Stories for September 2007


Sunday, September 30

Saturday, September 29

Community briefs Sept. 30

Carson City Seminar scheduled for educators

Community briefs

Carson City Seminar scheduled for educators

Taste of Thai

I am thrilled about this month's recipes for two reasons. The first is that the very talented Asian cuisine artist, Joyce Jue, is coming to present some of her recipes to us at Molly's Catering on Nov. 9-10.

Sheriffs' log

The following are some of the calls to which deputies responded Friday: • A 40-year-old unemployed Carson City man was arrested at 9:40 p.m. Friday at the intersection of Fifth and Nevada streets on suspicion of misdemeanor drunken driving and causing a hit-and-run accident. Bail was set at $3,300

Friday, September 28

Community briefs

Carson City First lady to speak at breast cancer event

Big immigration question: What happens next?

Was the immigration raid Thursday on local McDonald's restaurants the opening shot in a battle that will finally solve this problem in Northern Nevada? Or was it nothing more than an isolated enforcement action that will soon be forgotten as we return to business as usual?

Letters to the Editor

Thoughts on drive-through etiquette To those of you that prefer to use a drive-through window rather than walking into an establishment, I would like to offer a few suggestions: I work the drive-through window at a local business and I am continually amazed at the lack of manners and common courtesy displayed by many people.

The underappreciated power of ridicule

"During his speech at Columbia University, [Iranian President Mahmoud] Ahmadinejad said his country 'doesn't have problems with gay people because they don't have homosexuals in Iran.' Which finally explains why Ahmadinejad gets away with wearing a windbreaker from 1983." - Conan O'Brien

Longing for the days of handwritten letters

I received an unexpected postcard in the mail the other day from an old friend. It made my day. It's been a long time since I've gotten a handwritten letter from a friend -- it has to be 10 or 15 years. What's worse, I can't remember the last time I wrote one.

Past Headlines 10/12

Headlines from a year ago: Teacher's aide accused of having sex with student A warrant was issued Wednesday for a Fernley teacher's aide accused of having sex with a former student in front of other juveniles and providing the boys with alcohol.

Past Headlines 10/10/06

Headlines from a year ago: Dog dies in Sutro house fire A fire on South Sutro Terrace in North Carson City claimed the life of a family pet and destroyed the garage and a portion of the kitchen Monday morning.

Thursday, September 27

A relationship with God starts with Jesus

The Bible tells us God created man in His own image. In Genesis the third chapter, it tells us that God came and walked and talked with Adam and Eve in the cool of the day. This was God's first demonstration of desiring an intimate relationship with His creation and that desire has never changed.

Hillbilly casino is Douglas County's problem now

As we all know by now, actor/businessman Max Baer, Jr. wants what he wants when he wants it. And after being rejected by Reno and Carson, he finally found a home for his tacky hillbilly hotel-casino project in Douglas County, where he's already stirring up trouble for the locals.

Past Pages Oct. 5

120 YEARS AGO There is a superstition among railway workers that train accidents always happen in threes. Last week there was a wreck at Cape Horn Mills, where several cars derailed. Then on Wednesday at Boca an engine was about to couple the caboose on the train when the latter broke loose and came down on the caboose, seriously damaging it. Then on Thursday night at the Summit two trains ran into each other, damaging both considerably.

Sheriffs' Log

The following are some of the calls to which deputies responded Wednesday: • Hit-and-run accident at Pratt Avenue and Robinson Street at 8:28 a.m.

Past Pages October 6

120 YEARS AGO There is a family living in Carson Valley that needs looking after by Douglas County authorities. The hired man of the family reports that the children, six in all, are made to sleep on the floor with only a heap of rags thrown over them and a 6-month-old baby so encrusted in filth as to be unrecognizable, not washed since it was born. The ranchers are reported as dirtier than the pigs they raise.

Past Pages Oct. 4

120 YEARS AGO The bicycle club will visit the race track today to see if it is adapted to racing. (The track was on East Musser Street where the Sheriff's Department is today.) It proposed to have a quarter mile race, one-eight race, a slow race and a race without handles. The slow race is really a better race to show one's ability. The riders go between two given points and the last one to cross the line wins.

Past Pages October 7

120 YEARS AGO Yesterday the flags of the weather service were flown for the first time from the Capitol dome. Hoisted at 9 a.m. daily, except Sunday, the flags will indicate the weather for the following 24 hours. A white flag means clear weather. A blue flag, means rain or snow. A black triangular flag above the other flags means the temperature is going up, while below means down. When there is no black flag, the temperature will be stationary. A white flag with a black square means decidedly colder weather.

Immigration enforcement opens new chapter in region

The magnitude of the immigration crackdown in Northern Nevada on Thursday will be immense even if it proves to be an isolated enforcement action. For the more than 50 people arrested, it will likely mean deportation. For the population of undocumented workers at other businesses, some who've lived here for years, it opens a new chapter of fear in their lives.

