needs Scholarship" bill (SB 158) may be the most important piece of legislation to be considered this session.
Wouldn't it be nice if a story about a person returning a lost wallet was considered about as newsworthy as a person planting flowers in his yard? Yet a story this week on Curtis Harnar, who found and returned a wallet while fishing on the west fork of the Carson River, didn't bring any negative reaction as being pointless.
As the Bush administration and our country sink ever deeper into the increasingly deadly quagmire of Iraq, Washington politicians are pointing fingers at each other and asking the inevitable question: Who lost Iraq?
Sometimes I'm accused of making things too complicated. If I am guilty, it is partly due to the complex nature of traditional Mexican food. Consider their national treasure of sauces - mole poblano- which can have more than two dozen ingredients depending on whose version you use.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Paul James Borda, 57, a retired man from Reno was arrested at 4:28 p.m. Thursday in the 500 block of North Carson Street on suspicion of gross misdemeanor violation of a court order for stalking or harassment. Bail was set at $2,500.
When Max Baer Jr. walks into the former Wal-Mart building on Saturday, it won't be as its owner. Baer granted the space for a home and garden show before he decided he would sell the building and take his Beverly Hillbillies casino project to Douglas County. The sale of the Wal-Mart site became final this week, but he made sure the new owner would follow through on his word to allow the show Saturday and Sunday. Baer, who played Jethro on the TV series, will be there as a guest, though he's not sure what time he'll arrive. The show runs 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday.
Carson City BAC hosts dance and acrobatics recital "Exhilaration!" is this year's recital/revival for Positive Energy, acrobatics and dance studio.
The competition between Douglas County and Carson City for retailers seems to be intensifying, but it leads to the question of where it will all end. Competition is normally a healthy force, but what if, as Carson City suggests, working together on a regional tax sharing plan would result in more revenue for both counties?
Modern medicine has made great advances, giving a child born in the U.S. in 2000 an average life expectancy nearly 30 years longer than one born in 1900. But health care has no cure for old age.
The public is welcome to attend a Shavuot service and cheesecake bake-off at 7 p.m. Tuesday at Temple Bat Yam, 3260 Pioneer Trail in South Lake Tahoe. That evening marks the beginning of Shavuot, the holiday commemorating when the Jewish people received the Torah, which included the Ten Commandments from Moses at Mount Sinai.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • David Sleeman, 18, an unemployed Carson City resident was arrested at 1:28 a.m. Wednesday at Nye Lane and Concord Drive on suspicion of felony vehicle burglary, gross misdemeanor possession of burglary tools and misdemeanor minor consuming alcohol. Bail was set at $27,737.
Steve Wynn once shot off his index finger while playing with a pistol. You'd think he would have learned his lesson. Last September, Wynn fooled with the wrong end of another gun when he forced his dealers to share their tokes with floor supervisors.
Within minutes of receiving information that there might be a shooting at Douglas High School, a lockdown was in progress. No shooting occurred, perhaps because it turned out to be a rumor or maybe even because of the swift response to the information by school and law enforcement officials.
Douglas County New firms listed in Douglas County as of May 15:
I remember the first time I attended a church at which, during times of singing and worship, people lifted up their hands. Having been raised in a very conservatively liturgical church, I wasn't sure what to make of it. It was about the same time in my life I began to read the Bible consistently. As I did, I discovered a number of examples where the Psalmist wrote about "lifting up his hands to the Lord." (Psalms 63:4, 119:48)
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Mark Steven Berg, 21, of Carson City, was arrested at 8:10 a.m. Tuesday in the 800 block of East Musser Street on suspicion of felony fugitive from justice, a misdemeanor warrant and failure to appear. No bail was set.
