Stories for July 2006


Monday, July 31

Sheriff's Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 47-year-old Nevada State Prison corrections officer from Carson City was arrested at 9:25 a.m. Tuesday in the 200 block of East Park Street on suspicion of misdemeanor assault. Bail was set at $632.

Italian restaurant remains vacant; pottery studio moves to south Carson

The sunken building that once housed a well-known downtown Italian restaurant is up for sale.


Carson City Soccer League Ramon Nava, co-owner 3909 Fairview Drive

Letters 8/2

Support offered for marijuana initiative In November 2006, the citizens of Nevada will face a difficult decision. Nevadans will vote on a ballot initiative that seeks to replace our failed marijuana laws with a system of strict regulation and control.

Business above is grounded at the city airport

Steve Poscic is a pilot and a mechanic, so he knows what it takes to get a plane safely up in the air and to keep customers coming back.

Community Calendar

Today "Interwoven: Visions of the Great Basin Basketmakers", 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Nevada State Museum, 600 N. Carson St. Features fine art woven and hand-crafted baskets and vessels. Call 687-4810 ext. 240. "Rendered Gaze", 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Nevada Arts Council OXS gallery, 716 N. Carson St. Features diazo prints by Catherine Borg. Call 687-6680.

Community news

Carson City Library to sponsor benefit concert The Carson City Library will present an evening of music from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Wednesday. The benefit concert, sponsored by the library, supports Preparing for Student Achievement with School Supplies, or PASS, administered by the Dialogue to End Child Homelessness and Hunger and Carson City Health & Human Services.

Jacobson, Dodge set examples for leaders of today

Perhaps the most significant news in Tuesday's paper for Nevadans was on the obituary page. There, on the same day, appeared the obituaries for former state senators Carl Dodge and Lawrence E. Jacobsen. Both leave a legacy that should not be forgotten going beyond the laws they authored.

Sunday, July 30

Mills Park site of Carson's National Night Out events

Tonight's the night. National Night Out happens at Mills Park this evening. It's sponsored by Sheriff Ken Furlong and the sheriff's office, and everyone is invited. See the SWAT team in action, meet your local deputies, sit on a police motorcycle, talk to the Explorers, mounted posse, bike patrol and search and rescue squad. LOTS of stuff to do, and free hot dogs and sodas, to boot. It's fun for the whole family, so see you there. •••


The AARP Driver Safety program will meet from 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Aug. 8 at the Carson City Senior Center. The class will meet at the Dayton Senior Center from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Aug. 18. Call 786-3509 to register for the above classes. The Douglas County Senior Center class will meet from 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Friday at the center. Call 783-6455. On Aug. 26, there will be a class at Carson Valley Medical Center from 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Call 782-1512 for information or to register.

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 41-year-old retail store employee was arrested at 3:15 a.m. Friday on suspicion of misdemeanor violation of bail conditions. Bail was set at $3,132.

French bistro promises affordable crepes and paté

In a little corner restaurant near the Wal-Mart supercenter, a Carson City couple is opening a casual French bistro featuring crepe lunches and cold plates of paté and salami.

Wal-Mart distribution center to open today

The grand opening of the 1 million-square-foot Wal-Mart distribution center in the Tahoe Reno Industrial Center east of Sparks on Interstate 80 will take place from 10-11 a.m. today.

Letters to the editor

Government incompetence costs taxpayers I am glad to see that Danny Thompson of the AFL-CIO is watching out for the bureaucrats here in Nevada! Imagine, if TASC had been in place in 1991 we'd have 3,740 less teachers, no Medicaid or health care for children and we'd have to release more than 1,300 prisoners, lay off 458 correctional officers and oh my goodness, cut the Gaming Control Board by 80 per cent!

A way everyone can help local youth

All children need mentors and role models, but too often they're finding them on television or in less desirable places. The worst outcome from that lack of guidance appears in the youth crime reports in the Appeal nearly every day. Some of those children come from broken homes, where they have no one to teach them right from wrong. It's left to law enforcement to deal with the outcome, but usually there's little more they can do other than make arrests. Mentors have the power to break the cycle.

Saturday, July 29

Friday, July 28

Get 'em talking at dinner

This is a great recipe from Cuisine Magazine that I slightly adjusted.

