Stories for December 2006


Sunday, December 31

Sheriffs' log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • An 18-year-old unemployed Carson City man was arrested at 9:48 p.m. Friday in the 3200 block of Market Street on suspicion of misdemeanor petty larceny and misdemeanor minor consuming/possessing alcohol. Bail was set at $2,869.

Saturday, December 30

Sheriffs' log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 23-year-old painter from Dayton was arrested at 1:33 p.m. Friday at Carson and Adeline streets on suspicion of misdemeanor fictitious plates, no valid registration, no proof of insurance, no valid driver's license and a misdemeanor warrant. Bail was set at $1,455.

Friday, December 29

Letter to the editor

With more concealed-gun permits, 9/11 may have been less severe There is plenty of evidence that in jurisdictions where gun restrictions are severe, there are high levels of crime. It makes little difference if it's foreign or domestic, city, state or national, the scenario is the same. Therefore, it's not unreasonable to question the logic of those who support restriction of private individuals from firearm possession.

Community briefs

There will be no regular mail service or retail service at United States Post Office locations Tuesday, due to an Executive Order issued by President Bush, directing government agencies to close as a mark of respect for former President Gerald Ford, who died Dec. 26. Express Mail deliveries will be made on Tuesday. Regular service will resume Wednesday.

No regular mail service Tuesday to honor Ford

There will be no regular mail service or retail service at U. S. post office locations Tuesday, due to an executive order issued by President Bush, directing government agencies to close as a mark of respect for former President Gerald Ford, who died Dec. 26 Express Mail deliveries will be made on Tuesday. Regular service will resume Wednesday.


Carson City Positive Energy plans New Year's Eve sleepover for kids Children aged 5 and over are invited to Positive Energy, Acrobatics and Dance Studio for a New Year's Eve Sleepover Party that includes dinner, snacks and breakfast. For information, call 884-3633.

Sheriff's Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 51-year-old unemployed Carson City man was arrested at 8 p.m. Thursday in the 800 block of East Musser Street on suspicion of violation of suspended sentence. Bail was set at $3,000.

No regular mail service today

There will be no regular mail service or retail service at U.S. post office locations today, due to an executive order issued by President Bush, directing government agencies to close as a mark of respect for former President Gerald Ford, who died Dec. 26. Express Mail deliveries will be made on today. Regular service will resume Wednesday.

Learning character lessons from the Accidental President

It seems no one can talk about Gerald Ford without mentioning his pardon of Richard Nixon. It's not fair to judge a person by a single decision. But in this case, that decision tells us something very important about the man, and about the kind of leadership we need.

Navy bean soup: a dinner that lasts through many meals

I hope everyone had a December filled with family, friends, delicious food and some fun in there, too. I've had my share of all of the above, but now I'm ready for a little R&R with a lot less cooking and eating and more moving.

Thursday, December 28


Carson City Pioneer Family Dance, potluck planned for New Year Pioneer Family Dance contra dance will hold its annual New Year's Eve Dance from 8 p.m.-midnight Sunday at the Brewery Arts Center Ballroom.

Goals can create better lives, communities

It's become a trite tradition at the end of each new year to set a list of goals for the year ahead. So trite, in fact, fewer of us are doing it.

Business calendar

ARMA chapter dinner and presentation, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Austin's Restaurant, 7671 S. Virginia St., Reno. $5 for ARMA members, $8 for nonmembers. Dinner is valued at $20 and is included. Guests are welcome. For information or to register, call 852-1600.

A farewell address from Gov. and Mrs. Guinn

Dema and I have had the honor and distinction of serving you for eight wonderful years as your first lady and governor. Through this time and the campaign leading up to my first election victory in 1998, we have come in contact with literally thousands of Nevadans who have made a difference in our lives, people whom we have come to respect, appreciate, and admire for their sacrifice and sense of duty to their state and nation.

Taking a conservative approach to resolutions

You can't walk through a room this week without overhearing a conversation about New Year's resolutions. The camps are usually split between those who think they're ridiculous (New Year's Day is an arbitrary point in time with no power to help you accomplish goals that you've heretofore failed at) and those who see it as a legitimate opportunity to change their lives.

Sheriffs' Log

The following are some of the calls to which deputies responded: • Commercial burglary report in the 5000 block of Highway 50 East at 7:52 a.m. • Residential burglary report in the 3200 block of Woodside Drive at 9:45 a.m.

New Year's investment resolutions to follow all year long

Here are a few New Year's resolutions that are easier to stick with than many of the traditional January vows. You do not have to overcome big obstacles to follow these tenets of investing, just develop a few good habits.

