Stories for May 2006


Wednesday, May 31

A guide to municipal bond ratings

Standard & Poor's is one of the most respected rating agencies of municipal bonds in the industry today. That being said, I felt it important to provide S&P's definition of various grades of municipal bonds.

Business Calendar

Carson City Area Chamber Breakfast Club, 7:30-8:30 a.m., sponsored by First Centennial Title Co. , 716 N. Carson St. $5 for chamber members and $10 for nonmembers. Visit

Briefcase: Sierra Jujitsu/Karate

Sierra Jujitsu/Karate John Chatwood, owner 3170 Research Way, Ste. 82

Community News

Carson City Big Bucks and Barbecue at the Nugget Old Town Carson City Merchants is hosting the Big Bucks and Barbecue Tournament from noon to 9 p.m. Saturday in the Nugget parking lot. There will be music and merchant booths.

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 35-year-old plumber from Carson City, was arrested in the 1800 block of East Long Street at 10:38 a.m. Wednesday on suspicion of misdemeanor domestic battery. Bail was set at $3,132.

Left over building materials donated to WNCC construction program

Citizens for Affordable Homes, Inc. and the Builders Association of Western Nevada have arranged for the donation of left over building materials from the Autumn Hills Senior Apartments in Carson City to the Construction Trades program at WNCC.

Senior projects were rough, but still impressive

It's been three weeks since Carson High seniors finished what, for some of them, was the most traumatic experience of their young lives - presenting their senior projects to groups of frighteningly old and stoic judges. Almost all of the seniors, I'm happy to say, survived and will graduate in a few weeks. But it was clear from the conversations after the students had left the classroom that the other judges on my panel weren't impressed. The projects were better last year, they said.

Community calendar

"Interwoven: Visions of the Great Basin Basketmakers", 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Nevada State Museum, 600 N. Carson St. Features fine art woven and hand-crafted baskets and vessels. Call 687-4810, ext. 240. "Between Fences" Exhibit, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Comstock History Center, 20 No. E St. A Smithsonian exhibition exploring the cultural history of fences and land use. Call 775-847-0419.

PAC could be first step in getting people to listen

We applaud any effort that gets people listening to each other. In this case, that's a non-partisan political action committee being formed by a group of Carson City residents to bring civility back to politics.


Carson City Supervisors to fill two Parks and Rec vacancies The Carson City Board of Supervisors is seeking applications from persons interested in serving on the Carson City Parks and Recreation Commission. There are two openings.

Hold lawmakers accountable for immigration problems

An open letter to President Bush, Senators Reid and Ensign: Gentlemen, I'm writing to all of you because I firmly believe that all of you in Washington, D.C., are not listening to the majority of the people of this country. I'm talking about the people who put you in office not the illegal aliens you are catering to. We have a serious problem on our boarders. And you don't care. If you did, you would have secured our borders immediately following the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001.

Colombia's pro-American president

A pro-American president in Latin America? That may seem like an oxymoron in the wake of election victories by anti-American leftists in several countries in that part of the world but in the case of Colombia, it's a fact. Colombia's U.S.-educated law-and-order president, Alvaro Uribe, easily won reelection to a second four-year term last Sunday by capturing more than 60 percent of the vote against two leftist opponents, thereby bucking electoral trends seen throughout the rest of South America in recent elections. Uribe won by cracking down hard on street crime in the cities and Marxist guerrillas in the countryside, and by presiding over a burgeoning free-market economy.

The flag and burning symbols of freedom

I saw my coworker Phil the other day working with an image of an American flag on his computer, trying to create a graphic for the Memorial Day edition. And it struck me that what he was doing could be considered illegal if a proposed constitutional amendment is approved. My friend Phil could be thrown in jail for Photoshopping the flag.

Community briefs

Carson City Board of Supervisors looking to fill Parks and Recreation vacancies

Slide Mountain Enterprises secures 1.2 acres east of Sparks

Slide Mountain Enterprises, an excavating company, has closed escrow on 1.2 acres at the Tahoe Reno Industrial Center 10 miles east of Sparks. Slide Mountain Enterprises moved from Reno to the Tahoe Reno Industrial Center to store equipment. For information call 750-7602.

Fallon woman charged in 21-year-old Arizona murder case

Fallon police officers assisted Yuma, Ariz., authorities last week in the arrest of a local woman accused in the murder of her husband 21 years ago.

A plan to transform South Carson City

The next major step in Casino Fandango's $60 million expansion project starts June 12 with $1 million in road improvements on South Curry Street.

Tuesday, May 30

Monday, May 29

Return budget surplus by spending it wisely

If you asked 10 people if they'd like a hundred dollar bill, chances are the answers would be unanimous. That's why the surprise from a recent poll asking what should be done with a projected state budget surplus is not that 36 percent of 600 likely voters wanted a refund. It's that the number wasn't even higher.

Help your child succeed by teaching precepts of self esteem

If you haven't seen the movie "Akeelah and the Bee," you really should. And you should take anyone you really care about to see it, too. This inspiring film charmingly portrays the story of a young girl who slowly comes to believe in herself. While she goes on to be a champion, those around her with less-innate talent also come to believe in themselves in other important ways.

NNDA announces 2006-07 board of directors

The NNDA has announced that effective July 1, the following members will serve as their Board of Directors for the 2006-07 fiscal year: President, Larry Rodriguez, Wells Fargo; Vice President, Rafael Cappucci, Vision ASP; Treasurer, Paul Tibma, Freeman and Williams; Secretary, Christina Slade, Nevada Job Connect. For information and biographies visit

Unsung Heroes awarded posthumously

Former president of the Nevada Credit Union League Glen A. Reese has been named one of the first-ever recipients of the "Unsung Heroes" award, designed to honor deserving individuals with at least 20 years of service who may not be known outside of their credit union or chapter sphere of influence. This award has been presented posthumously by the California and Nevada Credit Union Leagues; Reese died in 2003.