Thursday, July 27

Wednesday, July 26

A lament on the state of TV and campaign ads

When I got home from work Tuesday night and turned on the TV, I got a queasy feeling from what I heard. It was one of those high-gloss celebrity-news TV shows, and the host was making a breathless announcement. "Breaking news ... a fire is burning dangerously close to celebrity homes near Los Angeles ...," he said, promising to provide updates on the dire situation.

Business licenses

Carson City Business licenses issued in Carson City as of July 21:

Sheriffs' Log

The following are some of the 158 calls to which deputies responded Wednesday: • Domestic battery on Siskiyou Drive at 3:20 a.m. • Statutory sexual seduction report at 9:09 a.m.

Community news

Carson City Wildlife advisory board to meet tonight The Carson City Advisory Board to Manage Wildlife will meet at 6 p.m. tonight in the City Hall Capitol Conferences Room, 201 N. Carson St.

Conservative is the best approach on signage

It's good to know that Carson City won't be evolving into a mini-version of Las Vegas. The city's planners passed a measure Wednesday designed to keep auto-dealership signs from being large and overwhelming, and will soon be taking up the issue of how commercial signs pointed toward the freeway should be regulated. There, too, they should lean heavily on the side of avoiding big and flashy displays.

Berry-Hinckley merges with local sports bar company

Nevada's largest fuel supplier is going into the sports bar business, company officials announced Thursday.

Tuesday, July 25

Managing booms and busts in today's portfolio

Dr. Richard Marston is the director of the Weiss Center for International Financial Research and director of the Institute of Private Investors Program at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, where he is also a member of the faculty.

Sheriff's Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Jessica Romero, 18, a cashier from Carson City, was arrested at 6 p.m. Tuesday in the 3800 block of South Carson Street on suspicion of felony embezzlement. According to the police report, she allegedly would ring up purchases then void them for friends at her job at Mervyn's. Bail was set at $15,000.

Letter clouds Gibson's explanation for violating conflict of interest

When Henderson Mayor Jim Gibson says he didn't realize he was voting on an issue that involved his law firm, I want to believe him. Gibson comes from stout political stock and has a record of success in Henderson, where he's helped the malodorous former factory town blossom into one of the fastest-growing cities in America. The Democratic gubernatorial candidate is a family man with Nevada roots reaching back several generations.

Monday, July 24

Talking to your adult children about important financial matters

Do you know what I hate most about my business? It is settling estates for my clients.

Garage services range from auto repair to street rods

There's plenty of room for more cars, but Robert Hadfield has a Ranchero, a Camero and a Firebird in his garage at Insane Customs Performance & Automotive Repair in Gardnerville.

Health inspections

Carson City Health Department's food-service inspections and the date of inspection (all scores are on a 100-point scale, with points deducted depending on the severity of violations):

Carson microelectronic firm settles software-piracy claim

A microelectronic business in Carson City was one of 19 companies nationwide to settle more than $2 million combined in software-piracy claims.

Sheriff's Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 30-year-old flooring installer from Sparks was arrested at 12:15 a.m. in the 800 block of East Musser Street on suspicion of misdemeanor contempt of court. Bail was set at $10,000.

The housing market's hills and valleys

The wave that was Nevada real estate values has crested, and now homebuyers and sellers may have to spend a little bit of time in the trough. What did we think would happen when tract homes selling for $200,000 two years ago hit $400,000? That somehow the market would magically lose all sense and continue to rocket upwards without rhyme or reason?

Along Highway 50, pay telephones are becoming lonelier than the road itself

Where have all the pay phones gone? That was my lament as I drove west on U.S. Highway 50, the Loneliest Road in America, from Baker at the Utah border to Carson City earlier this month. Dubbed "the Loneliest Road" in 1986 by Life magazine, the communities along Highway 50 made lemonade out of lemons by promoting its remoteness to tourists, and developing the popular Highway 50 Survival Kit. Today, the commission's outreach to the young and restless focuses on the adventure of exploring the rugged and scenic Highway 50 and byways.

Business briefs

In an effort to remove trash from Northern Nevada's highways, the Nevada Department of Transportation will officially kick-off its Sponsor-A-Highway Program at 10 a.m. Thursday on the Bellevue Interchange of Highway 395 in Washoe Valley.

Sunday, July 23


Little People Portraits Shelly Plaut, co-owner

Carson City to have 3 funeral homes

Carson City's third funeral home will open this fall, run by a couple who are intent on making their business a place to celebrate life, rather than death.

