Stories for June 2006


Friday, June 30

Sheriff's log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 32-year-old unemployed transient was arrested at 8:30 a.m. Saturday in the 800 block of East Musser on suspicion of misdemeanor violation of alternate sentencing. Bail was set at $3,000 cash.

Thursday, June 29

Two-parent politics make a happy American family

When I have political discussions with people, there is a new question I like to ask before getting too deep in debate: Do you have children? Until I became a father, I didn't understand how much parenthood and family life translates to politics and government. The family is the elemental form of government in our society. You have the leaders who are in charge (parents) who set the rules (laws) to govern and advance the welfare of the citizens (children, parents, relatives, pets, etc.).

Fourth of July biggest travel weekend of year

Motorists will be able to focus more on red, white and blue for Independence day weekend, and less on green. Gas prices have dropped 17 cents in Nevada since last month

Out of state visitors likely to generate most of Cabela's sales tax

The Nevada Commission on Tourism passed a resolution Wednesday concluding that a majority of the sales tax revenue from the proposed Cabela's Reno retail destination outfitter would come from out-of-state visitors. NCOT's passage of the resolution at a public hearing is one of the steps that state law requires in the process of approving Sales Tax Anticipation Revenue bond financing to build Cabela's. A 125,000 square foot Cabela's store is proposed to be built next to Boomtown Hotel-Casino on Interstate 80 on the west side of Reno.

Two eats, two treats

Flautas are rolled corn tortillas with various fillings that are crisp, fried, and often garnished with shredded lettuce and other raw vegetables.

Maerz joins Coldwell Banker in Carson City

Nicholas Maerz has joined Coldwell Banker Commercial Premier Brokers as a full-time sales associate working out of the 1887 N. Carson St. #75 office in Carson City. Before joining Coldwell Banker, Maerz met the Nevada real estate licensing requirements and completed the comprehensive Coldwell Banker training program. He has 19 years experience in the real estate industry and extensive experience in real estate investment, development, and property management. He is working on his CCIM designation.

Rock Art Foundation director hired on full-time

Alanah Woody, executive director of the Nevada Rock Art Foundation, has been hired by the foundation in a full-time paid position. She was formerly the collections manager in the anthropology program for the Nevada State Museum, and has been serving as the director of the Rock Art Foundation since its inception in 2001. She spent more than 20 to 30 hours per week of her own time on rock art activities in addition to her full-time position at the Nevada State Museum.

Lumos hires new engineering manager for Reno office

Lumos and Associates, Inc. has hired Johnny McGillivray as the engineering manager for its Reno office. McGillivray has over 11 years of experience in civil engineering and will oversee a team of engineers that design a wide range of projects. He is a graduate of the University of Cape Town, South Africa and holds a bachelors in Civil Engineering. He is a resident of Reno.

Public deserves to know what's going on at prison

The mixed messages coming out of the Nevada State Prison would be comical if there weren't so much at stake. One side, some guards who are members of The State of Nevada Employees Association, say conditions have deteriorated so much that they and people living nearby aren't as safe as they once were.

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Bradford James Clark, 51, self-employed from Carson City, was arrested at 7:31 p.m. Thursday at Fifth Street and Country Village Drive on suspicion of gross misdemeanor second-offense drunken driving, and driving on a revoked license. Bail was set at $3,209.

Wednesday, June 28

Sheriffs' Log

The following are some of the calls to which deputies responded: • Threat report on Wellington Cutoff in Smith Valley at 10:54 a.m. • Vehicle fire in the 100 South California Street at 2:29 p.m.


Carson City Taco sale to benefit dance group There will be an Indian Taco sale from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday at 2900 S. Curry St. to support the Great Basin Dance Group.

Business licenses

CARSON CITY Business licenses issued in Carson City as of June 23:

Party worthy of Wonder Woman, Mr. Washington

It was a strange sight that July 4. Speeding down the town's only road, a leveled dirt "Main Street," were more than 30 costumed revelers going hell-bent on ATVs through this unnamed central Nevada town.

Planning for future generations

An important idea gets easily lost amidst all the talk about the future of the estate tax: intergenerational financial planning is about more than taxes. To be sure, preserving wealth for your family is a worthy goal.

Health care costs of illegal immigration

I have a simple question today for CEO Ed Epperson of financially strapped CarsonÐTahoe Medical Center: How much does the hospital spend each year on medical care for indigent illegal immigrants who show up at the emergency room knowing they'll be treated at the expense of the hospital's paying customers?

Briefcase: Eagle Fitness

Patrick Winchell, owner 3246 N. Carson St., Suite 119

Business calendar

"Getting your Message Across" two-session workshop, 9 a.m.-noon Thursday and Friday, University of Nevada, Reno's Redfield Campus. Course fee $185, includes lunch. Call 784-4062.