Business briefs

The NNDA has announced that effective July 1, the following members will serve as their Board of Directors for the 2006-07 fiscal year: President, Larry Rodriguez, Wells Fargo; Vice President, Rafael Cappucci, Vision ASP; Treasurer, Paul Tibma, Freeman and Williams; Secretary, Christina Slade, Nevada Job Connect. For information and biographies visit

Sheriffs' log

The following are some of the calls to which deputies responded Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday: • A vehicle in the 900 block of South Carson Street was spray painted with graffiti at 8:38 a.m. • A window on a travel trailer was broken sometime Saturday night in the 1800 block of Pyrenees Street.

Community briefs

Carson City Scavenger hunt to benefit gifted kids Carson City's Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) Program and TWDive Company are presenting a treasure hunt called "Puzzle Me Carson City" to benefit the GATE programs. The hunt begins at 8 a.m. Thursday and ends when all puzzles are solved, days or weeks later. The hunt requires footwork in and around Carson City. First prize is $1,000 and there are several other prizes. For information or to register, visit

Letter to the editor

Be honest about source of illegal immigration problem Well, I am confused. Your front-page headlines "Carson City simmers after immigrants' rally," but the writer only mentions 1 million illegal immigrants demonstrating across the U.S. The only beef mentioned in any of your immigration stories is about proposed sanctions against illegal aliens and the U.S. employers who illegally hire them.

Sunday, May 28

Kempthorne must prove he's a good choice

On the surface, the appointment of Idaho governor Dirk Kempthorne as the nation's new interior secretary is good news for Nevada. It means the secretary will be a man who understands the issues of Western states, which contain the vast majority of public lands. Decisions on management of those lands will come from the states, not the federal government. All interests, ranging from business to recreation, will be assured access.

Maizie is fine after her internal-bleeding episode

Nothing like taking a weekend off and spending it at Carson Tahoe Regional Medical Center ... some people will do anything to avoid aiding and abetting a column. And just because of a little internal bleeding ... couldn't Maizie have waited until last week's column was wrapped up? Noooooo, instead, she "visited" with four excellent doctors, many nurses, lab techs, etc., enjoyed the view from her room on the third floor, and is now back to normal (yeah, right) doing the "usual" stuff. Although, from the blood being put in and the blood being taken out (couldn't they just put in a spigot?), her arms would make a junkie proud. The care was great, however, and so were Carolyn, friends and relatives; but, all things considered, a first-class trip to Europe would have been more fun, and probably less expensive.

Sheriffs' Log

The following are some of the calls to which deputies responded Monday: • Obscene phone calls in the 8300 block of Cochise Trail in Stagecoach at 9:51 a.m. • Residential burglary in the 1200 block of Newlands Drive in Fernley at 10:01 a.m.

Saturday, May 27

Sheriffs' log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 43-year-old construction worker from Silver Springs was arrested at 3 p.m. Saturday in the 1100 block of William Street on suspicion of misdemeanor contempt of court and seat belt violation. Bail was set at $899 cash.

Friday, May 26

Sheriffs' log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 45-year-old network administrator from Carson City was arrested at 4:04 p.m. Friday in the 3100 block of Florentine Drive on suspicion of misdemeanor domestic battery. Bail was set at $3,132.


The Jefferson-Jackson Dinner, a fundraiser for the Carson City Democratic Central Committee, will be held Friday at the Carson City Nugget. A hosted cocktail reception will begin at 6 p.m., with a dinner and program to follow at 7 p.m.

Summer foods that can be prepared in advance

"Good-bye, God, we're going to Virginia City."

Thursday, May 25

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Mark Anthony Rogers, 35, a salesman from Carson City, was arrested at 4:09 p.m. Thursday in the 1800 block of Highway 50 East on suspicion of felony embezzlement. Bail was set at $20,000.

Irwin Union Bank opens new branch on College Parkway

Irwin Union Bank and Trust Co. has moved its Carson City facility to a new location at 1818 E. College Parkway.

State briefs

Nevada Las Vegas lawyer disbarred in child porn case Las Vegas lawyer David Whittemore has agreed to a Supreme Court order disbarring him after his admission to a felony charge of receiving child pornography.

Business licenses

CARSON CITY Business licenses issued in Carson City as of May 26:

Senior Calendar

Carson City Senior Citizens Center Monday: Resistance Exercise 9-10 am; Rhythm Rockers 10-11 am; Line Dance 1-2, 2-4 pm; Beginning Line Dance 11 am; Better breathing exercises 1:15 pm; Gems and Minerals 12:30 pm; Scrabble 1 pm

Ten guidelines to consider in planning your estate

You may not think of yourself as wealthy, but when you've accounted for your home, investments, personal property, retirement accounts, and all insurance that you own in your name, you may have assets over $2 million - and that means you're "wealthy," according to the IRS.

Remember 'memorial' part of Memorial Day

Like all of our holidays, Memorial Day has taken on a different meaning than the reason it was created. Now it is a three-day weekend, time off from work, the start of summer. It's an American tradition that we all take part in and enjoy.

Democrats deal with corruption in their own house

He may be Jewish, but when Democrats think of Jack Abramoff, they see Christmas. The now-notorious lobbyist is their Santa Claus, delivering for Democrats the present of a GOP corruption scandal that threatens to turn over control of Congress after 12 long years of receiving coal in their stockings.