It's time to put your vote where your mouth is

About the only way that voting in Nevada can get any easier is if election officials start making house calls to pick up your ballot. It's officially election season, and the first important deadline is tonight at 9. That's the close of voter registration for the Aug. 15 primary.

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 21-year-old laborer from Carson City was arrested at 12:45 a.m. Monday in the 100 block of Corbett Street on suspicion of misdemeanor obstructing a peace officer, battery and trespassing. Bail was set at $1,776.

Stem cell veto short on logic, long on politics

My father has diabetes. I watch his struggles with the disease and wonder if I might be doing the same thing one day, checking my blood sugar several times a day and hoping the next insulin shot doesn't kill me. I pray that he can keep fighting the myriad problems brought on by the disease long enough to keep playing grandpa for his only granddaughter, who is only 3 years old.

Saturday, July 22

Friday, July 21

Sheriffs' log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 20-year-old Dayton man was arrested at 12:37 a.m. Friday in the 800 block of East Musser Street on suspicion of misdemeanor failure to appear. Bail was set at $269 cash.

Thursday, July 20

A ludicrous attempt to fix a legitimate problem

When in Las Vegas, be careful about showing compassion - you may be breaking the law. The city's leaders have outlawed feeding the indigent in parks there. If you're caught, it could land you in jail for six months or cost you $1,000. But that's only if you offer your sandwich to someone whom "a reasonable ordinary person would believe to be entitled to apply for or receive assistance."

Was Iran the real motivation for invading Iraq?

In that our wartime strategy is held secret, as it should be, one may wonder how a layman can purport to explain U.S. global strategy by mere observation. We seldom know the real intrigue behind most international actions and are forced to observe the behavior of nations from afar and form inferences not always based upon direct evidence. Still, analysis and conclusions from reasoned observations are often just as accurate as those put forward by the experts. Insiders are sometimes too close to the intrigue and tend to form biases that exclude alternatives that should be considered.

Carson on a path to avoid Utica's economic disaster

I've just returned from visiting family in Utica, N.Y. Whenever I do, many thoughts come to mind. Thoughts regarding family aside, I think about the benefits of New York State outlawing the use of cellular phones by drivers of moving vehicles (which I will cover soon in a future column as it could relate to Nevada). I also think about how good it feels to go to a restaurant or bar and not have second-hand smoke as my entrée. And I think about what Utica's leaders should have done 40 years ago to prevent the city from nose-diving from its heights of industrial fortitude and consumerism to its serpentine crawls in crime, depression, and an Old Testament exodus of industry, retailing, and residents.

Wednesday, July 19

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Dominco Lacour, 28, a retail employee, Jorge Ochoa, a laborer, and Hugo Zambrano, 19, a retail employee, were arrested at 11:21 p.m. Wednesday on Prison Hill on suspicion of misdemeanor discharging a firearm in or upon public streets. Zambrano was additionally charged with minor consuming. Bail was set at $632 for Lacour and Ochoa. Zambrano's bail was set at $869.

Wire rope manufacturer moves to Lyon

A family operated manufacturer has a little more room to make its wire rope and cable railings. The company relocated from Carson City to a $1.2 million building in Lyon County.

Tuesday, July 18

Silver Sage may be a step toward 'real' affordable housing

Ever since the Carson Valley real estate market took off, it would seem that the dreams of young families finding attainable housing floated away with it. In the last few years, attempts at affordable-housing projects have been made, but usually with a price tag running more than $250,000 attached to them.

Watching out for women

Dr. C. Noel Bairey Merz is making a difference for women everywhere.

Venture capitalist buys Carson City company

An east Carson City technology company was purchased this week by a Santa Fe, N.M.-based venture capitalist for an undisclosed amount and $1 million in cash for growth.

Polls, for what they're worth, show horse race ain't over

Polls, for what they're worth, show this horse race ain't over yet No one ever accused me of having sophisticated taste in entertainment, and maybe that's why I enjoy political polls. Polls are like watching snapshots from a horse race. Whether it's a major stakes event or a $1,000 claimer, each race generates endless chatter, limitless pontification and pointless prognostication. The ultimate experts and certified geniuses tout their selections.

When the bosses fight,you might get hurt

Say you've got a boss you really like and admire. She gets things done, helps your ideas rise to the top, is easy to talk to and listens to your proposals. Great for you, right?