Road report

Construction on Carson City streets for the week beginning July 3. • Work has started on the southeast sewer extension project, which will effect Valley View Drive from Edmonds Drive to Conte Drive, Conte Drive from Valley View Drive to Clearview Drive, Clearview Drive from Edmonds Drive to Conte Drive and Conte Drive from Bennett Avenue to Hudson Drive. Traffic controls will be in effect for the duration of the work. The target completion date is Sept. 6.

Cast of heroes during fires not limited to firefighters

The major heroes from the recent rash of fires in Northern Nevada have been the firefighters. They accomplished an amazing feat in keeping the flames from burning down a single home or business. But there's another cast that deserves special mention in the wake of the fires - the businesses, neighbors, friends and even strangers who pulled together to help whenever there was a need.

Community briefs

Carson City River Advisory Committee meeting on Wednesday canceled The Carson River Advisory Committee meeting regularly scheduled for Wednesday has been canceled.

Tuesday, June 27

For the generation raised on Cattlemens steak: Meet the new restaurant owners

WASHOE VALLEY - For 27 years, Cattlemens Restaurant has been known for its giant steaks and Western atmosphere at its only Nevada location in a small community off Highway 395.

Investigation needed of link between lights, cancer cluster

Now that antiquated light fixtures leaking a known carcinogen have been discovered in Fallon's schools, all kinds of questions are flying around the community savaged by a notorious cancer cluster that afflicted 17 children, including three who died. Is this the smoking gun that has eluded an army of scientists who for the past six years have been searching in vain for the answer to one nagging question: Why Fallon?

Personal or political, GOP bulldog's bite just as bad as his bark

The fact Republican bulldog Chuck Muth is sinking his canines into a member of his own party says a lot about the man. He's serious about winning and even more focused on promoting a conservative agenda in Nevada. But he's not doing it the old-fashioned way, by ripping into Democrats.

Washoe Tribe Head Start Program takes applications

The Washoe Tribe Head Start is accepting applications for its Stewart Head Start Program in Carson City and the Dresslerville Head Start Program in Gardnerville for the 2006-2007 school year. Enrollment is open to eligible children 3-5 years, including children with disabilities and special needs. Head Start is a free developmental preschool program. Bus service may be provided.

Local business briefs

Stew's Lucky Spur has been fined by the state for failing to make unemployment insurance contributions for its employees.

Sheriffs' log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 41-year-old unemployed transient was arrested at 11 p.m. Tuesday in the 100 block of John Street on suspicion of misdemeanor ex-felon failure to register. Bail was set at $237.

St. Teresa's parish secretary retiring after 20 years

Janet Basgall has seen a lot of changes over the 20 years she has spent at St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Community. Basgall was hired in February 1985 as a part-time parish secretary. There were about 800 families who were members of the church; now, there are 2,452, and that number changes each week.

Ex-Mustang Ranch brothel fetes one-year anniversary under new name

The famous pink stucco buildings that once housed the world-renowned Mustang Ranch were completely remodeled and the facility, now known as Lance's World Famous Brothel, will celebrate its one year of operation anniversary Saturday

Look past trends and cultural nuances

What's so trendy about trendy, other than it's trendy? I love Carson City, especially right now, when what is trendy is the restored, old standards. There's nothing like seeing a sweetly restored '55 Bel Air or an old gangsta' car. The question every restorer asks prior to the work is, "Do I want hot rod or original?"

Monday, June 26

MADD seeks sponsors for crashed-car exhibit

The Lyon County Chapter of Mothers Against Drunk Driving is seeking sponsors to help pay for a crashed-car exhibit to be used in Northern Nevada to remind drivers of the consequences of drinking and driving. This exhibit will be a trailer holding the 1989 Mustang that was driven by alcohol- and drug-impaired driver Stephen Scharosch, who hit a van containing seven members of a Utah family, killing five, including four children. The force of the impact cut a Mustang in two. The exhibit will be used at events such as the Nevada State Fair, Hot August Nights, community awareness events and school events.

Sierra Pacific issues request for proposals

Sierra Pacific Power Co. has issued a request for proposals seeking to purchase up to 25 megawatts of electric capacity and/or energy from special electric-generating facilities known as qualifying facilities.

This cancer may have saved my life

I've reached a time in my life when merely getting ready for a walk is like preparing for battle. Sunscreen, hat, sturdy (read "expensive") walking shoes, custom orthotics, a little pad for a hammertoe. Then there is some careful stretching of a painful Achilles tendon. The rest of my body is showing signs of wear and tear as well. I wear a brace on my right hand for a deteriorated thumb joint. Hips, back and shoulders ache when I've overused them or even if I've slept wrong. That's if I've slept at all.

Help firefighters by making their jobs easier

Once again, Northern Nevada residents are learning how thin the margin can be between just another day and the worst day of their lives. Sometimes the difference is a crew of Nomex-wearing wildland firefighters keeping a blaze from spreading into a subdivision.

Sunday, June 25


Carson City Elks Lodge meets today at its lounge The Carson City Elks Lodge meets on the first, third and fourth Tuesdays of the month, at 515 N. Nevada St. The lounge is open to Elks and their guests from 4-9 p.m. Tuesday through Friday with happy hour from 4-6 p.m.; and at 4 p.m. on Happy Saturdays. Call 882-2177.