We congratulate the WNCC Wildcats baseball team that won the Scenic West Athletic Conference title Friday. If you haven't been following the team, you're missing something special. In just its second season, this team has shown it's worthy of your attention and enthusiasm. The conference postseason crown they won last week is the next step following their conference regular season title in its first year.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 23-year-old optician from Carson City was arrested at 12:15 a.m. Monday in the 2400 block of North Carson Street on suspicion of misdemeanor failure to appear. Bail was set at $287 cash.
Country Insurance and Financial Services Agent Christy Virden of Carson City is registered to offer customers expanded financial planning and investment-management services.
Gov. Jim Gibbons has asked Nevadans to lower all flags to half staff today in recognition of Peace Officers Memorial Day, as proclaimed by President George W. Bush. All flags displayed at state and federal buildings are to be flown at half staff for the duration of the day. All Nevadans are encouraged to respect this tradition by displaying flags at half staff at their homes and businesses.
Armed Forces Day is coming up Saturday, so fly your flag, thank a vet, and support our troops here and around the world.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 57-year-old real estate broker from Carson City was arrested at 1:17 a.m. Sunday in the 4100 block of South Carson Street on suspicion of misdemeanor drunken driving and failure to maintain a single travel lane. Bail was set at $1,269.
One of the rites of spring is Carson City High School's annual culinary arts scholarship that Karen and I award to a deserving student from the program run by dynamic Penny Reynolds. This department is one of the country's most successful culinary arts programs. A lot of that has to do with the leadership of Penny. Karen and I truly admire the work she does.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Glenn Clifford Koehler, 42, a mechanic from Carson City, was arrested at 9:53 p.m. Friday at Fifth and South Roop Street on suspicion of gross misdemeanor driving under the influence second offense and misdemeanor failure to obey a traffic signal. Bail was set at $2,582.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Ramiro Soto Jr., 38, a laborer from Carson City was arrested at 5 p.m. Thursday at Long and Roop streets on suspicion of felony possession of marijuana and misdemeanor violation of a suspended sentence and possession of drug paraphernalia. Bail was set at $9,632.
I've lived "here" (referring to the Greater Reno-Tahoe sense of the word) for a little over a year, but I've lived in Carson City for exactly one week. In fact, I can still feel and see the scratches, bruises and sore muscles that come from moving boxes, appliances, canoes and years of accumulated junk to the house I purchased recently.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 31-year-old heavy-equipment operator from Carson City was arrested at 12:32 a.m. Thursday in the 300 block of East William Street on suspicion of misdemeanor probation violation. Bail was set at $3,000.
business happenings Wednesday Carson City Chamber of Commerce Mixer, 5-7 p.m., GEM Ventures, 4209 S. Carson St. Free for members, $10 nonmembers. Visit or call 882-1565.
Lottery should be established to support education Dear State Legislators, Thank you for your hard work and devotion to improving the state of Nevada. This past week, while eating lunch with my fellow teachers, many of us expressed support for the lottery to improve funding for public education.
As a professional who provides retirement planning, one of my biggest concerns these days is how to pay for health care and insurance. The cost is a significant part of retirement planning.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 26-year-old Carson City resident was arrested at 11:17 p.m. Tuesday in the 100 block of East Long Street on suspicion of misdemeanor probation violation. Bail was set at $1,000 cash.
Eyebrows arched when Henderson Police Chief Richard Perkins, the former speaker of the Assembly, formed a consulting company called RDP Strategies. The potential for conflict was great. In a Nevada political climate dripping with outright corruption and shoddy ethics, Perkins' decision was bound to generate skepticism.
The Second annual Interfaith Baccalaureate Service of University of Nevada, Reno will be held at 7 p.m. Wednesday to celebrate academic achievement. To mirror the world citizenship of the UNR community, the service will include hymns, readings from scriptures, blessings, teachings, music, prayers, etc., from various religious traditions, according to Rajan Zed, director of interfaith relations of Hindu Temple of Northern Nevada and one of the coordinators for this service. Roman Catholic, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Muslim, Hindu, Jewish, Buddhist and Bahai traditions will all be represented.