Community briefs

Carson City 4-H holds area youth fair this weekend The Carson City and Storey County 4-H clubs' Youth Fair is from 8 a.m.-10 p.m. Friday and 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday at Fuji Park, 601 Old Clear Creek Road.

Sheriffs' log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Michael Jay Ray, 24, transient, was arrested at 5:03 a.m. Tuesday at Saliman Road and Pinto Court on suspicion of felony possession of a stolen vehicle and misdemeanor possession of a hypodermic device, driving under the influence of drugs second offense, suspended driver's license, fictitious registration. Bail was set at $29,138.

Monday, July 17

Media bias is inescapable, but it's also a sign of freedom

A few days ago, the Appeal ran a news story important to every Nevadan. "Russia wants to store world's nuclear reactor waste; Bush wants to help," said the headline. In an upbeat report, we learned that Presidents Putin and Bush planned to open talks for American support of Russia's proposal to turn global waste storage into a profitable national business for itself.

Airport solution will require follow-through

People living near the Carson City Airport have every right to be concerned about the planes that fly over their homes every day. Their fears are far from irrational - two of those planes have crashed among their homes during the past five years. In the most recent incident, June 5, a pilot lost power and landed in the intersection of Apollo Drive and Hiko Court. Even though no one was injured, it probably reminded nearby residents of a more tragic accident in 2001, when a plane struck and injured a man in his yard. And other small planes have crashed nearby in recent years.

Community briefs

Carson City CHS class of '66 holds 40-year reunion The Carson High School Class of 1966's 40-year class reunion is July 28-29. A no-host cocktail party is set for 7 p.m. July 28 at the Old Globe Saloon, 407 S. Curry St. Graduating classes 1963-1969 are invited to attend. For information, contact Delsye Gallup Mills, e-mail or call 883-1532.

Health inspections

Carson City Health Department's food-service inspections and the date of inspection (all scores are on a 100-point scale, with points deducted depending on the severity of violations):

Sheriff's Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 26-year-old shipping and receiving clerk from Carson City was arrested at 7:09 a.m. Monday in the 3800 block of South Carson Street. Bail was set at $759.

Sunday, July 16

There'll be a price to pay for immigration crackdown

The voices of Nevadans who have spoken out on immigration reform have largely been in favor of strict measures to stop illegals from working in the United States. Reform or not, we, too, support enforcement of existing laws on immigration. But make no mistake about it, there will be plenty of economic pain to endure if enforcement increases.


Carson City Class of '66 holds 40-year reunion The Carson High School Class of 1966 will hold its 40-year class reunion July 28-29. July 28 is a no-host cocktail party at 7 p.m. at the Old Globe Saloon, 407 S. Curry St. Graduating classes 1963-1969 are invited to attend. Contact Delsye Gallup Mills, e-mail or call 883-1532.

Is it possible to make spanakopita quickly?

CONCORD, N.H. - Spanakopita from scratch to finish in under an hour?

Workers at the OH? You're hallucinating

Carolyn is obviously hallucinating ... she saw "workers" working on the Ormsby House this week. Will wonders never cease? And Scott Magruder, PIO of NDOT, told the UNR Alumni College that the I-580 freeway and its cousin, Highway 395, will be completed, bridge and all, by 2010 or '11. Now, the only thing that will spoil that scenario will be if one of Kim Jong Il's rickety rockets misses the ocean and bangs into them. But, according to Sen. Joe Biden and former Speaker Newt Gingrich on "Meet the Press" this week, that "ain't gonna happen," so we can all breathe easy and be ready to drive the drive, providing the Middle East doesn't start using nukes and make the entire earth a gigantic parking lot.

Sweet 'n' spicy does it

It's hard to run out of variations on the theme of grilling fruit. Apart from technique - what fruit you cook, how you handle it on the grill - there's the flavor.

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • David Len Powers, 53, a custodian from Carson City, was arrested at 10 p.m. Sunday in the 1100 block of South Curry Street on suspicion of felony child abuse and misdemeanor domestic battery. Bail was set at $43,132. He allegedly choked his girlfriend's 16-year-old son, leaving bruises.

Saturday, July 15

Sheriffs' log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 31-year-old pick-and-pull employee from Carson City was arrested at 11:59 p.m. Saturday at Airport Road and College Parkway on suspicion of misdemeanor probation violation. Bail was set at $3,000 cash.