Mining company offers a golden opportunity to help fund college educations

I have some urgent advice for students in grades four through eight - get yourself to the library or a computer ASAP and start researching why mining is important to Nevada. It could be time very well spent.

Past Pages Oct. 3

120 YEARS AGO Dr. H.J. Smith of San Francisco will be at the St. Charles Hotel on the 6th and 7th. He is a popular lecturer on diseases of the male and female, nasal Catarrh and its cure, and diseases of the eye. He will be fully prepared to examine and commence treatment of all chronic and special diseases.

Wednesday, September 26

Business licenses

Business licenses issued in Carson City as of Sept. 18

Boomtown bravado aside - next year will be tough for many homeowners

Boomtowns have never been good at accepting bad news, and since statehood Nevada has operated like one big boomtown. It's the nature of its boosters to deny the undeniable until the last moment.

Community briefs Sept. 27

Carson City Railroad Museum cranking up Motor Car for rides The Nevada State Railroad Museum at 2180 South Carson St. will host a special run of the 1926 Edwards Motor Car this weekend. The Motor Car will run every 30 minutes from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Community briefs

Carson City Edwards Motor Car rides this weekend The Nevada State Railroad Museum will host a special run of the 1926 Edwards Motor Car 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.

Sheriff's Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Thomas Cook, 45, a waiter from Carson City, was arrested at 1:43 p.m. Tuesday in the 900 block of East Musser Street on suspicion of felony failure to appear on a drug charge. No bail was set.

Mattress donation sets great example for community

Seeing a local business or civic group step up to fill a need in the community is not uncommon, but sometimes the response is so remarkable that it bears extra notoriety. Such is the case with Mattress Discounters, which donated 15 new mattresses to Focus House and sold another 10 at cost.

Tuesday, September 25

Community briefs

Carson City Literacy volunteers seeking new tutors Carson City Literacy Volunteers will hold training sessions for new tutors from 6-9 p.m. today at the Nevada State Library and Archives, 100 N. Stewart St. All sessions must be competed for certification in the Laubach Literacy program. For information call 885-1010 or 883-6105

Why children need - and adults misread - fairy tales

By Ursula Carlson For the Appeal It was spring, but I lay listless on an army bed in our one room apartment in the displaced persons' camp in Esslingen, Germany. I was lonely, for I had my own bed.

Alleged attack on board member must be taken seriously

School board member Joe Enge made a chilling statement in Tuesday's Appeal when he suggested that he was threatened and punched at a local casino because of the views he has expressed in writing or during school board meetings.

Sunshine bottled with solar-powered harvest by vintners

RUTHERFORD, Calif. - Clusters of harvest-ready grapes, pendulous and purple, dangle among deep green leaves at Frog's Leap winery, waiting to become Napa Valley wine.

Monday, September 24

Past Headlines Oct. 4

Headlines from a year ago: Habitat rehab planned Nevada wildlife officials have launched rehabilitation of critical wildlife habitat burned by this summer's devastating wildfires.

Blessing of the animals Sunday

Sister Marie McGloin of St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Community will hold a blessing of the animals at 1 p.m. Sunday at the church, 3000 N. Lompa Lane. Pet owners are welcome to bring their pets, leashed or caged, for Sister Marie to bless them in honor of St. Francis of Assisi, patron saint of all creatures.

Past Headlines October 7

Headlines from a year ago: Man missing for two years found safe For two years a Carson City family thought the worst about their missing son and father, especially after a man allegedly bragged about killing him. But their anguish ended two weeks ago when he was discovered alive, and fresh out of rehab in Reno.

Sheriff's Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Freddie Little, 43, of Carson City, was arrested at 8:38 a.m. at Hot Springs Road and Nye Lane on suspicion of felony probation violation and possession of a dangerous drug without a prescription. No bail was set.

Bikers risk themselves and others to keep up with their flock

Street Vibrations cruised through town over the weekend like coveys of quail chasing each other, red lights be damned. Maizie was waiting for the light to turn green at the corner of E. Musser and S. Carson streets, when it changed. Just as she was about to cross on the green, two motorcycles sped through to "catch up" with their flock. They were lucky "someone" was paying attention, or they would have been smeared all over the intersection ... Car - 2, Motorcycles - zip. "Coveys" is right ... what birdbrains. Karma is probably waiting around the corner. Splat!

Past Headlines Oct. 5

Headlines from a year ago: Roberts House, theater upgrades make short list for tax funding Volunteers who run Roberts House are crossing their fingers that their request for money to expand the attraction will be welcomed once more.

Youth pastor goes from gang to God

The moment Chris White turned his life around came while watching the move, "Terminator 2: Judgment Day," at a youth camp for troubled teens.