Wednesday, December 27


Cavin's Woodcrafts Owners: Tom and Ken Cavin

Year's end good time to turn some pages about Vegas

Tough town, Vegas. It has its share of mob hit men and mysterious millionaire sports bettors. Even the town's biggest rock band is called The Killers. The best part is that you can get to know this tough town vicariously thanks to a collection of literary efforts.

A president who serves cake

When a former president of the United States offers you a piece of his birthday cake, you really can't say "no." Oddly, that's what comes to mind first when I think of President Gerald Ford.

Big business of the year, 2006 and beyond

Those who do business in the Eagle Valley saw no tremors like those felt from Enron and HP. Local consumers grumbled about high gas prices and the effects of a slowing housing market.

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Nathan Scott Chavez, 23, a transient logger, was arrested at 8:13 p.m. Tuesday in the 3300 block of Butti Way on suspicion of misdemeanor drunken driving, driving without a license and gross misdemeanor battery on a peace officer. Bail was set at $1,319.

Community briefs

The annual holiday dinner for clients of Nevada AIDS Foundation is in jeopardy of being canceled due to lack of funds. Winterfest 2006 is scheduled for Saturday at the First United Methodist Church in downtown Reno, and more than 175 people are expected.

Tuesday, December 26

Community briefs

Spring registration for all Western Nevada Community College campuses and learning centers is going on now for classes, which begin Jan. 22. Financial assistance is available. New students must complete a short application form, available in the WNCC class schedule, on the Web site, or at campuses and education centers. After submitting the application, students are generally able to register for classes within 48 hours. Go to, or contact your local campus or learning center.

Wouldn't it be nice?: The top stories of 2007

For the most part, the top stories of 2006 locally were not good news. There were crimes, fires and economic woes. This is the time of year to be optimistic for the coming year, however, so we'll offer what we hope a year from now will have become a few of the top stories of 2007.

Monday, December 25

Save a little Christmas spirit for rest of the year

Now that Christmas is over, the hard part begins. The Christmas spirit was so strong in Northern Nevada residents that there were seemingly endless photos and stories in recent weeks about their good deeds. There were so many that the Appeal couldn't get to all of them. Many people took part in fundraising. Others visited shut-ins or gave food, coats and toys to those in need. In some cases, entire classrooms participated.

Christmas is over, but let the giving spirit continue

Danielle Conway has cancer. It has spread, and she's in the hospital again (as this is written). Her insurance runs out this week, Jan. 1, and she is going through another round of chemotherapy, which, unfortunately, she may be allergic to. Danielle has two children, one in high school, the other in grade school.

Sunday, December 24

Saturday, December 23

Sheriffs' log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 46-year-old tester from Carson City was arrested at 9:54 p.m. Thursday in the 1600 block of East Long Street on suspicion of misdemeanor driving under the influence second offense and failure to maintain a single lane. Bail was set at $2,607.

Friday, December 22


Carson City Nevada Singles to hold end-of-year festivities

Tropical fish for wintertime

Ever wonder what causes lumps in mashed potatoes, or what's the best way to get seeds to stick to seed bread? Why is some turkey meat pink, no matter how long it cooks, and which soy sauce has the best flavor?

The holidays are a time to reflect, but also to look ahead

When driving forward, we so often find it necessary to look into our rearview mirror. So wary of what is behind us. But how often and for how long? If not often enough, we find ourselves forgetting what we passed and left behind. If too long, then we lose sight of where we are and will miss what waits for us ahead. Chances are we will then slam into what is ahead of us, hard, and alarmingly, without warning. Then it may be too late.

Sheriffs' Log

The following are some of the calls to which deputies responded: • Accident on South Edmonds Drive near Koontz Lane at 6:45 a.m. • Threat report in the 800 block of East Musser Street at 9:45 a.m.

BAWN donates calling cards to overseas Guardsmen

Nevada's troops stationed overseas have received more than 70 pre-paid phone cards worth nearly $600, donated from the Builders Association of Western Nevada to the Nevada National Guard. The funds were raised during BAWN's annual Christmas. The cards were sent this week so that some of Nevada's 300 National Guardsmen stationed overseas can call home during the holidays.

Community briefs

Carson City Hike along river slated for Saturday There will be a hike to trace part of the railroad grades in Carson River Canyon for the Carson City Senior Citizens Center Saturday.

Keep an eye on the fairgrounds

A couple of weeks ago I urged my readers to keep an eye on that new casino development on the old Bodine's property at the busy intersection of Highway 395 South and Clear Creek Road. I issued that warning because I fear that sooner or later the out-of-state casino owner will want to turn the adjacent Carson City Fairgrounds into a parking lot.

A fake ending to a real Christmas

There is something about winter that brings out the primal urges in people. For some, it's the need to make fire to warm their houses, even if it costs more than running the furnace. For others, it's the urge to go hunt for food for the table that is easier and cheaper to buy at the grocery store.

Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus

We take pleasure in answering thus prominently the communication below, expressing at the same time our great gratification that its faithful author is numbered among the friends of The Sun: I am 8 years old. Some of my little friends say there is no Santa Claus. Papa says, "If you see it in The Sun, it's so." Please tell me the truth, is there a Santa Claus?

Identity theft is another reason to enforce immigration laws

When federal immigration agents detained more than 1,200 workers at Swift meat packing plants in six states in mid-December, so-called "immigration advocates" started yelling and screaming about alleged violations of the illegal immigrants' "rights." I have a question for those advocates: What part of "illegal" don't you understand?

Thursday, December 21

It's time to make some new holiday memories for '07

I discovered this week that I've helped break a Nevada Appeal tradition, which was publishing holiday memories submitted by our readers. The subject came up when I received the story from Jessi Winchester that's printed elsewhere on this page, and I mentioned it to someone who's been at the Appeal far longer than my nine months.

Dividend-paying stocks performed nicely in 2006

Do you know what stocks were stars this year? The ones that pay dividends.

Don't allow city boxing club to fade into history

In this age of generic restaurants, stores and main streets, a community must hold tightly to those things that make it unique in the world. That is one reason it is so distressing to see something so uniquely Carson City - Bruno's Boxing Club - become a footnote in this city's history. It's equally distressing to learn why: purely bureaucracy.

Remembering the treasures of Christmases past

A blanket of snow covered the ground and crunched under the weight of small feet running and laughing in the protection and shelter of a time long past. Mother bundled us up in warm leggings and galoshes for the traditional Christmas hayride. A tractor pulled a flatbed filled with hay and happy families, and my father held my tiny hand on one side and my sister's on the other as our short legs struggled to climb up onto the hay with the rest of our friends and neighbors.

Community briefs

Carson City Singles to hold end of year festivities Nevada Singles will be holding a potluck, poker and bingo party at 5 p.m. Dec. 30. There will also be a New Years Eve party at 8 p.m. Sunday. Snacks and beverages

Schools need better security, but not gun-toting teachers

A six-pack of cheers for Bob Beers! Well, I wish I could say that. The Nevada state senator's proposal for the Legislature to bite the bullet and allow teachers to carry handguns in classrooms doesn't even command a 20-gun salute from water pistols. I do not believe Beers' proposal will be approved, and I certainly do not think it will work, even if it is passed.

Sheriff's Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • An 18-year-old student from Carson City was arrested at 11:18 p.m. Wednesday in the 3000 block of Highway 50 East on suspicion of misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia and violation of a suspended sentence. Bail was set at $2,132.

Hearken to 'good news of great joy'

An angel brought "good news of great joy." The messenger was an angel and not a man, because this birth was from above. This birth was not according to the will of man, but according to the will of God. This baby was God who became flesh. The fullness of the godhead dwelt in him in bodily form. God was in Christ!

Wednesday, December 20

Regular guest found home at Stardust, even in sickness and death

Many hearts sank when they turned out the lights at the Stardust last month. It's a sure bet no one felt lower than Mary Girsch-Bock. Mary lives in Crowley, Texas, these days, but lately she has found her thoughts drifting back to the many good times she shared at the Stardust with her dear sister, Marge Durlak.

Don't spend redevelopment money at Topsy

Today, Douglas County commissioners are scheduled to discuss a $24.7 million redevelopment deal to build 30,000 square feet of retail space near Highway 395 and Topsy Lane, just across the Carson City border. The motivation for building the center is to spark construction of a larger retail area by bringing sewer, water and roads across the lots owned by Carson City auto dealers Michael Hohl and Dink Cryer. If the 100 acres owned by the two men is developed, it could create a new source for sales tax for Douglas County.

A shopper's mission: returns and ... more shopping

Charging head first into the day after Christmas retail fray, Lanaia Lammay and Kristina Cormier, two shoppers from Douglas County, will be prepared with lists and receipts.

Community briefs

Carson City Daughters of Norway to hold Christmas celebration Thursday The Daughters of Norway Queen Maud Lodge No. 42 will meet at 6 p.m. today at St. Paul's Lutheran Family Church, corner of Highway 50 East at Saliman.

Dayton's CAHI regretfully set to move to Carson

DAYTON - Members of the community gathered Saturday to say their goodbyes to Citizens for Affordable Homes. After two years at its Dayton facility, the organization is returning to Carson City.

East Carson Home Depot takes first planning steps

The first big-box home-improvement retailer in east Carson City will begin its approval process in late January.

