For the Brenneis family, it is important to have God involved in every aspect of their lives - from home to business. That is the reason Jim and Dawn Brenneis recently had the Rev. Pat Propster bless the opening of Philadelphia Cheesesteak Co. on Basque Way in Carson City.
Carson City Eclectic Clay hosts 'paint me a story' Tuesdays and Saturdays at Eclectic Clay is "Paint Me A Story," a painting and reading experience for all ages. Starting at 10:30 a.m. a children's piece will be read aloud and participants will paint a corresponding piece of pottery. Cost is $10 per person.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 29-year-old car detailer from Carson City was arrested at 7:05 a.m. Wednesday at the Pioneer Motel on suspicion of two misdemeanor counts of failure to comply and one count of failure to appear. Bail was set at $3,275.
Carson City Business licenses issued in Carson City as of Jan. 27:
Carson City Diabetes cooking class at Carson High restaurant In a series of four classes, residents with diabetes or who have family members with diabetes can learn how to cut fat, sugar and sodium from meals, without cutting taste. Participants will take home recipe booklets, watch cooking demonstrations, and try out good-tasting food made with less fat, sugar and salt.
Officer can't ask ifgun might be loaded This is a very sad time for both the family of the deceased man and the deputy in Fernley. No one wants to see a sheriff's deputy shoot and kill another person, but the fact of the matter is this ... The deputy on scene has a job that requires him to wear a bulletproof vest and carry a gun.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Kane Morris, 29, a ski instructor from Crystal Bay, was charged with felony battery by a prisoner. Morris, in custody on an assault charge, allegedly fought with another inmate over a blanket. Bail was set at $7,500.
Something's missing. The original plans for Carson High School included a theater to serve its performing arts program. Then they ran short of money, and something had to go. What went was the theater.
General Nutrition Center Carol Harmon, owner 4111 S. Carson St.
Groundhog Day and the Chinese "Year of the Dog" are nigh upon us ... prepare for six more weeks of winter if Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow (and if you're interested in being the next "Phil" handler ... the old one just resigned ... contact the mayor there) ... or, if you go by the Chinese New Year, dogs are loyal and true (if you want to know if you're a "dog" or rooster or tiger, etc., eat at your favorite Chinese restaurant and read the placemat) ... Maizie's a dog (keep your remarks to yourselves, please) ... don't know what the Care-bear is ... gung hai fat choy
Carson City Real estate transactions recorded by the Carson City Assessor's Office by date, address and sale price. For details on individual transactions, visit
We hope parents are aware by now of the potential risks lurking for their children on the Internet, but the reminder last week from Carson Middle School is worth repeating: Monitor what your child is doing, because forewarned is forearmed. Like most everyday pursuits involving young people, the Internet is by and large a benign and informative place. Students these days have access to more knowledge at their fingertips than ever.
It's early February, there's still snow on the ground and a chill in the air - and we're thinking baseball. That's because Western Nevada Community College has the newest team in town. And in a place with a long, strong history of America's pastime, the more opportunities to watch baseball and follow a hometown team the better.
The following regular parole actions were taken by the Nevada Parole Board November through January: Joseph C. Meyrs, Lyon County, parole granted April 15, 2006. Donald J. Newberg, Douglas County, parole denied to discharge.
I didn't plan to be cranky this week. I can't help it, though, because in my line of work I have to read the news.And the news makes me grouchy. So instead of being my usual, cheerful self, I'm going to get a few things off my chest. I just hope I feel better. Here's what made me angry this week, in no particular order: n The federal government is $337 billion in the hole.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 38-year-old woman was arrested at Curry and Ann streets at 10:13 a.m. Sunday on suspicion of misdemeanor drunken driving, probation violation, driving without a license, driving without insurance and failure to obey a traffic signal. Her bail was set at $5,093.