Sheriffs' Log

The following are some of the calls to which deputies responded: • A man reported being attacked with a cane in the 100 block of Jacobsen Way at 6:55 a.m. Friday. • A purse was snatched from a woman in a parking lot in the 2100 block of Highway 50 East at 8:09 a.m.

Piñon Plaza changes hands; to become Gold Dust West

After an ownership change that went smoother than some expected, the Piñon Plaza opened Monday morning as one part of a national conglomerate of entertainment properties.

National developer to construct$7M medical office building

A national medical real estate developer will build a two-story office building on the Carson Tahoe Regional Medical Center campus and lease 30 percent of it to the Carson City health-care system.

Business briefs

The U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Department of Energy will co-host a national renewable energy conference Oct. 10-12 in St. Louis to help create partnerships and strategies necessary to accelerate commercialization of renewable energy industries and distribution systems. For information, visit

Letters to the editor

Douglas seniors deserve a new center Seniors are a minority in Douglas County, and they are certainly treated that way. Seniors make up about 30 percent of the county population. If you only count adults, the senior population is approximately 40 percent. Most seniors live one or two to a household, unlike the average household, which is three or four persons, and they also tend to live in the more expensive houses with higher assessed values. Consequently, seniors directly or indirectly (rentals) pay approximately 50 percent of the county residential real estate tax.

School district strategy working with NCLB

If you mention the No Child Left Behind Act near a group of teachers, chances are you'll trigger a round of bitter complaints about how it has changed our schools, and not for the better. You might hear that it's turned schools into factories and teachers into robots, all geared toward turning out a product - students who are able to accurately answer questions on standardized tests.

Winning this war will take fortitude, not sound bites

From now on, whomever their leader may be, wherever we are, al Qaida will follow, so be ready for them and their "friends." "War is hell," in case anybody has forgotten. Torture, assassinations, murder, "friendly fire," "collateral damage" - all go hand in hand with war, so why is anyone surprised? For all those who were lulled by "sanitary wars," in and out in a few days with only a "minimal amount" of killing, or "Mission accomplished," forget it.

Saturday, June 24

Sheriffs' log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 22-year-old mower from Carson City was arrested at 3 a.m. Sunday in the 800 block of East Musser Street on suspicion of misdemeanor contempt of court. Bail was set at $700 cash.

Friday, June 23

Livable wage more relevant in Carson than minimum wage

It would be easy to feign outrage at the Senate's rejection of an increase in the minimum wage, which has been stuck at $5.15 per hour for a decade. But the truth is, for Northern Nevada it's really not that big of a deal.

Sheriffs' log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 30-year-old Carson City man was arrested at 12:05 a.m. Saturday in the 3400 block of Airport Road on suspicion of misdemeanor disorderly conduct. Bail was set at $237.

Thursday, June 22

Happy anniversary to me ... and thank you

I can hardly believe that 10 years have gone by since the Appeal published my first political column in June 1996. This experience only goes to show that time flies when you're having fun. To be more precise, I'm still having fun but I don't know about you, my loyal readers.

Sheriff's Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Ricky Dean Evans, 53, of Reno, and Henry Joseph Rodarte, 50, of Fallon, were both arrested at 10 a.m. Friday on Interstate 80. Evans was booked on an embezzlement charge with his bail set at $25,000. Rodarte was booked on possession of stolen property with bail set at $15,000. The alleged theft of a piece of earth-moving equipment happened in Carson City.

Wednesday, June 21

Business calendar

"Protect your company against wrongful termination lawsuits," presented by BAWN, 11:45 a.m., Plaza Hotel, 801 S. Carson St. Topics included are job descriptions, employee handbooks, sexual harassment policies, training, investigation, documentation, performance appraisals, retaliation, EPLI, and accessible employment lawyers. RSVP by Friday. Call 882-4353.

Community briefs

Carson City Lecture discusses 'talking machine' The Carson City Historical Society will host "Reflections of Carson City" with Rich McGregor at 7 p.m. Wednesday at the Carson City Library, 900 N. Roop St. This lecture will discuss the development and evolutionary history of Thomas Edison's favorite invention, the phonograph.

Health-care options exist, but won't solve all problems

Most people are aware of how dire the health-care crisis is in this country, especially after hearing politicians say it over and over without doing a single thing about it. Right here in Carson City, some people are doing without important medications because they need the money to pay rent or buy food. Others with no health insurance haven't visited a doctor for years.


Carson City Summer band camp early registration ends Friday Early registration for the Carson City Parks and Recreation Department's Summer Band Camp ends Friday. The camp is for students entering sixth through eighth grade in the fall who have played an instrument at least one year.

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 43-year-old cook from Carson City was arrested at 11:27 a.m. Thursday in the 900 block of East Musser Street on suspicion of contempt of court. Bail was set at $500.