Past Headlines October 6

Headlines from a year ago: More freeway preparation work to come Work begins Saturday on changes to Fairview Drive

Hunan Garden closes

A North Carson Street restaurant that had recently changed owners is now closed.

GOP could try dropping Newtron bomb

The conventional wisdom was that Fred Thompson's entrance into the GOP presidential race would blow the field away, including any rationale for Newt Gingrich joining the fray as the "conservative" alternative to the current contenders.

St. Peter's holds pet blessings Sunday

(Staff Report) - Pet owners and their pets are welcome to participate in a service to bless the animals of all creation between 9:30-10 a.m. Sunday at St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Carson City.

Sunday, September 23

Sheriffs' log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 24-year-old health worker from Carson City was arrested at 6 p.m. Saturday in the 300 block of West Winnie Lane on suspicion of disorderly conduct, obstructing justice and battery on a peace officer. His bail was set at $3,300.

Saturday, September 22


Carson City Soroptimists host golf tournament to beat breast cancer Soroptimist International of Carson City is hosting the sixth annual Stroke to Help Fight Breast Cancer Golf Tournament on Saturday at Eagle Valley Golf Course.

Tribe's water protests garner little sympathy for their cause

The tactics of the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe and Churchill County to stop water transfers in Northern Nevada are holding the region's economy hostage.

Friday, September 21

Catholic Diocese holds inter-religious meeting

Catholic Diocese of Reno will celebrate the silver jubilee of its annual diocesan conference by connecting with area leaders of other religions on Jan. 18-19 at John Ascuaga's Nugget in Sparks.

Responsibility key in taking out loans

Should the federal government step in and bail out homeowners who are in danger of losing their houses because of the subprime mortgage problem?

Past pages Sept. 29

120 Years Ago Alf Doten gets the Appeal cattle mixed up with Herefords. Doten as a cattle man is, as Uncle Jimmy would say, "a little out of line."

Past Headlines Oct. 3

Headlines from a year ago: Sellers faced with longer time on the market and lower sale price Fewer Carson City homes sold in August than a year ago, according to a database for Realtor sales. The data also shows houses are spending more time on the market and costing 11 percent less than a year ago.

Past pages Sept. 30

120 Years Ago W. J. Marsh, of Fort Churchill, although busy with real estate deals in Los Angeles, is represented by magnificent specimens of a Shorthorn breed, thirteen in number.

Community briefs

Carson City Governor to speak at leadership forum

Past pages Sept. 28

120 Years Ago All sorts: There was quite a fall of rain yesterday. Sam Longabaugh of Empire is sick at the Russ house in San Francisco.

Pages from the Past

120 Years Ago The Reno Gazette has this to say of Mackay: Whether in Paris, London, New York or San Francisco, Mackay's standing has been such that no Nevadan need to blush on account of it. He has always been welcomed back here as a worthy fellow citizen.

Health inspections

Carson City Health Department's food-service inspections and the date of inspection (all scores are on a 100-point scale, with points deducted depending on the severity of violations):

The real war on terror gets ignored yet again

By Osama bin Laden released one of his messages last week, another in a long series of threats the world is getting pretty tired of listening to. But this one was a little different. It called for an uprising against Pakistani leader Pervez Musharraf.

Tougher millennium scholarship requirement actually a misperception

Now that my daughter is a freshman at Bishop Manogue High School, conversations among parents at social gatherings have been purged of topics that hold lesser common interests and replaced by those with new and much stronger bonding elements found in family and school.

Sheriffs' log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 24-year-old painter from Carson City was arrested at 11:22 a.m. Thursday on suspicion of misdemeanor failure to appear in court. Bail was set at $1,531.

Thursday, September 20

Mr. Greenspan's history: it's just a little askew

Alan Greenspan was a successful chairman of the Federal Reserve Board. During his tenure, which lasted from 1987 to 2006, the American economy rode out several financial crises and grew 70 percent in real terms, with only modest inflation.

News briefs

Carson City Areas of Fifth Street and Butti Way to close at night this weekend

Letters to the editor

Thanks but no thanks for the purple carpet Someone dumped some bright purple carpet, carpet padding and the carpet roll, off of Goni Road, near the water tower. The sign at the water tower fence clearly states: "NO DUMPING, CCMC 12.12.020, $1,000 Bail". If someone knows anyone that has newly installed bright purple carpet, do the right thing and have them clean up their mess.

Community briefs

Carson City Areas of Fifth Street and Butti Way are closed all weekend Areas of Fifth Street (State Route 513) and Butti Way in Carson City will be closed from 7 p.m. Friday through 6 a.m. Monday for roadwork.

Nevada should turn off the water on an arrogant federal bureaucracy

Newcomers who want to understand the roots of Nevada's contentious relationship with the federal government need look no further than the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and its toxic Yucca Mountain Project for an explanation.