Friday, July 14

Sheriffs' log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Linda Cervantes, 28, of Carson City, was arrested at 1:43 a.m. Saturday at Reeves and Brown streets on suspicion of felony violation of probation and misdemeanor contempt of court. No bail was set.

Thursday, July 13

Road report

• Work is under way on the southeast sewer extension project which will effect Valley View Drive from Edmonds Drive to Conte Drive, Conte Drive from Valley View Drive to Clearview Drive, Clearview Drive from Edmonds Drive to Conte Drive, and Conte Drive from Bennett Avenue to Hudson Drive. Traffic controls will be in effect for the duration of the work that should be finished by Sept. 6.

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Randall James Green, 35, of Carson City was arrested at 12:33 a.m. Wednesday in the 100 block of Lake Glen Drive on suspicion of gross misdemeanor possession of a dangerous weapon and misdemeanor violation of bail conditions. Bail was set at $5,500.

Gifting away assets during your lifetime

Like many of us, you may want to provide for your family's financial future. At the same time, you may want to decrease the size of your estate to reduce any estate taxes that could be due in the future. In any case, you want to make sure that you are gifting your financial assets in the most tax-efficient manner.

Spicing it up with Middle Eastern flavor

Today's recipe is an interesting endeavor into some spices of which most of us are not aware. After preparing it at home together, Karen and I thought that this recipe would be a great one to share with all of you.

Heed warning of California wildfires

The smoke from 72,000 acres of wildfires in California is the most obvious reminder of our responsibility during this time of year. Though the black of the charred hillsides northeast of town is starting to gray in the sun, and the scars of the Waterfall fire are less and less apparent, the threat remains.

Importing politics from the Golden State

We Nevadans suffer from a number of ills imported from our neighbors in California, from traffic jams to lawsuit-happy attorneys. Let's hope California-style politics isn't added to the list. We already have a porn star, Melody Damayo, running for governor.

Wednesday, July 12

Business licenses

CARSON CITY Business licenses issued in Carson City as of July 7:


Carson City Dog obedience classes start Tuesday There will be a series of classes on dog obedience by instructor Guy Yeaman starting Tuesday and running for six-weeks, every Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. Cost for the session is $75.

Residents not to blame for demise of Clear Creek bear

As residents of Clear Creek Canyon and close neighbors of the owners of the goat, we would like to respond to the misconception that it was the goat owners' fault that the bear was destroyed, which is what the article (Nevada Appeal, July 8) conveyed. Carl Lackey, the Nevada Division of Wildlife biologist, made several erroneous statements. He implied that the goat was unprotected.

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Christopher Schumacher, 23, of Dayton, was arrested at 7:38 a.m. Thursday in the 1600 block of Brown Street on suspicion of misdemeanor possession of a hypodermic needle and possession of methamphetamine. Bail was set at $3,632.

Fear-mongering candidates should pay at the ballot box

As the political campaigns approach, I have given some thought to what I have learned over the past 40 years from 10 presidential campaigns and 20 mid-term elections, and I can't remember how many local bids for power. I have often been appalled by unproven claims used for political gain that are intended to cause us to fear an outcome predicted by a politician, including the purposed use of lies to gain a vote.

Community briefs

Carson City BAC holds membership meeting this evening The Brewery Arts Center will hold its annual membership meeting at 6:30 p.m. today in the BAC ballroom, 449 W. King St. Call 885-7628.

Tuesday, July 11

TASC fuels Beers, makes his GOP gubernatorial challengers fidgety

If you want to watch Bob Beers' opponents in the Republican primary fidget and cogitate and check their hole cards, ask them what they think of the Tax and Spending Control initiative. They start whittling their rhetoric as certified fiscal conservatives and front-row Republicans, and before long they have criticized minute elements of the plan while almost endorsing its general goals. In poker, people call such unintended twitches "tells."

Bush should listen to people on nuclear waste

It seems residents of Nevada and Russia have something in common - they don't want to be repositories for spent nuclear waste, and the Bush Administration doesn't seem to care. The administration continues to push for completion of the Yucca Mountain site despite its many problems, and is now throwing support behind Russian President Vladimir Putin, who is planning to make his country into a nuclear waste repository to permanently store waste from several countries.