What's closed for New Year's

All Western Nevada Community College campuses are closed. Classes resume Jan. 22. All U.S. post offices will be closed Monday. Most banks and credit unions will be closed Monday, as the Federal Reserve will be closed. Check your branch for details.

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Justin Marcello Guilani, 32, a pool service technician from Huntington Beach, Calif., was arrested Tuesday on suspicion of felony probation violation. No bail was set.

Tuesday, December 19

Savory appetizers that can make the holidays a real party

The Christmas season is on us, and by the time you read these recipes we will be in the middle of parties - both at home and in offices. These two recipes are wonderful new appetizers that I have used at my home.

Community briefs

Carson City Grandparents as Parents support group meets Grandparents as Parents is a free confidential support group for anyone raising their relatives' children. This group meets 6-7:30 p.m. Thursday at Behavioral Health Outpatient Services, 1001 N. Mountain St., Suite 3E. Call 888-9148.

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • An 18-year-old unemployed man from Las Vegas was arrested at 6:30 a.m. in the 800 block of East Musser Street on suspicion of misdemeanor failure to appear on a traffic citation. Bail was set at $556.

Caribbean-style eggnog

This Puerto Rican eggnog, or coquito, is served to all guests at Caribe Mountain Villas in Canovanas from Christmas week through Three Kings Day (Jan. 6). The recipe came to owners Jeff Harpell and Mitchell Nemeth courtesy of their neighbor, Janette Herrera Carmona, who makes this drink for her holiday visitors.

Probation revoked for several this week

The following people appeared in Carson City District Court this week: • Jose Banuelos-Ruiz, 22, pleaded guilty Monday to battery and will be sentenced Jan. 29. • Scott Graham, 46, was sentenced Monday to a suspended sentence of 12 to 30 months in prison and five years probation on a charge of failure to pay child support. He was also ordered to pay restitution of $17,993.

Monday, December 18

Christmas cheer in your checkbook: Nevadans made more in Q3 2006

Put this in your stocking: Nevadans made more money in Q3 2006, not only that, but our incomes exceeded National Price Index inflation, which fell to 0.6 percent in the third quarter, down from 1 percent in the second.

Lyon County smart to demand a voice on Yucca

For Lyon County residents worried about trains carrying high-level nuclear waste through their back yards, we remind them of these words from Sen. Harry Reid: "The proposed Yucca Mountain nuclear waste dump is never going to open. ... The tide is turning on Yucca Mountain, and it is time we look at viable alternatives and realistic approaches to long-term nuclear waste storage."

Sheriffs' Log

The following are some of the calls to which deputies responded Sunday: • Battery report at Airport Road and Highway 50 East at 1:35 a.m. • A report of a woman threatening to kill her family with poison on New Ridge Drive at 5:08 a.m.


What we do: We offer nutritional products that can help improve the quality of your pet's life. Our foods and treats provide healthful benefits - some through a holistic or organic approach. All our foods are free of chemical additives and use only the best ingredients to deliver optimal nutritional values.

Make meatballs with turkey for low-fat spaghetti

Meatballs have an image problem.

Do-it-yourself kitchens

CICERO, N.Y. - With four children ranging in age from 11 months to 10 years, Jill Fitzgerald finds herself coming and going all day, with little time to think beyond the moment. Dinner is inevitably even more hectic.

Beyond the pot roast:

When his boss asked him to oversee a slow-cooker recipe contest, Steve Shipley braced for the worst.

People who remember the true meaning of the holiday spirit

Some people equate Christmas with presents and material wealth. Others get it just right. A time for loving and sharing. Respecting others and their ways of life and belief. Hanukkah began Friday, and soon Kwanzaa will begin. All typify joy and goodness. So, in that vein, let us tell you about some people who have gone above and beyond.


Carson City College to show student photographs "Visions," a student group exhibition of digital photographs, will hang in the College Gallery at Western Nevada Community College Bristlecone Building through Jan. 12. The exhibit features images from five digital photography students: Danny Heiderman, Melissa Rempe, Claudia Rios, Karen Tillitt, and Sharon Woodburn. Call 445-3238.

Sunday, December 17

Sheriffs' log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 21-year-old Carson City resident was arrested at 12:04 p.m. Sunday in the 2200 block of Sneddon Way on suspicion of misdemeanor violation of a suspended sentence. Bail was set at $1,000.

Saturday, December 16

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 37-year-old unemployed Carson City man was arrested at 3:19 a.m. Saturday in the 100 block of Harbin Street on suspicion of misdemeanor domestic battery. Bail was set at $3,132.