Why the Appeal will be providing more outdoors coverage

Mark my word, it won't be long before Carson City makes it on one of those outdoor magazine lists of the best places in the country to live. You've probably seen the lists I'm talking about ... they invariably include highbrow places like Jackson Hole, Wyo.; and Telluride, Colo. (where ordinary people couldn't afford to live), mixed in with more blue-collar towns like Pocatello, Idaho.

Tuesday, June 20

To be governor, Gibbons has 150,000 reasons to get busy now

Setting down his fishing pole next to his political polls, Jim Gibbons decided to take a nap in the cool shade. It was only June. With the Republican gubernatorial primary in the bag like a fat trout, there would be plenty of time to campaign before November's general election against whatever minnow the Democrats offered for his supper. With most of the big-money contributors and high-priced GOP consultants in his camp, it appeared to political pundits that Gibbons was flying first class to the Governor's Mansion.

Community briefs

Carson City Boosters to hold benefit car wash Carson High School Football Boosters will hold a benefit car wash from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday at Best Buy, 955 Topsy Lane.

Business briefs

Tim Rubald, executive director of the Nevada Commission on Economic Development, has been elected to the Council for Community and Economic Research (ACCRA) 16-member national board of directors. ACCRA supplies its members with professional networks, training, advocacy, and research, while delivering products and services in economic research.

Court & Sheriff's Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 28-year-old janitor from Sparks was arrested at 2:50 a.m. Wednesday in the 800 block of East Musser Street on suspicion of felony failure to appear. No bail was set.

Road report

Carson City road construction report for the week of June 26. • Work will be starting Monday on the southeast sewer extension project. It will affect traffic and residents of Valley View Drive from Edmonds Drive to Conte Drive, Conte Drive from Valley View Drive to Clearview Drive, Clearview Drive from Edmonds Drive to Conte Drive, and Conte Drive from Bennett Avenue to Hudson Drive. Traffic controls will be in effect for the duration. The target completion date is Sept. 6.

Getting our fair share shouldn't be this difficult

Nevada should probably be happy with the $14.1 million it's getting this year from the Payment In Lieu of Taxes program, since it's about 3 percent more than the year before. The problem is the payments are well below what would be fair compensation, and it's a battle every year to keep the funding from being cut.

Monday, June 19

It's time to enact a new state marijuana policy

Nevada voters will once again take up a marijuana ballot initiative this fall, an issue muddied in rhetoric from both sides. The Regulation of Marijuana Initiative will appear on ballots in November. It would allow those 21 years old and older to legally possess, use, and transfer 1 ounce or less of marijuana. Penalties are also stiffened for those who drive under the influence of marijuana or sell it to minors. Use in public would be prohibited. For a $1,000 annual license fee, state-licensed retailers would be able to sell marijuana. An excise tax of $45 per ounce would be collected by the state from wholesalers. Sales tax would be the same as other products. Half of the profits from related licensing fees and taxes would be used for substance-abuse treatment and education.

Why we planted trees in a Nevadaghost town

To the handful of people who live in Tuscarora, Nev., it is not a ghost town at all, though the only "establishment" is the United States post office. Julie Parks, the postmistress, has established a small library in the foyer section; and that area also serves as a free-for-the-taking kind of thrift shop, where any of the town's minuscule population can drop off blouses, T-shirts or shorts they've gotten tired of wearing.

Business briefs

Progressive Gaming International Corp. (NASDAQ: PGIC) reported a net loss of $8.8 million, or $.26 per share, for the quarter ended March 31.

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 29-year-old landscaper from Carson City was arrested at 11:05 p.m. Monday at Woodside and Stanford drives on suspicion of drunken driving, driving without insurance, and driving without a license. Bail was set at $3,818. • A 25-year-old unemployed Carson City man was arrested at 8:30 p.m. Monday on suspicion of misdemeanor domestic battery. Bail was set at $3,132.

Carson City law firm merges with statewide practice

A Carson City law firm will merge with a law firm that has offices in Reno and Las Vegas. The senior partner will have two new roles within the growing practice.

Airstreamers rally at Boca Springs for potluck

Carson City Women's health seminar Thursday at Elks Lodge There will be a free seminar on women's health issues from 7-9 p.m. Thursday at the Elks Lodge, 515 N. Nevada St.

Sunday, June 18

Thoughts on marriage, politics and a bunch of Carson residents

Neil Sharp told his golfing foursome, Jim Hanna, John Herlan and Steve Honey, that he couldn't stay for another beer the other day because he had his dog and kids locked up in the car ..."Don't worry, it's a convertible." (Nooooo, he did NOT have his kids and dog locked in the car, but, they liked his excuse ... bad and original).

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 56-year-old retired woman was arrested at 5:35 p.m. Sunday in the 2200 block of Bordeaux Street on suspicion of misdemeanor domestic battery. Bail was set at $3,132. The following are some of the 394 calls to which deputies responded Friday, Saturday and Sunday:

Community briefs

Carson City United Blood Services needs O-type blood There is an urgent need for all O- positive and -negative blood types. High local usage has left the local blood supply of red cells low.