Wednesday, May 24

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Kristopher Ray Aragon, 19, of Carson City, and Jose Antonio Torres, 35, a cook, were both arrested at 1 a.m. Thursday in the 2700 block of South Carson Street on suspicion of felony possession of methamphetamine and misdemeanor possession of paraphernalia. Bail for each was set at $3,532.

Pro-Dex announces gain

Pro-Dex, Inc. (NASDAQ: PDEX), a developer of miniature rotary drive systems, has announced that its consolidated net sales for the third quarter were $4.2 million, an increase of 30 percent, compared to the $3.2 million reported for the third quarter last year and a 10.8 percent sequential increase, compared to the $3.8 million for the second quarter of the 2006 fiscal year.

On Memorial Day weekend, respect public lands

Nothing is quite as jarring to the senses than being out enjoying public lands only to find them scarred by thoughtless acts of others. Unfortunately, those acts occur all too often in our local forests.

Community briefs

Carson City Carson City's Wild West roots exposed There will be a guided walking tour of the historic Kit Carson Trail, intended to take participants to a time when Carson City was "anything but genteel." Cost is $15 for adults and $10 for children 6-10 years old. For information, call 1-(800)-NEVADA or visit

RVs, tents cannot be left unattended

There have been several RVs and tents left unattended at the Lahontan State Recreation Area, which is a violation of Nevada Administrative Code. Rising waters can also damage campers and tents. Anyone who has left property at the Lahontan Reservoir is urged to remove their camps to prevent loss. For information, call (775) 577-2235.

Graduates, get a job

It's that time of year again. Bright-eyed students are ready to enter the working world and parents are singing hallelujah that they no longer will have to support their adult child, who owns more electronic gadgets than they do and charges like Paris Hilton (without the hefty bank account).

Tuesday, May 23

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Randall James Green, 35, of Carson City was arrested at 12:33 a.m. Wednesday in the 100 block of Lake Glen Drive on suspicion of gross misdemeanor possession of a dangerous weapon and misdemeanor violation of bail conditions. Bail was set at $5,500.

Generosity may have saved grad night party

What if we told you we knew of a way to ensure Carson City High School students would be safe on a night notorious for drinking and accidents? Would you be willing to open up your purse or wallet? We're talking, of course, about Safe Grad Night, an event organizers were considering canceling earlier this week because of financial problems. They were about $18,000 short of the $35,000 in donations needed for the June 10 event.

Community briefs

Carson City United Blood Services holds Memorial Day picnic United Blood Services will honor blood donors and veterans Monday with a Memorial Day Picnic at the United Blood Services office. During this month, donate and enter to win one of several prizes, including a one-night stay at Harrah's Tahoe.

Monday, May 22

Investigation into children's deaths overdue

There is nothing more tragic than the death of a child, and few injustices are greater than when those responsible are not held accountable. That's why the Legislature will be asked to make - and must approve - big changes in the state's policies on reporting and investigating child deaths.

Health inspections

Carson City Health Department's food-service inspections and the date of inspection (all scores are on a 100-point scale, with points deducted depending on the severity of violations):

Contractors board awards homeowners from recovery fund

The Nevada State Contractors Board awarded 11 homeowners a total of $112, 503.88 from the Residential Recovery Fund on May 17.

Computer-training class slated for small businesses

The Nevada Small-Business Development Center will offer a computer-training program at the Redfield campus.

Washoe Med announces Women of Achievement 2006 Honorees

Washoe Medical Center has announced its 2006 honorees for the Nevada Women's Fund "Women of Achievement."

Possible I-80 Interchange at Tahoe Reno Industrial Center

Reno Engineering has submitted plans to the Nevada Division of Transportation for an I-80 Interchange into the Tahoe Reno Industrial Center's four-lane USA Parkway.

RTC routes to change for Memorial Day

The public transit services provided by the Regional Transportation Commission (RTC) will be modified for the Memorial Day observance. Riders of RTC RIDE (formerly Citifare) and RTC INTERCITY (Formerly PRIDE) should note the schedule changes.

Sheriff's log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Thomas Patrick Riley, of Carson City, was arrested at 1 a.m. Tuesday on suspicion of felony nonsufficient funds and two warrants for failure to appear and contempt of court. Bail was set at $2,228. • An 18-year-old laborer from Carson City was arrested at 4:02 p.m. Monday on suspicion of misdemeanor battery. Bail was set at $1,132.

Sprint offers 'MyFoodPhone' to help dieters

Sprint users may subscribe to Sprint's "MyFoodPhone" service for $9.99 a month. Dieters and those wishing for a lifestyle change can create a visual food journal using camera phones and receive biweekly feedback.

AIA selects Northern Nevada to receive technical assistance

The American Institute of Architects has selected Northern Nevada to receive technical assistance under the Sustainable Design Assessment Team program.

Fallon tungsten plant to expand

Kennametal officials, along with President and CEO Carlos M. Cardoso, announced a $1.67 million expansion of the company's production facility north of Fallon at a luncheon meeting Monday with community leaders.

Business briefs

Bike to Work Day is an annual event designed to promote an economical, healthy and environmentally friendly alternative means of getting to work. Everyone is encouraged to ride their bike to work instead of driving a car or taking a bus. For information, visit

Sunday, May 21

Time to send the right message on wildfires

On Monday, wildland firefighters were demonstrating how volatile the fire season could become while, just miles away, bureaucrats were trying to figure out how they would pay for fighting the predicted wildfires. All of this is sending a bad message to area residents who remember vividly the effects of the Waterfall fire. It destroyed 17 homes and injured five people in July 2004.

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Rene Bracamontes Castro, 39, a manufacturing plant employee from Carson City, was arrested at 6:51 a.m. in the 2400 block of Conestoga Drive on a felony immigration hold for deportation and a misdemeanor traffic violation. No bail was set.