Friday, December 15

Nevadans have spoken on smoking, and bar owners may pay a price

Winter's overcoat of darkness now wraps around Nevada. Winds are exhaling hard, pushing clouds like so many oversize smoke pillows through mountain peaks and in between the passes, sometimes finding rest in the cavities of its valleys. But these winds are hot winds. And the clouds smoke. Cigarette smoke? No. It's the smoke bulleting through the ears of smokers and restaurant and bar owners over the new smoking abolition laws passed by the state.

Baker/Hamilton: A plea for a truce in the war at home

As I see it, the Baker/Hamilton Commission Report is an impassioned plea for bipartisanship as the Bush administration searches for a graceful exit strategy from the increasingly violent mess in Iraq. But extremists at both ends of the U.S. political spectrum equate a negotiated diplomatic solution with "surrender" and "defeat."

Community briefs

Carson City Dance lessons being offered to seniors Seniors are welcome to join other seniors at World Gym for dance lessons at 10:30 a.m. every Wednesday.


The Nevada WIC program will be ringing in the new year with the grand openings of two new clinics, operated by Carson City Health and Human Services, and the Las Vegas Clark County Urban League, through grants from the Nevada State Health Division.

What is it about Christmas that changes people?

I was given life in Wyoming, where at Christmastime my dad would don a Santa Claus mask and secretly go outside and bang on the windows of our aged two-story ranch house - the oldest in town - and bellow "ho, ho, ho - ho, ho, ho." My six fellow children were both delighted and scared. When compared to other children, Santa didn't bring much. We were poor and knew it.

Stovetop macaroni and cheese need not come from a box to be quick

Macaroni and cheese shouldn't have to come from a box to be quick, or from an oven to be good. And no matter how it's made, it doesn't have to be a total wash nutritionally.

Beers' school safety proposal off target

Our question for Bob Beers, a man who wanted to be governor of Nevada, is why his school safety proposal stops at arming teachers? Why not also mandate bulletproof school uniforms for students? Maybe he could have all the pencil sharpeners removed to ensure students don't have access to sharp objects that could be used as weapons. The last two things aren't much more ludicrous than Beers' proposal, which is meant to counter reports of more than a dozen guns confiscated at Clark County schools this year.

Having a Merry Christmas on borrowed money

December is a time when most Americans will run up at least a little extra debt in order to celebrate the holiday season.

Road report

Construction on Carson City streets for the week beginning Dec. 11. • Due to the construction of the new Sheriff's Administration Building, Harbin Avenue is closed to traffic between Musser and Second streets. This closure will remain in effect through September.

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Timothy Michael Kane, 21, a construction worker from Carson City, was arrested at 2:58 a.m. Friday at Carson and Eighth streets on a Lyon County warrant charging failure to appear on a charge of driving under the influence of drugs, misdemeanor speeding and driving without insurance. Bail was set at $25,000.

Thursday, December 14

Wednesday, December 13

Theater expected to top Fandango experience

The massive construction project surrounding Casino Fandango will be completed in stages over 2007, starting with the opening of the new theater early this summer.

A gesture that will brighten Carson for a long time

You don't need a Christmas miracle when Dema Guinn is your first lady. After reading a story, letter and editorial in Wednesday's paper about people upset that the Governor's Mansion was not decorated for Christmas, the first lady set out to make it right.

First, Get the Right Tools

Candy making doesn't require a whole battery of arcane equipment, but a few well-chosen tools can make the difference between success and failure.

Community briefs

Carson City 'Welcome Winter' program at Brewery "Welcome Winter: A Musical Celebration" is at 7 p.m. Saturday, at the Brewery Arts Center Performance Hall, 511 W. King St. The show features Celtic and other holiday entertainment by the Gairin Duo on vocals, accordion, guitars, mandolin, Irish bouzouki, and bodhran, and by the Silver Strings on fiddles, flute, and cello. The program includes Dylan Thomas' "A Child's Christmas in Wales," narrated by Rita Geil and refreshments. Tickets are $12 for general; $10 for seniors, students and BAC members and free for age 12 and under. Tickets at the BAC, 883-1976, online at, or at the door. All proceeds benefit the Brewery.

Sheriff's Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Irma Campana, 38, a transient, was arrested at 8:20 a.m. Tuesday in the 800 block of East Musser Street on suspicion of gross misdemeanor damage to jail property. Bail was set at $2,500.

Compromise on smoking regulation could prevent deluge of costly litigation

Kathy Baugh and Joaquin Gonzalez are just the sort of people you'd like to meet at a local bar. They're a handsome couple. He made money in real estate, and she's a nurse at a local hospital. Young and sociable, polite and funny, they like to drink microbrews and play the quarter video poker machines. Did I mention they smoke?

Peppermint Bark

Place candy canes in a food processor and pulse to chop them but do not process into a powder. Alternately, place candy canes in a plastic bag and use a hammer or meat pounder to chop.