Briefcase: Depew's Coffee To Go

Chris Depew, owner 1313 S. Carson St., inside the Carson Mall

Controversy over female bishop unfounded

There was something unfortunate about the election Sunday of a Nevada woman as the chief pastor of the Episcopal Church in the United States, and it had nothing to do with her qualifications. By all accounts, Katharine Jefferts Schori has lived an exemplary life, revitalizing the 37 churches in the state and reaching out to minority groups.

Saturday, June 17

Sheriffs' log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 22-year-old construction worker from Carson City was arrested at 4:14 a.m. Sunday at Saliman Road and Highway 50 East on suspicion of misdemeanor failure to appear on a traffic matter. Bail was set at $1,349 cash.

Friday, June 16

The search for the elusive great steak

People ask me all of the time about my secrets or expertise in cooking a steak. There are many different cuts of steak in today's market (filet mignon, New York, Delmonico, culotte, top sirloin, flank, London broil, rib, top and bottom round). To cover all of these different cuts, in even short detail, would take half of today's newspaper. So we're going to talk about the filet mignon, New York and (my favorite) the Delmonico cuts.

Sheriffs' log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Feliciano Mendoza-Osuna, 28, a painter from Carson City, was arrested at 10:07 a.m. Friday at Roop Street and Little Lane on suspicion of felony possession of a controlled substance, misdemeanor obstructing justice, fictitious display of plates, no valid driver's license and four counts of failure to appear. Bail was set at $7,732.

Thursday, June 15

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 31-year-old casino worker from Carson City was arrested at 7:46 a.m. Thursday in at Fifth Street and Saliman Road on suspicion of driving without a license, fictitious registration, no insurance and a misdemeanor warrant.

If geese are big polluters, let's get rid of them

How times have changed when our readers are seeing stories about geese being a major polluter of Lake Tahoe. All of those regulations against boats, building, sewage systems, industry, dogs and whatever else officials can think of must be working when they have to share the stage with geese.

Strategies for success with your rebalancing act

Investment success begins with a sound asset allocation plan - one that matches an investor's financial goals and his or her tolerance for risk. But it doesn't end there. By analyzing the expected performance of different asset classes, investors can seek to construct portfolios that will - over the long run - help to yield the highest possible return for a given level of risk.

Construction begins on theatres at Summit Sierra

Century Theatres, the San Rafael-based motion picture exhibitor, began construction Thursday on a 16-screen multiplex anchor theater located at The Summit Sierra.

Road Construction

Construction on Carson City streets for the week beginning June 19. Delays possible.

With graduation over, the real learning can begin

Graduation Day - the Independence Day of formal education, especially for college graduates. But getting through high school is in a class of its own. To many, detention lasts a lifetime - especially if you live in Nevada, where dropouts as we know them could be as high as 45.3 percent, since the graduation rate for 2004 as reported by the Taxpayers Network is 54.7 percent.

Attacking the senior project for political agenda

Ryan Costella's conclusions that the quality of the senior project "is deteriorating right before our eyes" shows Mr. Costella's inability to form a proper argument based on facts and his willingness to attack one of the educational highlights of Carson High for his own political agenda.

Wednesday, June 14

Community Briefs

Carson City Father-daughter dance at Children's Museum There will be a father-daughter dance from 7 to 9 tonight, hosted by the Children's Museum of Northern Nevada, 813 N. Carson St. Includes dancing, pictures and refreshments, $20 per family for members, $30 per family for non-members. Call 884-2226.


Carson City Learn how to make ice cream sodas Children can learn how to make an ice cream soda at the Children's Museum of Northern Nevada's "Ice Cream Soda Day," 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tuesday.

Bankruptcy is death, in every sense of the word

Business truly does flow into nearly every facet of life, indeed into every hallowed hall of higher education, and I'm not just talking about corporation sponsorship of academic programs.

Condi Rice in charge of U.S. foreign policy

Make no mistake about it, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is firmly in charge of U.S. foreign policy in the second George W. Bush administration Ð and that's as it should be in a country that believes in civilian control over the military.


Mustang Sallie's Deuce's Grill Randy Wright a.k.a. Mustang Sallie, owner

A sad reminder of dangers in our court system

The case of Reno Family court Judge Chuck Weller, shot Monday in his office at the courthouse, shows the potential danger some public servants face daily in the halls of justice. It should be a message to those who work in our courts that security remains a paramount priority.

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Kenneth Holloway, 41, a mechanic from Carson City, was arrested at Nye Lane and Airport Road on suspicion of felony unlawful use of a credit card, misdemeanor driving on a suspended license and a Lyon County warrant charging stalking. Bail was set at $4,632.

Tuesday, June 13

Tourism officials present Nevada's attractions to China

The Nevada Commission on Tourism is leading its annual tourism-building mission to China through Monday.