Have you ever felt like giving up or throwing in the towel? Are you discouraged, depressed, disappointed? I'm sure that each of us can answer yes. Life is filled with many different circumstances. We can learn from them or be controlled by them. In 1 Kings 19, Elijah, after a great victory, was hit with a trial. Elijah had a busy day, he ran a marathon in the rain only to get to the end of that run to find out he was a wanted man. From a previous victory to immediate discouragement Elijah found himself very depressed and he felt like caving in.
What started out as an upgrade to the St. Paul's Lutheran Family Church sound system, has turned into the deliverance of Sunday morning sermons on CD by the Rev. Stan Pesis. From the parish hall to an MP3 player in Iraq, the sermons of St. Paul's Lutheran Family are reaching out to the homebound, "snowbirds," former parish members who have moved out of state, even the pastor's son, Ben, who is serving with the Nevada National Guard in Iraq.
Mother's Day always brings the same dilemma: what to do for Mom on her day. Do you get her a card, send flowers or a gift? Maybe take her out for a nice brunch or dinner. Some of those things are tougher for me to do since my mother lives 2,600 miles away; she's blind, so she can't read a card or appreciate the beauty of flowers, though she can still smell them. Thoughtful gift giving becomes a challenge under these circumstances.
If you were to ask Max Baer if his proposal to build Jethro Bodine's Beverly Hillbillies Mansion & Casino is a good bet, he would agree. If you were to ask him if it was a done deal, he would explain that there is no way anyone can say at this stage. Baer has tried his casino plan in a couple of different places in a couple of different formats. As he will point out, he is very persistent.
Carson City's Pride Week has passed. We've employed "spring cleaning" on our yards, maybe our homes. Now it's time to clean out our lives. A few items have crossed the news desk at the Appeal lately that we want to share.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • An 18-year-old cashier from Carson City was arrested at 12:45 a.m. Tuesday in the 500 block of North Stewart Street on suspicion of misdemeanor contempt of court. Bail was set at $262.
"A mother can read child-rearing books ... but what gets passed along to her children is something far more intimate and mysterious than anything contained therein. What gets passed along is her character, and it enters into her kids as surely and inexorably as water flows from a fuller vessel into a less-full one." - Lauren Shames
Carson City Health Department's food-service inspections and the date of inspection (all scores are on a 100-point scale, with points deducted depending on the severity of violations):
The Nevada Department of Health and Human Services has launched a new Web site designed to be user-friendly, at The Web site allows visitors to log in and navigate to any of the divisions within the agency. Photographer sought for Nevada Day
Good Shepherd Wesleyan Church will host the Beene Family for two Gospel concerts Sunday - at 10:30 a.m. with the Rev. Marvin Dennis giving sermon, and at 6:30 p.m. for a full concert. In 1997, the Beene Family followed a calling to sing after their father, who was a pastor, and mother introduced them to traditional Gospel music.
The following menus are for the week of May 14-18 and subject to change without notice. Choice of beverages is included with meals:
Scams and Fraud Class: Noooo, not HOW to do it, but how to keep from being scammed and defrauded. Since the first class was poorly attended, Wells Fargo is going to repeat what Jan McCauley, of Colonial Bank said previously, and will be giving another class at the Senior Center from 10-11 a.m. May 17. Call 883-0703 for details. •••
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 31-year-old Reno man was arrested at 11:43 p.m. Sunday in the 700 block of North Walsh Street on suspicion of misdemeanor trespassing. Bail was set at $237.
Carson City CASA to start training CASA of Carson City will begin training CASA volunteers from 6-9 p.m. today at the Carson City Juvenile Court, 1545 E. Fifth St. CASA volunteers advocate for children removed from the home due to abuse or neglect and serve as guardian ad litem under NRS 432b. Call 882-6776.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 20-year-old server from Stagecoach was arrested at 4:20 a.m. Sunday at East Robinson and Carson Meadows on suspicion of misdemeanor drunken driving, possession of drug paraphernalia and minor consuming alcohol. Bail was set at $2,501.