Homemade Marshmallows

• Confectioners' sugar

Pecan Rolls

These caramel-nougat-nut rolls are reminiscent of the pecan log rolls sold by Stuckey's, the roadside restaurant that was a fixture in Christine Bisbee's car-trip-heavy childhood. Making caramel from scratch is an exacting task, so Bisbee melts down commercial caramel candies.

Almond Brittle

Macaroni and cheese shouldn't have to come from a box to be quick, or from an oven to be good. And no matter how it's made, it doesn't have to be a total wash nutritionally.

In making candy, fear not and follow the rules

Making cookies for Christmas is one thing, but only the truly fearless cook attempts candy.

Tuesday, December 12

A dark mansion is a dark day in Carson City

If the worst thing Gov. Guinn and his wife, Dema, will be remembered for in Carson City is neglecting to decorate the house they've vacated, they'll have had a successful stint in the mansion. But we sure wish they'd thought to put up a wreath and some lights before boxing up their belongings.

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Bradley Owen Emmans, 21, of Carson City, was arrested at 5:16 p.m. Sunday in the 3000 block of North Carson Street on suspicion of felony possession of a controlled substance, probation violation and contempt of court. No bail was set.

History holds the real answers to the Iraq conflict

The Iraq war fumbles on. If you want to get a clear picture about what's happening, go to the PBS Lehrer News Hour at 6:30 p.m. on a night when they do the honor roll of those American military people killed in Iraq. It's a brutal few minutes as the faces and the names roll by. Most are in their early 20s, a few in their 30s, and one on a Monday night just 19. This is sadly what our side of the war is all about.

Community briefs

Carson City Hikes for Sierra Club, senior center set for this weekend There will be a hike tracing part of the railroad grades in the Carson River Canyon Saturday for the Carson City Senior Citizens Center and Sunday for the Sierra Club.

Monday, December 11

Community briefs

Carson City Telcom Pioneers to hold annual Christmas party The Telcom Pioneers will hold its annual Christmas party at 5:30 p.m. Dec. 19 at the Piñon Plaza H


Capital City Restaurant Delivery Debra Rodich, owner Phone number: 671-2273

Gifts for kids with staying power, not batteries

Some of my favorite childhood memories are of sitting on my grandfather's lap as he played Michigan Rummy with all my Swedish great-aunts and uncles. Before I was old enough to play, I sat as he played and whispered the rules in my ear. He included me and made me feel part of the game. I was attended to, taught the rules, made to feel important and valuable.

Carson City briefs

The Festival of Trees fundraiser for the Nevada State Library and Archives raised $2,246 to help bring future exhibits to the gallery in the archives. All 90 of the items up for auction had bids, with the highest-priced item being a large white holiday tree covered in poinsettias.

Sheriffs' Log

The following are some of the calls to which deputies responded Sunday: • Drug report on Highway 95 Alternate in Silver Springs at 5:17 a.m. • Battery report on Center Street in Mason Valley at 11:53 a.m.

Sounds 'Silly' but it really works to disarm bombs

Do you want to do something really nice for our servicemen and -women in Iraq and Afghanistan? Then make sure they get Silly String (or stuff like that). They spray it into so-called "empty" rooms, and, if there's a trip wire there, that will set off a bomb. The Silly String hangs on it without setting off the bomb and saves their lives, giving them time to disarm it.

Smoking suit may show initiative process' problems

The lawsuits filed in Clark and Churchill counties over the state's new smoking law probably have many Nevada voters wondering if their vote on the ballot initiative that passed on Nov. 7 was a waste of time. A group of Southern Nevada businessmen is determined to stop the law through the only remaining means available to them - the courtroom. If they're successful, it will call into question the state's ballot initiative process.

Sunday, December 10

Sheriffs' log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Angela Heather Gray, 42, of Carson City, was arrested at 5:05 a.m. Sunday in the 20 block of College Parkway on suspicion of felony possession of a controlled substance and misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia. Bail was set at $3,632. Also arrested was Christopher David Pearson, 25, of Carson City, on felony possession of a controlled substance and misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia. His bail was set at $3,632. Also arrested was a 39-year-old equipment operator from Carson City was arrested on suspicion of misdemeanor drug paraphernalia. Bail was set at $1,132.

Saturday, December 9

Sheriffs' log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Virginia Lea Palmer, 34, of Carson City, was arrested at 1:18 p.m. Friday in the 400 block of Simone Avenue on suspicion of felony possession of methamphetamine, misdemeanor battery and possession of drug paraphernalia. Bail was set at $5,896.

Friday, December 8

An open letter to Governor-elect Jim Gibbons

Dear Gov.-elect and Mrs. Gibbons: Welcome to Carson City! This is still a pretty nice town to live in, although it's bigger than some of us old-timers might prefer. Nevertheless, we know we can't stand in the way of "progress."