Somebody is always seeking

For job seekers or those interested in industry, a search engine is available just for American companies. The Web site is produced by and is located at

Community briefs

Carson City Mini-burden basket workshop Saturday Karen Rosselli, a master teacher from the Great Basin Basketmakers, will be teaching participants how to make a decorative wall basket from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday at the Nevada State Museum.

Sheriff's Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Wilfred Brazeau, 39, a concrete finisher, was arrested at 11:10 p.m. Tuesday in the 2700 block of Concord Street on suspicion of felony probation violation and misdemeanor domestic battery.

Monday, July 10

Efforts necessary to control Internet gambling

It may sound hypocritical for a Nevada newspaper to endorse efforts to control Internet gambling, but the type of online gambling lawmakers are working to regulate is far different than the kind that takes places in casinos. Casinos are regulated, contribute a great deal in tax revenue, and have even begun to pay a small amount toward the treatment of problem gamblers.

Books have more to offer than just lessons on life

As a child, my mother drifted to sleep each night listening to her mother and father reading books to each other in bed. As she grew older, she began a ritual of kissing her parents goodnight, closing her bedroom door and turning out the lights, then huddling under her blankets in bed with her secret flashlight, reading as late as her eyes would stay open. Hers was the time of Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys. She read each and every book in these series more times than she can count.

Sunday, July 9

Another story of Dr. Stewart's kindness

With Dr. Henry Stewart's passing, Maizie has a story connected with him. When her daughter, Helaine, was about 10, she cut the tip of her finger off at school with a paper cutter. The nuns rushed her home (with the finger tip), and M took her to the emergency room at Carson Tahoe Hospital. Dr. Stewart just happened to be there at the time, and they asked if she would mind if he sewed it back on, since M's regular doctor, Jack Harper, was unavailable. That was fine with everyone, and Dr. S proceeded to sew Helaine's finger back together. It was a beautiful job, and when Maizie asked him for his bill, he said, "Oh, no ... you're Dr. Harper's patient. I couldn't charge you for this." And he didn't. What doctor today would do that? Dr. Harper said of him then, "He's like that. Always kind." As for her finger? It's still looking good, and you can't tell where it happened. To this day, we're still grateful. Dr. Stewart was one of those caring doctors who went out of his way for his patients. He will be sorely missed.

Sheriffs' log

The following are some of the 453 calls to which deputies responded Friday, Saturday and Sunday: • Graffiti reports in the 4700 block of Convair Drive, 3400 block of Woodside Drive, 3000 block of Carmine Street, 2500 block of Arrowhead Drive, North Peters Street and Oak Street on Friday.

Nevada singles form social club

Carson City Regional Transportation Commission meets Wednesday The Carson City Regional Transportation Commission meets at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday in the Sierra Room of the Community Center, 851 E. Carson St.

Six Mile Canyon toll idea on a bumpy road

Storey County's plan to establish a toll on Six Mile Canyon Road has already had its first flat tire, but it probably won't be its last. The road opened in June after being closed for five months due to flood damage. County supervisors had intended to open it with a toll in place, but that idea is being reviewed by their insurance carrier over liability issues. In other words, the question is who would have to pay if a motorist using the road would find cause to sue.

Marijuana legalization? No thanks

When the Appeal last month republished an editorial from Fallon's Lahontan Valley News endorsing a ballot initiative that would legalize small amounts of marijuana, the potheads rejoiced on the Appeal's Web site. But they must have been disappointed a few days later when Editor Barry Ginter reiterated this paper's longtime opposition to drug legalization.

Saturday, July 8

Sheriffs' log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Beau Jeffrey Server, 23, of Carson City, was arrested at 1:19 a.m. Sunday in the 3400 block of Airport Road on suspicion of felony parole violation and misdemeanor speeding. No bail was set.

Friday, July 7

Sheriffs' log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Fred Lee Elvin, 24, transient, was arrested at 1:41 a.m. Saturday in the 1900 block of North Carson Street on suspicion of felony violation of probation and misdemeanor obstructing a peace officer. No bail was set.

Thursday, July 6

Eight common mistakes investors make

I went on my annual yoga and meditation retreat in Greece last month and while I was there I visited Delphi. I decided to ask the Oracle for a little sage advice. While she did not have any hot stock tips for me, she did send me the message that I should avoid common mistakes.

