Christine Bradley was chosen as the Red Cross Hero of the Year last week in Reno for Northern Nevada. But that wasn't the reason the Carson City woman gave one of her kidneys to a co-worker.
Carson City St. Teresa student registration begins
A youngster prayed, "Dear God, I had a great time in church today. I wish you could've been there!"
Carson City The following are some of the calls to which deputies responded Sunday:
In Sunday's paper, Wayne Benson encouraged members of the Board of Supervisors to explain their reasons for voting to place an advisory question on the November ballot regarding additional funding for the V&T Railway reconstruction project.
OK ... so it's April Fool's Day ... no peanut butter on your toothbrush, or Saran Wrap over the toilet seat ... OOPS ... maybe you hadn't thought of those. Whatever. You've been warned (our good deed for the day).
Carson City The following people were arrested and booked into Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty:
Carson City Religious leaders discuss gay inclusion
Carson City The following people were arrested and booked into Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty:
It is a privilege and an honor to represent Nevada's Second Congressional District. Every day I fight for the values we cherish in Nevada such as strong families, a strong economy, and a strong national defense. However, beyond representing you in Congress, my office provides many other services such as tours of D.C. attractions, White House greetings, internships and flags flown over the U.S. Capitol.
120 Years Ago
Carson City Breast cancer fundraiser at Q's
The funny thing about a recession is that, according to the official definition, you don't know you're in one until it's gone on for six months.
During this sesquicentennial year in Carson City, the Appeal has been running a page each Sunday dedicated to the city's history. One thing the stories illustrate is that even though the people who conceived and built this city are long gone, there are many similarities between then and now.
If you feel strongly enough to commit your values to writing, why not discuss them with your family now?
Carson City USDA Commodity Foods to be given out
Carson City The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court:
People who love dictionaries think for some reason the meaning of words are contained in the meanings of old words the new words evolved from.
LOS OLIVOS, Calif. - When a Firestone Vineyard employee discovered oil trickling down a creek in January in this wine country town, the source of the contamination was no surprise to firefighters.
I'm not easily annoyed. In fact, when I tried to come up with a list of things that make me angry, I had a tough time getting beyond what my dog did on the rug last night.
Race is difficult to write about because it opens a Pandora's box of emotions and hidden prejudices. But now that Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama and his longtime pastor are under fire for the clergyman's hateful and racist remarks, this is a troubling issue that the American electorate is forced to face in an election year.
One of the most entertaining whoppers told about Nevada is that it's a good thing this state exists out on the leading edge of the libertarian frontier.
Marge Poore will be teaching a cooking class at Molly's Gourmet Catering on 10 a.m. Saturday. The class includes a four-course lunch and beverages. There are still a few spaces available. Call Molly's for details. 841-5511. Here are two of Marge Poore's recipes.
Cover photo of the poster child for Heroin abuse, you have to love it. What next? Cover photo of the Ho of the month?
Carson City Celtic American tunes Friday
What do the words fast-paced and instantaneous conjure up in your mind? We may not say these words often but we do experience them daily.
More visitors willing to spend are staying the night in Carson City. This base will grow, city officials say, as more upscale hotels open.
Carson City The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court:
At first glance, it seems almost humorous that a Lyon County group is staging fake teen parties to educate parents on what their kids do when they're not around. The idea is that a few dozen teens will be acting as if they are using alcohol, illegal drugs, cough medicines, tobacco and inhalants. Parents will walk through the exhibit as though touring a museum. Afterward, experts will debrief adults on ways to help teens make good decisions.
Carson Slotcar Raceway 1800 Highway 50 East, No. 12 841-4464
I am thinking of opening a private school based on Chuck Muth's concept of real choice. I envision 250 children the first year. Each of those children will come with their $5,000 voucher.
Carson City The following are some of the calls to which deputies responded Monday:
Carson City Residential tax funds application process canceled
Business licenses issued in Carson City as of March 24
Carson City Health Department's food-service inspections and the date of inspection (all scores are on a 100-point scale, with points deducted depending on the severity of violations):
My wife and I absolutely love living in the Carson City/Carson Valley paradise. For some reason, however, the Ormsby House remains an "unsolved mystery." We simply cannot comprehend a bunch of "whys" ... i.e. why do the owners Al Fiegehen and Don Lehr either develop the property or dump it.
Most times when news reports about nuclear power reactors come up, it's about a problem that the scientists cleverly solved. But not always.
Now that the presidential field has been narrowed to three, it's become clear that we should not expect major reforms in immigration policy following Election Day. The differences between the candidates on the issue seem slight and while all talk about stepped-up border security, they all have supported paths to citizenship and guest worker programs.