Horse forum an opportunity to find permanent solutions

We compliment wild-horse advocates for scheduling a meeting Monday to talk about solutions to a dispute over wild horses in the Santa Maria development. The emphasis should rightly be placed on "talk" rather than "shout" or "demand," which is so often the case when it comes to wild horses. Some believe wild horses should be afforded complete protection, and others believe their protections are already far above those afforded other wild-animal populations.

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Sabino Rangel-Vargas, 35, a construction worker from Idaho, was arrested at 5:20 a.m. Friday in the 800 block of East Musser Street on two felony warrants and misdemeanor contempt of court. Bail was set at $12,000.

Community briefs

With less than a month before the ball drops and we bid good-bye to 2006, the Nevada Appeal is preparing for one final look back at the stories and events that helped define the year that was and we need your help. We need you to let us know what stands out in your mind as the most important local and national stories of the past 12 months and why. E-mail your responses to or call 881-1217 by Dec. 10 at 5 p.m. and then look for the selections in the paper and online at Dec. 24.

Some answers to Dan Mooney's 'lingering questions'

Dan Mooney's column in the Nov. 22 Appeal ("Lingering questions ...") is inaccurate and unfair concerning newly elected Carson City school trustee Joe Enge. It's also condescending to voters and illogical. So, I'm disappointed in my friend Mooney.

The missing secret of American liberalism

Ask 10 liberals what liberalism is, you will get 20 different answers, and most of them will be wrong. And yet liberals made great gains in the 2006 elections, which should tell you just how bad conservatives are doing.

Bear claws may be easier to make than you think

I don't know how a whole year can go by so fast, in the blink of an eye. It seems that I was just putting away the Christmas decorations, and it's already time to get them out again.


With less than a month before the ball drops and we bid good-bye to 2006, the Nevada Appeal is preparing for one final look back at the stories and events that helped define the year that was and we need your help.

Road report

Construction on Carson City streets for the week beginning Dec. 11. • Work continues on the Timberline and Combs Canyon storm water drainage project which will have a limited affect on Combs Canyon Road between Ormsby Boulevard and Murphy Drive, and on Murphy Drive at its intersection with Van Patten Avenue. Traffic controls will be in effect through Friday.

Thursday, December 7


(Staff reports) - No one was arrested in the raid of a home in east Carson City on Tuesday night, but drug charges were forwarded to the District Attorney's Office against the homeowner, his wife and a roommate. According to Sgt. Darrin Sloan of the Carson City Sheriff's Department, SWAT and special enforcement team members entered the home on Appaloosa Drive about 7 p.m. in search of suspected heroin, methamphetamine and cocaine.

Business licenses

CARSON CITY Business licenses issued in Carson City as of Dec. 1:

The Wall Street Journal gets it, do you?

T]he buzz in business circles is that Northern Nevada needs more young professionals. Not that we necessarily have to steal them from Sac and San Fran (though that doesn't hurt, in my opinion) but we also have to keep the ones born and raised here from leaving and never coming back. Carson City must tempt the 25-40 age group away from the university cities, get them to come back home to set up their businesses and raise families.

Strategies for end-of-the-year tax planning for retirement

Have you seen the T-shirt that says "Unstressed, Refreshed, Inspired, Retired"?

Montgomery Ward brand name is back as Internet, catalog retailer

CHICAGO - There is life after death - at least in retail.

Changing the world begins with Northern Nevada

There's a saying among journalists, "If your mother says she loves you, check it out." It's a humorous reminder that skepticism is among the most important traits a journalist can have. We are, after all, in an age where people have faked cancer to get others to give them money.

Sheriffs' Log

The following are some of the calls to which deputies responded: • Welfare check in the 2800 block of Menlo Drive at 12:38 a.m. • Vehicle burglary report in the 3300 block of Pontius Place at 5:49 a.m.


Carson City Make reservations for Natives and Newcomers holiday luncheon Natives and Newcomers will hold its holiday luncheon meeting at 11:30 a.m. Thursday at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, at the corner of Saliman Road and Highway 50 East. The Children's Bell Choir from Carson Middle School will provide entertainment.

Wednesday, December 6

N. Douglas development funds give unfair advantage

A new player has come forward seeking to develop the property across Highway 395 from Carson Valley Plaza. Riverwood LLC is seeking a deal with the county redevelopment agency to build at least 30,000 square feet of commercial space on the site just outside Carson City limits..

Justices: Argument for raiding basin doesn't hold water

Excuse the folks in Sandy Valley for feeling a little giddy. It isn't every day David beats Goliath, the Bad News Bears knock off the New York Yankees, and Rudy Ruettiger scores a touchdown. But that's what they have done.