Carson City Carson City Democrats meet Wednesday The Carson City Democrats will be meeting at 7 p.m. Wednesday at 709 E. Robinson St., the State of Nevada Employees Association Conference Room, at the corner of Robinson and Roop streets. This month's guest speaker is Supervisor Pete Livermore, discussing the new hospital and other Carson City-related topics.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 19-year-old unemployed woman from Carson City was arrested at 3:41 a.m. Sunday at Long and Moody streets on suspicion of misdemeanor failure to appear on an animal complaint, suspended registration and no valid driver's license. Bail was set at $10,294.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 29-year-old office worker from Dayton was arrested at 4:24 a.m. Saturday in the 900 block of South Carson Street on suspicion of misdemeanor domestic battery and destruction of private property. Bail was set at $3,764.
RENO - A south Reno retail developer confirmed 12 new tenants - retailers ranging from affordable Old Navy clothing to high-end Coach leather goods - for its open-air center off Highway 395 and Mount Rose Highway.
The several additions to Nevada's open meetings law from Senate Bill 267 are welcome reinforcements to the public's right to see and hear its government in action. As is usually the case, the new requirements are a response to a public body that saw a need to skirt the law's most basic and general provision - that public business be conducted in front of the public. But the state Board of Regents, which oversees universities and colleges, somehow got the notion it should meet in secret to get rid of a college president and lobbyist.
Cub Scout Pack 143 from St. Paul's Lutheran Church held its pinewood derby on Jan. 21. The winners received trophies made by first-year Webelos. The winners were:
Despicable. Unthinkable. Inhuman. Unforgivable! However, the one word that cannot be used to describe the sickening child-abuse case of a 16-year-old girl and her 11-year old brother being kept prisoner in their own Carson City apartment under starving conditions is "irresponsible." That word hints of absolution. If allegations are proven to be true, then the only pardon to the mother and grandmother of these sinfully forsaken children, as well as their mother's boyfriend, is for prison security to growl the word "pardon" to them as they slam their heads full force into a prison wall.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Jeremy Schriver, 25, a motorcycle technician from Crystal Bay, was arrested at 10:35 p.m. Thursday on Robinson Street on suspicion of felony robbery, assault with a deadly weapon and misdemeanor possession of paraphernalia. Also arrested was Kane Morris, 29, a motorcycle mechanic from Crystal Bay, on suspicion of felony assault with a deadly weapon and robbery. According to the arrest report Schriver and Morris allegedly forced their way into a Stewart Street motel room and held a man and woman at knifepoint in an attempt to collect a debt for a "third party." Schriver and Morris are each being held on $40,000.
The late Carson City and Reno businessman Roger Murdock, who died earlier this month at 73, was a unique character - one of a kind. He could be kind, generous, goofy and exasperating, or all of the above. I'll miss him and his infectious enthusiasm for life and sports, and so will his many friends in our town.
In the Information Age, the winning nations will be the ones who have the best educated populations. Unfortunately, that doesn't include this country.
How easily we forget that we are just as vulnerable to attack - perhaps more so in the West - from terrorists who don't speak in foreign tongues or have religious fervor as their motive. The arrests last week of three ecoterrorists in California and indictment of 11 more in Oregon are startling reminders that people much closer to our homes than Iraq, Iran or Saudi Arabia are plotting violent, destructive acts in the misguided belief they will further their political causes.
Carson City Fairgrounds/Fuji Park Users Coalition meeting rescheduled The Carson City Fairgrounds/Fuji Park Users Coalition meeting is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. Thursday at 901 Beverly Drive, Carson City.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Tracy Marie Kruk, 38, unemployed from Carson City, was arrested at 1:54 a.m. Thursday near Oxoby Loop on suspicion of felony third-offense drunken driving. Bail was set at $25,000.
Until this week, I had never visited, the trendy online meeting place for Generations X and Y.
VIRGINIA CITY - The second floor of 394 S. C St. hasn't changed much from the time when miners and laborers boarded beneath its roof. The spectral space has uneven and creaky floors and it traps in an old, musty smell.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 19-year-old consultant from Carson City was arrested at 11:33 p.m. Tuesday in the 3400 block of South Carson Street on suspicion of a misdemeanor probation violation. His ball was set at $3,000.
Carson City Business licenses issued in Carson City as of Jan. 20:
Carson City Health Department's food-service inspections and the date of inspection (all scores are on a 100-point scale, with points deducted depending on the severity of violations): • Blondee's (coffee cart), 2874 N. Carson St., scored 100 points.