Super friends will be chipping in to help on Saturday

To Tom Blomquist, that acre in the sagebrush south of Silver Springs is heaven on earth, the exact place the universe wants him to be at this time in his life as he does battle with brain cancer.

Business licenses issued in Carson City as of Sept. 17, 2007:

Jade's Healing Hands, 628 E. John St., new massage therapist/out call and in house, Brenda Duke, owner.

Sheriff's Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Jimmy Ray Currier, 21, unemployed from Silver Springs, was arrested at 6:17 p.m. Wednesday in the 1400 block of South Carson Street on suspicion of felony fraudulent use of a credit card, possession of stolen property and burglary. Bail was set at $25,000.

Wednesday, September 19

Community briefs

Carson City Areas of Fifth Street and Butti Way to close at night this weekend Areas of Fifth Street (State Route 513) and Butti Way in Carson City will be closed from 7 p.m. Friday through 6 a.m. Monday for roadwork.

Sheriff's Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 22-year-old collection agent from Mound House was arrested at 11:40 p.m. Tuesday at South Stewart and East Fifth streets on suspicion of misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia and violation of a suspended sentence. Bail was set at $4,132.

O.J. not likely to score much publicity here

It is with reluctance (well, not really) that we're refraining from the O.J. Simpson feeding frenzy. Oh, you'll find some of the stories in our paper, just not prominently. We can't ignore something entirely that's happening in Nevada.

Business calendar

Capital Nevada Toastmasters meet noon-1 p.m., B'Sghetti's, 318 N. Carson St. Toastmasters give 5- to 7-minute speeches for member evaluations. Meetings open to the public, groups looking for guest a speaker are invited to attend. Call Ron Kendall at 883-0906.

Marketing by labeling

He gives away hand-shaped organizers that advertise his "handiness" and oversized pens that pitch his "big ideas."

Break from the mundane

My mom was a good cook. Not in the sense of fancy dinner parties and haute cuisine, but in the sense that everything she made tasted good. Another thing she was good at was finding deals at garage sales. Two of her trophies were cookbooks, "Les Diners De Gala" illustrated by Salvador Dali and "A Treasure of Great Recipes" compiled by actor Vincent Price and his wife Mary.

Frontier oral history preserves precious memories of devoted workers

Did you hear the one about the Frontier casino guest who didn't like his mattress? Barbara Tabach has.

Briefcase - SportsClips

SportClips 935 Topsy Lane, ste. 454 851-8899

Tuesday, September 18

Mandarin Almond Salad

In a small skillet, melt 3 tablespoons of sugar over low heat. Add almonds and stir until coated. Cool; break into small pieces and set aside. In a jar with a tight-fitting lid, combine the oil, vinegar, parsley, salt, pepper, hot pepper sauce and remaining sugar; shake well.

Selective law enforcement seems to be the norm in Carson City

"Is the city biased in enforcing parking regulations?" asked the headline of a letter to the editor in this newspaper on Aug. 26. The author, Michelle Lewis, reported on her experience as a new resident of Carson City, after being cited for having her legally registered car parked in front of her house.

Turning to Mexico for a solution to a Nevada problem

What happens when you've done all you can do in Nevada to put the brakes on one of the nation's worst meth problems, and yet the problem rages on? Well, maybe you go to Mexico.

Sheriffs' log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Patrick Alan Toler, 29, a student from Carson City, was arrested at 2:55 a.m. Tuesday in the 700 block of Hot Springs Road on suspicion of felony assault with a deadly weapon and misdemeanor domestic battery. Bail was set at $23,132.

Monday, September 17

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 23-year-old Carson City electrical technician was arrested at 7:54 a.m. Sunday in the 3000 block of Research Way on suspicion of failure to appear in court over a traffic violation. His bail was set at $1,106.

October Calendar

Carson City Senior Citizens Center MondaysTOPS 8 a.m.; Resistance Exercise 9-10 a.m.; Rhythm Rockers 10-11 a.m.; Line Dance 1-2, 2-4 p.m.; Starters Beginning Line Dance 11 a.m.; Better Breathing 1:15; Gems and Minerals 12:30 p.m.; Yoga 1 p.m.; Scrabble 1 p.m.

Business briefs

Animal Behavior Consulting and Sierra Veterinary Hospital will offer a Tuesday evening class for puppies, "Puppy Preschool," for dogs ages 9 to 16 weeks old starting Oct. 2. Classes will be taught by certified animal behaviorist Adrienne Navarro.

A chance to clean up Carson's public lands

The public and private lands around Carson City are breathtaking when viewed from a distance. But from up close, the real story isn't nearly as pretty in many places. Cans, plastic bags, decrepit furniture ... it seems in some places like a landfill exploded.