Disaster averted: Remembering a near-tragedy on Pearl Harbor Day 1952

When Nevadans commemorated the 65th anniversary of the Dec. 7, 1941, Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, many were not familiar with a potentially disastrous airliner crash that occurred in Northern Nevada on that same date 54 years ago.

Community briefs

Carson City United Blood Services needs blood for the holiday season

Sheriffs' log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Paul Tressler, 36, of Carson City, was arrested at 4 p.m. Tuesday in the 800 block of East Musser Street on suspicion of felony burglary and two counts of grand larceny. Bail was set at $15,000.

Tuesday, December 5

Business briefcase

E&G Scooters Ernie Magee, co-owner

Community briefs

Carson City Silver Sage Sams meet Saturday for holiday fun The Silver Sage Sams will meet at 11 a.m. Saturday at Piñon Plaza to conduct regular business, then hold their Christmas party, which will include lunch and a gift exchange.

A child awakens to the adult realities of the world

The first newspaper headline I recall reading, at age 7, had to do with the number of people killed on Michigan highways over the previous weekend. Until I read those words in the newspaper, I had been oblivious to the everyday risks of riding in a car.

Sheriffs' Log

The following are some of the calls to which deputies responded Monday: • Four-car accident with minor injuries in front of the Carson High School at 7:44 a.m. • Accident at North Roop and Robinson streets at 12:02 p.m.

New approaches needed to solve financial problems

Carson City's leaders may be called into question for entering into an agreement with a private company to fund water and wastewater management projects, but that's exactly the kind of thinking needed during tough times. And there are clear signs that Carson City is entering tough times with growing expenses and shrinking sales tax revenue. In a worst-case scenario, it could lead to layoffs of city employees.

Monday, December 4

Gratitude for those who served; holiday activities 'round the area

Sixty five years ago, on Dec. 7, 1941, the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. Then, as today, we salute our men and women in all branches of the armed forces and their families with unending gratitude for their sacrifices on our behalf. Thank you.

Christmas comes early for Carson City retail

The news that the old Kmart building on the city's north side has been purchased by a retail developer and could be rented out in 2007 was an early present to Carson City. And its timing could not have been better, just as the city begins the huge challenge of dealing with financial shortfalls caused by declines in sales tax revenue and growing expenses.

Sunday, December 3

Sheriffs' log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • James Paul Howard, 56, a writer from Carson City, was arrested at 12:43 p.m. Saturday in the 2800 block of South Carson Street on suspicion of a felony warrant for burglary. Bail was set at $10,000.

Saturday, December 2

Sheriffs' log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Jose de Jesus Deluged, 18, of Carson City, was arrested at 1:03 a.m. Saturday at Anderson and Washington streets on suspicion of felony possession of stolen property, misdemeanor reckless driving, eluding a peace officer, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, no valid insurance and no valid registration. Bail was set at $27,250. Also arrested was Andrew Tag, 18, of Silver Springs, on suspicion of felony possession of stolen property and contributing to the delinquency of a minor. His bail was set at $25,632.

Friday, December 1

Road report

Construction on Carson City streets for the week beginning Dec. 4. • Work continues on the Timberline and Combs Canyon storm water drainage project which will have a limited affect on Combs Canyon Road between Ormsby Boulevard and Murphy Drive, and on Murphy Drive at its intersection with Van Patten Avenue. Traffic controls will be in effect through Dec. 15.

Section 529 savings accounts more attractive now

Here's some good news for those saving for a child's education. The recent passage of the Pension Protection Act of 2006 ("PPA 2006 ") makes Section 529 College Savings Accounts a more attractive way to save for a child's education by making tax-free withdrawals a permanent benefit. The change comes on the heels of recent adjustments to the tax structure of custodial accounts, which make Uniform Gift to Minors Act and Uniform Transfer to Minors Act accounts less attractive than before. Now:

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Kurt Douglas Steele, a transient, was arrested at 3:30 a.m. Thursday in the 800 block of East Musser Street on suspicion of felony failure to appear and violation of a suspended sentence. No bail was set.

Community briefs

With less than a month before the ball drops and we bid good-bye to 2006, the Nevada Appeal is preparing for one final look back at the stories and events that helped define the year that was and we need your help.

Use online registration form for drivers' ed

Students at Western Nevada Community College can use the online registration system "Web-REG" to register for new-driver education classes in Carson City, Minden and Fernley. To register, fill out the community education admission application at then mail, fax, or bring it to the New Driver Education Office at WNCC's Reynolds Center in Carson City. Once this application is processed, students can proceed with Web-REG and avoid a $15 application fee. Classes are open to anyone age 15 or older.