Bike to Work Day is set for Wednesday

Carson City Roadrunners to hold first campout The Carson City Roadrunners RV club will begin its summer season of three-day camping outings starting today, Wednesday and Thursday through October.

Can (or should) Jack's Bar be saved?

Don Lehr stuck a pocket knife into a bare wall inside Jack's Bar on South Carson Street. He drilled the knife tip into the material holding the sandstone wall together - at first it didn't look like he was going to get very far.

Dust off the grill for Memorial Day

Grilling can be a quick way to get a meal together if you've got the right recipe and ingredients at hand.

Saturday, May 20

Sheriffs' log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 55-year-old unemployed Carson City woman was arrested at 7:15 p.m. Saturday in the 1500 block of North Fall Street on suspicion of misdemeanor domestic battery second offense. Bail was set at $3,132.

Friday, May 19

Family tries to turn Nevada desert into vineyard

FALLON - Charlie Frey and his son, Colby, are working hard these days to get Lahontan Valley's first vineyard up, running and profitable.

Sheriffs' log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 47-year-old unemployed man from Carson City was arrested at 6:15 p.m. Friday on the 1800 block of College Parkway on suspicion of misdemeanor battery and violation of a suspended sentence. Bail was set at $4,132. • Jarrod Hayes, 37, of Carson City, was arrested at 9:07 p.m. Friday at Carson and Long streets on suspicion of felony violation of probation. No bail was set.

Thursday, May 18

Wednesday, May 17

Business licenses issued in Carson City as of May 12:

Armando Montes Lawn Services, lawn services, 47 Clear Creek Ave., Carson City; Armando Pacheco Montes, owner.

Community news

Carson City Karson Kruzers to hold monthly meeting The Karson Kruzers car club will be holding their monthly meeting at 6 p.m. today at the Round Table Pizza on Highway 50 East in Carson City. For information call 883-1634 or 883-0927.

Community calendar

Basketry programs by Jackie Abrams, 7 p.m., Nevada State Museum, 600 N. Carson St. Programs of Paint and Plaited Basketry, workshop, 7 p.m. Friday; 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Call 687-4810, ext. 237.

Sheriff's log

The following are some of the calls deputies responded to Wednesday and Thursday: • A $1,200 television was reported stolen at 1:14 p.m. Wednesday in the 3200 block of Market Street. • A residence was reported broken into at 5:25 p.m. in the 1000 block of Koontz Lane. The back window was reportedly broken and a back door open.

Tuesday, May 16

Guinn proclaims Wildland Fire Awareness Week

Gov. Kenny Guinn has proclaimed May 20-26 as Nevada Wildland Fire Awareness Week, encouraging all residents to learn more about what they can do to better protect their homes and families against the threat of wildfire. There are several activities planned. For information, call 784-4848 or visit

This job has its benefits, and some taste mighty fine

Being the editor of a community newspaper has its fringe benefits. You get to hear the latest news about what's happening in the community sooner than almost anyone else. On a regular basis, you get to meet people who have accomplished great and inspiring things. And you get to taste the world's finest chili.

Are cowboys and ads enough to lure Chinese tourists here?

By Becky Bosshart According to Chinese custom, it's proper etiquette to present your business card with two hands.

Sheriffs' blotter

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 44-year-old engineer from Carson City was arrested at 12:45 a.m. Wednesday at Roop Street and Winnie Lane on suspicion of misdemeanor second-offense driving under the influence and expired registration. Bail was set at $2,739. • David Sean Cozby, 22, of Dayton, was arrested at 2:19 p.m. Wednesday at Highway 50 East and State Street on suspicion of felony probation violation. No bail was set.

Monday, May 15

Community briefs

Museums offer free admission Thursday Several state museums will offer free admission for International Museums Day on Thursday. The Nevada State Museum, the Nevada State Railroad Museum, plus the Nevada Historical Society in Reno will offer free admission and encourage families to visit. Call 687-8323. Carson City

Health Inspections

Carson City Health Department's food-service inspections and the date of inspection (all scores are on a 100-point scale, with points deducted depending on the severity of violations):


Cornerstone Music Troy White, owner

Public will see little from drilling on public lands

The Bush-Cheney energy plan is working perfectly, if you happen to be an oil executive swimming in record profits. If you happen to be an everyday American wondering where to cut corners to afford $3.30 gas, it's a nightmare. We were under the impression the Bush administration's aggressive energy-exploration policy would pay off in savings at the gas pump. It hasn't, and there are no signs that relief is on the way, even as the administration opens the gate to exploration on more of our public lands.

Sheriffs' log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 52-year-old contractor from Carson City was arrested at 9:21 a.m. Tuesday in the 1800 block of Highway 50 East on suspicion of misdemeanor failure to appear. Bail was set at $260 cash.

Sunday, May 14

Virtual-technology company plans to expand Carson HQ

A virtual company that provides project management training to businesses around the world plans to expand its Carson City headquarters, the company president said Tuesday.

WNCC baseball team exceeded expectations

In an age of cynicism, we can't have too many legitimate heroes. But who would have thought we could find them in a community college baseball team. Nobody expected much from the Western Nevada Community College baseball team in its first year of play. Yet somehow the Wildcats finished 37-18 and won the conference regular-season title, delighting a loyal and growing base of fans.

Come on down to the sheriff's office for fun and demos

Saturday, take time out to attend Cops n' Kids, a great, fun event that will be held by the sheriff's office and courthouse on the southeast corner of East Musser and Roop streets from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Come down and see the SWAT team, the motorcycle squad, the Cadets, all kinds of equipment, things to do, and free hot dogs and sodas. It's fun for the whole family, and is a good way to find out what our local sheriff's office is all about. Everyone is welcome.