The last few years I've been part of a training seminar for young reporters on the topic of ethics. I tell them I'm helping to lead the seminar because I know everything there is to know about it. It's a joke, and most of the reporters get it.
Maybe if we type slowly, Nevada's elected officials will have a better chance of comprehending what we mean when we talk about ethics and influence-peddling. So far, though, we have our doubts. The latest revelation came from financial disclosure statements filed last week that showed seven state legislators accepted free tickets to a Rolling Stones concert in November from the lending company Ameriquest.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • David Lee Roberts, 28, a painter from Carson City, was arrested at 2:48 a.m. Tuesday in the 600 block of Hot Springs Road on suspicion of felony possession of methamphetamine, gross misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia and misdemeanor contempt of court. Bail was set at $6,632.
Carson City Grants available for social service and public health issues Funding may be available for government, education and nonprofit agencies to address a variety of social service and public health issues, according to the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services.
The recent horrifying case of child abuse prominent on the front pages of our local newspapers has raised our community's awareness about child maltreatment. The case of these two starving children is certainly a scenario that crosses the line over child abuse into torture. Unfortunately, however, this case in not that unusual. In the United States, on a "normal" day, four children will be starved or beaten to death, usually by their "loved ones." A greater number will be forced to engage in sexual acts or beaten unconscious (US Dept. of Health and Human Services, 1999).
In a recent television interview, author Anne Rice spoke about her return to Catholicism after 30 years as an atheist. I was reminded of my own journey back to Catholicism. When my husband, Joe, and I married in 1968, we no longer attended Sunday Mass. Like many young people in the '60s, we questioned the validity of organized religion, and spent the next 15 years without any religious affiliation.
The Rev. Rocky Polito's excitement for preaching the word of God is powerful. As a person who admits to being bored easily, he describes his passion for the Bible and relating it in a useful message as his ideal sermon.
It can happen here. Child abuse and neglect can be, unfortunately, an almost daily occurrence in Carson City. Law enforcement, courts, welfare agencies and groups such as Court Appointed Special Advocates and Advocates to End Domestic Violence constantly sort through the thickets of dysfunctional families, irresponsible parents and volatile situations to try to determine one thing: What's best for the children?
This sounded really good to us ... Fred Cessna sent us a picture of "Garfield" with his bunny slippers on, a cup of coffee in his paw, his sleeping hat on, and his eyes at half-mast ... " We all get heavier as we get older because there's a lot more information in our heads. So I'm not fat, I'm just really intelligent and my head couldn't hold any more so it started filling up the rest of me!" Gee ... we thought it was overeating ... what a wonderful explanation for the 66 percent of us whose brains have descended to our waists and butts ...
The following are some of the calls to which deputies responded: • A report of slashed tires in the 700 block of Hot Springs Road sometime Saturday night.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 45-year-old salesperson from Carson City was arrested at 1:21 a.m. Sunday in the 2200 block of East Long Street on suspicion of misdemeanor making threats. Bail was set at $632.
Carson City Man in serious condition after being hit by car The Nevada Highway Patrol continues to investigate an accident involving a car and a pedestrian Thursday night on Curry Street behind the Carson Station Casino.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 19-year-old insulation worker from Carson City was arrested at 11:38 p.m. Friday at John and Johnson streets on suspicion of misdemeanor failure to appear on a traffic matter. Bail was set at $304 cash.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Cheryl Veronica Gomes, 45, disabled of Carson City, was arrested at 3:51 p.m. Thursday in the 500 block of West College Parkway on suspicion of felony probation violation and misdemeanor battery. No bail was set. • James Russell Beattie, 40, a construction foreman, was arrested after turning himself in at 1:45 p.m. Thursday on a warrant for suspicion of felony embezzlement. Bail was set at $10,000.
People love fear. More than that, they crave it, seek it out, wash themselves in it. If you have any doubt, try counting all the Friday the 13th movies or Stephen King novels. Fear sells. Fear is also the favorite tool of hucksters. Snake-oil salesmen for years have preyed on people's fear to sell them potions promising to make them safe. Offer a cure for something that people fear, and they will pay you anything to get it.