Carson City Tee off to 'raise the roof' at benefit tournament First Presbyterian Church will hold a benefit golf tournament beginning at 8:30 a.m. Oct. 4 at Empire Ranch Golf Course.

Sunday, September 16

Sheriffs' log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Robert Ritter, a 35-year-old Stockton, Calif., resident was arrested at 6:57 p.m. Saturday at the intersection of Clearview and Ponderosa drives on suspicion of trying to elude police, a felony, and failure to stop at a stop sign, driving with a suspended registration, a suspended drivers license, no proof of insurance and reckless driving. Ritter, who failed to stop at a stop sign led sheriff's deputies on a high-speed chase where he reached speeds up to 100 mph on his motorcycle, before being apprehended. Bail was set at $23,000.

Saturday, September 15

Sheriff's Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Cesar Vasquez-Manzano, a 25-year-old fast-food worker from South Lake Tahoe, was arrested at 1 a.m. Friday at the intersection of Lompa Lane and College Parkway on suspicion of felony parole and probation violation after a traffic stop. No bail was set.

Friday, September 14

New plan for joint recreation center deserves enthusiastic support

The Parks and Recreation department has earned ear-pounding applause for this week's attempted rescue of the Boys & Girls Club's new facility, which came as a lifeboat in the form of a possible land purchase after all other land sale attempts had been lost at sea for a few years.

Sheriffs' log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Justin Blackburn, a 32-year-old Minden man, was arrested at 12:35 a.m. Friday on the 3000 block of North Roop Street on suspicion of violating parole. No bail was set.

Both parties on shaky ground when it comes to Iraq

It was a foregone conclusion that President Bush would accept the recommendations of his top military and civilian representatives in Iraq, which he did on Thursday evening. The bottom line is that the so-called surge will continue until next summer, when the U.S. will begin withdrawing the 30,000 troops who are involved in the surge.

Community briefs Sept. 15

Carson City Wood cutting permits on sale now Permits will go on sale today for the Nevada Division of State Park's annual wood sale.

Community briefs

Carson City Scrapbooking class at Senior Center Learn how to quickly preserve your memories and photos into safe, meaningful albums. There will be a class at 9 a.m. on Tuesday in the Pinion Pines Room at the Carson City Senior Citizens Center. Bring a few photos to make a sampler. Cost is $5. Call 885-8230.

America can get past the Lone Superpower Syndrome

It's easy to get carried away criticizing the Bush Administration for its multiple shortcomings, from the disaster in the Middle East to the ones created here at home. You have to go back to Richard Nixon to find a president as widely despised as George W. Bush. Even Republicans are jumping off his bandwagon.

Pages from the past

120 YEARS AGO The authorities took into custody a Spanish woman who had been disorderly for several days and threatening to cause the streets of her neighborhood to run with the blood of her enemies. She will appear before Mr. Witherell [a judge] today.

Past Pages Sept. 22

120 YEARS AGO All sorts: The members of the Presbyterian Church have in view the starting of a university in this city. It is proposed to teach the higher grades so that a young man about to enter college can fully prepare himself. Alf Doten went down to the Fair yesterday to see it through.

Past pages for Sept. 23

120 YEARS AGO Miss Kate Eddy will make her spiritualistic manifestations in this city at the Opera House. All reports agree that her séance is extraordinary, to a degree remarkable, unexcelled by any séance of the kind before the public. Miss Eddy leaves her audience free to draw its own inference as to the motive force of her manifestations, neither claiming as some do, to have the aid of supernatural powers, nor confessing that she is alone dependent on her own expertness and dexterity. [Mark Twain referred to Spiritualism as the "wild cat religion."]

Dangerous sports OK when they don't endanger others

The apparent crash of Steve Fossett's plane in the wilds of Nevada two weeks ago, combined with the third pilot death this week at the Reno National Championship Air Races, is a lot of tragedy in a short period of time.

Thursday, September 13

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 25-year-old construction worker from Carson City was arrested at 10:58 p.m. Wednesday at Silver Sage Drive and Koontz Lane on suspicion of misdemeanor drunken driving and careless driving. Bail was set at $1,369.

Letter to the editor

Troops deserved a better welcome home Every day I see it, I hear it, and I read about it. I think to myself and discuss with our children the reasons for this war and remind them how important it is to "support the troops." Whether I am "for" the war or against "the war" ... "I support the troops." I know that our American soldiers are doing a job that takes them into harm's way every day. I know that the military families sacrifice a lot to keep it together when a brother, sister, mother, or father are deployed for months and years.

Financial planning is about more than taxes

An important idea gets easily lost amidst all the talk about the future of the estate tax: intergenerational financial planning is about more than taxes. To be sure, preserving wealth for your family is a worthy goal.

'We make it gold'

Zahir Teja points at a picture of an engine.