Ranger districts to have open houses in Nevada

The public is invited to attend any or all of the various Nevada Ranger District open houses planned throughout the state this week. From 6 - 8 p.m. Wednesday at the Bartley Regional Park Ranch in Reno, there will be an open house. Another open house is Thursday from 6 - 8 p.m. at WNCC's Douglas Campus in Minden.

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 33-year-old excavator from Carson City was arrested Sunday on suspicion of misdemeanor failure to appear on a traffic warrant, criminal contempt and a parole violation. Bail was set at $1,072.

Saturday, May 13

Sheriffs' log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 25-year-old Carson City man was arrested at 7:37 p.m. Saturday in Mills Park on suspicion of misdemeanor disorderly conduct. Bail was set at $233. • A 28-year-old Carson City man was arrested at 1:05 a.m. Sunday at Research Way and Hot Springs Road on suspicion of misdemeanor domestic battery. Bail was set at $3,132.

Friday, May 12

Business calendar

Northern Nevada Development Authority Membership Breakfast, 7 a.m., Piñon Plaza. Members with reservations $20; members and guests at the door $30. Call 883-4413.

So you say it's your birthday?

Everyone's having a birthday this year, but some are more important than others. Here are some choices and opportunities that come with reaching a "milestone" age in 2006.

Culinary program would have come in handy for this chef

Kudos to Rachel Neitzke! This week's column is to celebrate the winner of the Adele's culinary scholarship.

Sheriff's log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 21-year-old painter from Sparks was arrested at 11:44 a.m. Friday at College Parkway and Airport Road on suspicion of a misdemeanor warrant for failure to comply. Bail was set at $310 cash.

Thursday, May 11

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 28-year-old woman from Stagecoach was arrested at 12:50 a.m. Friday at the Carson City Jail on a warrant charging violation of probation. Also arrested was a 47-year-old transient on the same charge. Bail for each was set at $3,000.

It's going to take tough mothers to right the world

If you want to know the real value of a good mother, just look at the cost society pays when parents fail to become positive influences on their children's lives. Drug use, crime and drop-out rates are high and there aren't enough foster homes to hold all the children who come from dysfunctional homes.

Roundabout's costs better spent elsewhere

We conceded defeat on the roundabout at Highway 88 and County Road, and had planned to remain silent on the issue and let nature take its course. However, the announcement that the low bid came in at just under $1 million is too much for us to let go without comment. Let's review the costs, estimated by state engineers, so far of the roundabout:

For those with us and those departed - A psalm for Mothers on Mother's Day

Mothers breathe life into marriage. Mothers breathe life into newborn babies. Mothers breathe life into the homes in which we live.

Wednesday, May 10

If everyone lived like me we'd all be in trouble

If every person consumed as much of the Earth's resources as I do, we'd need five identical planets to handle the demand.

Gardnerville woman receives home-based business award

Debra Bacchi of The Muscle Manipulator in Gardnerville was selected by the Nevada district office of the Small Business Administration as the state's home-based business champion of the year.

Community briefs

Thanks to a generous grant from the Northern Nevada Affiliate of the Susan G. Komen Foundation, mammograms will be available free of charge for women of any age who are uninsured or under-insured throughout the months of May, June and July. The Mammovan will be available at the following times, dates, and locations:


Oil companies drag feet on solutions The following is a copy of a letter I just sent to my elected federal representatives. Please contact your congressmen and senators and forward this on to your friends. If you or any of your staff watched the May 7, 2006 CBS "60 Minutes" program you would have learned that Brazil has literally eliminated oil imports by converting their vehicles to Flex-Fuel and then using E-85 ethanol-based fuel. If you want a copy, I have a tape of the program.

Time is short for candidates to get in the race

It's easy to have opinions, but for those selfless people who want to take the next step and really do something about them, time is short. Today at 5 p.m. is the deadline to file as a candidate for public office and we encourage those who are concerned, fed up or just plain interested in the important issues facing their communities to make it to the clerk on time.

Remembering mom, even if she doesn't remember me

There's little chance my mother will recognize my voice on this Mother's Day, but that doesn't matter to me any more. I've learned there is nothing fair or logical about Alzheimer's disease, and if you've gone through this with a family member, you've learned that, too.

Business news

Reno community leader Brett Coleman, president of B&C Western Development, has become a shareholder and joined the board of directors of Clark & Sullivan Constructors.

Mammovan coming to the area

Thanks to a generous grant from the Northern Nevada Affiliate of the Susan G. Komen Foundation, free mammograms will be available for women of any age who are uninsured or under-insured throughout this month, June and July. The Mammovan will be at the following times, dates, and locations: 7:45 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. today, FISH, 138 E. Long St., Carson City.

Keeping the nation's secrets

When I was sworn in as a U.S. foreign service officer in 1967, I took an oath to support and defend the Constitution and to keep the nation's secrets. And that's exactly what I did for the next 30 years.

Finance manager of Michael Hohl appointed as sales manager

Brett Kimball has been appointed general sales manager of Michael Hohl Honda Subaru. Kimball will oversee daily operations at the 10-year old dealership. He previously served as Finance Manager at Michael Hohl for 14 years. He has lived in the Carson Valley with his wife and two daughters for more than 25 years. He and his wife own and operate the MS Dixie at Zephyr Cove. Michael Hohl Honda Subaru is located at 4500 N. Carson St.

Community calendar

Indian Taco Sale, 11 a.m.-6 p.m., Carson Colony Gymnasium, 2900 S. Curry St. Proceeds benefit the Great Basin Dance Group. Tacos $5; bread $2; soda 50 cents. Call 530-4239. Joint Replacement Seminar, 3 p.m., Sierra Surgery Hospital, 1400 Medical Parkway. A free seminar for people who suffer from knee, hip and other joint pain. Learn some of the causes of joint pain and what can be done to live pain free. Treatment, including nutrition and exercise will also be discussed, and learn what to expect before and after surgery. Call 283-3939 ext. 3883.