Rainbow Gathering in Colorado lacks one color Ð green

When we tell folks that we have become the unwitting hosts for the Rainbow Family's annual gathering, the first response is "the who?" As it turns out, some 20,000 Rainbows have gathered in Big Red Park, north of Steamboat Springs, Colo., in the Routt National Forest. Their Web site,, styles them "the largest non-organization of non-members in the world."

Heroes worth remembering, emulating

The front page of Friday's Appeal was all about heroes. In one story, we read about how Ron Dean saved a little boy from the Carson River. In another, we read about the funeral of Henry Stewart, who had been a doctor in Carson City since 1955. Actually, he was much more than that, as several letter writers have revealed in recent days.

Summer grilling makes meals quick and easy

Well, summer is here. Fresh fruit and vegetables are showing up everywhere, from farmers markets to your neighborhood grocery store. I'm sure a few of you might even be getting some bounty from your own gardens.

Past pages

120 YEARS AGO Mrs. Hentschell has opened an ice cream stand on King Street to the rear of Avery's. She will furnish visitors with ice cream, lemonade; cake, etc., etc. all day today and this evening. Mrs. Hentschell has the reputation of making the best ice cream in the city.

Solve Iraq mess the democratic way

I used to regret having been too young to experience the sixties, with all their excitement, changing culture and historical events. I was exactly 3 months old when John F. Kennedy was shot. I hadn't started kindergarten yet by the time his brother and Martin Luther King met the same fate. I interpreted the events of Vietnam as if war was just something that was ongoing, never ending.

Latin America's leftist losers

When conservative candidate Felipe Calderon was certified as Mexico's president-elect on Thursday, it marked the fourth straight setback for leftist, anti-American politicians in Latin America. And of course that's good news for the United States, unless you're an America-hater (of whom there are a few in our country).

Local tech company contributes to security industry

A secure computer system developed by a Carson City company is being used by federal agencies and international finance companies to protect against cyber criminals.

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Blake Aaron Lister, 21, a satellite technician from Gardnerville, was arrested at 9:13 p.m. Thursday on College Parkway on suspicion of felony furnishing drugs to a minor, providing drug paraphernalia to a minor, misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of marijuana. Bail was set at $75,000.

Wednesday, July 5

Community briefs

Carson City Art association critique at Brewery Arts Center The Nevada Artists Association will be holding an art critique by Robert Schimmel from 1-2:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Brewery Arts Center Gallery, 449 W. King St. The public is invited. Call 885-7072.

Movie spotlights 'Nasty Boss' phenomenon that's present in all fields

NEW YORK - A famous designer throws a fit and hurls a pair of scissors at his assistant. The ladies room at a top fashion glossy is routinely filled with weeping underlings who've been dressed down. One boss enforces a starvation regime: You can't go out for lunch, but you can't eat at your desk, either.

Business briefs

Gottschalks Inc. (NYSE: GOT) announced Thursday that same-store sales for the month of June increased 0.3 percent from the prior year.

Feds need to pay Valley ranchers for easements

We've been reporting on the purchase of conservation easements by the federal government to protect ranch lands for a couple of years now. What we haven't known until just recently is that in exchange for all those easements, exactly zero dollars have so far been paid. There was a time in this country's history when people expected to get stiffed by the U.S. government.

Living in Nevada is wonderful, but not everyone has to know that

One of the nice things about living in Northern Nevada is it's a place friends and relatives want to visit. For those who like the outdoors, all I really need to do is drop a name or two of what's close by ... Lake Tahoe, Squaw Valley, the Sierra Nevada as a whole. History buffs would love Virginia City and all the other vestiges of the Old West in the region. And for those who just want to relax or have some indoor fun, I merely have to recount the opulence of some of our casinos.

Business calendar

Reno Sparks Chamber of Commerce Annual Championship Golf Tournament, 9 a.m. shotgun start, Thunder Canyon Golf & Country Club. $150 per player, $600 for a team of four. Call (775) 337-3044 for information.

Community calendar

Carson City Flea Market held by historical society The Carson City Historical Society's flea market is from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. today at the Roberts House, 1207 N. Carson St. Call 885-7643.

Ice cream a treat in summer heat

Famous for its variety in the form of 31 different ice cream flavors, the local Carson City Baskin-Robbins store completed a renovation recently to stay competitive in an area where other franchises are branching out into frozen drinks or desserts.