Name: James LeStrange Position: Loan officer What he does: Negotiates residential, commercial and private note loans in the area, including Carson City.

Briefs for Sept. 14

Carson City Players to stage 'Blithe Spirit' comedy Proscenium Players' first show of the 2007-2008 season is "Blithe Spirit" by Noel Coward. It opens today at the Donald W. Reynolds Theatre at the Brewery Arts Center, 449 W King St.

Searchers aren't the ones obsessed with celebrity

It has been going around the airport that because Steve Fossett is missing and the search is getting national media attention, the Civil Air Patrol and National Guard are putting in extra effort because their target is a celebrity. It's been said that they wouldn't put in the same effort for some regular Joe or Jill who happened to be missing.

Success of fundraiser speaks volumes about Carson City

It's no secret that the place to be last weekend was the Tin Cup Tea. Wait, make that the 14th annual Kids Auction and World's Greatest BBQ. Now you see the problem ... many of the town's notables and charitables were torn between which event to attend. Some tried to split their time between both.

Wednesday, September 12

First lady volunteering for a great cause

A report earlier this year ranking Nevada dead last in volunteerism surprised many people locally who would have guessed we would have been near the top of the list. That study was most likely heavily weighted by Las Vegas, and possibly a lack of good tracking. But the bottom line is that even in Northern Nevada, which has thousands of selfless volunteers, we need more.

Old-fashioned camp meeting at church

Faith Baptist Church in Silver Springs is holding its fifth annual old-fashioned camp meeting Friday-Sept. 30 at the church, 5715 Elm St. in Silver Springs. The church is hosting some of the best independent fundamental Baptist preachers to attend.

Let's not forget Sept. 11

The inconveniences of a changed society: Long lines, endless security checks, early airport arrivals. Sept. 11! Has it been reduced to a topic of political mud-slinging, personal inconveniences and extra costs that consumers are now burdened with?

Even a 5-year-old could hear and feel Vin Scully's passion for baseball

I take a lead between the mulberry trees as the voice of summer breezes through the yard of the humble Henderson complex. Victory Village is transformed into Dodger Stadium.

Sheriffs' log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • David Michael Franks, 43, a manager, was arrested at 1:02 a.m. Wednesday in the 400 block of North Carson Street on suspicion of felony possession of methamphetamine and misdemeanor contempt of court. Bail was set at $3,700. Also arrested was a 33-year-old transient on suspicion of misdemeanor obstructing a peace officer and failure to appear on a traffic matter. Bail was set at $839.

Tuesday, September 11

Business briefs

The Builders Association of Western Nevada (BAWN) will feature the "ghost of Mark Twain", McAvoy Layne, as the guest speaker and performer at their annual Associates' Appreciation dinner meeting Tuesday at the Gold Dust West on Hwy. 50 East.

Business licenses

Instituform Technologies, Inc., O of T, new general engineering, Instituform Technologies, Inc., owner.

Sheriffs' log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Benjamin Mathew Nix, 36, of Reno, was arrested at 11:38 a.m. Tuesday at South Carson and Ninth streets on suspicion of felony parole violation. No bail was set.

Truck damage to highways should be a weighty issue

It was a story lost on the day a report on progress in Iraq came out and people reminisced on the anniversary of 9/11, but that doesn't diminish the significance of the impact of overweight trucks on our highways.


• Correction: Tom Tarulli is the Carson City assistant fire chief. His name was misspelled in a story on the Sept. 11 remembrance that appeared on page A1 of Monday's Nevada Appeal.

Monday, September 10

Building a successful marriage is hard work, but worth the effort

In December 2004, while visiting the Island of Oahu, my husband Joe took a photograph of the east side of the island. Although neither of us is physically present in the picture, our footprints are embedded in the soft brown sand, a reminder of the journey we began over 30 years ago.

Don't miss the festivals coming up this weekend

FLY YOUR FLAGS TODAY. It has been six years since al-Qaida sent planes into the World Trade Towers in New York City, the Pentagon, and a field in Pennsylvania (thanks to those who gave their lives by foiling the attempt to fly into the Capitol or the White House). Today, we salute all those who fight terrorism all over the world, and decry those who do not raise their voices against the terrorists. The successes and failures of this war are well documented, so we now hope for leadership to conquer the radicals and get us back to some kind of normalcy once more.

Why I'm spending the day with the memory of Paul Kenneth Sloan

I'm not going to work today.I'm not going to return your phone calls, let my eyes glaze over while reading your e-mails or look at your online comments about my typos.

Sheriffs' Log

The following are some of the calls to which deputies responded Sunday: • A guitar was stolen from a vehicle at West Spear and Curry streets sometime between 11:45 p.m. and 12:15 a.m.