Community news

Carson City Cancer fundraiser at Eclectic Clay The Pampered Chef and Eclectic Clay present the "Help Whip Cancer Fundraiser" to benefit the American Cancer Society from 3-6 p.m. Saturday at Eclectic Clay, 328 E. Winnie Lane. Call 883-6139.

Business licenses

Carson City Business licenses issued in Carson City as of May 5:

NSA, can you hear me now?

I'm not sure where to address mail to the National Security Agency, but I have a message for them. I don't mind that AT&T gave you all my phone records. After all, we are at war, and I'm sure we can reinstate the Constitution once it's over. You don't happen to have a timetable on that, do you?

Tuesday, May 9

Group urging people to ride their bikes to work this week

Most people would grimace at the thought of biking from home to work, in addition to the daily office drudgery and demands at home. The excuses often outweigh the benefits, even when gas costs $3.15 a gallon and a favorite pair of pants is getting snug.

Rotary Club looking for exchange team members

Rotary Club members of the Lake Tahoe area, Sierra foothills and Northern Nevada are seeking four individuals to visit Thailand as part of the Group Study Exchange program of the Rotary Foundation International. Teams of young professionals from two different countries exchange visits. For four to six weeks, team members experience the customs and vocational practices of another country while sharing information on their homeland. The Rotary Foundation pays for airfare, and Rotary club members in the host country provide meals, lodging and group travel in their district. Team members pay for personal and incidental expenses. Adults aged 25 through 40 who are employed full-time in a business or profession are eligible. Applications are due July 1.

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Michael Howard Menke Jr., 24, a transient, was arrested at 11:45 p.m. Tuesday at Carson Tahoe Regional Medical Center on suspicion of felony battery with a deadly weapon and misdemeanor injury to motor vehicle. Bail was set at $30,347.

Wal-Mart almost finished with distribution center outside of Sparks

Wal-Mart is nearly finished with construction of its 1-million-square-foot distribution center at the Tahoe Reno Industrial Center 10 miles east of Sparks. The new distribution center will be up and operational some time in August. It will supply the 75 stores in a 150-mile radius. There will be 1,200 trucks a day going and coming from the Wal-Mart center.

Briefcase: All Star Rents

All Star Rents Mike Jolander, manager 2601 E. Fifth St.

Monday, May 8

Sheriff's Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Russell G. Snooks, 26, a construction worker from Carson City, was arrested at 3:36 a.m. Tuesday in the 700 block of Broadleaf Lane on suspicion of gross misdemeanor battery on a peace officer, interfering with a peace officer and failure to appear. Also arrested was Amber Nicole Chiaratti, 19, on suspicion of two counts of gross misdemeanor battery on a peace officer, obstructing a peace officer and minor consuming alcohol. Deputies went to the Broadleaf address on a domestic disturbance call. When Snooks and Chiaratti were contacted, they allegedly assaulted the deputies. Snooks was being held on $3,407 bail. Chiaratti's bail was set at $5,644.

Community briefs

Carson City 'Living With Fire' to show at Carson City Library An exhibit entitled "Living With Fire" will be showing at the Carson City Library through May 19. Call 784-4848 or visit

Sunday, May 7


Western Nevada Community College will be offering students two chances to take Composition 1 (English 101) online this summer. Classes begin June 12. The two classes are conducted entirely online with no in-class appearances. Cost is $173.25. For information, call 423-7565 ext. 2233 or visit

Local officials form coalition

A planning meeting will be 9 a.m. Friday at the Nevada State Health Division, Bureau of Family Health Services, 3427 Goni Road Suite 108, for local officials will be forming a Carson-Douglas Oral Health Coalition.

Barrick Gold announces dividend

Barrick Gold Corporation has announced that its board of directors has declared a dividend of 11 cents per share, payable on June 15 to shareholders of record at the close of business on May 31.

Clearwire wireless provider to offer VoIP

Clearwire Wireless Broadband will now be offering a VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) service called Clearwire Internet Phone Service to it's customers in Reno, Sparks, Carson City, and the Carson Valley.

TAP makes recommendations on policy to the IRS

The Taxpayer Advocacy Panel, a volunteer group that works to improve customer service and satisfaction at the Internal Revenue Service, has released its 2005 Annual Report.

NNDA holding 'Golf-a-Thon' to raise money for education

The NNDA will be holding a golf tournament to raise money for the NNDA and the Employee Training Center at WNCC at 7 a.m. June 30 at the Empire Ranch Golf Course.

Family curses can permeate even the educated, practical minds of mothers

The last time I saw my grandmother, I was 6 years old. Before that, about all I remember about her is that she taught me how to play cards when our family lived in the displaced-persons camps of Germany after World War II. Later, after I had emigrated to the United States with my parents, I wrote letters to her. and she wrote me back. I remember every gift she sent me: a necklace of baby blue beads shaped like tiny flowers, a plastic pin in the shape of a red-cap mushroom nestled at the foot of a dark green fir tree and a beautiful wristwatch with gold numerals.

To the lady who tossed that cigarette butt ...

To the lady who threw her still-burning cigarette butt out the window of her white Thunderbird at College Parkway and Roop - wake up! Take a drive west of Carson Street up Kings Canyon or into Lakeview or Timberline. From a distance, the hills are green, but a closer look will show the scars of the Waterfall fire. Take note of the empty lot where one of the 18 homes that burned is still vacant, the blackened trees, the naked hillside - or the hand-planted seedlings just taking root.