Anti-tax measures great for state's millionaires

Anti-tax sentiment, which until recently hardly registered a blip on the radar screen of Nevada politics, is beginning to show some signs of acceptance in the Silver State. Two citizen-backed anti-tax measures may find their way to the state ballot this year through the citizen-initiative process.

Community briefs

Carson City 4-H Council to host college and apprenticeship information night Local youth,12 through 19, can gather information about educational opportunities after high school at the College and Apprenticeship Information Night at 6:30 p.m. Friday at the University of Nevada's Cooperative Extension, 2621 Northgate Lane, Suite 12. This event is sponsored by the Carson City/Storey County 4-H Council and is free of charge.

Sheriffs' blotter

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Juan Miguel-Rios, 24, of Carson City, was arrested at 5:31 p.m. Tuesday at Challenger Way and College Parkway on suspicion of felony parole violation. No bail was set.

Business briefs

The Northern Nevada Development Authority will hold its annual Golf-A-Thon Tee-Off for Education June 30 at the Empire Ranch Golf Course.

Business calendar

"Leadership Vs. Management," 5:30 p.m., Sonny's Restaurant at Virginia and Longley in Reno. Guest speaker Pieter M. Droog will speak on the differences between managing and leading a work force. Cost is $20 for dinner. RSVP by Monday. Call 424-8207.

Monday, June 12

Business licenses

CARSON CITY Business licenses issued in Carson City as of June 9:

Graduation a bittersweet celebration of change

On Saturday, my son, Wheeler, graduated from Carson High School. Wooo-hoo! It was an Olympic moment on Saturday as boys in blue and girls in white paraded in pairs around the Carson High School track, smiling and waving at family and friends, basking in the sunshine of graduation day and their achievements.

Arbor Day Foundation offers tree ID guides

Carson City Army celebrates birthday today Mayor Marv Teixeira will help the U.S. Army celebrate its 231st birthday today in Carson City. The public is invited to a cake cutting and birthday celebration at 11 a.m. at the Carson City offices, 3246 N. Carson St.

Suddenly, hospital not the success story we imagined

The reaction to Ed Epperson's decision to lay off more than 50 people and shut down some programs at Carson Tahoe Regional Medical Center came quickly on May 30. Within minutes, even before all of the laid-off workers had been informed, word leaked out into the community. The phones began ringing, and community leaders and patients and their families wanted to know what was happening.

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 32-year-old painter from Carson City, was arrested at 10:21 p.m. Monday in the 1200 block of Woodside Drive on suspicion of misdemeanor domestic battery. Bail was set at $3,132.

We salute departing teachers, staff members

It happens at this time every year and, sadly, it goes virtually unnoticed. But the retirement of school teachers, counselors and other staff members is worthy of recognition and thanks by the entire community far greater than the tokens of appreciation given them at Tuesday night's school board meeting.

Sunday, June 11

Two lanes on Carson will add to headaches

Two lanes through downtown, huh? Sorry, we don't agree. Even with a completed freeway, traffic will remain steady and probably increase on Carson Street. Having only two lanes will lead to a bottleneck, especially if parking is allowed there, too. Developing parking off the main street, with better sidewalks, landscaping and outdoor dining would be a plus, but please don't add to the congestion and try and funnel many cars into a two- lane street ... sort of like trying to squeeze the Pillsbury doughboy into a girdle.

Devil Pups looking for participants

Youth between the ages of 14 and 18, both male and female, may qualify for a 10-day stay at the U.S. Marine Corps mini boot camp as Devil Pups from Aug. 2-12 at Camp Pendleton, Calif. This is not a disciplinary camp - it is designed to give youth a taste of military life and develop leadership skills.

Mustang Sallie's Deuces Grill has new home, in Old Globe

When faced with a 30-day notice to move out from Decades Bar, Mustang Sallie didn't waste a moment to find another location for "Mustang Sallie's Deuces Grill."

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 44-year-old unemployed Carson City man was arrested at 9:03 p.m. Saturday in the 4100 block of Sherman Lane on suspicion of misdemeanor contempt of court. Bail was set at $369.

Purchases show disregard for taxpayer money

There's a reason that government agencies are required to put major purchases up for bid - to ensure taxpayers are getting their money's worth. That's why taxpayers ought to be very concerned about the Nevada Department of Transportation's flippant disregard for the process in buying 27 new road graders, for a total of $3.6 million.

Saturday, June 10

Sheriffs' log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Tiana Cody, 25, of Carson City, was arrested at 12:09 a.m. Saturday in the 1000 block of North Carson Street on suspicion of felony possession of methamphetamine and a misdemeanor warrant. Bail was set at $3,586.

Friday, June 9

Fresh fruit of summer makes for refreshing treats

We had snow two weeks ago and warm temperatures last week; go figure. Today will be the second farmers market of the season at the Pony Express Pavillion in Mills Park. opening at 3:30 this afternoon.