Community briefs

Carson City Jazz Band joins poets at Sept. 11 concert The Mile High Jazz Band will be joined by award-winning poets Krista Benjamin, Terri Breedin, Rita Geil, and Suzanne Roberts for an evening of jazz and poetry at Comma Coffee from 8-10 p.m. today

9-11 a day of remembrance and unity despite the war debate

Much of Nevada was asleep when the first plane hit the World Trade Center six years ago today. When the scope of the plot became clear, we were angry. Later, when the deeds of heroes were told, we were inspired. Help poured in for victims, and communities like Carson City joined together to display their patriotism. Young men and women quit their jobs to join the military. We rallied behind our leaders and prepared for the battle to come.

Sunday, September 9

Sheriff's log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty: • A 22-year-old unemployed man of Redding, Calif., was arrested at 4 a.m. Saturday on the 1400 block of Como Street on suspicion of failure to appear in court for a traffic violation. Bail was set at $528.

Saturday, September 8

Sheriff's log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Tarran Evans, 21, a front desk clerk from Dayton, was arrested at 2:30 p.m. Friday on the first block of Hospitality Way on suspicion of multiple counts of felony credit card theft and fraud. Evans allegedly took a Discover card and used it to make purchases of sunglasses and rollerblades. Bail was set at $30,000.

Friday, September 7

Sheriffs' log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Tarron Westley Evans, 21, a hotel front-desk clerk from Dayton, was arrested at 1:45 p.m. Thursday at his job on Hospitality Way on suspicion of felony possession of a credit card without cardholder's consent, two counts of fraudulent use of a credit card and unauthorized signing of a credit card sales slip. Bail was set at $10,000. Evans allegedly stole a credit card from a room at the hotel, then charged several items, including Oakley sunglasses and Rollerblades.

Carson's downtown remodel can succeed if emphasis is on people

We are all concerned about Carson City's economy. When we look at what mid-sized American cities do to create excitement and opportunity around retail and service growth, reinvigorating the downtown tops the list.

Lies, statistics and how to spin disaster into victory

What ever happened to those boys from Enron, the accountants who helped cook the books but avoided jail? I think I know where they are, working for another Texan, spinning numbers of the dead.

Road report

Construction on Carson City streets for the week beginning Sept. 10: • Due to the construction of the new Sheriff's Administration Building, Harbin Avenue is closed to traffic between Musser and Second streets. This closure will remain in effect for the duration of the construction which is estimated to be completed this month.

Carson City finances have prospered during the market storms

Like many Carson City residents, as an individual I'm concerned about what current financial and housing market downturns may do to my family's investments, especially the most important one, our home. However, as city treasurer, I have good news for everyone: The city's finances have not been damaged by the turmoil, but instead have improved during these market storms.

Past pages Sept. 15

120 YEARS AGO The River Mills - when the river mills start up this fall more stamps will be put in motion than ever before. All the mills have been overhauled and put in working shape. It will require a large amount of ore to keep all in full operation.

Past pages Sept. 14

120 YEARS AGO All sorts: A number of young ladies in Carson have banded together and vowed to accept attentions from no young man who uses tobacco. It would be much more sensible for the young ladies to discountenance young men who do not pay their tailors and clothing men for the outfits they wear.

Past Pages Sept. 12

120 YEARS AGO The boom of real estate in Lower California has not caused as much excitement among the Carsonites as the fact that Olcovich Bros. are going to commence selling at auction their elegant and well selected stock of goods to the highest bidder without reserve, for cash.

Past pages

120 YEARS AGO The Nevada Indians who went over the mountains to pick hops in California have followed the trail back full of grunting discontent. They say: "Too muchee hop one pound. All day no catch." They were doubtless the victims of the new metric system of weights and measures, adopted about Auburn.


Carson City Readers' thoughts sought for anniversary of 9/11 The Nevada Appeal wants to know how or if the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks are still affecting readers' lives. Did you know someone hurt by the attacks? Has the federal government's anti-terrorist strategy positively or negatively affected you? In general, have you had to change how you live your life?

Business calendar

Carson City Chamber of Commerce mixer. 5 p.m. Wednesday at the Carson City Library. Call 882-1565 for information.

Boys & Girls Club deserves all the support it gets, and more

In the discussion about solutions to Carson City's most pressing problems, which include drug abuse and gangs, the Boys & Girls Club is often taken for granted.

Thursday, September 6

Community briefs

Carson City Wood cutting permits go on sale Sept. 15 Permits will go on sale Sept. 15 for the Nevada Division of State Park's annual wood sale.

A painless opportunity for men to get a cancer test

If Jon Nowlin and Patrick Williams were salesmen, I'd probably own three of whatever it was they were selling. But as it is, they're men whose lives have been changed by prostate cancer, and now I am suddenly signed up for two tests to ensure it doesn't change my life, too. One of the tests is just a blood draw, but the other is the one best characterized in movies by a doctor snapping on a rubber glove before telling his patient, always in a menacing voice, to bend over.