Fallon Justice of the Peace Dan Ward made his appearance before the Nevada Commission on Judicial Discipline Wednesday and received the proverbial "slap on the wrist." We have no personal ax to grind with Ward. We're sure he's a nice guy. Evidently, he's a good buddy to have if you're a scofflaw and show up in his courtroom. He'll treat you right - pull a few strings, toss out a traffic ticket or whatever.
Is it fair to put the blame for poor reading and math scores on the shoulders of Nevada's elementary-school principals? Only if you're also willing to spread that blame far and wide - from parents to teachers to school-board members to legislators.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 33-year-old transient was arrested at 2:31 a.m. Thursday in the 400 block of South Carson Street on suspicion of misdemeanor trespassing. Bail was set at $237.
The national debate over whether President Bush and national intelligence agencies should be required to obtain warrants from federal judges before listening to al Qaeda-related phone calls takes place everywhere, even in the Nevada Appeal newsroom, where I discussed this "hot button" issue with a couple of colleagues the other day. "If an American citizen is on the phone with an al Qaeda operative, the super secret National Security Agency (NSA) should be monitoring that phone call," I asserted. "But who determines whether the call is really al Qaeda-related?" a left-leaning colleague asked. "Couldn't it be an innocent phone call even though one party or the other mentions the international terrorist organization?" Good questions. So I decided to explore this vital national security issue in greater depth.
Carson City Volunteers needed to teach reading The Carson City Literacy Volunteer Organization will conduct a training session for people interested in tutoring adults in reading and writing English. The classes will be held from 6-9 p.m. on Feb. 22 and 23, and from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. on Feb. 25 and March 4. You must attend all the classes to be certified.
For many years, youth have looked upon professional athletes as role models. These athletes' relationships with their family and teammates are viewed and judged by millions of people, the most so by youths.
With W-2 and other important documents in hand, taxpayers are starting the annual paper-shuffling, calculator-punching event known as filing their income-tax forms.
With W-2 and other important documents in hand, taxpayers are starting the annual paper-shuffling, calculator-punching event known as filing their income-tax forms.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 30-year-old landscaper from Carson City was arrested in the 400 block of Lee Street on suspicion of misdemeanor second-offense drunken driving and failure to maintain a single lane. Bail was set at $2,739.
Carson City Business licenses issued in Carson City as of Jan. 13:
You can't legislate morality. Or ethics, for that matter. Oh, you can try - as evidenced by the hundreds of such laws on the books across the land. But at some point, elected officials either get it or they don't. That's our reaction to the proposal by House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., to ban all privately funded congressional "fact-finding" trips as a response to the Abramoff lobbying scandal.
Carson City Eckankar seeks new members The public is welcome to attend Eckankar, the religion of the light and sound of God, at 10 a.m. Saturday at the Carson City Community Center, 851 E. William St.
Carson City The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Christina McNeill, 32, of Carson City, turned herself into deputies on Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. on a warrant for suspicion of felony embezzlement. Bail was set at $10,000.
Carson City Strings in the Schools to perform first concert Strings in the Schools, a new after-school pilot program, will present its first concert at 6:15 p.m. Jan. 26 at Seeliger Elementary School. The group consists of 70 string players from all Carson City School District elementary and middle schools.
Republicans may like to brag that they are the party of Ronald Reagan and are dedicated to the policies and principles for which my dad stood, but they are acting more like members of the party of Lyndon Johnson. Panicked by the potential of the growing Abramoff scandal which threatens to ensnare a multitude of members of Congress, Republicans are running around scattering contributions from the lobbyist and his clients in all directions in an effort to show how much they abhor even the appearance of having taken from them what now may be tainted funds.
A Reno deputy city attorney simply has it wrong when he says a new state law requires municipalities to keep secret the phone numbers, e-mail addresses and mailing addresses of people who have applied for positions on boards and commissions there. The Reno Gazette-Journal reported a week ago that the city attorney had blacked out home phone numbers, addresses and e-mail when the newspaper requested the information.
Republicans and Democrats alike should be ashamed that our soldiers in Iraq are having to reinforce the armor on their humvees themselves to keep from being killed. Or (from a wire service story), 80 per cent of the soldiers who have died in combat, could have been saved with proper armaments. Maybe Congress should send their armored limos overseas ... but then Washington, DC, IS a dangerous place ... (what were we thinking?)