Sheriffs' log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 56-year-old handyman from Carson City was arrested at 3:34 p.m. Saturday in the 3800 block of South Carson Street on suspicion of misdemeanor possession of stolen property and petit larceny. Bail was set at $1,764.

Thursday, June 8

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 53-year-old property manager from Carson City was arrested at 9:34 p.m. Thursday in the 900 block of South Carson Street on suspicion of misdemeanor violation of a protection order. Bail was set at $3,132.

Filling children with knowledge, not junk food

I was in a fast food mood the other night, so I sat down and watched "Supersize Me," the documentary about a guy who lives on McDonald's food for a month. The concept was intriguing, and I am a fan of fast food - in moderation - so I gave it a taste.

Political corruption is bipartisan

Despite the best efforts of Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada and other leading Democrats to brand the Republican Party as "a culture of corruption," Reid and his allies should be careful about playing fast and loose with corruption allegations. Because when it comes to corruption, both major parties know how to play that ugly, bipartisan game, and always have.

New restaurant planned for Eagle Station

locally owned barbecue restaurant is one of two new businesses planned for the Eagle Station shopping center off South Carson Street.

Wednesday, June 7

Road construction

Construction on Carson City streets for the week beginning June 12. Delays possible. • Roop Street/Hot Springs construction from May 15 through Aug. 15

Editorial views from around the region

Topaz Ranch Estates is hardly the sleepy place it once was. The amount of traffic on Highway 208 has increased 20 percent between 1999 and 2004. According to the Nevada Department of Transportation, an average of 3,900 vehicles a day are now traveling the main route between Carson and Smith valleys.

Still time to have your say on new-look TV section

There was a period of time not long ago when I could have answered my office phone with the words "TV section complaint department" and the majority of callers would have known right off that they dialed the right number. The Appeal made some changes in recent months to our TV section, which resulted in fewer pages and a different look. That led to plenty of calls from people who were very attached to the original version.

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Michael Scott Hopper, 39, a transient, was arrested at 1:08 a.m. in the 1800 block of North Edmonds Drive on suspicion of felony possession of a controlled substance, probation violation, misdemeanor failure to appear on a traffic citation, possession of paraphernalia and possession of marijuana. No bail was set.

Business realities forced cuts at Carson Tahoe Regional Medical Center

The decision to restructure Carson Tahoe Regional Healthcare generated a lot of discussion this week throughout our community and beyond. Much of what you've heard or read is understandable emotional reaction to the elimination of staff and programs due to the restructure. I feel it's important to provide you a first-hand perspective on our decisions.

Taxing numbers for many, but not Nevada

All those local officials who have touted Nevada as a tax haven for business owners fleeing the Golden State have one more statistic to add to their arsenal.

Storey County should slow down on toll road idea

There are several reasons we don't like Storey County's idea of putting a toll road on Six Mile Canyon Road, a popular route for drivers going from the Dayton Valley to Virginia City and Reno. For one, it sends a negative message. How would you or a visitor feel about coming across a toll booth in beautiful rural Nevada? Certainly not welcome, and probably like you were being fleeced by the local government.

Definition of commonly used bond market terms

Often I am asked the meaning of a certain word or term being used in the fixed-income industry. Today, I thought it valuable to provide some of the more commonly used terms in the bond markets along with their definitions.

Trader Joe's mulling Carson store

Trader Joe's is interested in establishing a Carson City store, but isn't ready to put its cards on the table just yet.

Community briefs

Carson City Library to host puppet show The Coyote Puppet Theatre will bring their 2006 musical, "A Coyote Finds the Stars" to the Carson City Library at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday. For information call 887-2244.

Tuesday, June 6

Business Calendar

BAWN General Membership Meeting, 5 p.m., Dayton Valley Golf Club at Legado, "Legislative Round table" with Sean Gamble, professional lobbyist.$35 per person. Call 882-4353.

Self-inflicted sucker punch takes Reid off his message

Hard Rock Harry Reid turned into the Beltway Bleeder last week, and he managed to stagger himself with self-inflicted punches. Reid likes to talk about his youthful pugilistic experience, and anyone who has followed the Senate minority leader's career knows he's not afraid to mix it up in the political ring.

Community briefs

Carson City Free scrapbooking class at senior center There will be a free class on scrapbooking at 10 a.m. today in the Job's Peak Room at the Carson City Senior Citizen's Center. Participants will learn to quickly and easily preserve their photos into safe, meaningful albums. Call 885-8230.

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 39-year-old doctor from Carson City was arrested at 8:50 p.m. Tuesday in the 2000 block of St. George Way on suspicion of domestic battery and trespassing. Bail was set at $1,269.

Publishing ATV accident video goes too far

Nearly every week at any newspaper, editors, photographers and reporters face situations where they must balance the news value of their stories and photos against the sensitivities of our readers. In some situations, there are no black-and-white answers as to what we should put in the paper.