Carson City Scrapbooking class at Carson City Senior Citizens Center
Carson City The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court:
If you were asked to recall some of the most profound "what-were-they-thinking" political mistakes, you might think of President George Bush breaking his "read my lips" no-new-taxes pledge, George W. standing triumphantly in front of a "Mission Accomplished" banner, or ... take your pick of Bill Clinton's missteps.
Boycott the Olympics! If ever there were a year or a country to avoid, this is it. Why the International Olympic Committee chose China, other than to kiss their political a**, is beyond us. Inhumane treatment of dissidents, polluted air, Tibet, child labor, no "live coverage" from Tiananmen Square ... do we need to go on? Oh, we forgot ... they practically OWN us, so of course our "fearless leader" is going, no matter what. Let's hope the athletes live through it.
Carson City The following people were arrested and booked into Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty:
WASHINGTON - In the race between her family's income and four hungry sons, Norma Jean Young says the boys are beginning to win.
Carson City Legacy Corps seeking volunteers
Carson City The following people were arrested and booked into Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty:
Carson City Junior Ski/Snowboard Program canceled due to Easter
by Trent Dolan 120 years ago
Regardless of your personal religious beliefs, Easter is a good time for reflection. Even if you don't believe the story of the resurrection, you can subscribe to what it represents.
"I made a straightforward case that myself and fellow board members should do our duty the right way by not taking shortcuts in selecting a new superintendent." "Some other board members tried to obfuscate this basic common sense by kicking up a cloud of dust ..." - Joe Enge in the Nevada Appeal
As you struggle to prepare your '07 federal income tax return before the April 15 filing deadline, would it surprise you to learn that Congress and the Bush administration are spending $42 million to advise us that we'll soon be receiving "free" money from our beneficent federal government? No? Me neither.
If you want to know who is winning the war in Iraq, look at how the main players visit the area.
As some of you may have noticed this week, Bear Sterns was the newest casualty of the subprime market bloodbath. You also may have noticed that the Federal Reserve stepped in as the lender of last resort to avoid what some speculated would have been a major bank failure. But what does the Fed actually do and how were they involved in the Bear Sterns situation?
Have you ever noticed an intersection where there's a McDonald's on one corner and a Burger King on another? Or an Exxon station located directly across the street from a Chevron station? Or a Holiday Inn a block up the street from a Hampton Inn? Do you ever wonder why that is? I mean, why don't these businesses just operate like our government schools: only one per neighborhood?
The fifth anniversary of the Iraq war passed with little notice in Carson City. We made our coffee, drove to work, greeted our colleagues, checked our e-mail, ate our lunches, thought a little about our weekend plans, went home and life was good and predictable. It's a strange war in that it's easy to not think about it at all.
Remember the term "fusion cuisine" where two or more cultures were represented on the same plate through ingredients, techniques, or borrowing of terminology? It never really took hold but instead was replaced by more subtle descriptions of today like "Asian inspired," "Mediterranean influenced" or "Latin nuanced."
BARRE, Vt. - In a noisy stone shed, far from the perfect rows of gravestones at Arlington National Cemetery, a dozen people carve the monuments to a nation's war dead.
On Easter Sunday, Christians will proclaim the message at the heart of their faith - "He is risen" - and will affirm the hope that God will raise all the dead at the end of time.
Carson City The following people were arrested and booked into Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty:
I am an active native Nevadan, senior citizen on oxygen therapy.
Carson City Friends for Mark Krueger for District Judge fundraiser
Adjusting his rubber nose and straightening his oversized bow tie, Gov. Jim Gibbons took time out from juggling the cracked plates of his administration Saturday to criticize the media for their "buffoonery" in covering the health crisis at the Endoscopy Center of Southern Nevada.
It sounds like a huge meteorite is headed right for the western boundary of Nevada. No one has actually seen the meteorite, but there have been lots of guesses as to its size. Some folks think the meteorite is 16 miles on a side. Others say it is more like 31 miles.
Gov. Gibbons could not have chosen a better time to emphasize openness in government.
Hooligans Ink 1501 Fairview Drive, No. 20
Ideas for inventions used to flash so often in Ray Hirschmugl's head he said he thought he might have had a disease.
Car companies always brag about the amount of horsepower their cars have, but describing the performance of a car in terms of the energy harnessed by a certain number of horses helps no one.
Long ago, Rudyard Kipling wrote, "If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you ... you'll be a man, my son." You also might make a good school board member.
When the matter is simple: distract At a recent school board meeting, I made a straightforward case that myself and fellow board members should do our duty the right way by not taking shortcuts in selecting a new superintendent.
Carson City Carson City Aquatic Facility spring break hours
If anyone found a pot 'o gold yesterday, just remember it's now worth $1,000 an ounce and we would be glad to share it with you.