Business licenses

CARSON CITY Business licenses issued in Carson City as of June 30:


Carson City Art critique to be at Brewery Arts Center on Tuesday The Nevada Artists Association's art critique by Robert Schimmel will be 1-2:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Brewery Arts Center Gallery, 449 W. King St. Call 885-7072.

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 43-year-old unemployed Carson City woman was arrested at 7:52 a.m. Thursday on Penn Circle on suspicion of failure to appear on a traffic citation. Bail was set at $227.


Scoopie Doo Dog Waste Removal Service Kevin Gallegos, owner

Tuesday, July 4

No college degree, but willing to learn

As manufacturing moves out of the country, with it goes the apprenticeship programs and union hiring halls that once dominated the American work environment. Many employers find they must do on-the-job training to introduce a new generation of workers to manufacturing.

Sheriffs' Log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 25-year-old child-care provider from Gardnerville was arrested at 11:30 p.m. Tuesday in the 700 block of Silver Oak Drive on suspicion of misdemeanor disorderly conduct, destruction or property and possession of marijuana. Bail was set at $1,646.

Details of judge's life make case for his resignation

Some readers have been less kind than others on the subject of their friend, embattled Family Court Judge Steven Jones. "When they were burning witches at the stake, you would have been right up front lighting the matches," one wrote, adding that I was leading a "lynch mob" with my call for Jones to resign after his recent arrest on misdemeanor domestic violence charges.

Community briefs

Carson City Opening for member on Shade Tree Council The Carson City Shade Tree Council has an opening for a member.

Legislators also must be accountable for schools

Nevada lawmakers made just one mistake in writing legislation asking parents, students and teachers to sign contracts to improve education: They left out themselves. It's true that a successful education begins in the home, but that doesn't mean that legislators don't play an important role.

Monday, July 3

Major Tahoe Basin fire not an 'if,' but a 'when'

Over the last two weeks, Sierra Nevada residents have been reminded of the power of Mother Nature, as lightning storms have sparked fires inside and outside of the Lake Tahoe Basin, burning tens of thousands of acres and necessitating evacuations in some areas in the valleys east of the lake. A combination of luck and vigilance of fire districts within the Lake Tahoe Basin has so far spared us from any major fires, but in the Carson Valley, Carson City and Reno areas, fires have raged out of control. Even with the hard work of thousands of firefighters, along with support from helicopters and airplanes, it took another act of Mother Nature - rainstorms - for emergency workers to get the upper hand.

Sheriffs' log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 31-year-old framer from Gardnerville was arrested at 3:33 p.m. Monday in the 200 block of Fairview Drive on suspicion of misdemeanor violation of a suspended sentence. Bail was set at $3,000 cash.

Sunday, July 2


Carson City 'Corpse Bride' to be shown as part of 'Creature Feature' Teens in middle and high school are invited to the Carson City Library for a showing of Tim Burton's "Corpse Bride" at 4 p.m. Thursday. This showing is part of "Creature Feature," the library's summer reading program for teens. Snacks and drinks will be provided. For information, call 887-2244.

John Calhoun will be missed in Carson

It's the Fourth of July, our nation's 230th birthday, a time of celebration, frivolity, picnics, and, most importantly, a tribute to our nation's founders and those who keep us free. And, in that vein, we would like to salute a great man who passed away on June 24, 2006, John C. Calhoun.

Sheriffs' log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 28-year-old roofer from Pittsburg, Calif., was arrested at 8:18 a.m. Monday at Butti Way and Fifth Street on suspicion of misdemeanor driving on a revoked license. Bail was set at $1,132.

Community briefs

Carson City 'Really Big Sale' at Children's Museum The Children's Museum of Northern Nevada will be holding their annual "Really Big Sale" from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday. For information, call 884-2226.

A good day be to optimistic about the United States

Pardon us for taking a break from all of this nation's problems, but Independence Day is a day to feel good about the United States. Hard to do, some might say. We're a nation in a war with no clear outcome, we're dependent upon a dwindling oil supply, and our economic status is dwindling in the world. We have millions of people living in poverty and without any way to afford health care, and millions more who are going into debt rather than saving for retirement. And we have a seemingly polarized political system in charge of solving those problems and many more.

Saturday, July 1

Sheriff's log

The following are some of the 148 calls to which deputies responded: • A report of drug possession or sales in rural Lyon County at 1:45 a.m. Saturday. • A hit-and-run accident in the 90 block of West Main Street in Fernley at 1:11 a.m. Saturday.