U.S. shouldn't take its friends for granted

No matter which party is in power, we Americans seem to pay a lot of attention to our enemies and take our friends for granted. I thought of that unhappy fact of international life last week as President Bush visited Australia, which has been a loyal - and mostly ignored - U.S. ally for most of our shared history.

Sen. Craig's waffling erodes public trust

Much has been made about the toe-tapping allegations that Sen. Larry Craig of Idaho solicited gay sex, as well as his defensive, "wide-stance" response.

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Luann Kaye Knowles, 23, unemployed from Sparks, was arrested at 9:13 p.m. Wednesday on suspicion of felony possession of more than one ounce of marijuana and misdemeanor violation of a suspended sentence. Bail was set at $5,500.

Wednesday, September 5

Tahoe's summer business: A mixed bag

Despite pricey gas and several well-publicized wildfires, the North Tahoe-Truckee region fared considerably better this summer than some might have expected, according to area business owners.

Shoe-box greetings offer more than just a gift

Karie Maple was a bit apprehensive in taking on the project "Operation Christmas Child." But she wasn't apprehensive about who she wanted to help.

Tuesday, September 4

Past pages

120 Years Ago John Robertson, late teacher of the Industrial School at the Home, filed written charge against Superintendent Williams, alleging undue severity to the children under his charge and that his views were antagonistic to the welfare of the institution.

Sheriff's Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Angel Martinez-Rojas, 27, of Carson City, was arrested at 4:29 p.m. Monday in the 3000 block of South Carson Street on suspicion of felony parole and probation violation, misdemeanor drunken driving, failure to yield and speeding. No bail was set.


The winner of the "Reel for a Cure" fly-fishing event will be drawn at the Carson Fly-Fishing Club's annual banquet on Nov. 3 at the Gold Dust West Casino. A story in Monday's edition had the incorrect date. Tickets can be purchased by calling C.K. Baily at 883-4332 or Dave Conklin at 885-9974.

Judge gives Nevada a boost in its efforts to avoid nuke dump

If the federal government won't listen to Nevadans about Yucca Mountain, maybe they'll listen to U.S. District Court Judge Roger Hunt. The judge ruled the Department of Energy must comply with the state's water rules, which in effect shuts down the drilling operations the department has been conducting to gather evidence for the viability of the nuclear waste storage site.

Monday, September 3

An embarrassing week for a congressman, and a look ahead to some great events

Janice Ayres has done a lot for this community ... she heads the Retired & Senior Volunteer Program, has held carnivals at Mills Park, was on the railroad commission, and many other things. So, we would like to ask for the help of the community in her latest quest to help a senior here who is desperately in need of repairs on her home, since her home is falling apart. Janice has set up an account with the First National Bank of Nevada, Account #16504831, for Heidi Manfroi. Or call Janice at 687-4680, ext. 2, for more details. If you can donate, work, get supplies, or are a builder who needs a worthwhile project, please contact her. Heidi's plight was in the paper a few weeks ago, and little has been done. Thank you, Carson City.

Fighting a war with soccer balls

Gen. David Patraeus' report on military operations in Iraq is due this month, but many have already made up their minds that it's time to pull the plug. And I'm not just talking about anti-war dope-smoking hippies and Democrats in Congress. But perhaps I'm repeating myself.

Sheriff's log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Donald Stubbe, a 32-year-old Carson City man, was arrested at 2:25 p.m. Monday on the 1500 block of Long street on suspicion of burglary, assault and trespassing. Stubbe allegedly walked into his ex-girlfriend's bedroom while she was taking a shower and would not leave. Bail was set at $26,000.

Sunday, September 2

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Frank Duarte, a 29-year-old Reno man, was arrested at 4:16 p.m. Saturday on the 2000 block of North Carson Street on suspicion of disorderly conduct, resisting arrest and shoplifting. He was allegedly discovered with no money but in possession of a new bottle of Jack Daniels whiskey, a bottle of wine, new boxers and two sex toys. Bail was set at $3,20

Saturday, September 1


Carson City Free rides home on Labor Day AAA offers tipsy drivers a free ride home 6 p.m.-6 a.m. Monday for the Labor Day Holiday. Drivers just need to call 800-222-4357 and tell the AAA operator "I need a Tipsy Tow," and a truck will be on its way.

Sheriff's log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Babara Ortiz, a 29-year-old unemployed Reno resident was arrested at 5:08 p.m. Saturday at the Carson City Mervyn's. Ortiz was clipping security tags off clothes and allegedly tried to make away with $866.96 in merchandise. She was arrested on suspicion of felony burglary and misdemeanor obstructing an officer. Bail was set at $25,407.