Carson City The following people were arrested and booked into Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty:
Carson City Health Department's food-service inspections and the date of inspection (all scores are on a 100-point scale, with points deducted depending on the severity of violations):
It is, indeed, sad that Dean Heller continues to blindly support the most corrupt and morally bankrupt administration in the history of our country.
Carson City St. Teresa student registration begins April 7
Carson City The following people were arrested and booked into Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty:
We're in favor of shrinking government when its excesses are provable, but that this must be done with care and foresight became evident in some highly publicized stories recently.
Carson City St. Teresa student registration begins April 7
120 years ago Uncle Tom's Cabin: This old reliable melo-drama will be presented on Tuesday evening with real bloodhounds, tow Topsy and all the modern appliances. An immense cast throughout. There will be racing at the track today. Two good trotting races and some good foot racing.
We've all heard the stories about the massive waste and fraud that has taken place in Iraq. There have been so many anecdotes about how money just flew out of the U.S. Treasury to all sorts of shady operators that we don't pay attention anymore.
I was rather dismayed by Ruby Gavigan's letter about her experience of adopting a cat; I doubt there was anyone barring the door and refusing to let her leave without an animal.
Development authority to discuss flooding March 26 Northern Nevada Development Authority hosts a special forum on the Regional Water System and at Gold Dust West, 2171 Hwy 50 E, on March 26.
Carson City The following are some of the calls to which deputies responded Thursday:
It's no secret that 2007 wasn't a particularly good year for investors. A difficult environment for equities, heavy losses on some types of fixed-income securities - particularly those related to sub prime mortgages - and broad-based declines in residential property prices all combined to leave may investors nursing significant portfolio damage.
As my regular readers know, when it comes to the proposed Yucca Mountain nuclear waste dump, I'm much more interested in the politics of the issue than I am in the science. Nevertheless, I finally have an answer to those who ask what we should do with highly toxic waste if it isn't stored in Nevada: reprocess it at regional reprocessing centers outside our state, like the one in neighboring Idaho.
As political columnist Jon Ralston noted last week, I've been advocating for a Nevada version of Ronald Reagan's "Grace Commission" almost since the day I came out of the womb. The Grace Commission was charged by Reagan in the early 1980s with the task of going through the federal budget to find waste, fraud, abuse and other areas where federal government spending could be cut or streamlined.
Carson City The following are some of the calls to which deputies responded Wednesday:
Carson City Pop Warner accepting coaches applications
Here's a simple exercise. Ask yourself who you are today.
John Barrette and his betrothed, Jean Chicoine, are at an important stage of their lives. They can see retirement down the road, though both plan to continue working for the foreseeable future, and they're planning to get married.
Living in Minden I was interested in the article from your Nation section on Sunday, "Questions raised about using sewage plant wastes as fertilizer."
Brugo's Take-N-Bake Pizza Bistro 3228 North Carson St., North Town Plaza 887-PIES (7437)
That government leaders from several Western states, including Nevada, are working on a plan to end chronic homelessness is good news.
Carson City The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court:
Carson City Stroke and Osteoporosis screening slated
"Horrendous." "Unfathomable." "Horrifying." At one point in Thursday's meeting of the Legislative Committee on Health Care, I thought Chairwoman Sheila Leslie and her colleagues might run out of adjectives to describe the awful expanding crisis stemming from the substandard medical practices at the Endoscopy Center of Southern Nevada. I can appreciate their dilemma.
Had your Fear-i-Os today? Though they've never been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, your government virtually insists that you should get a plentiful daily serving of them, for the good of your own mental balance.
Now that you are reporting on a proposed sewer system for Mound House please tell the whole story. I was at the public meeting held on Feb. 5 and skeptically ponder how the article published on Feb. 29 was written.
For those of you who make your living in the residential construction, real estate, or mortgage lending industries, you have been descending from a recession into a depression for the past two years.
The silhouette of a cowboy riding a bucking horse that's printed on the back of the Wyoming state quarter shows how bad coin artwork has gotten, Joel Mitchell said.
I got my car stuck in a remote area last week where no one could hear me yell for help.
Sunday is either celebrated as Palm Sunday or Passion Sunday.
NEW YORK " Wall Street finally found a reason for a huge rally Tuesday, after the Federal Reserve said it plans to pump $200 billion into the financial markets to help ease the strain from the credit crisis.
This editorial appeared in Tuesday's Los Angeles Times:
About a week or so ago, I was reading my way through the latest issue of the New Yorker magazine when I came upon a brief piece called "Girl Stuff Have Gun." (March 3, 2008 issue). Being a girl (definitely an older "girl") and one who remembers the equally old television show "Have Gun, Will Travel," I immediately read it.