It's often the "dread factor" that keeps small-business owners handcuffed to antiquated computer programs.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 23-year-old unemployed transient was arrested at 11:54 a.m. Monday at Carson and Telegraph streets on suspicion of misdemeanor domestic battery. Bail was set at $3,132.
SlotWorld's $8 million Daytona Casino completed the hiring of 100 employees for its new Dayton casino, which will open at noon on Jan. 27.
To submit a public service announcement for any of the calendars or "Briefly" section published in the Nevada Appeal, the following information is required at least seven (7) days in advance: * What is the name or purpose of the event? * When is the event being held (include time and date)?
The Nevada Pharmacy Board deserves congratulations for forging ahead with a program to allow Nevada residents to buy prescriptions from Canadian pharmacies via the Internet. It doesn't hurt that the board has residents and legislators behind it. The sole obstacle was Attorney General George Chanos' opinion that a law approved by the Legislature last year was flawed because it required drugs to be FDA-approved.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 19-year-old Carson City man was arrested at 2:47 a.m. Sunday at Fifth Street and Canyon River Road on suspicion of misdemeanor minor consuming alcohol and contempt of court. Bail was set at $360 cash.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 36-year-old salesman from Carson City was arrested at 11:59 p.m. Friday in the 300 block of North Carson Street on suspicion of two counts of misdemeanor battery. Bail was set at 2,132.
I've been thinking a bit about the 12 dead miners in Tallmansville, West Virginia. Quite a bit. Can't seem to shake the thoughts. Once again, we are reminded of how man's own creations can turn on us as if to taunt us with the tempestuous boast of who or what is really in charge. Man never is. Not really. Not when it comes to forces of nature or his own man-made methods of destruction or even the environment of his livelihood. In this case, it was an explosion deep in the bowels of Mother Earth - a resentful explosion that unmercifully captured and kept the bodies of 12 innocent men as sacrificial offerings for man's extraction of one of nature's resources.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Brian Fowlkes, 45, of Carson City, was arrested at 8:46 p.m. Thursday in the 3200 block of Highway 50 East on suspicion of felony third-offense drunken driving, misdemeanor driving on a revoked license and probation violation. His bail was set at $14,132.
It's an intriguing idea being floated by Stateline resident Daniel Rosen, who says he'll run for a seat in the U.S. House and, if he wins, let his constituents decide how he will vote on legislation. He would do so through a Web site,, to take all the guesswork out of politics. "The idea is not to give more power to the people, but all power to the people," he explained.
We can't recall a debacle of such magnitude.No, we're not talking about the Abramoff scandal. There have been plenty of seamy congressional escapades over the decades. We mean Medicare Part D, which is failing on every front.
The strong winds blowing for most of the day Wednesday were expected to die down overnight, leading to partly cloudy skies and light winds for today and Friday. Gusts hit 32 mph early Wednesday morning, and south-southwest winds of 15 mph were present in the city for most of the day, according to
Gallery Exhibit 10 a.m., Western Nevada Community College, 2201 W. College Parkway. Open to the public. Located in Bristlecone Building. Call 445-3235.
Carson City Business licenses issued in Carson City as of Jan. 6:
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 32-year-old tile layer from Carson City was arrested at 11:15 p.m. Tuesday at Watercrest and Slide Mountain drives on suspicion of misdemeanor drunken driving. Bail was set at $1,132.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Juan Diego Lopez, 22, a landscaper from Santa Monica, Calif., was arrested at 2:11 p.m. Monday on South Carson Street on suspicion of felony desertion from the U.S. Marine Corps. Lopez has allegedly been absent from duty without leave since March 15. No bail was set.
Jackie Nourse of Carson City is the recipient of the National Italian American Foundation Scholarship. Nourse attends the University of Nevada, Reno and is majoring in Spanish. NIAF awarded $1.3 million in scholarships and grants nationwide in 2005. To establish a NIAF scholarship, e-mail Scholarship Director Serena Cantoni at
Ever since the big green signs went up, we've been hoping the Carson City freeway would get finished ahead of schedule and be open to motorists this winter. On Monday, Nevada Department of Transportation spokesman Scott Magruder called with the good news - we're only a month or so away from the big day.