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 21-year-old Carson City man was arrested at 7:29 a.m. Sunday in the 2600 block of East Nye Lane on suspicion of misdemeanor domestic battery. Bail was set at $3,132.

Fifth innings, loaded bags all just in time for Mother's Day

Mercy ... we read about ultra-conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh being arrested for his use of "prescribed" drugs ... then we get news of liberal Democratic Congressman Robert Kennedy, D-R.I., crashing his car and also having a problem with "prescribed" drugs. Is this a great country, or what? Side-by-side rehab rooms? Equal opportunity for everyone!

Direct Contact appointed sales agents in Nevada

Direct Contact USA Inc. has announced that they have been appointed general sales agents in Nevada and the western states for NViroSan Environmental Products, LLC. NViroSan has developed a line of cleaning products that are all-natural, non-toxic and EPA registered with approved FDA food grade components that address indoor air quality concerns and other workplace related health issues.

Washoe County survey forecasts manufacturing growth

Washoe County continues to be among the few regions in the United States to post moderate growth and job creation in manufacturing, according to an annual survey by Business Builders. The phase-2 report was released Monday and shows that 67 Reno-Sparks manufacturing companies surveyed are projecting planned expansions resulting in 860 new jobs, 1,264,000 additional square feet of manufacturing facilities and approximately $192 million in new capital investment by 2009.

Carson City garage door company honored

A Carson City garage door company has been honored by Martin Door Manufacturing for sales excellence in 2005.

Saturday, May 6

Sheriffs' log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 31-year-old Starbucks employee from Gardnerville was arrested at 3:15 a.m. Sunday in the 800 block of East Musser Street on suspicion of misdemeanor violation of a suspended sentence. Bail was set at $3,000 cash.

Friday, May 5

Sheriffs' log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 22-year-old roofer from Carson City was arrested at 7:02 a.m. Saturday in the 600 block of Hot Springs Road on suspicion of a misdemeanor warrant for failure to appear on a traffic matter. Bail was set at $2,805 cash.

Best way to eat healthfully is prepare in advance

Gosh, it seems like it went from winter to spring to almost summer in one week. It's that time of year when we start to spend a lot more of our time outside.

Thursday, May 4

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Emily Ann Liddicoat, 18, was arrested at 4:02 p.m. Thursday in Brunswick Canyon on suspicion of felony possession of methamphetamine, possession of prescription drug without a prescription, misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia and obstructing a peace officer. Bail was set at $6,539. Also arrested was Michael Jay Ray, 24, a construction worker from Silver Springs, on a parole violation warrant. He is being held without bail.

Costs don't justify closing Minden air base

In recent weeks, Appeal readers have read stories in which forecasters say it could be a nasty wildfire season in Nevada. So Friday's story on the potential closure of the Bureau of Land Management's Minden-Tahoe Airport's air tanker base is, to put it mildly, a shocker. Under that proposal, the tankers would move north of Reno to Stead Airport and the Minden base would no longer be available starting in 2007.

Going out with a whimper a good idea

I had the chance to tour Nevada State Penitentiary's execution chamber the day before it was used to end the life of Daryl Mack. I thought I might have had more of a reaction standing there in the converted gas chamber, touching the table where men have breathed their last, while looking into the faces of the families they stole lives from. I peered through the bars into the cell where the next day Mack would eat his last meal before taking the short walk to his death.

Illegal immigrants are stealing freedom; should be sent back

No están entendiendo el punto. Translation to all illegal immigrants and their supporters: You're missing the point. This past Monday's rebellion - yes, rebellion - proved that not only do illegal immigrants not understand the law, they also don't understand that they have broken the law. All they seem to want to know and believe is that everyone else is misunderstanding their motives.

Adventure reality show highlights Nevada's hidden treasures

RENO - There will be no slot machines or showgirls in this Nevada-based reality show.

Wednesday, May 3

Community news

Carson City Defensible Home contest offered Carson City residents have a chance to make their homes safer from the threat of wildfire in the Defensible Home Contest. Participants have a chance to win up to $4,000 in landscape improvements to make their homes more fire safe. UNR's Cooperative Extension and the Bureau of Land Management are teaming up to sponsor a contest.

Consumer Reports issues survey on tech support

According to the latest Consumer Tech Support Survey from the Consumer Reports National Research Center, only 55 percent of consumers who contacted free manufacturers' tech support had their problem solved.

Warren Buffett to sell ukulele to benefit Omaha Children's Hospital

Warren Buffett, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, is auctioning off a custom-designed Dairy Queen ukulele that he autographed. The bidding begins on Monday at $1,000 at Proceeds go to benefit the Omaha Children's Hospital, a member of the Children's Miracle Network.

Local dentist to attend 'Pillars of Perfection'

Local dentist Robert W. Bauter, DDS will attend "Pillars of Perfection," the 22nd annual Scientific Session of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, of which he is a member.

Applications available for grants from arts council

Applications for three grant programs from the Nevada Arts Council are now available. The postmark application deadline for the Better Learning through the Arts grant is May 16, and May 19 for the Artist in Residents Grant and the Arts Learning for All grants.


Carson City Garden center hosts free seminars The Greenhouse Garden Center in Carson City will be hosting a series of seminars every Saturday in May. These seminars are free and no reservations are required.

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 24-year-old unemployed Carson City man was arrested at 12:37 a.m. Thursday in the 3900 block of Village Drive on suspicion of misdemeanor probation violation. Bail was set at $3,000.

Community calendar

Today Annual Student Art Show at Western Nevada Community College, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Main and College galleries, Bristlecone Building. Call 445-3238. Muscle Powered Walk begins at 9 a.m. in Kings Canyon. Meet at the parking area at the end of Kings Canyon Road where the pavement ends. Contact the walk leader for details at 267-9522.