Business licenses issued in Carson City as of March 10:
Carson City 'Little Toots' will sing at the Railroad Museum
Mayor-as-of-now! Does the title of mayor give you a sense of power? Have you no shame? That you want to shackle "We-the-People" with more taxes? $10M! Are you out of your mind?
Carson City The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court:
What gives the Democratic National Committee the right to take away the voice of the voters in Florida and Michigan? It matters not whether I am Democrat or Republican. Nor does it matter what candidate I support. I am not even a Florida or Michigan resident.
If a person is going straight to Hell and they know it, we offer you this joke from Eleanor Harbert that'll help you along: "Hundreds of years ago, the Pope declared that all Jews would have to leave Italy or conver
Carson City The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court:
Carson City Western Nevada College has new Web site and e-mail addresses
"Neh-vaa-dah." In retrospect, it was perhaps one of the high points of our campaign in the Silver State, correcting George Stephanopoulos when he mispronounced the state's name in a forum way back in March of last year.
Carson City The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court:
Carson City The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court:
Carson City RSVP looking for volunteers
The Carson High School Culinary Arts program sent four teams of students to Las Vegas to compete in the ProStart 2008 Nevada Championships. Teams of students compete in two competitions - culinary and management. The culinary competition demonstrates creative abilities through preparation of a three-course meal in 60 minutes.
120 years ago The man who is helping put up the electric wires and climbs the poles is a professional swimmer, having learned the perfection of the art in the Sandwich Islands.
Carson City Celebrate Hank Monk's 182nd birthday
We hope you enjoy your extra hour of light in the evenings (you did remember to set your clocks ahead last night, didn't you?)
John McCain has a new ally in his quest for the White House, and her name is Hillary Clinton.
Carson City The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court:
Mayor should learn from the governor's example
After the destructive earthquake near Wells on Feb. 21, and the subsequent realization that Carson City is at risk from one as bad or worse, I quickly jotted on my "to-do" list to check with my insurance agent to see if my home is covered.
120 years ago A fine quarry of marble has been found in Churchill Canton, Lyon County. In the west side, the deposit is a pure white marble, while in the east it is a variegated black and white, and it is beautifully mottled.
As Christians worldwide prepare to commemorate Holy Week, the Rev. Bruce Kochsmeier of First Presbyterian Church helps explain important days and events leading up to Easter/Resurrection Sunday, and what the crucifixion of Christ means.
Carson City World Dance Open Floor at Comma Coffee
Sam Shad, host of the Nevada Newsmakers television show, resisted pressure to delve into private matters better left private during his exclusive interview with Gov. Jim Gibbons on Wednesday, and as a result viewers were treated to an unprecedented look at the governor's agenda for the remainder of his first term in office.
Carson City The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court:
3rd Street Salon 882-0300 224 S. Carson St.
Carson City Computer classes at Carson City Senior Center
Carson City The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court:
It sounded good on paper, but now, after the state has invested more than $8 million in a bio-fuels plant that was supposed to save money by powering two Carson City prisons (with energy left to spare), it looks like one gigantic waste of money at a time when the state needs every dime.
Some guys just don't get it. Faced with the staggering news that his medical clinic might be responsible for infecting as many as 40,000 patients with deadly diseases, Dr. Dipak Desai didn't rush to voluntarily close the Endoscopy Center of Southern Nevada.
The first thing I'll buy if I ever get rich is lots of the same kind of sock.
With the money situation being tight nowadays, I was just thinking back about a couple months ago when we were doing our Christmas shopping. It seems to me that for those of us who really enjoyed the atmosphere of the stores that included Christmas as a real time to celebrate, we should remember them in these lean times and spend our money at their stores in the off-season. Just an idea. If the other stores didn't care too much about how I was feeling then, I don't feel any loyalty to how they might be feeling now.
Beyond the ethanol and commodities buzz these days, there are a few things that you may want to know before investing in the "food" business.
A cocker spaniel charged Dr. Woody Allen as he reached into its cage.
Thanks, Galaxy, for letting the teens back in.
St. Paul's Episcopal Church St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Virginia City welcomes the Knights Templar of Carson City and Reno to Easter Sunday service at 9:30 a.m. March 23, to celebrate their beginning more than 100 years ago.
Carson City March is Blood Donor month
Carson City The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court:
Carson City The following people were arrested and booked into Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty:
Urban Trends 385 Hot Springs Road, Suite #1 885-1780
College brings comic to Carson, Fallon this week
The following people were arrested and booked into Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court:
College to hold show of quilts A colorful and creative challenge quilt exhibit is warming up the winter cold at Western Nevada College. The Carson Valley Quilt Guild is showing its "Patchwork in the Park" exhibit at the College Gallery through March 21.