The Stamps Quartet, which boasts the longest history of any gospel quartet, originally formed in 1924. V.O. Stamps was the first to introduce Southern-style gospel singing across America. The group returns to Carson City on Tuesday for a performance at Good Shepherd Wesleyan Church.
Susan tried to scam me this week.She called and expressed interest in an oak entertainment unit I have advertised for sale in the Appeal's classifieds. She talked to my wife, Jenny, and asked if she could get a photo of the unit sent to her by e-mail. Jenny suggested she just drop by the house and take a look for herself. That's when Susan said she was in Houston and couldn't come to see the unit. She'd need a photo.
Carson City Health Department's food-service inspections and the date of inspection (all scores are on a 100-point scale, with points deducted depending on the severity of violations) :
A wise man once said he fears saving Carson City's historic Presbyterian Church from the wrecking ball will be like baking bread. No one will find time to help make it, but they'll find the time when it's baked to eat it. We want to make a plea to the community, to the nation, to help us bake.
Mound House Lessons of Life Homeschool meets Lessons of Life Homeschool Fellowship is hosting their first homeschool fellowship meeting of the year at 2 p.m. Jan 20, at the Bread of Life Christian Fellowship in Mound House, 10042 Highway 50 E. Everyone is welcomed.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 34-year-old construction worker from Carson City was arrested at 4 a.m. Monday in the 1800 block of Highway 50 East on suspicion of misdemeanor second-offense drunken driving, driving without a license, speeding and driving without insurance. Bail was set at $3,658.
Although I've been an educator most of my life, I came to kindergarten rather late in my career. Perhaps it is for that reason I have noticed that kindergarten teachers are really quite different from other teachers. However, I haven't been able to put my finger on precisely what that difference was. Until now. You might be a kindergarten teacher if:
As Nevada Sen. Harry Reid hits the trail to "red" states this week to try to gain political leverage from the Jack Abramoff lobbying scandal, we have to wonder just how much mud is going to stick on Republicans and how much on Reid himself.
Buoyed by his forethought, a gentleman we know had it all figured out this Christmas (he should have known better ... it's the age-old mystery of "man vs woman") ... he had the presence of mind to ask his wife what she wanted beforehand ... "a Dremmel drill" was the answer, so that's what he bought.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 32-year-old construction worker from Carson City was arrested at 11 p.m. in the 900 block of Beverly Drive on suspicion of misdemeanor disorderly conduct. Bail was set at $237.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 25-year-old construction worker from Dayton was arrested at 1:32 p.m. Friday in the 3400 block of Airport Road on suspicion of misdemeanor driving under the influence of drugs and failure to maintain a single lane. Bail was set at $1,239.
Carson City Airport Authority meets Tuesday at El Aero The Carson City Airport Authority will meet at 6 p.m. Tuesday in the El Aero Services Conference Room, 210 Arrowhead Dr.
1. Improve your payment history
The following are some of the calls to which deputies responded: • Hit and run in the 400 block of Eagle Station at 1:09 p.m. Thursday. • A vehicle in the 2000 block of Hawthorne Court was burglarized sometime Thursday night.
Here's a sure-fire formula for alienating yourself from the Carson City Board of Supervisors: n Propose a slap-dash subdivision on minimal lot sizes in one of Carson City's prime mountain neighborhoods. Don't pay attention to the people who live there.
Where are they now? What are they saying now? Who are "they?" "They" are the vocal minority who made it a point (as in pointed finger) at last year's fall Planning Commission meeting to complain nonsensically about Carson City Public Works' idea to dig a detention basin on the grounds that neighbor Western Nevada Community College and the Wellington Crescent and Bush Ranch Estates.
EWomen Network event 5-7 p.m. at Tamarack Junction, 13101 S. Virginia St. Randi Thompson will share tips on how to gain extra exposure for your business. The cost is $45 for guests and $35 for members. Register by calling 853-2120.
In short - because what you don't know can hurt you.