It's the policy, stupid

New White House Press Secretary Tony Snow isn't just another pretty face; he's also an astute political observer and an experienced broadcast journalist. But that doesn't mean he can save the rapidly fading political fortunes of the Bush White House. Many politicians, including President Bush, simply don't seem to realize that their PR is only as good (or bad) as the policies they advocate. Or, as Democratic political strategist James Carville might say, It's the policy, stupid!

Southside development requires major scrutiny

A proposal to build 184 homes on a hillside on the south side of Carson City would have a huge impact on the area. Residents should be happy that city planners have vowed to be aggressive in scrutinizing the plans before any approvals are handed out. But it will be equally important for the public to get involved when hearings are held. There's just too much at stake.

Tuesday, May 2

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Skye Mari Brix, 21, of Dayton, was arrested at 1:15 a.m. Wednesday in the 800 block of East Musser Street on suspicion of gross misdemeanor possession of a butterfly knife and misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia. Bail was set at $3,632.

With Centennial picked, push for real rec center site

We hope it's a moot point that the city has chosen JohnD Winters Centennial Park as a backup site for a new recreation center, but we applaud any effort at decisiveness. We hope for the same kind of decisiveness from the state's college system and the Legislature in approving the funding that will allow a larger center elsewhere in the city, at Western Nevada Community College. Everyone would benefit from that solution. The city will have a larger center with more bells and whistles, and the college will have another selling point.

Artist sought to paint portrait of Gov. Guinn

The state is looking for professional artists with previous experience in commissioned work for an open competition to paint the portrait of Gov. Kenny C. Guinn, to hang in the Capitol. A Request for proposals inviting artists to participate in an open competition to paint, frame, and install the painting is due at 5 p.m. May 31. For information, call 687-6680 or visit

Starbucks offers Nevada-specific blend of coffee

Starbucks is launching a blend specific to the Northern Nevada area Monday. It will be available for purchase in Reno, Sparks, Carson City, South Lake Tahoe, Incline Village, Gardnerville and Minden. One dollar from each bag sold will go to the League to Save Lake Tahoe. The first-ever tasting of the blend will be at 11 a.m. Monday at the Starbucks store at 4000 South Lake Tahoe Blvd. The tasting is free and open to the public.


Water was restored at Carson Tahoe Regional Medical Center around noon Wednesday. "Everything at CTRMC is fully functioning," spokeswoman Diane O. Rush wrote in a press release. "The water cultures came back from the state health department showing negative for any contamination, which reaffirmed our initial tests."

Newspaper tells many extraordinary tales every day

A newspaper is a lot of things besides a place to find the news. It's also a record of extraordinary people doing extraordinary things. That occurs to me whenever I hear from somebody about how we should be covering more positive news. Usually that sends me paging through recent editions, and almost always I end up wondering how they could have missed all those stories about people's accomplishments, brave deeds and perseverance.

Monday, May 1

Mexican government real villain in debate on immigration

To understand immigration, we must recognize what makes people migrate and what makes them travel to the places to which they migrate. In the case of the Mexican emigrant, I believe it is safe to say that the instability of the Mexican economy, a low standard of living, a decaying government that refuses to change and corruption are some of the factors.

Medicaid information

Medicaid information • There are two parts to Medicaid eligibility. To qualify for Medicaid, a person cannot have income or assets that exceed the amounts that the state has specified.

Wacky California is pragmatic leader of the West in preserving natural wealth

The Interior West has long regarded California as a sort of rich eccentric uncle whose behavior is an embarrassment to the rest of the family. I have some firsthand knowledge of this attitude, because I am a fourth-generation Californian, who moved to rural western Colorado in 1992. The sidelong glances I received from a few locals during my first weeks in Colorado, and the long pauses that ensued when I revealed that I'd lived in that den of iniquity called the Bay Area, led me to urgently inquire: Exactly how soon could I change my license plates?

From arctic to tropics, global warming can give you the chills

It was an odd juxtaposition: As news outlets were reporting last winter about astonishingly frigid conditions in Russia, where nearly 40 deaths had been linked to temperatures as low as 24 degrees below zero, they were also reporting an announcement by climate experts that 2005 was the hottest year worldwide in more than a century.

Corn ethanol isn't all that it's cracked up to be as energy source

This was supposed to be a cakewalk, a no-brainer, a slam-dunk. Ethanol from corn lessened our dependence on foreign oil, they told us. It helped our struggling Midwestern farmers. It was much better for the environment. Who could not support this? As it turns out, quite a few of us. Ethanol plants are sprouting like weeds in mid-America, but more and more question marks are emerging along this corn-paved road to energy independence. Ethanol, as it is made from corn, isn't nearly the renewable fuel it's cracked up to be.

Sheriffs' Log

The following are some of the 141 calls to which deputies responded Monday: • Commercial burglary report in the 1200 block of Monte Rosa Drive at 3:11 a.m. • Vehicle burglary reports in the 3400 block of Woodside Drive and 1600 block of Walker Drive.

Health inspections

Carson City Health Department's food-service inspections and the date of inspection (all scores are on a 100-point scale, with points deducted depending on the severity of violations):

Rallies sent a different message than intended

We understand the message that the demonstrations and work stoppages were meant to portray: Immigrants - including millions here illegally - are woven so tightly into the fabric of our economy that we can't cope without them. But what we really learned is something far different: There are a lot of employers out there breaking the law who were exposed by the walkouts around the nation. They've become dependent on paying cheap wages, and we would probably never have known how common they were had not Monday's protests drawn attention to them.

Homemade potstickers in a spicy sauce

This recipe of Martin Yan's is one everybody should try.