A group of dreamers have gathered under one umbrella hoping that together they can draw a lot of attention to themselves. They are some of Nevada's entrepreneurs - small business owners who have taken their dreams and made them reality. The rest of us Nevadans should lend them a hand.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Erik Ryan Mehringer, 37, of Carson City, was arrested at 3:53 p.m. Friday in the 1100 block of Fairview Drive on suspicion of felony insufficient funds. Bail was set at $7,500.
Democrat Harry Reid has declared the war in Iraq "lost." Republican President Bush declared "Victory in Iraq" in 2003. The neo-conservatives are demanding going to war with Iran our next step. Afghanistan remains in turmoil. Most Americans side with Reid. Polls show at least 60 percent of the U.S. population wants to unilaterally leave Iraq, victory or no victory. Yet all three Republican frontrunners, Giuliani, McCain and Romney, support, if anything, an escalation in our war efforts there. Even more bizarre, all three are in favor of expanding the war to Iran.
When elected officials talk about plans and priorities, you can never quite be sure whether they have any intention of following through. But budgets don't lie. Carson City's proposed budget carries a reassuring message that all the talk about defeating the plague of meth is more than just talk.
Body language. Body language is the gestural embodiment of the unspoken word that can enunciate through silent loudness what audio sound cannot always decipher. The same can be said for the written word, or maybe three words. Three words like, "Greater Reno-Tahoe," for instance. Three words - each worth about $133,333 - and campaign that cost $400,000. Oh, alrighty then, I'll include four more words: "Welcome to Can Do." OK, so that is seven words at about $57,143 each.
The Bush administration is big on labels. You might say they are geniuses at sloganeering. Remember the Clean Skies Initiative, that actually increased air pollution? How about No Child Left Behind, and War on Terror?
If Max Baer Jr. is successful in building his Jethro Bodine's Beverly Hillbillies Mansion & Casino in north Douglas County, it's going to be an impressive sight. And it would be good news for Douglas County, giving them an attraction and, eventually, a new source of sales tax income.
CBS News television show "48 Hours Mystery" will be showing "Power, Passion and Poison," about former Nevada controller Kathy Augustine. This show will broadcast at 11 p.m. Saturday on CBS. Broadcasts are also available on iTunes.
As a business owner, you may not be inclined to keep yourself informed of every change in the tax law. However, the current battle over the capital gains tax rate would certainly be one to watch. A capital gains tax is a levy charged on the profit realized on the sale of an asset. While the most common capital gains are realized from the sale of stocks, bonds and precious metals, of far greater consequence is the impact of the capital gains tax when a valuable business is sold.
Salsa. Swamp coolers. Tea. Etched Glass and candy-coated sunflower seeds.
When the folks who came up with the "Greater Reno Tahoe: Welcome to Can Do" brand asked to visit with the Appeal's editorial board this week, we wasted little time booking the appointment.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Steven James Payton, 24, unemployed from Carson City, was arrested Wednesday at 4:32 p.m. in the 1400 block of Como Street on suspicion of felony failure to appear and misdemeanor traffic warrant. Bail was set at $5,832.
"How to Prune Young Shade Trees," a free guide offered by the National Arbor Day Foundation, contains information on pruning and strengthening young trees and other practical tips. For a free copy, send your name and address to How To Prune, National Arbor Day Foundation, 100 Arbor Ave., Nebraska City, NE, 68410, or visit
NEW ARRIVALS AT-HOME BIRTHS: To Meisha L. Burdett-Wanamaker and Steven P. Wanamaker Jr. of Mound House, a daughter, Reghan Lynn Burdett-Wanamaker, born on April 12, weighing 6 lbs-15 oz.
The following are some of the calls to which deputies responded Monday: • Property injury reports on West Nye Lane, North Carson Street and Hot Springs Road.