So who do you think is on the cover of the January/February issue of prestigious "Foreign Policy" magazine? If you guessed that the publication's Man (or Person) of the Year is Venezuela's autocratic anti-American dictator wannabe, President Hugo Chavez, you win the Grand Prize - a one-way trip to Caracas, where I lived and worked for seven years during a previous life.
How many of you out there would walk into a car dealership and demand to pay sticker price for a vehicle? For those who said no, congratulations. You have proven to have more business acumen than Congress and the Bush Administration put together.
Silver State Fitness patrons will have their memberships extended for as long as the gym is closed for repairs from damage caused by the Jan. 7 wind storm.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • A 31-year-old warehouse worker from Carson City was arrested at 10:32 p.m. Wednesday at Lone Mountain Drive and Winnie Lane on suspicion of misdemeanor drunken driving and failure to maintain lane. Bail was set at $1,239.
A church planter was asked, "What kind of church will you plant?" Confident in his mastery of all the latest church-growth strategies, he replied, "A mega church." Within a year, he had his mega church.
It's been more than nine years since Carson City voters decided to raise taxes to, in part, finance construction of a new recreation center, yet they have little to show for it other than money in the bank. That's not such a terrible thing.
Finally. That's all I can say. They're finally giving us the due we deserve. In case you missed it on your calendar, today is National Smith Day. I'm not sure who proclaimed it, but my guess it was somebody named Smith.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • David Love, 21, a construction worker from Gardnerville, was arrested at 5:40 p.m. Tuesday in the 1000 block of Beverly Drive on suspicion of felony grand larceny. Bail was set at $25,000.
The recitation of the Holy Rosary is considered the perfect prayer because it includes the story of salvation. For Cindy Pardini, the rosary is a creation by her and for the Corpus Christi parish and children in religious-education classes.
In Latvia in the early 1930s there were few cars and even fewer asphalted roads. In Aluksne, a small town of 5,000 located 30 kilometers from the Russian and Estonian borders, there were only three automobiles, one of which - a Model T Ford - happened to belong to my mother's uncle Gorijs. As a result, Mother learned to drive, and even more remarkably for a woman at the time, passed her driver's test, which she took in Riga, the capital.
Happy new year! Attitude and focus are key factors for directing our lives. We can have a new outlook for the new year, which can be optimistic. Or we can say, "look out, it's the new year," and begin pessimistically. I try to begin each year with the remembrance of one of the shortest sermons on record.
Douglas County Real estate transactions recorded by the Douglas County Assessor's Office by date, address and sale price.
With all that happened in 2005, it may seem to be a difficult year to top in Carson City. But 2006 will bring the most significant change residents have seen in many years - or, at least, half of a significant change. We're talking, of course, about the freeway. Its opening sometime later this winter or early in spring will change people's driving habits, alter the traffic patterns in neighborhoods throughout town and refocus business development at its interchanges.
Carson City Treasures on display from the A. Leck Collection The Capital City Arts Initiative's Caffeine! Gallery at Comma Coffee will be displaying works selection from the collection of CCAI Exhibition Coordinator Alyssa Leck's collection throughout the month.
The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court: • Catherine McChesney, 26, an unemployed transient, was arrested 7:56 a.m. Monday at Carson and Washington streets on suspicion of felony possession of prescription drugs without a prescription and misdemeanor possession of a hypodermic needle. Bail was set at $3,500. The driver of the vehicle, of which McChesney was a passenger, was charged with misdemeanor suspended license, fictitious registration and no valid driver's license.
Given enough warning to be prepared for the New Year's weekend storms, Carson City crews and their leaders came through with a stellar showing. Not everyone and everything could be protected from nature's wrath. But the lessons of the New Year 1997 flood were well remembered, and damage was minimized where possible.
Ahhh, for the good old days when the Rose Bowl parade and game were on Jan. 1 ... the parade was scheduled for yesterday at 11 a.m. (postponed a day, they said, because the first fell on a Sunday), and the game won't be until tomorrow at 5 p.m. Ratz. What's this world coming to? We had to clean house, knit (yeah, right) and watch the rain come down again ... yippee. So happy New Year to all, and may the rest of it be terrific. Make your resolutions now to diet, get rich, have your children get straight As and treat you with respect ... dream on ... good luck ...