Monday, June 5

Community briefs

Carson City Local candidates' forum today Tickets are still available for the Carson City Area Chamber of Commerce candidates' forum today in the Performance Hall of the Brewery Arts Center. Tickets to see the forum are $7 each. People are asked to arrive by 12:15 p.m. Contested local races will be Carson City Board of Supervisors, wards 1 and 3; justice of the peace, district 1; district attorney; and school trustees, districts 3, 4 and 6. State Assembly District 40 candidates also are expected to participate.

Be bold, graduates, in realizing the promise of your lives

It's late spring: lilacs and lily-of-the-valley bloom; cardinal babies in unabashed shades of coral poke black-hooded heads out of nests and jostle for first-flight privileges; the Eastern bluebirds nesting in our back yard relentlessly dive-bomb the cat; the air seems scrubbed clean and full of promise. It is June 1965, northwestern Pennsylvania. I am graduating from high school, ready to take on the world.

Greater Nevada cuts $500 ribbon and donates it to youth connection

The Greater Nevada Credit Union officially opened its new Dayton Branch on June 5 with the cutting of a $500 ribbon, made of $100 bills, which was then donated to the Central Lyon County Youth Connection.

Sheriffs' Log

Carson City The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Jude Storm, a 31-year-old man from Carson City, was arrested at 6 p.m. Monday in the 3800 block of Imperial Way on suspicion of misdemeanor obstructing an officer, gross misdemeanor battery on a police officer and two felony counts of possession of stolen property and strong-armed robbery. Bail was set at $41,300.

Enough with the appeals; let the voters decide

We've got some news for you, Nevada voters. It seems you're not quite savvy enough to understand the meaning of the words in the Nevada Clean Indoor Air Act. It will appear on the ballot in November, unless there's an appeal of a judge's ruling on Monday that there was nothing unclear about the ballot initiative.

Sunday, June 4

Community briefs

Carson City Chamber of Commerce breakfast club to meet The Carson City Area Chamber of Commerce Breakfast Club will meet 7:30 a.m. today at First Centennial, 716 N. Carson St. For information, visit

The French stillremember D-Day while we forget

D-Day was 62 years ago today. So many young men from America and Britain stormed the beaches of France to rid the world of the Axis powers. And, to our great relief, they succeeded. So don't forget to honor our veterans any chance you get.

Tequila-Lime Flank Steak: Mexican-style grilled fare

Mexicans are unabashed meat-eaters, and prepare meats in a creative and enticing ways, including marinated steaks, sizzling fajitas, flavor-packed burritos and tacos stuffed with meats cooked over mesquite coals.

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 24-year-old plumber from Carson City was arrested at 6:33 a.m. Monday at Snyder and Edmonds avenues on suspicion of driving on a license revoked for drunken driving. Bail was set at $1,000.

Here's hoping city's video of future isn't fiction

We know "X-Men 3" and "The Breakup" were big movie openings, but our recommendation goes to a far-less-hyped film. It's a video simulating what downtown Carson City will look like in 10 years or more, and will show at the Brewery Arts Center on Wednesday and Thursday from 6-7 p.m.

Saturday, June 3

Sheriffs' log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 46-year-old Home Depot employee from Truckee, Calif., was arrested at 5:58 a.m. Sunday at Carson and Park streets on suspicion of a misdemeanor warrant for failure to appear. Bail was set at $265 cash.

Friday, June 2

Sheriffs' log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 24-year-old Carson City man was arrested at 12:01 a.m. Saturday in the 1500 block of Airport Road on suspicion of misdemeanor violation of probation. Bail was set at $3,000 cash.

Road Report

Construction on Carson Citystreets for the week beginning June 4. Delays possible.

Surplus may test Legislature's courage

Conservative Nevada is not a state where lawmakers want to be labeled as being liberal spenders. That's why it will take some courageous decisions by legislators in 2007 to undo a spending cap put in place by the 1979 Legislature.

Thursday, June 1

Lack of flags on Memorial Day does not necessarily mean lack of respect

Over Memorial Day weekend, I received a phone message from a gentleman who is obviously a veteran of World War II. The message he left me was profound. Simple, yet profound. He said that he counted only eight American Flags posted in front of houses over several neighborhoods in southeast Carson City. His voice was filled with urgency. His allegiance pleaded for company. His purity needed no words to sound off the revelry of his pride.

Better Business Bureau appoints new president

The Better Business Bureau of Northern Nevada has appointed Tim Johnston as its new President and CEO, succeeding Patricia "Pam" Morgan, who is retiring after serving since 1996. Johnston was previously Vice President of Operations for the Better Business Bureau of Southern Arizona. He will be the third leader of the Better Business Bureau of Northern Nevada's 43-year history.

Business calendar

Community and Regional Competitiveness Workshop, hosted by the Nevada Commission on Economic Development at the Fallon Convention Center. Cost is $75. Call (775) 423-4556.

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 22-year-old file clerk from Carson City was arrested at 8:35 a.m. Thursday at Mountain Street and Winnie Lane on suspicion of misdemeanor contempt of court. Bail was set at $185.